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OT - Hen House...will this be okay?

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01-27-2008 12:24:20

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I built a hen house for my sister. It is 6 feet wide, 8 feet long, and 8 feet tall at the peak. On one side it has 12 nests against the wall - each nest is approx. 16 inches deep, 26 inches wide, and 20 inches tall. There is a perch in front of each nest (please see attached photos).

My question: Will the chickens be able to get to the top nests or will I have to make a ladder or something?


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Kestrel in CT

01-28-2008 05:50:32

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
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My flock loves this ramp I made 5 years ago. Just a piece of 1x6 pine with "rungs" I nailed crossways for traction.

From the top of the nest boxes, they leap up to the top roosts and fly (glide) down in the morning.

Lower cage is for some bantams I have.

The pink curtains on the nest box are my wife's doing ! I swear...

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01-28-2008 02:53:03

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
That chicken coup is better than my 1st house.

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Howard H.

01-27-2008 20:40:16

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  

I've never seen a Beverly Hills chicken coop before! ha...

Super nice looking job!

One thing I'd mention, is if you fence in the yard, make it pretty big, and/or make sure the chickens are getting plenty of protein, and/or watch real close for them to start picking at each other. Once that starts, it is tough to stamp out.

Boredom, lack of protein, overcrowding, and/or breed temperment can make that worse....


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Dave Sherburne NY

01-27-2008 20:03:54

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
Don't worry about it The Chickens will pick out 2 or three nests and they will all use the same ones
Put some doors on the top ones and use them for storage.

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3-71 fan

01-27-2008 19:45:00

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
Looks great. I'm finishing up a chicken coop myself. My first chicken coop burnt to the ground. Heat lamp fell down. If those are 2 x 4 studs for siding did you route the edges?

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01-27-2008 19:42:13

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
Paul and others,

Thanks for all the information. I tried looking this stuff up on the internet but I was surprised to find that there was not much information available - at least I couldn't find any. So...I decided to learn the hard way and try something and see how the chickens would respond. You all are giving me something to think about and I'll put most of your ideas into practice. Oh... I made a typo as to the size of the coop - it's 8 foot by 8 foot - so it would seem that they have enough room to fly up, but we'll see!

Thanks again everyone and I'll report back as to how the chickens react to it. I can easily change everything but the size of the building (big grin)!

Please keep the suggestion coming!


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mo ford man

01-27-2008 19:27:23

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
I built a play house but then unikspedely (spelled that wrong) got 20 or so chicken I didnt have time to build a coop so I used the play house and built some nests they were about 1 1/2' it worked out allwright

just thought I would add that

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01-27-2008 19:21:14

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
Beautiful work.

You coulda made smaller nests, 1/2 the size in all dimentions. The top ones are ok, the bottom ones would be the pain.... Tough to get the eggs out. 2 or 3 rows of nests using 1/2 the space, not as low, woulda made for happier chickens - they want a small secure area when looking for a nest, off the ground a little.

Chickens like to have a roost to sleep on - 2x with a screen nailed to the bottom edges so the poop falls through and no chickens can get below. They do a lot of pooping at this time, nice to have a spot they can't get to where it all falls. You want that someplace else than where the nests are.

In front of the nests, a couple inches away, you want a 1x3 (or 2 1x2 is better, and flat, so the 3-4 inches is the top surface) or so as a landing pad for the chickens to land on, & hop into the nest. They will not like flying up & dropping into the edge of the nest (tho your large nests should work out for this) they will prefer the flatter ledge in front a few inches.

Worst part of your 2x ledge nailed directly to the front is they will want to use this for the roost, and will tend to poop in the nests.....

To use the top nests, they need enough airspace to hop/fly up there. Think it will work, but you have a small building, not so much space in there for them to get a run & fly at it. On the 3-tier nests we had, the bottom landing roost was a foot out, the top landing roost was only 2-3 inches out, giving them a bit of a ladder effect as you mention.

They like to land on a flat surface, like to roost on a 2x surface. You can control where they do what with that info....

But, lovely work, don't want to be critical. Wow, just for chickens!!!!


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01-27-2008 19:10:51

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 I have had some chickens myself. in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
I had for 10 chickens and one rooster. Only 4 box next. Found that mostly they used 2 of the next only and a few times a 3 nest to lay eggs in. I feed them in morning 2 qts of chicken pellits full size. Some in feeders and some sprinkle on ground cause chickens like to scratch. Late afternoon I would pick up my eggs. Got from the 10 chickens an average of 6 eggs. At that time I gave them one large cup of mash corn sprinkled on the ground. ... This made chickens eat the egg laying pellits first and corn much later. So got good eggs everyday..... Now my neighbor fed his chickens pellits and corn at sametime. ..Therefore he got less eggs then I and he had more chickens then I did. LOL kind of ticked him off when this happen. lol oh well got to learn.
Now you have nice next as I see. But the best nest I had was a carb board box. Had end cut out and "Duck tape" around the area cut out for the chicken to enter. Otherwise when chickens set they get bored I guess. LOL so they pick on edges of anything near. One other thing I might mention. Use hay in the area they scratch in. This makes it easy to clean out the area and it will have to be down at times. Othewise your chickens will get what I call foot root on their feet. This can be bad and chickens will stop laying even.
Don't mix chicken and turkey together.. that is a
NO-NO. Chickens will scratch the ground and pick up waist from the turkeys! This waist in time will kill your chickens off. Neighbor lost many cause of the mix. But then he did not laugh at me no more when I told him about it months earlier.

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Matt Agnel

01-27-2008 18:19:57

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
To nice for chicken. Use it for a ice shack.

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01-27-2008 17:37:27

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
We sold eggs when I was growing up, The roost we had was covered with the big chicken wire so they couldn't get down there and pick through the crap and was fixed to where you could raise it up and clean out from under it about once a month, we had metal nests and they were about a foot square

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135 Fan

01-27-2008 16:06:55

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
Forget about hens. You could sell those to anyone who wanted a bigger walk in closet. It looks built better than most houses these days. Dave

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Dick L

01-27-2008 15:35:46

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
Mom had over 500 layers all the time I was growing up and longer. The nests were even higher but not near as roomy. As I remember she had at least twice as many nests in the area you have. Two hens could not get into the nest at the same time. No landing rail and there were more eggs on the higher nests than the lower ones for what ever reason. When it was first one of my chore time job Mom had to gather the eggs from the top row of nests. I had to help gather eggs and wash eggs as soon as Mom thought I was big enough and all thru high school. I know the egg money paid for the groceries and all our school clothes and supplies and I did not mind it at the time but I have never had the urge the repeat the process.
It looks like a fun project and my one son is talking about doing the same thing about the same size this spring. He says it is something my one grandson wants to do.

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3-71 Fan

01-27-2008 18:51:16

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to Mark Pearce, 01-27-2008 14:10:49  
I have to agree. The Black Australorps are the best brown egg laying chicken. Best all around chicken too. Lots of eggs and easy on the feed. Wyandottes are pretty good too and very pretty. The Wyandottes are especially good in cold weather.

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JJ. in B.C.

01-27-2008 14:10:09

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
Nice lookin' house. This is how i build my nest boxes, 12"x12"x12' is ample size. My roosts are made so you can clean them out without them makin' a mess all over the floor. My favorite chickens are Light Bramas or Barred Rocks.
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01-27-2008 13:39:58

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  

Not sure if you were referring to my comment on the perch. Chickens need to see a safe place to land before they will jump. Look at your perch from the chickens eye level. Also they inspect better looking sideways. The perch you have might have the hens roosting there and make a mess. That is why I would think a 6 inch dowel or so would do the trick and lest likely that they will roost on it. In other words the will not blindly jump into a boxed nest without knowing what they are getting into. I do not think that your perch will cut it.

I think someone else mentioned not seeing a place to roost and you really need this or you will have one heck of a mess on your hands.

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Walt Davies

01-27-2008 13:33:25

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
You plan eating a lot of eggs or selling them. If you just want them for yourself then white leggerns will do fine. But if you want to sell them then Rhode Island Reds will get you more money per dozen.
Boy I casn't spell chickens anymore. If your area has loose dogs or coyote then you will need a good fenced yard for them.

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01-27-2008 13:16:20

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  

Not too many $ in it. Most of it (including the doors and windows) are made from 2 X 6 'es that Home depot sells as studs. It is actually less expensive than most "cheap" siding. I got the glass from a Salvation Army store for a couple of dollars and then cut it down size.
You mentioned a "trap" for the eggs... would you mind explaining that in a little more detail? I'd sure appreciate it!



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Bill in Colo

01-27-2008 13:43:21

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 13:16:20  
What is now needed is a fenced run for the yard birds to keep the predators away,chain link 18" under ground on the sides and over the top. We have coons coyotes,skunks,foxes weazels and hawks all love their chicken dinners.making it any less would be futile.

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Eric SEI

01-27-2008 20:24:36

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to Bill in Colo, 01-27-2008 13:43:21  
Funny that you called them yard birds. The literal translation of the Japanese word for chicken "niwa tori" is yard bird.

See, you do learn useful things in college.

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01-27-2008 13:14:43

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
What breed of laying hens do you recommend? How about meat chickens?

I started on a farm 60 years ago, but moved to town when I was seven. I remember Dad had white leghorns and Rhode Island reds. Like cattle, there are so many new bredds today.

I have a very nice converted outbuilding that I use for pigeons for dog training. Could be converted to a chicken coop with some sterilization and a few modifications.


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01-27-2008 13:02:41

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  

The windows do open and have 1/2 inch steel hardware cloth on the inside. We have critters that like chickens. The bottom two access doors will be closed at night. There is also a vent in the roof. The chickens have free run of the ranch so they will only be in the house at night.

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01-27-2008 13:03:27

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
The chicken house I grew up with had a lot of open floor square feet (maybe five or more for each nest space). It also had a roost area consisting of two by two rails, horizontally spaced about 14 inches on center. The entire flock would roost there overnight. My family had decades of experience with laying hens when this was put together and I do not think the design was a whim.

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01-27-2008 12:55:41

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  

I was thinking this was a perch...maybe I have to do something different: In the front of each nest there is a 2 X 4 on edge with a half round on both top edges. The 2 X 4 is just "set" in place so it can be removed easily for cleaning the straw out. There wasn't a 2 X 4 on the bottom when the picture was taken but it has one too.

If this is not okay... should I put a perch in front of each nest that is about 6 inches away for them to roost?


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01-27-2008 12:55:47

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
only thing i would say is that if the windows don't open i would put some vents in the top. I have a similar coop and it needed vents. Just not comfortable enough for me in the summertime.

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01-27-2008 12:48:17

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
I built something similar once. Not nearly as nice. One thing I would suggest is a dowel or such perpendicular to each nest box. Learned that the hard way, as the hens will like to inspect the nest first, before jumping in. My theory at least.

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37 chief

01-27-2008 12:46:07

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
Looks ok. If I was to change anything I think I might have put the front of the nest area a little higher to keep the straw from falling out. Do the chickens have a place to roost for the night? If not they will sleep in the nests, and crap in them. Makes for dirty eggs. Bring that to Calif and you could rent it out, It would be better than sleeping in the hills.Stan

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Dave H (MI)

01-27-2008 12:54:45

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to 37 chief, 01-27-2008 12:46:07  
Dang, got some bucks in that baby, eh? Nest height is OK for most breeds of egg layers. If I would going to go to all that I would have put some type of trap for the eggs to keep them away from those hens that inevitably break one and find out they are tasty on the inside. Keep them cleaner too. As a long time poultry breeder I would recommend some significant upper venting to let out the warm moist air. We find that housing for birds needs bottom and top venting year round. Warm moist air goes out the top and draws in cooler dry air at the bottom across the floor. This keeps the bedding dryer and odors to a minimum and chickens healthier. Other than that I wouldn't mind having it here.

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Joe Pro

01-27-2008 12:41:58

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
Dang man Super nice job, well done.

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01-27-2008 12:41:29

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
Man, that's the nicest chicken coop I've ever seen. I don't think most breeds of chicken will have any problem flying up to the top bunk.

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01-27-2008 12:35:01

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to MBU, 01-27-2008 12:24:20  
real nice for chickens. they should be able to get up there. put some clean straw in the nest.

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01-27-2008 14:21:55

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 Re: OT - Hen House...will this be okay? in reply to nhboyd, 01-27-2008 12:35:01  
Don't know anything about chickens, except the eggs, wings and breasts make good eatin! The coop looks real nice though-carpentry is something I do know about! Greg

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