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Working by yourself

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37 chief

08-15-2007 09:00:45

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If you had the opportunity of working alone, or with someone else, which do you like best? I like to work by myself all the time. I am really bothered to have someone around me talking, or trying to help. I guess this comes from my time working in my factory job, when I was on the night shift most of the time alone. I split my tractors by myself, and I know what is going on all the time. I did need some help pulling my JD 5020 back together. If something goes wrong then I can only blame myself. There is the safety issue, but I am on my tractors all the time by myself. Dad used to cut beans at night with one little light on his F 12, I am sure Mom worried about him. Stan

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dave guest

08-18-2007 18:45:36

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
Solo is usually preferable. As midnight electrician, if I had to have a partner, we would decide immediately who is in charge for job. Very simple after that. I can lead or follow but ya gotta tell me which. On house calls, however, I used to have a buddy who could tell jokes and talk to customer while I got things done. Wife can do that too.

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Steven f/AZ

08-16-2007 07:50:03

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I would rather work alone. I get along much better with myself than anyone else. I am probably a little anti-social, but I just feel better to do a job from start to finish and say the final product is all me.

I have to work together with several people at my regular job (teaching), but most of the day it"s just me and the students.

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08-16-2007 03:40:47

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I'm surprised at the fact that the majority of the responses are "work alone". I thought I was just anti-social.

At home and around the place, I work alone because there just flat ISN'T anyone else. I've figured out ways to do most things by myself because I've had to. My son never was interested, and my grandsons are too busy sitting in front of a video game and complaining that they're b-o-r-e-d.

If I get into a situation were I absolutely MUST have a second person, I prefer to have someone who knows absolutely nothing about what I'm doing. That way, they're more likely to just do as they're asked instead of arguing with me about how it should be done.

At work, I'm a supervisor, so I have to fight the urge to just do it myself and assign it to someone. I also have to make the most of opportunities to give a man a chance to do something new. If the situation permits, I'll give him the bare outline of what needs to get done and then let him have at it in his own way. I just tell him if he gets stuck or needs a hand, come find me.

The best workers and the ones we make an extra effort to keep are the ones that take a situation like that and get 'er done. It doesn't always get done just the way I'd have done it, but if it's safe and it works, I'm a happy guy.

I've got two guys working for me that are worth their weight in gold (or gasoline...) Just turn 'em loose and stand back.

We've been through 3 guys in 6 months trying to fill that third position...

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08-15-2007 23:36:54

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I prefer working by myself most of the time. When I do need a hand I prefer it to be my fiance's, but most times it's my dad who happens to be walking past right when I need him to run the loader or help adjust something that's always a 2 person job.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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08-15-2007 22:00:58

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
As far as working on tractors I can probably get more done by myself. There is one person I wish could help more and that is my Dad. He is really starting to slow down and his hands are so bad he can't do much. I know it bothers him he can't help but I tell him to just sit and relax, we talk alot and he still gives me good advice. CalJim

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08-15-2007 20:59:46

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I am working by myself more and more. My employer has downsized quite a bit in the last few years, and apparently will keep doing so. I work doing CNC programming in a engine plant, all on large gage systems, CMMs. It is pretty fussy work, and I am the only one left doing it. I enjoy it.

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Gary from Muleshoe

08-15-2007 20:46:47

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I prefer working alone. I have found that I spend more time explaining what and how to do things, by the time I am done explaining I could have been done. It has always been my experience that when you have someone helping you usually have to redo it any way. Why pay someone to create work for me? Good help is hard to find these days. Most want the pay with very little effort involved.

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NC Wayne

08-15-2007 20:06:13

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
Much prefer working by myself, but when needed Dad and I work really well together. Working on heavy equipment it can be dangerous working on something by yourself out in the middle of nowhere. The way I see it though is if you be careful and pay attention your not likely to get hurt....and if your number should come up it"s not gonna matter if there are 500 helpers standing there.....We all gotta go sometime.... I ocassionally get told by a customer "we"ll send you help". Usually I tell them that the less help I have the faster the job will get done and I"ll ask for help if I actually need it. Sometimes they send help anyway and the helper usually enjoys standing around doing nothing and getting paid. Beyond that unless there is a situation where I absolutely can"t reach a bolt both inside and outside a machine or something like that I preffer to go it alone. Except for those rare occasions, leave me alone and let me work in peace.

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Ultradog MN

08-15-2007 19:33:56

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I'm also a remodeling carpenter.
Bid them, build them, bill them.
I work alone except for those rare occasions that I need a hand holding up the cabinets or carrying in a bath tub.
I don't even bring a radio anymore.
Been doing it a long time now and find it really distracting to have another person around.
My least favorite jobs are some where the homeowner wants to save a few bucks and tries to help.
Working on a tractor though is a different story.
A friend and a couple of brews while you are wrenching on an old tractor makes for a fine evening.

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Jim Ohio

08-15-2007 18:44:57

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I work by myself at work daily, I haven't seen anyone from my office in 6 months. I love it! I am a low voltage electrician. In the shop I also like to work alone, but my 4 year old son is becoming quite the helper, I am very proud he has a good work ethic this young. My best friend and I used to work very well together, like we could read each others minds, but we both went and found women and kids, that connection just isn't 100% any more. Jim

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Bill in Colo

08-15-2007 18:17:25

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
Since the kids left home I've hayed alone,cut rake bale.and stack, wife helps stake on weekends. Would loved to hay again with a crew where I just was responsible for one task.
Look forward to the fall when myself and three neighbors help each other gather and Preg test the cows and wean our calves. We worked together for the past 40 year.
Shop work, like to do it myself except for my son who now lives in texas and cousin Ben Brown from Ky

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08-15-2007 18:03:30

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
i like working by myself best but i can take the time to show people things if need be or a good helper is always nice if they dont get in the way. my dad and i work together occasionally which is alright. the only thing about working alone is safety i always watch for potential hazards, my thoughts Ryne

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08-15-2007 17:03:09

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
There are five people I can work with like a symphony. We know so much about what we are doing that we hand each other tools and parts in way that leaves onlookers agog. Both of my brothers, two of my technicians at the University Laboratories, and an extreme man in Colorado that is a consummate mechanic. JimN

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08-15-2007 16:46:52

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
Depends on who it is. I work alone the majority of the time,but if one of my sons helps me,great. Most anybody else,I'd rather talk to the dog when she wanders by.

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08-15-2007 15:43:47

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I must admit that I am disappointed when I go to a farm to do a tire job and there is someone there. The ideal job is when I can find the job, get it done and leave before anyone shows up. The exception is working with my Dad. Would take him anytime anywhere. He would get tired out just riding along and watching me work.

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08-15-2007 14:46:03

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
i would really like to have my dad or grandad to work with but they both have gone on . so i have had to learn to do by myself. have 2 guys from high school who have always been good to help when asked.just like everybody else they have their own stuff to do too.others i have found out you cant put any dependance much in others

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John S-B

08-15-2007 14:17:46

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
Most of the time it's by myself, just because it ends up that way. For many things it's better, I don't waste time having to supervise. But there are definately times when I'd love to have a helper, but that's not always possible. And the right person makes a big difference. When you have someone working with you that knows what needs to be done and has a "feel" for how you do things it can be a real pleasure. Other times if you can't get in synch with a coworker if feels as if a job takes twice as long. Generally it seems the jobs that involve repetitive tasks seems to work out best for a partner.

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Brad in WI

08-15-2007 13:52:42

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
In the shop hands down by myself. I get distracted to much and nothing gets done. If I need a hand the fiance is always willing to get dirty if she is not busy. She is patient when things go wrong and is very willing to learn. A friend of mine is always willing to help out but he rushes to much and I have to redo most of what he does after he leaves.

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08-15-2007 12:17:20

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
i worked by myself most of my working life. first, on roadway maintence and then own my own in my landscaping business and lastly on the hay farm. i did enjoy most of it and was proud of my accomplishments and hid my failures. no one to get in the way and no one to quit on me in the middle of a job. i did have a few small part-time jobs that i had helpers and i really did not relish it much, although it was not as bad as could be. self work is better.

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Davis In SC

08-15-2007 12:07:37

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I cannot tolerate anyone else working around me at the shop. Helpers turn into watchers, that are just in the way.. It drives me nuts to have to walk or reach around someone, just to get a tool.. There are a few poeople that are the exception to this rule, they do not bother me..

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Billy NY

08-15-2007 11:48:09

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
In many situations it can be a good thing to work alone, like others said, when you have help, they need to match your work ethics or it's a problem. Yap yap yap, and getting something done, does not mix well at all. Sometimes the work you are doing is suited for one person, other times, that helper or crew is a nice thing to have.

Being somewhat of a perfectionist, well with grain of salt, and a preference to do things the right way the first time whenever possible, in general, just taking pride in whatever type of work it may be, it can be hard to delegate and or let loose of the reins and trust someone to do things as you would. That is my biggest beef about it, and not to have unrealistic expectations or be a monkey on someones back, it's nice to know who you are working with is on the same page with you.

I was doing a consulting gig 10 years ago and the paperwork was insurmountable, long story short I had to quickly integrate a system while working within a state agency, well I was treading water getting contractor submittal packages logged in distributed, reviewed and sent back out again, 10 seperate projects, thousands of packages to handle, it beacame overwhelming, but we knew we'd need a staff at the onset, hired 2 fresh out of college guys and a russian mechanical engineer, did some quick training, eventually had 6 people, orientating them to what we where doing and how I wanted things to be done, it was hard to let them go at first, but we did it. We worked as a team and did some great things for the client which was the state of new york, they gave great references for me, and both the mechanical engineer and one of the recent college grads (then) are still there, I made some good friends in that agency, they are still a very respected agency, they get the jobs done right, taxpayers money, seems odd but it's true. People always make the difference, without good people, that have similar work ethics, values, and standards, you are sometimes better working alone, but there comes a time when you just can't do everything, heck I needed to get an appendectomy during this gig during a peak crunch on the next big project and I stayed until I knew I'd best get to the doc and see what was up, at least I finished the week out (foolishly), was out the entire next week, those guys took up the slack and did a great job in my absence. When I came back, it was nice to see they kept things in order.

I learned that as much as I thought I could do, good help will make a difference, but would prefer to work alone if the help is not going to cooperate or take pride like I do. Good thing to talk about, I'd have been fired on that gig had I not realized that without the help we'd never keep things rolling on these fast track jobs, many nights before help arrived I'd stay until midnite to purge the work piled up, clear the tables, gets to a point where you just can't do it all yourself, so it's good to recognize that in all walks of life.

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Mike M

08-15-2007 12:09:04

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to Billy NY, 08-15-2007 11:48:09  
I wouldn't know how to act if I could even come back from lunch and my counter space was how I left it and not all piled up. It sure must of been nice having GOOD help or bosses ! I may never get to find out as I have not found either yet.

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Wayne in Minnesota

08-15-2007 11:14:41

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
Working & teaching my grandsons is very rewarding; both of my sons are also mechanically inclined so they are a joy to work with.
If you don't share your knowledge with the younger generation, many important skills will be lost to history! ie: how to build a pyramid, how to build a temple in the jungle, etc..... ..
Share your knowledge, leave the world a better place for your having been here!

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37 chief

08-15-2007 11:57:55

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to Wayne in Minnesota, 08-15-2007 11:14:41  
If I live long enough I will teach my grandson things I have learned, if he is interested. At 14 months he is a little young now. He does have his little plastic cresent wrench, maybe that's a start. Stan

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Walt Davies

08-15-2007 10:50:02

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
Grew up with a brother and 2 cousins somehow it don't seem right to work all alone. We had more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Worked hard till noon then went swimming in the American river. Wouldn't trade those days for anything.

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MN Scott

08-15-2007 10:44:52

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I work by myself most of the time. Only time I hire help is when I work cattle. I farm about 900 acres. Of that 200 is hay, 300 is row crop/small grain and the rest is pasture or woods. I also have 200 head of beef cows. In the spring things can get a bit hetic when the calves are dropping and I'am trying to get the crops in to. When I'am not haying, planting, harvesting, fixing fence ect,ect I'am working in the shop. Never a lack of things to do thats for sure!

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David in TN

08-15-2007 10:31:38

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
gadabout? That's an interesting word, had to look it up, never heard it before.

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08-15-2007 09:43:22

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
Much rather have a second pair of hands around. Never have the problems others mention. If some wants to sit and talk while I work that is just fine and they still are available for help if needed. Never had that big of a problem with dual tasking; ie, can work and carry on a reasonable conversation. I never have been considered a real sociable person, but compared to the other posters I must be a real gadabout.

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Dave from MN

08-15-2007 09:42:53

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
Depends on who it is. Some people I love working with, others, NOT. I have one person that helps me every once in a while in a pinch, I really appreciate the help, but, he never shuts up, never, ever, and he never talks about anything I'm ( or any one else for that matter) is interested in, the worst part is, he tells the same boring stories about his "high school stud" days, smae stories , every year. I do enjoy enjoy him as a friend, and having a FEW beers,but Help is Help when you need it, at least he always offers to help, others seem to be busy, doing ????? ????? ?????

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MF Poor

08-15-2007 09:39:17

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
Depends on what I'm doing, and who it is that's working with me. Most things I'd rather work by myself. If I need help, there's just a few people who I enjoy working with or feel safe working around. You probably won't hear this too often, but my favorite helper is my wife. She knows when to be quiet. She knows when to stay out of the way. She knows to ask what to do when she doesn't know what's next. And she likes to work. My best friend Ed is also on the short list. We're always on the same page with everything we do. I don't have to watch over him, he doesn't have to watch over me. But when I have the opportunity to work alone, that's when I'm the happiest. Just no one to blame when something goes wrong. ;)

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08-15-2007 09:30:12

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I guess it depends. If it were just coworkers or someone you knew. I own a repair business and my dad and I work together. It is literally the best work situation I`ve ever been in. We work on seperate stuff alot, but there are times we will hit something together. Probably because I grew up around it, each one of us knows what to expect from the other. We never really fight, if we have a difference we just work on seperate ends of the shop, cool off and then settle our difference.
That`s the great thing about farming some on the side, it gives either me or him a chance to get away, leave the phones and each other behind.
Another thing is that we have different hobbies, so outside of work we aren`t together all the time.. BW

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08-15-2007 09:30:08

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
My friends could easily call me non-social , BBBBB UUUUTTTT, when I work I like to plan just what has to be done , to git-er-done and that means keeping out of the way some people love to have someone around just to talk and in my opinion waste time , an ol" buddy of mine used to say time is money and when your working for yourself its a precious commodity, just my rant.

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08-15-2007 09:28:17

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I to like working alone but often need help and its scarce and of the inferior quality. I will work any day with the right crew. It is tough to train low skills for a short time job. unreliable and bad attitude help is not worth having. The hardest part for me was seeing people do things different than i would but it got the job done but the too had been doing it for many years. Safty big issue these days no one wants an accident looking for a place to happen. Family moves away or moves on aint like it used to be.

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08-15-2007 09:04:53

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 Re: Working by yourself in reply to 37 chief, 08-15-2007 09:00:45  
I am a remodeling carpenter (not usually lifting heavy walls and such). I would much rather work by myself. I have been doing that for 23 years, and have figured out how, and find it more time consuming most of the time when I have help. Greg

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