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Off Topic- lowering cholesterol

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Dave from MN

04-02-2007 16:22:56

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Well, my 1st physical in years came up last week. My LDL is 170, Doc said needs to be less than 100, I'm only 36, working harder wont really be an issue, but will it help. Any suggestions on best diet. Reason I posted this here is I trust most here and other sites just try to sell ya some cure it right up concoction. Wife is all stressed worrying I am gonna die, I'm am very serious about things and it causes me to be stressed out all the time, then add the cholesterol, she dont care bout the life ins.

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Tim, Ohio

04-03-2007 09:06:57

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  

I too was diagnosed with high cholesterol back one year from now. The doctor asked if I would
like to try to diet with exercise or take Lipitore.
At first, I thought I had a good diet and I kept
busy to be considered enough exercise. Well I decided to take the medicine. The doctor gave me
a paper bag full of Lipitore samples. I took them for one week, then reconsidered. I did not want
to take a pill everyday for anything. So I stopped with the medication and did not tell the doctor. I studied everything I could about how
to naturally lower my cholesterol. I started jogging every other day rain or shine for about
30 minutes each session. I then cut out everything in my diet that I learned would cause hight cholesterol, such as too much meat, dairy and whatever else could cause it. I then found out
about the hydrogenated oil issue and realized it was a culprit too. I ate more fish, and more fruits and vegetables. For breakfast I ate oatmeal with two tablespoons of ground up flax seed. The flax seed is the one food on the planet
with a huge concentration of Omega 3 fatty acids.
I also ate a some walnuts every day. Well my diet
was so intense I had some of the worse gas you could ever imagine. Six months later I had a blood test and the doctor calls me to tell me my LDL cholesterol dropped to below 100 from 170.
My HDL (the good cholesterol) was up to a very healthy level. My blood pressure went to 116/72
and I lost about 10lbs going from 165 to 155 lbs.
The doctor went on to say she would like to renew my prescription for the Lipitore. I said,
"why would you want to do that?" She said, "It
obviously worked." I said, "nope, I did not
take the medicine" Our conversation went on and
on discussing what I did and she finished with,
"well keep doing whatever you have been and we
will check it again in six months." Well I have
continued with my exercise, but stopped the intense diet with exception of eating no foods
with hydrogentated oils. I am as healthy as when
I was in highschool...with a resting heart rate
of 39 beats per minute, more energy than a jack rabbit and a much happier disposition...and finally, my wallet did not see any cash flowing
out of it for medicine I did not need, which by the way, I think the pharmaceutical companies are
over selling to line their pockets.

Anyway, I hope you can see some of the wisdom in my comments and you take a moment to give
yourself some of the same kind of preventative
maintenance we give all of these old tractors.

Best regards,


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04-03-2007 08:30:06

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
If you have to take drugs, ask your doc about Zetia. I went from 260 to 118 on my cholesterol reading.

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04-02-2007 21:44:11

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
Some studies are now showing that very low chlosterol levels lead to cancer.High chlosterol may not be as bad as you think it is..

Doctors need patients and the pharmacies want to sell high priced pills so they keep lowering the accepted levels to scare everyone.

Read the link I have provided below.

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Walt Davies

04-03-2007 09:03:38

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to GAB From MO, 04-02-2007 21:44:11  
That site sounds like a bunch of Crackpots. I wouldn't take my advice from turkey named Wombat anyway.


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04-03-2007 10:19:43

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Walt Davies, 04-03-2007 09:03:38  
Doctor Wombat is just a screen name that he uses.Do you actually believe everything that all doctors tell you?Most are out to pad their pockets at your expense and your health.

Lipitor and other drugs are terrible on your liver.My wife refuses to take Lipitor.The side effects of some drugs are pretty bad.

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Walt Davies

04-03-2007 09:03:28

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to GAB From MO, 04-02-2007 21:44:11  
That site sounds like a bunch of Crackpots. I wouldn't take my advice from turkey named Wombat anyway.


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Dean in iowa

04-02-2007 20:56:37

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
When the doc tested me and found the cholesterol was 150, they put me on Lipitor. I also started eating oatmeal for breakfast every day. Three months later my cholesterol was 92. I am tempted to quit taking the lipitor and just go with the oatmeal. Even on the oatmeal box it says "try oatmeal for three months and see the difference" I think it really works

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Walt Davies

04-02-2007 20:38:51

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
My combined was 210 Doc said it was borderline not to worry. Had a Quadruple bypass 8 months later. Like he said not to worry. Borderline it seems is the most dangerous. Anyway that was 11 years ago I'm on Zocor and a ton of other stuff for different reasons and its now down to where they want it. We have Limousin beef which we raise it is low in fat and cholesterol other than that I do pretty much what i want eat a lot of oat and whole grain cereals no sugar now except my piece of Dark Chocolate a day. Its that or a cup of red wine up to you which you like. And cut out the stress I'm on Prozac for that its great stuff. Keeps me from blowing up at the wife.
anyway as you can see you can live along time on a Bum Ticker if you follow the rules.
Walt 68 years young.

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04-02-2007 19:47:28

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
You have been given some good advice. Diet,exercize,statin drugs. Nician raises your good cholestrol. Stay from prosessed food; the fat you eat today is not the same as what your grandparents ate. Free range eggs are ok no meat that is raised in confinement. They are fed cheap and full of meds. Do you have a Whole Foods store near you?

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Arizona Bob

04-02-2007 19:39:14

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
I"m on the real near side of 70. Five years ago I had my first angioplasty with a stent. Cardiologist said that if I could get through six month without the stent clogging I"d probably be ok. Big time wake up call. What I"d had was a light heart attack a few months earlier and hadn"t really done much about it.

After the angioplasty I reduced the fats: no butter, cheese, only non fat milk, no hamburgers, and on and on and on. Made it through the six months. I"m on Zocor at 40 mg a day. It reduces the production of cholesterol in the liver. I also eat hot oatmeal for breakfast 28 days a month. I"ve relented on some of the fats. My LDL in November last year was 87.

But, cholestrol level is not the sole factor in cardio vascular problems. Information and data is emerging that inflamation in the arteries is a significant factor in heart attacks.

As far as work is concerned, you need to get the heart rate up.

Do some searching on the web for cholestrol and heart problems.


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Brian 1 from Iowa

04-02-2007 19:03:03

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
Sometimes it is just your genes. The best diet and exercise is only going to get you about 20%. Depending on family history, blood pressure, or smoking you probably only need to target <130 for primary prevention.
If you need drugs- "statins" like Lipitor or Zocor are first line treatments, you can then add niacin or a sequestrant like Questran or go to something like Zetia. Fish oil is an option but really down the list for LDL lowering. Talk to your local pharmacist for the most cost effective option if it goes that way.
Good Luck.

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Pooh Bear

04-02-2007 18:41:49

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
Definetly go with the fish oil supplement.
My wife and I both take it and Our Chloresterol is perfect.
And the doctor recommends it too.
We take two 1200 mg capsules per day.

Pooh Bear

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04-02-2007 18:38:29

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
I have mine checked every year and so far they keep telling me I'm good to go and its about what they figure an 18 year old should have. My self I eat a lot of deer meat, I NEVER use veg-oil to cook with I don't eat many eggs and the one I do eat are from my farm. I do use olive oil to cook with or butter, ya butter not all that good but the olive oil is.

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vally farm

04-02-2007 18:29:21

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
I'd have to side with Riverbend on this one. Natural foods can do miricals for the body. Thete was a study , I believe in the 40's where they measured thr Irish. People here with brother/sister in homeland. The "American" diet was controled, the "Irish" diet was not... all that nasty pork grease and mutton for breakfast, a loatd of teters for lunch, bread and ale for dinner, etc. The "Irish" folk lives on average more than 7 years longer. This study used family members to limit genitic variables. End result? Fatty diets of very naturaly grown foods were much healtier than mor processed "healthy" foods. Recent studies have shown naturally raised eggs will help LOWER colosteral. Many people (Doctors) feel that this isue is just a test looking for a reason. Mike

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04-02-2007 18:10:42

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
I believe he is using scare tactics on you. If you are active every day and it stays 170 or under , you are good to go. 130-150 would be nice but for young active people 170 is the same thing. If you are over 55 and lay around and smoke then yes 170 will eventually plug you up. There is more to it than just a number. I'm 56 and active non-smoker and didn't matter what I did couldn't get it below 200. Take Crestor and/or Zetia and it stays at 130-140. Normal enough for me and no side affects.

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Stan - Florida

04-02-2007 18:02:27

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
Well, I'm no expert, but at 70 minus 1, I've sort of been there, done that.

I'm currently on 10 milligrams of Crestor, and take 1000 milligrams twice a day of fish oil. My last test (non fasting) when I gave blood was 148 total cholesterol.

The big problem with my regimen is the cost of Crestor. Good luck if you have some good prescription insurance.

Melbourne, FL

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04-02-2007 18:35:18

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Stan - Florida, 04-02-2007 18:02:27  
Hey Stan , see if the Doc will let you try Zetia. Might be cheaper. Works in your intestinal track to block absorbtion of cholestrol forming fats. Worked good on me. Well my wife just told me they were about the same. $110 for Zetia and $108 for Crestor. That's for 1 a day for a month. We pay 20% co-pay on our B/C ins so isn't bad but I see your point if ya don't have script. coverage. With what we waist trying to defend and rebuild other countries we could fund coverage for all our LEGAL citizens!! We have 1/3 of our pop. retired without script coverage and 1/3 of our pop. (from 18yrs-30yrs old) that are deprived of a 40 hr + bennefits job because that's how companies save money these days. That leaves 1/3 of our adult pop. that has some sort of script coverage. We can't be an effective world power if we can't even get our own house in order. We lose more people to violence and murder in this country every year than we do in Iraq. WHERE should we REALLY be fighting TERRORISM?? Sorry for the OT venting. Have a good week , Stan.

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04-02-2007 18:02:23

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
That cholesterol stuff didn't pan out the way they thought it would. Lowering cholesterol did not lead to fewer heart attacks. Google cholesterol hoax and see what you get. Take it all with a grain of salt.

As far as diet, quit eating all the cracked eggs. Switch over to organic produce and eat what you grow. Failing that, less feedlot meat, more grass fed. More fruit and vegetables. No fake fats. No homogenized milk. Work hard. Goof off more.

All the best,


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Midwest redneck

04-02-2007 17:21:25

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
Well come on over to my part of Michigan and help me cut down dead elm trees and split firewood. That should help your LDL # and if that wont do it then cut my grass, spread gravel and paint my house. That should do it.

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Dave from MN

04-02-2007 18:29:48

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Midwest redneck, 04-02-2007 17:21:25  
Wife just spent the weekend there, in comstock park to be exact, visiting her BFF. I am just getting on the wood cutting myself. Hopefully the Doc was just trying to get my attention. I am adopted and have no family medical history, so I dont really know what to expect as I get older. I told the wife that I should get 30 minutes or more of vigerous exercise everynight to help lower my cholesterol, she just said winked and said she'll buy me a push mower with head lights. I never win, do I.

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04-02-2007 16:55:15

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
Unless you've had a heart attack or stroke or have diabetes ther's no need for ldl readings as low as 100. 130 is plenty low enough for ?"normal" people.

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04-02-2007 16:51:17

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
Yours is really pretty good. Some adjustments in diet will probably take care of it. I had a quadruple bypass 1 1/2 yrs ago. LDL was 275. I changed my diet and it is now at abourt 140 which doctors are happy with. I take Avandia but I also cut way back ok on beef. No beef hotdogs, bologna, etc. ! or 2 steaks a month. I hamburger a week of less. No butter, only eggs I eat are in other foods. Little cheese or other dairy products. Keep your blood pressure and stress level under control .

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04-02-2007 16:50:04

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 Re: Off Topic- lowering cholesterol in reply to Dave from MN, 04-02-2007 16:22:56  
Well, they tout Cheerios as a cholesterol lowering diet aid, so try that. Three meals a day of cheerios will make you so sick of the stuff, you will quit eating, if thats all you have on hand! Better yet, see what kind of a diet you will need. there are a lot of places on the internet where you can learn that stuff. And, your Dr. should be able to help in finding a diet! Now, double cheeseburgers at lunch every day, pizza as a late evening snack, 3-5 beers or more every evening, and smoking, is guaranteed to earn you an early dismissal! I managed to make it to 82 yrs. plus, before the bad stuff got to me. I've never had to take any pills, and thought i had the world by the tail, but it all went blooie a month ago, when i had a mini stroke, called a TIA! 2 hospital stays got it pulled back, and, with some rat poison, and other like meds, i'm back on track! Been able to get back to work, in my garage, and with two pills a day, i feel right good! Learn to eat vegetables, and lean meats, easy on gravy and fats, have some desserts of fruit, etc. ease up on lunch meats, pizza, big burgers at Burger Death, and you might have a chance to live longer! I didn't think it could happen to me-a guy who hadn't been sick hardly a day in my life--but it got to me, too!

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