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saw the dumbest thing today

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05-18-2007 10:51:51

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I was killing time between classes and was checking out a tractor at a NH dealer, and saw over the fence a service guy testing out a skid steer- while standing on the quick-tatch plate, not in the seat. he was driving it around, forward, backward, left, right the whole damm works. My camera phone was in my car or I woulda taken a picture.

makes ya wonder, don't it?

Donovan from Wisconsin

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05-18-2007 19:43:08

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 10:51:51  
Yeeesh. Guess I'm lucky to be alive.

For what it's worth, I've got to adjust the sticks on mine tomorrow after I stick it back together, and I doubt the seat will be anywhere near it when I do. Beyond that, the NH's have a service mode that disables the seat lockouts... or you can wire around it easily. There's reasons why things are done like that. I walk the machine around fairly often if I'm hitching something to it. It's not going to jump up and bite. Just use slow deliberate movements and be careful. I've had a lot more close calls when fully belted into the seat than anywhere else with mine....


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05-19-2007 08:49:13

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  was involved with the dumbest thing in reply to RodInNS, 05-18-2007 19:43:08  
Takes longer, costs more & hurts more when somebody gets hurt or killed. Than to do the job right & safe. After every incident we always hear the mournful words such as... It was only temporary, we didn't have time, we always did it that way, we should have put that shield back on, we thought it was going to cost too much..... .etc. As for those people who think they are smart, fast and "he man" enough to never get caught, hurt or killed. Truly one of the most common ways of trying to deny the fact you are a mere mortal. They eventually spend the rest of their life, maybe 1/4 second to 60 years. Wishing they didn't do it that way. Or worse yet they teach observers/kids/family/friends/co-workers that "safety isn't needed". Then the observer gets into an incident. Just did it myself a month ago. My Brother has absolutely no time or use for safety was assisting. I started some safe work practices on the task at hand. If I had insisted they would at the very least been yelling, screaming if not a pushing or punching match. It’s so very important he “get er done” and get his "atta boy". So rather than upset my senior citizen parents whose butt kissing youngest son can do no wrong. I went along with it. So it's five titanium screws, a plate, three casts, surgery, two+ months off work and not getting jobs done here. Oh yes, the pain, loss of sleep, loss of income, aggravation, a few months of physiotherapy and the worst? The extra workload and imposed upon my already over worked wife. Not fair to her at all. And who walks off scott free and doesn't even show up here to help plant the 929 trees or assist with the spring tillage & planting. Yup, my brother. I’m not happy with myself knowing that I knew better than to “go along with it”.

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05-19-2007 14:04:50

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 Re: was involved with the dumbest thing in reply to buickanddeere, 05-19-2007 08:49:13  
I'm saddened to hear about your brother and the situation he's left everyone in. The only thing I'll say on that is that walking away is often the only thing you can do. Had you tried to stop him, you'd probably only end up hurt with him.

I've dealt with people on this place for a lot of years now that know more than I do about everything. They listen to nobody. Have all the answers. Can break anything, and get nothing done while breaking it. They preach their crap at me about ME being dangerous, and I'd sooner not be anywhere in the vicinity of them when they're doing anything, because they have no idea how dangerous they are.

The way I look at gear is that it can kill you in a second. I don't consider the things I do to be taking chances. I know with reasonable certainty what is going to happen when I'm doing something, and I'm comfortable doing it, and I don't spend my days worrying about what could happen with that 1 in 1 million chance. I don't ask anyone else to step in and do what I do, and I certainly don't want anyone around me preaching about how dangerous I am while I'm doing it. That's a dangerous distraction.
Mabey I'm wrong, but I tend to think my lack of scars is more a reflection of good judgement than good luck. I just don't think that idiot proofing the world is good for me. Others will do what they'll do, and I can't change that.


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05-19-2007 09:35:39

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 Re: was involved with the dumbest thing in reply to buickanddeere, 05-19-2007 08:49:13  
sounds like you need to get out of that mess as fast as possible. when mom and dad are gone baby bro is sure to get all he can and yours too. tall kids mom always went along with her mom and baby sister. she passed away at age 44 baby sister
thought she was going to pull same bull soap on me she did her sister.WRONG she found out what it is to tangle with a Scott. she wanted to leave tall kid with a few pennies it didn't happen that way. she was the one that ended up with the pennies.

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Clint Youse MO

05-18-2007 18:44:03

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 10:51:51  
I have done the same thing when I worked in a shop have to do that to adjust travel or put the seat in run it 10 feet take the seat out adjust run it another 10 feet take the seat out adjust you get the idea. I started driving a tractor at age 4 spreading manure it was a 2020 JD if you are trained right and respect the machine it is not a problem. By age 10 was feeding hog and hay by myself at home and at 14 started helping another farmer took a 4000 ford on the 15 mile a day hay route pulling a load of hay each way stopping at different farms along the way. IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE KID



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Craig Lysne in Wi

05-18-2007 18:02:27

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 10:51:51  
another stupid thing to do is to let a 10yr old kid drive anything bigger than a lawnmower. I work for a guy who lets his 10 yr old grandson drive everything from a farmall H up to a 4020 JD. BUT my neighbor's brother has tractors that he uses too and put his foot down and said NO to that kid driving anything bigger than his farmall M (i handle the big ones) but refuses to let him drive his 1030 or 970 case. I usually drive those 2 and they can be hard to handle sometimes. (i'm 15 yrs old) and i sometimes fret at the way the skid steer handles sometimes . someone will lear someday to not let little kids drive tractors. srry for being off topic. that guy musta been trying to kill himself.
my 2 cents

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Brad Wright of MO

05-22-2007 16:04:10

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Craig Lysne in Wi, 05-18-2007 18:02:27  
Well actually i disagree. I've been driving since I was 8 and started on an Allis D-19. Now im 14 and have drove tractors as big as JD 9400's and semi Trucks with 48 ft. grain hoppers on them.

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05-18-2007 18:17:05

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Craig Lysne in Wi, 05-18-2007 18:02:27  
I have to agree with you for the most part, except I was 5 when I started out. It was only raking hay, but it was a start. Then dad slowly started letting me work the feild, drive while baling, unloading wagons in the silo, and now at 22 I do basically all the work and dad is my help, even though it is still their farm.

Last week he was working the soil over while I was getting the planter ready, then I planted all the corn. I ussually sow the pats too but this year dad was unemployed for a short while so he worked it the last time and planted it.

If the tractor has power steering and is easy to handle, there's no reason a 10 year old kid or even younger if trained right can't rake hay or pull a wagon around the field. I was on the road when I was 7. The key is, I had respect for what they are and what they can do if not careful. Now I'm 22 and still careful as ever.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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Craig Lysne in Wi

05-18-2007 18:39:33

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 18:17:05  
yeah i was raking hay and spreading manure at 7 but this kid has no respect and has no idea what can happen to his so he screws off alot and my boss and i have to yell at him a lot for screwing around. his dad doesn't really agree with him driving the tractors but he just listens to grandpa and does what he says. My boss told us about pulling in the driveway in road gear and how his other brother flipped a WC allis when he yanked on the hand brake but those tractors are really not safe. i know what can happen if you act like tractor driving is just a game. AND my boss is gonna let him plow this year! which i disagree with. and My dad is just letting me bale hay. i been able to cut and rake for the last 3 yrs
just ma 2 cents

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shannon from ohio

05-18-2007 17:18:21

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 10:51:51  
Evidently he has been watching too much the tv show "COUNTRY FRIED HOME VIDEOS" and he is trying to earn the "HERE'S YOUR SIGN AWARD" Yes, that is the dumbest move you can do on a skidsteer..... ...

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Billy NY

05-18-2007 16:04:18

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 10:51:51  
That really is dumb, I recall the owner of a well established landscape, florist and or garden supply house being decapitated many years ago by a similar move, when the loader arm came down and caught him, now the place is run down and vacant, I cannot recall the specifics on the type of skid steer etc. not good, you do have to respect these things or they will bite !

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05-18-2007 14:55:02

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 10:51:51  
sounds like another candidate for darwin award for today.

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Andy Motteberg

05-18-2007 14:26:10

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 10:51:51  
I think he needs a Farmall.

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Glenn F.

05-18-2007 13:39:30

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 10:51:51  
Does he have a flipped-over H Farmall at home? Ha!


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Andy Motteberg

05-18-2007 16:42:50

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Glenn F., 05-18-2007 13:39:30  
Most likely not, he probably has a flipped over skid steer. HA

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05-18-2007 13:34:10

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 10:51:51  
I told my good friend Forrest Gump about this and he replied, "Stupid is as stupid does, sir."

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more than likely......

05-18-2007 12:05:58

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 10:51:51  
trying to adjust the netural and stop the creep. can be a headache with a maching with some hours on it.

been there and done the same

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Walt Davies

05-18-2007 12:05:14

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 10:51:51  
The ones that I have rented you had to be seated and the seat belt connected to start them. I supposed that he either by passed these safety features or the owner did. I sure wouldn't want to those things will tip over at moments notice.

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Mike M

05-18-2007 11:54:47

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 Re: saw the dumbest thing today in reply to Don-Wi, 05-18-2007 10:51:51  
He'll Probabally get a really good look at what's wrong once it runs him over.

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