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Tractor Talk Discussion Forum

A return to civility

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Kent in KC

11-06-2007 08:34:48

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Okay, to begin with, I'm no Pollyanna, prima donna nor perfect angel. However, I do make my kids change TV channels sometimes, confiscate their rap crap CDs and keep Net Nanny on their computers.

The world today is just getting too rude, coarse and vulgar for my taste.

That's why it grates on me to come here and hear more of it from my fellow YT posters. Fellas, I suggest a few of us need to consider what we say to each other before clicking that Send button. It's getting a bit out of line, don't you think?

We have men, women and kids on this board of all walks and sensibilities. Some are crude, rough and loud while others are reserved, conservative or even highly spiritual.

No one person has a right to foul the boards with their mean-spirited spew while disregarding how other folks might feel about that kind of talk.

I'm not just talking about the coyly misspelled profanities (gee, the kids will never figure that out) but also the beligerent, arrogant and abusive stuff too. You shouldn't call people names or tell them to "shut up" because you don't subscribe to their viewpoint. Who do you think you are?

And while I'm up here, a lot of guys here seem to enjoy ribbing Lanse for whatever reason. That's fine I guess but often that ribbing transcends into hateful and disrespectful trash talk. What are grown men doing getting aggressive and hateful with a kid? He's, what, 14 years old? Knock it off.

I'd much rather have a young guy like Lanse on here than many of the typical 14-yr olds I run across with their screwed up ideas. If some young fellow says something you consider dumb and you feel you must say something, maybe you could counsel him a bit or offer some big guy advice but do not put him down, call him an idiot or otherwise jam a hateful barb at him. Stuff like that can affect a kid more than you remember.

We were all young once, said things our elders considered foolish, made dumb mistakes and sometimes held opinions contrary to the main. Thank God there were those along the way that just smiled quietly at our naivete, put a hand on our shoulder and guided us gently back on track.

As a group, we arguably represent the rural, agrarian citizenry to the rest of the world, as seen through the lens of the Internet. I suggest that while we continue our robust discussions and spirited interactions, we try to be more civil and constructive and not be letting the fire rush to our heads so much.

My two, you may flame me now.

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Doc Larry

11-07-2007 17:03:23

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
For what it's worth:

There IS a forum here for politics and other controversial topics, at:


When people keep the discussion to tractors, things stay pretty calm. I actually come here for relaxation and tractor discussion, so personally, I'd rather all of you who want to argue, or forecast doomsday, or whatever, go to the link above, and keep Tractor Talk, for Tractor Talk.

Really, the main reason I have a couple tractors is to go mess with them and fix them up and use them a little, and relax. And forget all the other crap. So who needs it here?

But I seem to be in a minority sometimes.....

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I wanna Farmall

11-07-2007 17:08:04

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Doc Larry, 11-07-2007 17:03:23  
got that right!!

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11-07-2007 15:27:00

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
I was taught that, swearing isn't what you say, but how you say it.(FR. Ludwig, 5th grade)
When I swear, it is usually due to alot of frustration. By time a person gets around to writing or posting a message, there really isn't any need for foul language.
I usually consider it to be a sign of a weak mind. But then again, I just admitted to being a judgemental person and that is probably worst.

I don't read everyone's posts and I am sure there are people who will not read mine either.
Signs of a free society I guess.
I may not like it, but do I have the right impose my believes on everyone else? NO

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Old Tractors

11-06-2007 19:20:47

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
To add my reply to all the posts...
1. Good speech. I agree with all of it.
2. My toilet paper is white.
3. If Lanse wants to put himself out there with his thoughts and deeds, than he should be prepared to take the heat from the rude and the crude regardless of his age and to his credit he always does. 3. Hitler was a vegetarian and look how he turned out.
4. The bible (God) said that man should have dominion over all the animals. That doesn't mean we should abuse them because we can if we choose to. It also doesn't mean we should worship them and put them ahead of mankind and our needs. It just takes a little common sense to find a balance. 5. Old tractors are fun. Lets keep it fun.

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big red 1

11-08-2007 09:42:43

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Old Tractors, 11-06-2007 19:20:47  
well said.

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farmer boy

11-06-2007 15:19:27

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
I agree with everything you said. There is an OT board for a reason and there is a reason I don't regularly read or post on it. I don't now why people pick on Lanse. He's a kid, he's still learning. Everybody's learning. That's the reason your here. As for dumb topics. Please stop posting them

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11-06-2007 13:03:18

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
Seems like to more open forums have more issues than the tractor line specific forums do.

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11-06-2007 12:48:21

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
I agree with you 210%. I was glad to see spring come because of the way it was getting on here. Figured people would rub their eyes,walk out in the sunshine and change their attitude. With the insult comedy that is so pervasive on TV these days though,some people seeem to think,from watching that stuff,that you have to be rude to even be funny. Some folks need to look up the term "self depricating humor". Not many places to go in society where you aren't exposed to the coarsness though. But I'm with you. Gets old real quick.

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11-06-2007 12:26:04

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
I think you are right. I think that Kim has been pretty active lately on some boards, deleting threads that are full of hate.

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Dandy Don

11-06-2007 12:01:50

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  

Kent in KC said: (quoted
And while I'm up here, a lot of guys here seem to enjoy ribbing Lanse for whatever reason. That's fine I guess but often that ribbing transcends into hateful and disrespectful trash talk. What are grown men doing getting aggressive and hateful with a kid? He's, what, 14 years old? Knock it off.

I'd much rather have a young guy like Lanse on here than many of the typical 14-yr olds I run across with their screwed up ideas. If some young fellow says something you consider dumb and you feel you must say something, maybe you could counsel him a bit or offer some big guy advice but do not put him down, call him an idiot or otherwise jam a hateful barb at him. Stuff like that can affect a kid more than you remember.
We were all young once, said things our elders considered foolish, made dumb mistakes and sometimes held opinions contrary to the main. Thank God there were those along the way that just smiled quietly at our naivete, put a hand on our shoulder and guided us gently back on track.

As a group, we arguably represent the rural, agrarian citizenry to the rest of the world, as seen through the lens of the Internet. I suggest that while we continue our robust discussions and spirited interactions, we try to be more civil and constructive and not be letting the fire rush to our heads so much.

My two, you may flame me now.

I can only say...NOT Guilty

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David Snipes

11-06-2007 11:35:07

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
Thank you, Kent. I have been called names here because I have disagreed with folks. Disagreement is fine, as long as it is civil. When I work with other people, either as a team or as a supervisor, I encourage them to disagree with me if they think they have a better idea or if they think I am full of it. All I ask for is a civil disagreement.

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Tradititonal Farmer

11-06-2007 09:42:11

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
Here just like in real life there are all kinds and it takes all kinds to make the world turn.
It'd be a very dull world if we were all made with the same mold.I enjoy everyone's opinion and respect the fact everyone isn't going to have my ideals and values.Variety is the spice of life.

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Eric SEI

11-06-2007 09:18:28

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
You mention Lanse, when somebody goes on an agriculture oriented website and declares he is a member of PETA (a group dedicated to forcing vegetarianism on all of us), he is announcing that he is the ENEMY of many people on the board and a supporter of terrorist groups (Animal Liberation Front) that PETA is a front for.

Of course many people are going to get their backs up when he posts things after that.

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I wanna Farmall

11-06-2007 15:47:20

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Eric SEI, 11-06-2007 09:18:28  
Hey, yer right, i am in PETA and loving every minuite of it, and i am proud to be a vegiterian but im not going around imposing ANYTHING on anyone. I dont hold anything against the common person on here who raises meat on a small scale. Peta is people for the ETHICIAL TREATMENT of animals, not saying screw it and let em all free or elce.

I am against factory farming, and all for the small family farm. I realise that many of you raise animals the way the generation before you did, and before that. You dont use steroids, abuse animals, etc. I know that people eat meat, nobody will change that so nobody should try. I support those who raise it with the animals in mind.

As for the "Heated Discussion" on tales a few weeks/mounts ago, that wasnt started by me, there were some unfair and downright disrespectful words spoken and I had to intervine, however that led to an allout fight. I would do it again in that situation, and If you were in that situation, I'm sure you would have done what I had.

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11-06-2007 13:35:34

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Eric SEI, 11-06-2007 09:18:28  
What`s wrong with PETA? Isn`t that People Eating Tasty Animals?

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11-06-2007 12:43:16

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Eric SEI, 11-06-2007 09:18:28  
In a typical high school. which Lanse probably attends, There are several organizations one may join. A student who joins the organization may not endorse all of the philosophies of his organization.

The Farm Bureau is an organization that I would not belong to because they embrace some of the philosophical and polotical ideas which are too radical. I would not find fault with my neighbors and friends who belong as I am sure they do not subscribe to all of the ideals also.

Perhaps Lanse can speak for himself.

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11-06-2007 09:16:50

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
While what you say is true, I don't think it has been too bad of late. At one time the OT board got to calling each other dirty name, but of late even they have cleaned up their act. Lanse is showing that he can take care of himself. In a few months he has grown up and is a credit to his age. I get kind of tired of the "fishing for responces" questions, any day now I expect to see some thing like "what color toilet paper do you use?" But I can live with it, cause this is still the best place on the net.

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11-06-2007 13:53:13

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Coloken, 11-06-2007 09:16:50  
I don't know,that OT board was so bad the few times I went over there last winter,I still don't have the stomach to go back and check it out. Hope you're right. I might get bored enough this winter to click on it. Hope there's something good on TV though so I don't even get tempted.

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big fred

11-06-2007 11:27:19

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Coloken, 11-06-2007 09:16:50  

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Allan In NE

11-06-2007 09:07:07

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
Sure wasn't trying to be rude to ya Kent.

I just happen to think that "wire-shying" the horses isn't a good idea. Let alone, heaven forbid, if you happen to have the one in a thousand that will actually drop dead on the spot from the shock.

That's like these pilgrims I see letting their horses run loose with a halter on. How many dead ones will it take to wise 'em up?

Sorry if I upset ya; sure wasn't my intent.


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Kent in KC

11-06-2007 19:25:35

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Allan In NE, 11-06-2007 09:07:07  
Hey, Allen, I was not alluding to you at all. Indeed, I personally don't feel anyone has been rude toward me. I was speaking about the treatment I've seen others get.

I do appreciate your response to my question about the electric fence and took no offense whatsoever. You, sir, are one of the gentlemen of this board whom we all seem to admire. I'm glad to know you, as much as I can from this distance.

Coloken, I agree that Lanse can fend for himself, the young fellow seems to have a lot more pluck than I recall having when I was that age.

Yup, he did ruffle some pork- and beef-producing feathers but he has a well-reasoned position, admirable ethic in his stand and I, for one, have to respect him for that. Besides, he is all for grain, fruit and veggies which almost all of the folks on this board are engaged in, so he is in fact "one of us" (or "one of you" since I don't claim to be a production farmer).

Now, I'm off to bed so I can lay awake half the night thinking about what Allen said about that fence. Dang!

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big red 1

11-06-2007 09:01:43

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
I would agree with about everthing you said.With respect to the Lanse issue-sometimes one gets what one deserves(name calling and crudeness are not needed)However in early posts there was a bladent amount disrespect to veteran board participants-specifically on the farmall board.
It is refreshing to see a more mature postion on his part as of late-maybe someone put a hand on his shoulder and said look...
In the end it all works out
Randy in Iowa

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11-06-2007 08:55:29

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
What posts are you talking about?

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11-06-2007 08:48:46

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
Well said Kent, Thank you.

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11-06-2007 08:43:34

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 Re: A return to civility in reply to Kent in KC, 11-06-2007 08:34:48  
Ditto. This is website is a great resource for tractor enthusiasts. I used to belong to a website much like this for 4x4 vehicles. The owner/operator of the site got so fed up with people being rude and offensive that he shut the whole site down. There were thousands of members on the site, just like this one. Everyone has different opinions and bad days. The best thing to do is get up, walk away from the keyboard, and come back and re-read your response before you hit send or post. Just my .02

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