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Way O/T? Outhouse names...

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Brent in IA

08-28-2007 15:43:53

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Long story behind it (and one fairly PO'd wife)but we have a brand-spanking new outhouse on the farm just like I remember at grandpa's way back (except we have running water today in the house, and his was a 2-holer...). However, grandpa never dug his pit with a backhoe so I imagine ours will hold much more as I got a little carried away, hope noone ever falls in because it will be a LONG climb back up :-)

Enough long-windedness...Anyway, the kids want to "name" it and paint it on a board to nail above the door. However they have a fairly short list of names to choose from and I thought with the wealth of knowledge and ingenuity on this site we may garner some we don't have. (Current list includes turd palace and crap shack if that helps get you started...)

Any help out there?

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08-29-2007 22:26:36

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Call it the "Turd Factory".

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Bob Kerr

08-29-2007 19:10:02

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Devils Basement, cause it stinks like the devil down there. I hope the hole on yours is lined with wood or something if it is that deep, because I have seen holes on some cave in in the spring time and then you can't get the door open. Not fun if you are in there when it settles down. I guess here in the little town of Hymera, IN back in the early 60s there was an out house tipping spree that claimed over 60 out houses in one night. It was obvious who did it because they had the only ones still upright the next morning. They were "sentenced" to setting them all upright. Dad and a couple of his friends tipped one on a guy once. They didn't know the guy was in there and he didn't yell untill it was on the way over. Bad thing is they tipped it door down! Another outhouse prank I heard involved a model T coil and the metal door handle. I can imagine some clothes had to be changed!

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08-29-2007 10:57:18

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
How about the Splatter Room.

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Mike (WA)

08-29-2007 08:30:22

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Ours was always called the "Hoosey". No idea why. Mom wanted dad and I to tear it down when I was about 15- Dad and I just looked at each other and burst out laughing. Dad just said, "Ma, how do you think me and the boy have survived, in a house with a women, 3 girls and only one bathroom?" The hoosey stayed, by the way.

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08-29-2007 08:28:52

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
"Oval Office". My 11 year old came up with that name. Previously it was just called the "Office" as referring to where the only truely necessary paper work gets done.

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08-29-2007 09:58:05

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to buickanddeere, 08-29-2007 08:28:52  
That"s the funniest thing I"ve heard in a long time!!

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08-29-2007 06:24:17

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Always called the outside outback one the wooden poopin' stool.

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08-29-2007 06:09:01

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Turd Cutter's Inn

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08-29-2007 05:48:00

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
A neighbor had one, when they were common, that was painted up with "U.S. Government building" on it. Always appropriate.

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cj in wisconsin

08-29-2007 05:30:13

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
We call ours OLD LADY JONES she's always there when you need her but she's a nasty old girl with bad breath.

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Dave 2N

08-29-2007 04:45:30

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  

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Dave H IA

08-29-2007 04:20:48

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Relief Office

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08-29-2007 02:38:00

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Nane it the Star Ship Enterprize. Put a clip board on the wall and you can make a "captains log" each time you visit. LOL Everyone has to make a Captains Log. LOL LOL

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08-29-2007 01:53:29

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Picture Please.When we built our house, We put the front facing our farm and the back facing the gravel road. I wanted to look out the window and see my farm instead of the neighbors pigs on pasture. Told my wife I wanted to build an outhouse between house and road, door facing road and put a dummy in it. That ought to make the neighbors talk. Chris

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08-29-2007 02:22:49

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to super99, 08-29-2007 01:53:29  
Back in the 30's when my Grandparents were just getting by they rented a house next to the railroad tracks. The outhouse faced the tracks and did not have a door on it since there was a mountain on the other side of the tracks. My Grandmother kept asking my Granddad to put a door on but he was busy. One day she told him that she was using the outhouse when a train went past and the engineer waved at her. The next day there was a door on the outhouse.

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08-29-2007 01:30:50

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Aloha, Ohooooo ooooo! LOL


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08-29-2007 00:24:01

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Number 100. Don't know why either...
Hendrik, from The Netherlands

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NC Wayne

08-28-2007 22:05:15

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Remember when Rudoulph misunderstood and wound up landing Santa there...."I said the Shmidt house, the Shmidt house..." Sooo why not The Shmidt House?

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08-28-2007 21:43:51

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Grandpa onced told me it was the Oprey house once.


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The landfill

08-28-2007 20:41:08

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  

The landfill

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Gene Davis (Ga.)

08-28-2007 19:25:07

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
"Going to see a man about a dog".

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08-28-2007 19:23:39

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
we have refered to one as taking the cosby kids out and dropping them off in the pool .

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08-28-2007 19:20:02

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
one i've heard was the sh$tter or the white house as it was painted white or the house out back. and my grandpa always called his the sheriff's office. why i have no idea.

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08-28-2007 19:18:16

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
We always referred to the 'process' as visiting the judge. Therefore, I would recommend 'The Judges Chamber' Greg

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08-28-2007 19:15:58

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
My family used to call it the Chic Sail, don't
know the reason.

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Joe Anderson

08-28-2007 22:41:48

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to J-Unimog, 08-28-2007 19:15:58  
In reply to J-Unimog,, Chick Sail was a carpenter "back in the day" who specialized in building out houses aka. back house,bomb shack,stink and think, the office, privy,throne room, the Jake,the Johnny,and so on. The guy was a legend in the mid west and my Grandpa claims he was a heck of a story teller.

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flying belgian

08-28-2007 19:15:05

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
My Grandma called hers the boo house. I don't know why.

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08-28-2007 19:09:51

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
The Dapper Crapper. Ron Mn.

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08-28-2007 18:48:13

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
(Mr.) Hanky's Hideout
Privee (sp?)

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pair-a-dice farm

08-28-2007 18:16:07

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
When I was a kid there was always a good supply of Sears and "monkey" ward catalogs so we called it the "Readin" Room"

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08-28-2007 18:11:46

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  

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Ron in AR

08-28-2007 18:08:19

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Thunder Dome
Moon Room

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08-28-2007 18:06:28

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
We call it the dunny. Don"t ask me why.

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Gary in Mozarks

08-28-2007 16:52:09

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
Keep it simple "Johnny"

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08-28-2007 16:49:18

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to Brent in IA, 08-28-2007 15:43:53  
How about "Gas Chamber" or "Thunder Box"?

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08-28-2007 18:20:17

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 Re: Way O/T? Outhouse names... in reply to JBMac, 08-28-2007 16:49:18  
My mother was born in England so we always called ours the Thrown Room, because even the Queen uses one every day.

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