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OT Crazy Cash Rents

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03-08-2008 04:08:19

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A guy a work said he was listening to WMT radio last week and they said that some one rented 2200 acres for $400/acre and paid all rent in advance. Don't think I'd be able to sleep at night or keep food down with that hanging over my head. Chris

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03-08-2008 13:13:16

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to super99, 03-08-2008 04:08:19  
Guys, I think we are forgetting the big picture. You better be making money this year, Now how long has corn been $5? At harvest it was at about $3.50. Now if you go out and pay big rent this year what are you going to say to the landlord when you dont sell ahead at $5? This market could slide right back down to $2-3 and now what? Do you tell the landlord , well I didnt sell enough a year ahead so will you take half of what you got last year? Once inputs are up it take a lot longer for them to come down. the price you are paid can slip from you in a short time. Look at the bean market thursday and friday!!! ouch!!

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03-08-2008 09:13:16

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to super99, 03-08-2008 04:08:19  
Crazy as it sounds it will work this year.To pay $400 an acre it has to be 200-220 bushel an acre corn ground in a normal year.

The rent and inputs will run around $800 per acre.If he has 160 bushels per acre forward contracted at $5.00 that will cover his expenses.If it makes 200 bushels per acre and corn stays at $5.00 he will have $200 per acre profit.At 225 bushels he will have $325 per acre profit.Crop insurance will cover his risk.He probably has his inputs all locked in on price.

If its a normal year 2008 will the greatest year grain farmers have ever seen.You are going to have to do a good job of marketing your grain.Far too many farmers in my area have nothing contracted for 08.A farmer that owns 200 bushel corn ground free and clear has the potential to clear $600 per acre profit.60 bushel bean ground has the potential to clear $500 per acre profit if you have them contracted at $13.00.

In my area 125 bushel corn ground and 30 bushel bean ground rents for $70 per acre which is a bargain compared to elsewhere.

Grain prices have risen faster than inputs but by 2009 this could all change.Things are so volatile.

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Walt davies

03-08-2008 08:04:44

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to super99, 03-08-2008 04:08:19  
WOW and I was offered $75 an ace for Christmas trees.


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03-08-2008 06:58:33

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to super99, 03-08-2008 04:08:19  
$411/A for 240 A 30 miles away from where I live. It was obtained on open bids.If I heard right, that land was purchased for $5100/A. Land is generally very productive in that area with ethanol plant not too far away. Rents in my neck of the woods are in the 180-220 range with ethanol plant and big feed mills close by. CSR's in my neighborhood probably average 70-72.JIm

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03-08-2008 06:52:28

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to super99, 03-08-2008 04:08:19  
Clear 300 per acre before taxes or 660,000 big ones! Land owner will almost get the same clear after taxes.

Very hot summer forcasted in the mid west just like after the winter of 78/79.

Interesting to know total acres under crop by the renter?

Takes money to make money.

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03-08-2008 06:02:54

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to super99, 03-08-2008 04:08:19  
Talked to a fellow that bought a forklift from someone that lost a lot of ground from the University of IL. They decided to cash rent it for $360. To rich for him and that is up in the good dirt. Down by me, I heard of some going for $205 and we are in the light ground.

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Mn Dave

03-08-2008 05:57:07

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to frankiee, 03-08-2008 04:08:19  
Remember the 80's guys?? Land prices went high, bankers gave you big loans, prices fell and so did your farms, when is it going to happen again?? You better pay out the big insurance premiums to cover your tails. Ride it as long as you can, we deserve these prices as long as they last.

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03-08-2008 05:06:13

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to super99, 03-08-2008 04:08:19  
If I was the landlord, I would be doing a happy dance all the way to the bank.

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gene bender

03-08-2008 04:39:15

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to super99, 03-08-2008 04:08:19  
If he has a contract for 5.00 a bushel thats only 80 bu for the rent he knows what he is doing.

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03-08-2008 11:44:40

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to gene bender, 03-08-2008 04:39:15  
Thats fine and dandy, but what happens when he only gets 100 bpa. 100 bucks an acre isn't going go very far towards the rest of the stuff. Same thing is happening here. Guys are shelling out big $$$$ to buy land, rent land, buy machinery, put up bins, etc. Its all because of $5 corn, $14 beans and $10 wheat. If you pay cash for that stuff its great, if you're not, I think you are setting yourself up for failure. Remember grain prices just 5 years ago.....

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Keith in NW MO

03-08-2008 05:02:49

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to gene bender, 03-08-2008 04:39:15  
Wow what do you think the interest would be on that. You think that was wise to rent? If he is going take risk like that he deserves 80 bu. for himself after expenses are all out for profit. Good luck, I wouldn't try that in MO.

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03-08-2008 04:48:46

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to gene bender, 03-08-2008 04:39:15  
Yeah but what does it take for the fertilizer, seed, chemicals, fuel, and machinery expenses? What if you only get 120 bu/a?

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03-08-2008 05:38:30

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to JoeBob/IN, 03-08-2008 04:48:46  
I am sure he will have insurance to cover any yield under his break even costs. 155 or so might be break even.

So if it yields 180 or more he could pocket $125 an acre as profit.

It doesn't give the location or the CSR of the land. It may be land that yields 200+ per acre.

I would give $400 an acre at $5.00 corn before I would give $150 an acre with $2.00 corn.


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Iowa corn and hogs

03-08-2008 11:24:53

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 Re: Flippant statements spoken too fast in reply to IaGary, 03-08-2008 05:38:30  
$150 rent and $1.50 corn- remember to add in $25/A for direct payment, and upward of $100/a LDP was possible some years. Now, I wouldn't want to have bet on it--you could only LDP a high dollar amt per acre IF you raised a big crop-- but for some years, the direct payment and the LDP about paid the rent.

In your 2008 "budget" you left out the $50.00 plus per Acre it will cost to insure a crop in such a way as to try these $400 rents. $30/A drying is also possible--half that is more than likely.

I'll take $150 rent and $1.50 corn with our old farm program before I'll take $400 rent and $5 corn WITHOUT any gov't safety net.Remember you can't fwd sell more than your insurance guarantee, so with decent weather you still will have unpriced bushels at the mercy of the market

Of course I'll take todays market and todays AVERAGE rent over either above scenerio.

BIG numbers mean BIG risk--much more likely to loose everything if things go bad compared to a few years ago.

I know your statement was only trying to prove a point, but I think it may have been said a little hastily

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gene bender

03-08-2008 07:28:04

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to IaGary, 03-08-2008 05:38:30  
Gary being up there in north Johnson Co it appears some of the knowlege from the U of IA has rubbed of to your farm. Down here the AMISH have it figured out as the prices they pay and i aint seen any of them have a sale.

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03-08-2008 06:19:18

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to IaGary, 03-08-2008 05:38:30  
Can it really pencil out at the price of fuel, seed, fertilizer, herbicides, insurance, labor, equipment, etc. My dad has about 70 acres he has someone else farm for him. Anyway, when he hears about this high cash rent, he will sit down and try to pencil it out, and he shrugs his shoulders and says, they are fools, got to be loosing money or not putting enough back in to the ground to keep it productive, then bail out. I am not trying to be a SA, but even at $5.00 corn, with seed at $250.00 a bag, NH3 at $6-700.00 a ton, for 2 of the major needs, and everything else, it just sounds like an awful slim/no profit deal.

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03-08-2008 09:52:38

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to JT, 03-08-2008 06:19:18  
Jim,a good variety of corn is around $150 per bag this year.

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03-08-2008 06:37:54

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to JT, 03-08-2008 06:19:18  
Here are costs in dollars per acre.

Seed $60

Herb. $32

Nitrogen $55 (125 units)

P and K $60

Fuel $15

Instecticide $20

Machinery $100

Int. $8

Total $350. So you need 70 bushels at $5.00 to pay for inputs.

You may say my input costs are to low but if you prepaided every thing January 1 or last fall that is what the cost were here.

$400 for cash rent means I would need 80 bu for rent.

Total of 150 bu to break even.


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03-08-2008 12:22:53

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to IaGary, 03-08-2008 06:37:54  
Your numbers look very accurate to me Gary. I don't know why some farmers say they always lose money. I do, however, know why we couldn't (or maybe wouldn't) pay that much for rent. To assure $5 per bushel you would need to contract 150 bpa right now. That sounds like risky buisness to me. I would not recommend forward contracting more than half of your projected yield to anyone. I've seen guys get in big trouble this way. I doubt we're looking at 300 bpa ground. We had a terrible hot dry summer here last year. Corn was half a crop. Say this is 200 bpa ground. Grower forward contracts 100 bpa for $5. Has a bad year. Corn does 150. Price at harvest is $4 per bushel. He ends up losing $50 per acre, if he sells remaining grain at harvest. He could play the market and recoup, or lose even more. If he had 75% APH coverage (which would be costly and not figured into inputs in this scenario) he wouldn't get a dime from the insurance man. Sounds like a lot of money for grain farming. Maybe he is a vegetable grower or perhaps need manure rights.

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03-08-2008 10:10:20

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to IaGary, 03-08-2008 06:37:54  
Around here, this is the figures my dad gave me this morning:

Cash rent----- ----- $400.00-using the before mentioned price.
seed corn----- ----- $100.00 triple stack bt corn 240.00 a bag, for about 2.5 acres
fertilizer and NH3---$150.00 Nh3 about 700.00 ton at 200# per acre
insurance----- ----- --25.00
herbicide----- ----- --50.00
fuel----- ----- ----- -15.00
insecticide----- ----- 20.00
machinery----- ----- -100.00
int----- ----- ----- ---8.00

total----- ----- -----868.00

The fuel, insectide, machinery cost and interest I am using your figures, my dad does not farm any more so his input on machinery costs would not be close.and unless his memory is really bad, this is what he said it cost him on the other things I listed. He prepays for all before Jan 1st.
You also did not figure in the cost of labor to do this. And can you plow, plant, harvest, haul to elevator for 15.00 a acre worth of fuel?
I am not against you on this, I just do not see how you a make a living paying the prices you do and not get what your product is worth until this year. I am in central Illinois, so if that makes any differance.

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03-08-2008 11:07:28

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to JT, 03-08-2008 10:10:20  
Nh3 has 1640 units a ton.

If you put on 200 units per acre you will get 8 acres out of a ton.

8 into $700 is $88 per acre for nitrogen.


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03-08-2008 17:28:07

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to IaGary, 03-08-2008 11:07:28  
don't under stand the units thing, my dad used to be in the fertilizer and chemical business and he said he put 200# of NH3 per acre, so that would equate to $70.00 an acre, plus the other fertilizers, Phosphate, potash and lime every 4 years, he said that would add about $80.00 an acre. The farmers around my area are making money, but the ones that say they are loosing money are, as you put it, are in the wrong line of work. There just are, as you know, a lot of variables involved. you hear farmers say they are loosing money, then you have John Q Public saying the farmers are a rich bunch of people. It is just like any other business, it takes proper management. But as this topic started with, $400.00 an acre just makes it a little tight if you have low moisture and prices drop or you farm 1000 acres and loose a few hundred to someone willing to pay $400.00 per acre to take it from you. The main reason I ask you about this is I know from seeing your posts you have been farming a long time, my dad has been out of it for a while except for his small amount he owns. I was just curious how things pencil out, hearing what he says, it is almost impossible. But you can not make $100.00 per acre on a few hundred acres and make a decent living on the farm. I guess that is where you hear the go big or go home. :>) You just satisfied my curiosity more than anything. Hope I did not make you mad with all these questions.

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03-08-2008 10:47:29

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to JT, 03-08-2008 10:10:20  
Yep I forgot the crop insurance. At my level it is $36 an acre. If you are using triple stack corn you can drop the insectcide and the herb should be cheaper. If not why use that $250 corn. My corn is only $170 a bag.

I bought 5500 gal. of diesel last year for 850 acres of row crop and 60 acres of hay.

Also customed farmed 160 acres so I figured 5 gallon an acre.I prepaid for $2.82 a gallon a month ago.

Been farming for 34 years now.

I have never gotton a refund on income taxes. There are a lot of years I didn't pay much.

If you have not made money the last 2 or 3 years and don't have a profit locked in this year, you are in the wrong business.

I am not bragging about making money. I'm just tired of hearing guys say they lose money every year. If you lose money every year how do you keep going, thats impossible.

Do farmers say you are losing money so the public will fell sorry for them? Does that justify the government programs if you say you lose money?

I guess I am and will always be a positive person.


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03-08-2008 12:11:31

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to IaGary, 03-08-2008 10:47:29  
I 've got to agree with you Gary.9 out of the last 10 years in my area have had weather problems but I've still made money every year.2004 was a perfect year here and lots of money was made,58 bu wheat,110 bu milo,155 bu corn,47 bu early beans,and 36 bu doublecrop beans.

18 bu freeze damaged wheat didnt make any money in 2007 but 140 bu corn and 30 bu beans sure did.One good rain and I could have had 40 bu beans.

If everyone was losing money like they claim they'd be doing something else by now.

There hasnt been a farm bankruptcy sale here in years.In the mid-late 1980's there was one every week.Good managers and grain marketers will stay in business.Theres money to be made in 2008..

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03-08-2008 09:19:11

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to IaGary, 03-08-2008 06:37:54  
Gary,you forgot crop insurance which is alot of money this year.

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03-08-2008 06:23:26

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to JT, 03-08-2008 06:19:18  
In our neck of the woods here 2-250 bushel corn is not unheard of for corn .

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03-08-2008 06:28:51

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to Leland, 03-08-2008 06:23:26  
Leland, yea, my dad averages about 225-250 on most of his. 30 acres at home and 40 about 5 miles from the house, he gets about 10% more on the 30 around the house. But for every dollar that corn/beans/wheat rises, expenses look to increase by $1.25 a bushel. Jim

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03-08-2008 06:41:38

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to JT, 03-08-2008 06:28:51  
Ok if costs increased 1.25 a bushel and he was making money at $3.00 a bushel. He still has .75 cents a bushel to get to $5.00.

200 x .75 = $150 more this year than last.


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03-08-2008 05:11:47

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to JoeBob/IN, 03-08-2008 04:48:46  
Read the post,again.To me $400/acre means 1 acre, and there's a lot more after that.Hence loss of sleep.Unless there is something I have missed.

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gene bender

03-08-2008 07:35:00

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 Re: OT Crazy Cash Rents in reply to Bendee, 03-08-2008 05:11:47  
Look it must be good ground,tiled and so forth or it would not bring 400 rent those guys werent born under a barrel it will work if he has a contract for 150bu and the land will produce more or it wouldnt demand that type of rent.

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