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Cat Killers part 2

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11-15-2007 13:50:10

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You need to go higher up if local police wont do anything. Like someone elce said, write letters to complain to local police, then if they send a responce but wont do anything, see if you cant get these jerks on tape and send it to local TV stations.

GeneMo, i'm not looking for a fight but i do not see why everyone thinks so lowely of peta. I am in PETA, and proud of it. I resent your comment that"PETA wont do crap, they are a bunch of radical left wing loons..."

We are not left wing loons by any means. PETA is mainly against factory farming, and holds nothing against the small, family farm.

Well were on the subject, if you really want this settled, tip off the ALF to whats happening. The ALF are radicials and they WILL stop this. I think they are your best option, they will teach these morons a lesson. Now i will agree that they are crazy, i want no part of it.

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11-16-2007 18:49:28

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 Suggestion.. in reply to Lanse, 11-15-2007 13:50:10  
Quit Peta and join ffa or 4h. Simple

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11-15-2007 22:36:15

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to Lanse, 11-15-2007 13:50:10  
The PETA/ALF groups are (or are too close too) left wing loons to be legit. Go to thier web site and read around for a while like I have been for the last few hours. I used to work for a poultry outfit. Lets wrap our minds round this together here Lanse, if a chiken is hang'n by stainless steel shakels (in the dark) that are grounded and the shakels dip into water that has an electrical curent too it they realy aren't paralzed and still feeling pain are they? Do you realy think that they still have much going on in thier noggen when they hit the blade? How do they "feel" pain when they hit the scalding pan? Yes, some are flop'n like they are in pain but thier head is on a belt going the other way, how do they feel anything? You should belive what you belive and live your own life. I am not try'n to change your mind here, just ask'n you to think about what this group you are a member of is putting out there. If you want to wear hemp work boots and organic cotton boxers that is fine. If you don't want to eat meat that is fine too, these groups are not just about not eat'n meat. They want a happy world where every live'n thing gets along and dies of old age. Read every thing you can that these people print and think realy hard about it, thats all I am ask'n of you there Lanse. Just think the less money you send to these people to be a member of thier little club, the faster you can get your H.


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Pete in MD

11-15-2007 20:38:20

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to Lanse, 11-15-2007 13:50:10  
Hey Lanse,

What is your definition of a "factory farm" operation?

Give us an example of an operation that is just below your definition and one that just meets your definition.


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Tradititonal Farmer

11-15-2007 17:30:30

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to Lanse, 11-15-2007 13:50:10  
Isn't ALF one of those eco-terrorist groups that burns down livestock sale barns and destroys other private property?

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11-15-2007 17:18:50

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to Lanse, 11-15-2007 13:50:10  
third party image

I am sure ALF will appreciate that.

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Dave H (MI)

11-15-2007 16:48:05

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to Lanse, 11-15-2007 13:50:10  
Did you read the news story this past year about a bunch of animals found in a dumpster? They traced them back to PETA who claims they humanely euthanized them. Don't remember what the excuse was for dumping them across town in someone elses trash.

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11-15-2007 16:46:26

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to Lanse, 11-15-2007 13:50:10  
if only you do gooders went this far by helping feed starving kids in this country instead of worring about animals that will never be in short supply .

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Ben Rauls

11-15-2007 16:41:17

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to Lanse, 11-15-2007 13:50:10  
PETA is aginst everything

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Bill from MA

11-15-2007 13:53:41

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to Lanse, 11-15-2007 13:50:10  
>>PETA is mainly against factory farming, and holds nothing against the small, family farm.

I'd have to disagree with this statement. Animal rights groups mean what they say and I know in the past such groups want to stop any 'ownership' of an animal by a person and this includes your pet dogs and cats, horses etc. You need to understand their position on everything animal related and not pick what you agree with as your giving money to an organization who will one day bite you in the rump.


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11-15-2007 14:18:40

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to Bill from MA, 11-15-2007 13:53:41  
PETA is a left wing radical group. Any organization whose goal is to destroy whatever they deem unacceptable without regard to the impact on the population as a whole, is a radical institution. The fur industry in this country was destroyed by the likes of PETA and the late Cleveland Amory's Friends of Animals. They have this twisted notion that animals are equated to humans. Well, God gave man dominion over the birds of the air and beasts of the fields (animals) for man's benefit. Cattle are an important food source and if we humans were meant to only eat vegetation, we would never have been given canine teeth to rip and tear flesh food. The wild animals of the earth serve a purpose in the food chain and are also a valuable renewable resource. The harvesting of these creatures for their hides and furs when done within the guidelines of the state Game departments..(which are staffed by biologists that study these creatures in a scientific and professional manner, calculate the rate at which these animals can be harvested and still retain a viable population for breeding and sustainability), is strictly verboten by the likes of PETA. PETA's methods are to shout down the voices of scientists and scream their own slanted dogma. I wish these people would crawl back into the hole they came out of and cease to exist. To suggest that food animals must be kept in conditions of comfort and cleanliness is down right stupid. Any livestock man knows that stressed animals do not fare well...but it is ridiculous to attempt to provide for them like people live. Duh! These TV shows of animal cops, makes me want to puke. "We are going out to check on a report that Fluffy the Cat and Baxter T. Beagle are living in filth and try to arrest the owner for inhumanity (what an oxymoron) towards these poor creatures."

Animals are not humans..get it?

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11-16-2007 13:32:56

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to mark, 11-15-2007 14:18:40  
Check this out on PETAa

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I Wanna Farmall

11-15-2007 14:34:57

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to mark, 11-15-2007 14:18:40  
Oh yeah, i get it. I dont agree with everything PETA says, anyone who treats animals equally to themselves are a little screwed up. I am soely against fur and factory farming, and i do think that peta goes too far sometimes.

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11-15-2007 23:20:38

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to I Wanna Farmall, 11-15-2007 14:34:57  
I would strongly advise you to research EVERYTHING that PETA stands for (and against) and then decide if you still want to be in their group. If you don't agree 100% whole heartedly with everything they say, do, and stand for, you don't belong in that group of idiots.

As far as fur farming goes, I have no problems with it. When we have a dead or down cow, we call in Sandy Bay Mink Farm and they come, put her out of her misery if she didn't die already, and they take her away. We don't have to dispose of the body, and they feed it up to the mink.

A couple weeks ago they did in my fiance's horse and they did it in a very respectable manner.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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Dave from MN

11-15-2007 15:23:34

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to I Wanna Farmall, 11-15-2007 14:34:57  
What in your young life experience's have left an impression that factory farms are bad? What defines a factory farm to you? Why be against fur industry? Fur production saves many lives in the world from freezing. Trapping wild animals control predator population, disease( which could wipe out some species), and is far more humane than having a wild creature kept as a pet. Most of what I see from PETA are exagerations. I have seen videos of posted by PETA and whomever of this type, using picture or videos of the worst unimaginable conditions they can find, and try to portray that this abuse is the norm. You seem to be a fairly bright young man. If you think PETA goes to far sometimes( your words), why even support them. Whatever the ALF is, it sounds worse than PETA. Animal cruelty is one thing- raising, owning, and feeding the world with livestock and the other animals the Lord placed her for us to survive is another. I some what feel you intentionally tried to start a p!ssing match here.

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Formerly PaMike

11-15-2007 15:57:07

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to Dave from MN, 11-15-2007 15:23:34  
I love it when people say they are for "family farms" and against "factory farms". They say that but you and I both know if there werent factory farms they wouldnt be able to afford to eat. I raise 20-30 steers a year. The $.80/lb I get when I sell them only covers my costs, I dont even make a profit farming. So, if I the family farmer wanted to make a profit, much less a living I would probably have to get 4 or 5 times the $.80/lb I get now...That would mean grocery store ground beef would be the price of current say steaks. With minimum wage at about $7.00 an hour you might be able to buy 1 lb of ground beef for every hour you worked...but thats before taxes.....

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11-15-2007 15:15:13

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to I Wanna Farmall, 11-15-2007 14:34:57  
The question is; Why are you against these things? Does it give you a warm and fuzzy feeling to be against something or can you logically justify your position?

"I'm just against it" isn't good enough when it affects your entire community that perhaps doesn't share your views. To wage a political war on an issue that will affect the majority, when it only suits the minority, is fraudulent in it's purpose and goal. To rob many to satisfy a few, is corrupt in it's very concept.

What is a group arose and said, "We are against Fords and advocate the destruction of all Ford cars and trucks and the immediate to end to their production, and that only Chevys are allowed to remain." When asked why..their answer was "we are just against Fords." Would you think that was a radical approach towards a product that many people enjoy and use? Do you think Ford owners should be denied the right to own one, because you don't like them? Do you think that because my dog lives outside and yours lives inside, that my dog is inhumanely treated...even though my dog refuses to come inside a house and prefers to sleep in the snow? Does PETA think a chicken would be happier and lay more eggs if it had 120 square feet of living space instead of 4 chickens in a cage, where they eat, $hit, and sleep? Perhaps cattle would be happier if they were kept in air conditioned barns and curried twice a day. A fox that lives and dies in the woods is different kind of dead than a fox that lives, gets trapped and skinned, his pelt used, instead of left to rot and feed the possums?

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11-15-2007 15:13:26

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to I Wanna Farmall, 11-15-2007 14:34:57  
"I am soely against fur and factory farming, and i do think that peta goes too far sometimes."

Just wondering, do you eat eggs and wear leather shoes? Then you're supporting what you claim to be against.

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I Wanna Farmall

11-16-2007 05:01:23

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to dhermesc, 11-15-2007 15:13:26  
I eat eggs from my own chickens, and i dont wear leather of any kind for anything.

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135 Fan

11-16-2007 09:56:41

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to I Wanna Farmall, 11-16-2007 05:01:23  
Just a thought, but what happens if you found the perfect Farmall H and the seller was a cattle producer or worse? Would you buy the tractor and support someone who has different views than you? If you were truly against his way of living, I think you'ld have to say no deal. Could make your search a very long and frustrating one. As far as leather, it is a part of everyday living. Dave

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11-16-2007 07:30:33

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to I Wanna Farmall, 11-16-2007 05:01:23  
You don't wear leather of any kinds?? So you wear all plastic and synthetics that destroy the environment? Do you wear plastic belts? Do you wear any kind of work boots, or are you shoes plastic and rubber? I used to have a lot of respect for you before you started spouting off all this nonsense and half truths about PETA. I though you were a fairly sensible young man. I have seen them criticize people who do rodeos, and say it is cruel, then they will put a half naked woman in a cat suit in a cage, and that is normal and right???. They are crazy. We had the High School Finals Rodeo in Town this year, and they made proper fools out of themselves about cruelty to animals for a rodeo!

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I Wanna Farmall

11-16-2007 13:28:28

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to JT, 11-16-2007 07:30:33  
No, i wear cloth belts, rubber boots,

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Dave from MN

11-16-2007 05:48:45

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 Lanse, Please read in reply to I Wanna Farmall, 11-16-2007 05:01:23  
I gaurantee that the 16,000 chickens in my house are safer, fed better, have better access to water, and are protected from disease far better than yours. Small family farms are awesome do not get me wrong, but there are not enough of them anymore to feed the world. Lanse, you are bound to get some stern and passionate replies whenever you mention PETA, here, in this community, which has welcomed you. PETA and the other's groups that have too much time on their hands are against what our way of life is. Most of us are farmers, hunters, growers and the like. Groups like the one you support basically would love to put us all out of business. Then what would we all do, come live with you?? What do your folks do for an income? What if, just think about this, a group with millions and millions of hollywood $$ started to target and shut down the industry that provides your folks with a life. Would that make sense. The majority, and by that I mean 98% or better of farmers with animals care for their animals far more than they do for their own health. Most farmers will come right out and tell, the animals come first, take care of your animals, and tyhey will take care of you. I mean come on, think about, is a animal grower gonna make any money torturing,neglegting, and being cruel to his critters. Heck no. You want healthy animals, nice fat fed animals. That makes our way of life. Do you think any farmer makes any money sending animals you see in the propoganda you see on your clubs sight, NO!, we would be selling cull animals at a loss. You are at an impressionable age, may not have a lot of friends and joined this PETA to feel part of something. If you truelly beleive in what they stand for , you had better release ALL your critters. If you like to fish, better not use live bait. Become a VEGAN. Put you money and passion into something worth while that is ruining this county, put your effort towards groups that are fighting for abused children, women, against child porn industry. Dont you think these things are for more important?

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M Nut

11-16-2007 09:37:21

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 Re: Lanse, Please read in reply to Dave from MN, 11-16-2007 05:48:45  
Dave, as usual, you hit the nail so squarely on the head you drove the point all the way home. Lanse seems like a likable young fellow, but I believe he may be just a little uninformed. Thank you for laying things out in such understandable terms. I hope he will think about your reply, and the others like it, and see where so many of us stand on this issue. I hope he can sort things out for himself and will continue to be a respected member of this site.

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11-16-2007 09:11:35

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 Re: Lanse, Please read in reply to Dave from MN, 11-16-2007 05:48:45  
Whew, Dave, you continue to amaze me. I find myself thinking "Yeah! Thats right!" a whole bunch when I read a reply like that.

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I Wanna Farmall

11-15-2007 14:00:37

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 Re: Cat Killers part 2 in reply to Bill from MA, 11-15-2007 13:53:41  
certian PETA people are too close-minded to do anything for their own sake. Or animals.

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