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Fire Wood Prices.

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Bruce Hopf

04-07-2008 09:40:57

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What is the price of fire wood in your area, per cord?
A face cord is 1ft x 4ft x 8ft.
A bush cord is 4ft x 4ft x 8ft.
Thanks for your input.
Bruce. We just had our bush logged, and my Mother wants to try and sell some fire wood. So I'm inquiring prices per cord, for her

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04-08-2008 04:59:44

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
Around SW Michigan, wood is selling for 160-180 a cord, seasoned, split and delivered. I'm working on some timber stand improvement and cutting small maples, just right for "city folks" to burn in the fireplace. I have some white oak saw logs that will probably bring more for firewood than timber. And it takes years for those logs to get that big. I hate to cut them, cause they won't be replaced in my lifetime. Plus they're at the ideal accorn producing size for deer, turkeys and squirrels. I have plenty of smaller red oaks, limby walnut, and ash, although with the emerald ash borer it will be hard to sell. Probably just keep it for my own use. I have next year's wood supply all cut--did it last spring--and working on the following year. Want to cut while I still have my health.


I've always been told a face cord or "rick" is 1/3 of a cord--16"x4x8.

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04-07-2008 20:28:57

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
We sell mixed, seasoned firewood (soft and hard maple, white and yellow birch along with some beech). Seasoned can be anything between 8 months and 3 years old depending on how well it dried, but mostly cut for better than 12 months. It also depends on what we've got around....
We do all of our measurements based on 8' wood for no reason other than all of our costs are based on 8' wood sitting roadside.
A cord is 128 cubic feet, period. We do not claim that you will have 128 cubic feet once you stack it.... which is why I say that the measure is on an 8' basis. When we block that cord of 8' wood and fire it loose on a truck it still measures 128 cubic feet. When it's split it measures 128 cubic feet. When it's stacked it measures about 100 cubic feet, more or less.....
Prices here were 100/cord for 8', 120/cord blocked, round and 140/cord split. Those prices were just increased to 115/135/155 respectively, but I've got my doubts if we'll be moving much long wood. Old man wants to charge that, but I doubt we'll sell any as most others are in the 95-100 range here at the moment.
Our prices are the highest around here at the moment as far as I'm aware but we also have the only dry wood at the moment too....

As far as I'm concerned regarding measure..... I'll measure it any way you want and it price accordingly, so long as we agree ahead of time.
I figure on 20 dollars/cord delivery included in the price. If I get going any distance then I want 50/hour for the truck... so small loads or long distances are figured over and above the basic delivery allowance. In some areas I won't go with less than a full load which is 6 cords. We try to equalize the trucking as much as possible but there are limits.

Look in your area to see what it's selling for, and don't be too cheap. There's no need of working for nothing. There was a lot of that went on here for the last 15 years. It's just getting profitable again now that the softwood lumber business and the pulp mills are all about buggered....


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04-07-2008 20:26:33

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
usually around here when guys log out timber they just cut it and let it lay and charge 35-40 for a truck load people load and haul there own wood .

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Eric SEI

04-07-2008 19:12:29

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
I've always heard a face cord was one third of a cord. Doesn't matter, in Indiana the only legal measure of firewood is a cord, 4 x 4 x 8 tightly stacked.

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Bruce Hopf

04-07-2008 19:46:19

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Eric SEI, 04-07-2008 19:12:29  
I was under the impression that a facecord was 1/4 of a bush cord. Like four quarters to make a dollar. four face cords equels 1 bush cord. Old mesurements.

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Formerly Pamike

04-07-2008 18:14:45

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
South East Pa. Full 4 x 4 x 8 cord is $150 delivered, but not stacked. That is seasoned 10-12 months mixed hardwood. At that price my phone rang off the hook. Upped the price to $180 a cord and I got a few sales. My price didnt go up this year over last. I wanted to raise the price but tons of guys were still hanging around $140 a cord. My advise is to get a good client base to sell to every year. Once people like your product they will come back. Buying firewood is like buying a car with out a test drive. Unless you buy from someone you have delt with you just dont know what you are getting. My buddy sells hardwood firewood but he has tons of poplar in it. I wouldnt dream of selling poplar as hardwood....

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George G

04-08-2008 05:25:59

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Formerly Pamike, 04-07-2008 18:14:45  
In NY it is illegal to sell Poplar as a hardwood.

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04-07-2008 15:53:17

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
The only "cord" legally recognized in the State O' Maine is 128 cubic feet of wood. In other words, 4x4x8.

At any rate, I just paid $120/cord for green 4' maple delivered. Last year I got mixed hardwood tree length for $110/cord.

I expect it WILL go up by next fall.

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36 coupe

04-08-2008 04:04:13

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Fawteen, 04-07-2008 15:53:17  
Problems with wood measure.A 10 cord load of tree length wood will shrink to 8 cord when cut to 4 foot.128 cubic feet will stack to 100 cubic feet when cut to stove length.4.00 oil will run wood price over 200.00 a cord this fall.Split wood burns faster than round wood.Go easy when splitting wood.

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Bruce Hopf

04-07-2008 14:45:25

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
When I was a teenager in the early 80s, my Father bought a bush of Hard Maple tops, 90 in all. We cut it, split it, and delivered it. I think $45, $50.00, out of the bush, and $50.00 to $55.00 seasoned. Been a long time to remember. Paid for new 5ft x 10ft trailer, were and tear for 3 chainsaws, tractor, and an old manurespreader, that we took out the back beaters out of. They were shot, but the apron worked real good for unloading, the wood. Both held a buchcord each. Axes for splitting. I since then built a woodspliter, becausew my back can't handle splitting with the axe. I use the loader with tine bucket for manure, as a saw horse. Lift it to nice highth for cutting, with no bending over. Thanks for all your input.

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04-07-2008 14:20:08

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
Anyone here ever use gum for firewood?I have a bunch but have never burned it,some guy told me its good firewood when its seasoned.Sure is a workout splittin the stuff though.

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04-07-2008 14:11:14

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
Haqng on to it for a while - fuel prices skyrocketing, wood prices should go up too. Marketing 101.

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04-07-2008 14:11:10

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
Haqng on to it for a while - fuel prices skyrocketing, wood prices should go up too. Marketing 101.

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Gun guru

04-07-2008 13:27:50

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
Here in my area it is going for between $50-70 per face cord. My neighbor sells 3X3 oak timbers 300 pcs for $70 or so (about a face cord), which is cut into 18-20" lengths or so. He has sold about $15,000 worth this past winter.

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Dave from MN

04-07-2008 11:10:12

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
I sold some this winter at $80 for a 1/3 cord. 16"x8'x4'. That was 2 year seasoned and split oak delivered. Paper was full of $150 a full cord wood, but for some reason she wanted ours, 1/3 at a time.

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Billy NY

04-07-2008 10:40:51

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
If you cut, and split now, you'll get the best price next fall, some advertise as seasoned here, yet it's only been cut fresh and split a month or 2 and not even kept covered or dry. Cut, split and keep it dry if you can, somewhere in the $200 range for a full cord of real seasoned hardwood, face cord prices vary from half that. It's subjective, offering real seasoned and split hardwood, ought to get the best selling price.

Lot of work and good exercise, I recently got back into it just to feed this stove at home, I don't mind it at all, work til I'm tired or sore, definitely a work out but good for ya, use care with the saw and splittig equipment.

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04-07-2008 10:12:57

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
All depends on who is selling it - and when. Here in New York a face-cord is $30 to $75, and a full cord $85 to $175. I haven't bought a stick of firewood in 30 years (have plenty of my own) but do notice the "for sale" ads in the paper every day.

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JW in NH

04-07-2008 10:12:34

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
Here in the Northeast, Green Cord 4x4x8 is running $150 to $185. Seasoned is $200 to $225 This has been down, cut, split for one season example Summer to Fall. Dry is $250 and up to $300. this is for mixed oak,maple,ash and white, yellow birch. $50 for pick up load of pine.

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04-07-2008 10:00:27

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
Bruce...here in west central Wisconsin, a face cord is 16 inch x 4 feet x 8 feet and will sell for $50 to $60 if it's good dry oak. If it's mixed hardwood slightly less. If it's soft maple, poplar, basswood or box elder...not much of a market.

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04-07-2008 10:28:04

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Blksmok, 04-07-2008 10:00:27  
Blksmok, From M Nuts reply sounds like you should sell some wood across the river!

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M Nut

04-07-2008 09:56:46

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
East Central MN, I can't meet the demand for firewood. I sell ash firewood cut, split, and delivered for $150 per 4x4x8 cord if it is within 10 miles of my residence. Beyond 10 miles, it's $2 per mile for delivery charge. I deliver 2 1/2 cords in a dump truck, 2 cords or less on a trailer behind my pickup. I don't stack it for that price. It is hit the dump lever and drive away or tossed in a pile if it is less than 2 cords.
Make it clear it is cash on delivery before unloading if you want to be sure of getting paid. Don't ask how I know to do this!

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Bruce Hopf

04-07-2008 09:42:59

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 Re: Fire Wood Prices. in reply to Bruce Hopf, 04-07-2008 09:40:57  
Should have said Cut, Split, and Delivered.
Thanks again.

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