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02-08-2008 20:27:06

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This has been around before, but it's still cute!


Listen up City Slickers !

1. Pull your droopy pants up. You look like an idiot.

2. Turn your cap right, your head isn't crooked.

3. Let's get this straight; it's called a "dirt road." I drive a pickup truck because I want to. No matter how slow you drive, you're going to get dust on your Lexus. Drive it or get out of the way.

4. They are cattle. They're live steaks. That's why they smell funny to you. But they smell like money to us. Get over it. Don't like it? Rt. 70 goes east and west, I-65 goes north and south. Pick one.

5. So you have a $60,000 car. We're impressed. We have $150,000 corn pickers and hay balers that are driven only 3 weeks a year.

6. So every person in rural America waves. It's called being friendly. Try to understand the concept.

7. If that cell phone rings while an 8-point buck and 3 does are coming in, we WILL shoot it out of your hand. You better hope you don't have it up to your ear at the time.

8. Yeah, we eat tater & gravy, beans & cornbread. You really want sushi & caviar? It's available at the corner bait shop.

9. The "Opener" refers to the first day of deer season. It's a religious holiday held the closest Saturday to the first of November.

10. We open doors for women. That is applied to all women, regardless of age.

11. No, there's no "vegetarian special" on the menu. Order steak. Or you can order the Chef's Salad and pick off the 2 pounds of ham & turkey.

12. When we fill out a table, there are three main dishes: meats, vegetables, and breads. We use three spices: salt, pepper, and ketchup. Oh, yeah.... We don't care what you folks in the city call that stuff you eat... IT AIN'T REAL CHILI!!

13. You bring "coke" into my house, it better be brown, wet and served over ice.

14. You bring "Mary Jane" into my house, she better be cute, know how to shoot, drive a truck, and have long hair.

15. College and High School Football is as important here as the Lakers and the Knicks, and a dang site more fun to watch.

16. Yeah, we have golf courses. But don't hit the water hazards -- it spooks the fish.

17. Colleges? We have them all over. We have State Universities, Community Colleges, and Vo-techs. They come outta there with an education plus a love for God and country, and they still wave at everybody when they come for the holidays.

18. We have a whole ton of folks in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. So don't mess with us. If you do, you will get “whooped by the best.”

19. Turn down that blasted car stereo! That thumpity-thump stuff ain't music, anyway. We don't want to hear it anymore than we want to see your boxers. Refer back to #1.

20. 4 inches isn't a blizzard - it's a flurry. Drive like you got some sense in it, and DON'T take all our bread, milk, and bleach from the grocery stores. This ain't Alaska, worst case you may have to live a whole day without croissants. The pickups with snow blades will have you out the next day.

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Tom from Ontario

02-09-2008 12:27:22

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
Maybe a few more from up here.
Thou shalt not block a driveway, yea thou shalt have your BMW mashed against a wall by a tractor pulling a loaded manure spreader.
Keep your mailbox clear.
If moving from somewhere else, wait to be introduced, say nothing personal about anybody.
Do not under any circumstances, irritate your local snowplough driver.
Buy from your local businesses. You wanna drive a Honda, move back to town.

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John S-B

02-09-2008 12:55:21

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to Tom from Ontario, 02-09-2008 12:27:22  
"Buy from your local businesses. You wanna drive a Honda, move back to town."

You might want to change that to Hyundai, Honda's are built in rural Ohio by a lot of rural Ohioans. There's a Toyota plant in SW rural Indiana too, lotta corn fed boys working there also.

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02-09-2008 10:15:48

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
Or at least the rough standoffish blah blah blah is how it describes people.

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02-09-2008 10:14:42

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
I thought this was good. A guide for people that are moving out into the country. I never knew that you needed a guide to live in the country around us standoffish rough people who hate it when you trespass in our pastures, eat our fruits and ride your ATV up and down the road creating dust and disturbing our horses.

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Don't Worry Pig Farmer...

02-09-2008 10:23:26

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to HeyPigFarmer, 02-09-2008 10:14:42  
I'm S U R E they'll let you, "Eat yer OWN Fruits"! I'm sure there's some real appealing ones out there in Bumblefugg Mo.....EEEEE SSSSHHHHH! ":^P

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02-09-2008 10:10:10

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
Don't say the gun isn't loaded or you'll call the law on me for unlicensed gun. The sherrif wrote the permit for me so I could carry it in the car loaded legally, no other license required. The lady with the shotgun is just going to the garden for Hassenpheffer, the original fast food,- but she'll shoot your @ss if you try to touch her the wrong way, the compost pile will cover you completely.

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John M

02-09-2008 08:37:09

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 Re: Reminds me of this!! in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
To all Visiting Northerners..

1.Don't order filet mignon or pasta primavera at The Waffle House. It's a diner. They serve breakfast 24 hours a day. Let them cook something they know. If you upset the ladies in the kitchen, they'll kick your a$$. 2.Don't laugh at the names of our family, (Billy Joe Bob, Merlene, etc.)or we will just HAVE to kick your a$$. 3.Don't order a bottle or a can of soda here. Down here it's called Coke no matter who makes it or what brand. Accept it. Doing otherwise can lead to an a$$ kicking. 4.We know our heritage. Most of us are more literate than you. We are also better educated and generally a lot nicer. Don't refer to us as a bunch of hicks or we'll kick your a$$. 5.We have plenty of business sense. You have to to make a living down here. Naturally, we do sometimes have small lapses in judgment from time to time, but we are not dumb enough to let someone move to our state in order to run for the Senate. If someone tried to do that, we would kick their a$$. 6.Don't laugh at our giant fiberglass cows and our tractors made out of car parts. Anything that inspires tourists to buy 50,000 postcards can't be bad. We'll kick your a$$. 7.We are fully aware of how hot it gets here in the summer, so shut the h3&& up. Just spend your money and get the hell out of here or we'll kick your a$$. 8.Don't order the vegetarian special at the local Cracker barrel. Everyone will instantly know that you're a tourist. Eat your steak rare like God intended and have some potatoes with that, for heaven's sake! Also, don't ask what a hot dish is or we'll kick your a$$. 9.Don't try to fake a Southern accent. We don't have an accent. Do NOT mention the movie "Deliverance" as that will incite a riot and you will get your a$$ kicked. 10.Don't talk about how much better things are at home because we know better. Many of us have visited big-city h#$%-holes like Detroit, New York, and LA, and we have the scars to prove it. If you don't like it here, Northwest Airlines is ready when you are. Move your a$$ on home before it gets kicked. 11.Yes, we know that bass fishing is "not your thing." We don't care. If you don't understand the beauty of being out on a lake when it's 70 degrees then you should go home and try fishing in New York Harbor. Also, don't hog the couch in the lake house or we'll kick your a$$. 12.Don't complain that the south is flat and that there aren't enough trees. If you whine about OUR scenic beauty we'll kick your a$$ all the way back to Cleveland. 13.Don't ridicule our mannerisms. We only speak when spoken to. We hold doors open for others. We offer our seats to old folks because such things are expected of civilized people. Behave yourselves around our sweet, little grey-haired grandmothers or they will kick some manners into your a$$ just like they did ours. 14.So you think we're quaint or losers because most of us live on farms? That's because we have enough sense to not live in filthy, smelly, crime-infested cesspools like New York or LA. Make fun of our fresh air and we'll kick your a$$. 15. We know its not your fault. You didnt do all of those things you say the law claimed you did, but come down here and complain about it, and that will probably get your a$$ kicked.
16. AND LASTLY, a truck is a truck of many given shapes and forms.They are not some big mass of metal with leahter seats, custom carpet and GPS devices. Our trucks work for us, and we take care of them the best we can. We dont need GPS because we know where we are going. call your SUV a truck, and we'll kick your a$$.


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Steve in MN

02-09-2008 08:24:30

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
What about the guys that try to look country by wearing faded blue jeans. You know the ones that have been washed 50 times but have never seen a stain of any kind let alone a little grease. Can spot em a mile away. LOL

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John S-B

02-09-2008 13:02:51

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to Steve in MN, 02-09-2008 08:24:30  
I guy I know bought a pair of those jeans for $75, I told him I usally buy three pairs of NEW jeans with NO holes and in 2-3 years I have three pairs of his $75 jeans for the price of one.

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Mike (WA)

02-09-2008 07:54:28

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
Our area has got a lot more citified over the years, and I had almost forgot about the "one finger wave" (no, not THAT finger) until we were on vacation in eastern Montana, down around Hardin, and I took an early morning drive in the pickup around the country. Met several pickups on the way to town, presumably for breakfast, and got the "index finger raised off the steering wheel" wave from each of them, and a head nod as I went by. Kind of took me back a few years (like about 50 years).

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Lincoln IA

02-09-2008 07:44:49

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
I had an Army buddy from Detroit come home on leave with me one time. He couldn't get over the waving thing. By the end of the week he was having so much fun waving at every truck we passed and was amazed that people waved back. He was also amazed that we actually talked to the lady at the gas station and grocery store check out.

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02-09-2008 07:39:31

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
AMEN BROTHER! Don't come in to my house and start rearanging the furniture!

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Dave 2N

02-09-2008 06:15:33

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
Bingo!!! Good one!!!! Right on the money!

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02-09-2008 05:20:06

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
You must live closer to the big cities than I do.

we have a few of these issues, but living in the center of the county, in the center of the state, in the center of the US helps some. Unfortunately I fear these things are coming. Everything seem to be building like crazy.

Gene Painter
Pilot Grove, Missourah

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Hugh MacKay

02-09-2008 05:11:57

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
rgvtx: You missed one item, rural folks are up at the crack of dawn, ambitious ones before the crack of dawn. This leads me to believe, not many true rural folks on YT. Oh, they may live in the country, but that don't make them country folk.

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Dave from MN

02-09-2008 05:59:28

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to Hugh MacKay, 02-09-2008 05:11:57  
LOL, I have a buddy whos wife is named Dawn, wonderful lady, but a bigger gal, "crack of Dawn" made me bout spit my coffee when I read it, comical situation when they met. Thats all I'm saying

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bill mart

02-09-2008 01:51:18

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
did anyone really ever call it mary jane?maybe you can change that word to " grass" or "weed"

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02-08-2008 22:26:58

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  
Sounds like a typical mid 60s ARMY AIRBORNE!!!!GREEN BERET response to me. And I"ll throw in a SEMPER FI for the rest of my good friends from back then! HOORAH to all!

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02-08-2008 21:20:05

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to rgvtx, 02-08-2008 20:27:06  

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02-09-2008 10:01:12

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 Re: THE RULES OF RURAL AMERICA OT in reply to 960, 02-08-2008 21:20:05  
Somebody asked me why i didn't have GPS, for when i travel around the country-side. I told him--I know exactly where i am when i am there! And, if i get mixed up--why--i'll just drive until something looks familiar, oe even ask for directions. Only trouble with that--i get to talking with folks, and usually forget what i went after!

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