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Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof

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01-24-2007 14:02:27

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I built my world around being 10 feet tall and bullet proof. When I got bad busted up my 120 pound wife had to do the chores designed for a 10 foot tall bullet proof man.

Imagine watching your little wife do, with no complaints, the labor intensive chores that you used to easily do, but no longer can.

Be good to OLD.

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Mike (WA)

01-25-2007 09:04:05

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to coflyboy, 01-24-2007 14:02:27  
I was upset with some of the comments to "get a job"- Even if you're able-bodied, its not easy to get a job when you're past 50- BTDT- and if you can't be on your feet for 8 hours a day, and weren't trained for a desk job, you're really in a bad situation. The suggestions about a job at home at a computer were also ludicrous- my nephew's wife has a work-at-home job, doing medical transcription. I watched her the other day, and I'm a pretty fair country typist, but I'd never make it in that business, and I daresay, neither would any of us on this board. Reading some of the posts below will open your eyes- there but for a little bad luck go I. Hang in there, Old.

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01-25-2007 06:36:59

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to coflyboy, 01-24-2007 14:02:27  
to me we have all taken our life for granted. If you have your health you have the world I have always said.
my biggest pet peeve was always when a child was born to a happy set of parents and some one asks are you dissapointed caus it wasn't a girl/ or boy instead. NO NO a healthy child is what everyone should be so thankful for. Funeral tomorrow for one of my best buddies. He was only 62. His machine used to melt aluminum to liquid blowed, we don't know what happened,been doing that 40 some years. Trust me don't take your friends for granted. things can change in a blink of an eye.

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01-24-2007 21:21:55

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to coflyboy, 01-24-2007 14:02:27  
I feel for all of you here back in 01 my health went to he!! in a hand basket suffereing from kidney failure and belive me I would trade any of you here places not to have to sit in a chair 5 hours 3-4 days a week getting my blood filtered . And yes I look healthy as a horse but don't let looks fool you . Last week I spent 4 days being held hostage in local hospitial ,with trouble breathing they found a sack of fluid the size of a 2 liter pop bottle behind rt lung feels better now they drained it off . But don't ever take health for granted as I once did , and diabetics take the doctor serious bacause I would hate to see you in a dailysis center

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01-24-2007 20:12:41

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to coflyboy, 01-24-2007 14:02:27  
i am only 44 have been a self employed farmer since 1981, ive seen lotsa people vget on disability ssi that had nothing wrong with them, spending my life being to proud to beg to scared to steal i have done with out medical care, it has caught me, being a diabetic for the last 20 years with no medical care has caught me, i had a little toe took off 2 years ago, my left foot is black from my toes to the heal of my foot, i have no feelings in my legs from the knees down, my fingers are numb and i have lost sight in my right eye, and dont see without a mag glass or stout 3 par readen glasses in my left eye, im not eligable for ssi or welfare because i have 2 deeds , farm mach, and 3 trucks, i take 4 pills and 3 shots a day, the insulin i take costs right at 400 bucks a month, its pretty well broke the bank, i sure wish i would have give my self to uncle sam for 3 years shure would save me now, not looking for pitty i just needed to vent, i here people talking about being a diabetic and there sugar runs 150, with my meds the way they are now mine stays in thehigh 5s it has been over 1400

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01-24-2007 19:58:24

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to coflyboy, 01-24-2007 14:02:27  
I felt that way, until a motorcycle accident left me in bed for 8 months.

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Walt Davies

01-24-2007 16:12:42

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to coflyboy, 01-24-2007 14:02:27  
It seems like there are a few of us old dissabled guys on the list. I had a bad Heart attack a few years ago and went though "H" for awhile. Then when I thought things were getting better my MS decided to kick in hard and you know what that does to a person.
Funny thing is I can walk good on soft ground but let try to walk across a cement floor like Wally World or Safeway and I just lockup and need help to get back to one of those little eletric carts that they have.
Anyway enough about me I guess I missed the notes on Old being bashed but let me know I would have let them all have it real bad as I know what it means to not be able to do the things that you always did with ease.
I spent a lot of time in the hospital with doctors telling to retire from the farm and let a younger man take over. HUH! you got to be crazy quit farming, it took me 40 years to get into this now they want me to quit. Must City Folks who just don't understand what farming is all about.
Walt And don't call me to old to do something.

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01-24-2007 15:36:08

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to coflyboy, 01-24-2007 14:02:27  
I hear you, and I was the same way. Everything was designed to run like a sewing machine. Time critical, and for someone 6'1, 235, and in better physical ability than when I got out of the Army.

Now, here I am at 39, using 2 canes. Cant get up from the floor without help, or kneel at all; right leg stuck bending 0-90 degrees with 4 pounds of steel and titanium holding it together. I watch my 82 year old dad, work his farm without help and then come help me since it takes 20 mins for me to get to and in the tractor.

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01-24-2007 17:05:35

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to kyhayman, 01-24-2007 15:36:08  

I have been wondering how you were coming along after that accident. Thank you for the update and I wish you well in further recovery.

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01-24-2007 18:07:54

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to farrviewsouth, 01-24-2007 17:05:35  
Thank you so much!! I'm alive, and I am better. Day and night I fight it and every day it gets a little better. Looking at another operation along about April to try to get me bending some more. Maybe a revision on the left side in October, but Im going to fight them on that. I'd rather wear a brace as long as I've got mobility than risk losing my flex to get more stability.

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John S-B

01-24-2007 15:49:06

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to kyhayman, 01-24-2007 15:36:08  
Hayman, I thought you was much older with all the good info you post. Ah, to be 39 again.

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01-24-2007 16:00:38

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to John S-B, 01-24-2007 15:49:06  
I was out to dinner the other night and the waitress commented on my 'daughter', ummmm..... my date and I went to highschool together, and she was a year ahead of me. O_O 40 is coming up fast though..

Unfortunately, I spent a lot of my life chasing the almighty dollar. Thought I had to get a boat load of college degrees and work 3 jobs to make my dad proud of me. I did get a lot of experience, and managed to learn from it. But I lost a lot along the way. The sole purpose of my existence was how to do ---- better, to make more....

Irony is, my dad, cried the other day (November 7), told me how proud he was of me. And all I did was get out of a car without help and walk into the docs office with crutches instead of that wheel chair. It took me 30 minutes to do it and in 20 degree weather the sweat was pouring off me.

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01-24-2007 14:10:58

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to coflyboy, 01-24-2007 14:02:27  
Thank you. Yep I have troubles and can't do what I once did but I have my pride also and I do as much as I can when I can. Takes me a week to do thing that usto take me a day to do. Back in 1996 when I had my back surgery I could even pour my self a glass of soda because the soda bottle was to heavy for me to lift. I know there a lot of people that say they are disabled and if you look at me you don't see that I am and I sure didn't do it to my self. So guy please be nice to the people that are disabled. We are disabled not dead and we have are pride and we do try to do for our selfs but some times we just plain can't and do need help. So maybe next time you see some one in a wheel chair etc. Stop and ask them if they could use some help I'm sure it will bring a smile to there face and who knows theres a good chance you will be helping a Vet and that vet has help you keep the life you have here in the U.S.A. for with out him you would live in a world run by some one like hitler

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01-24-2007 15:48:02

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to old, 01-24-2007 14:10:58  
Hey Old,
Hope all is going well. I agree with your comments. A couple years ago I got asked to help guide for a diabled archery hunt. I did, but must admit I wasn`t too enthused, I was too busy, it was too far to travel, too much time away from work, etc. Needless to say, it`s a ton of work but I loved it. Now I look forward to guiding more than I do my own hunting. This group has opened my eyes to the disabled. Doing this, you get a real insight to the lifestyles of someone who is disabled. One of the biggest suprises to me is how willing people are to share their stories, and what it`s like to be in their position. When I get in one of those self-pity moods, I think of all my friends that it takes literally hours each day to do something that I can in minutes. Put`s a whole new perspective on things. If you or any on this sight are disabled and still love to hunt, check out the website for the United Foudation For Disabled Archers(UFFDA).
This is an awesome organization of people who just want to get folks out in the woods hunting. I could go on and on, but don`t want to hijack the original post. Take care and good luck with all the cleanup. Brokenwrench

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01-24-2007 17:22:46

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to Brokenwrench, 01-24-2007 15:48:02  
I still try to bow hunt some but now days its with s crossbow since I can no longer hold the string as I did years ago. But here the last few years its not been cold enough to do any real bow hunting and then gun season opens and you might as well forget bow hunting after that. All my stands are set up so I can drive within 100 yards of them so it makes it easy for me to get to them most of the time. Thanks

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Jim Johnson

01-24-2007 15:21:34

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to old, 01-24-2007 14:10:58  
Old you have to consider the source. If I can get a little time to go help my brother when he gets power back I'll try to get a hold of you and see if I can come over and help you out some. I was surprised to see who some of the ones were that said what they did. Jim

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01-24-2007 15:45:42

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to Jim Johnson, 01-24-2007 15:21:34  
Thank you. A lot of it had to do that most don't know any thing about me and they just assummed things with out taking the time to ask question as to the problems. Now days it seems a person sees some one that is disabled and think they are doing it to get out of working or tring to beat the system, but most are and do have a problem. Few ever take the time now days to even stop and ask a person if they could use help and most don't care about the other person any more. Sure would be nice if it was likeit was 50 years ago when if you saw some one needing help there would be at least 2 or 3 people that would stop and help and never think twice about it

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Jim Johnson

01-24-2007 17:16:48

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to old, 01-24-2007 15:45:42  
Yeah I know what you mean. One thing that gets me is when you help someone do something and a person asks why you did it and they are about half my age. It sure isn't like it once was. There's an ol' boy that bales some square bales for me for a landlord with horses, he told me he thinks he lived in the best of times, he said they didn't no one have much but they all helped one another and worked together, Max is about 90 now and I need to go see him and his wife. Jim

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Don L C

01-24-2007 14:34:05

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to old, 01-24-2007 14:10:58  
.....I am also disabled (left leg off and damaged roter cups from falling).....I have a great shop to work in,but can hardly handle the large pieces of steel when trying to build something.But I do what I can and wate until a friend stopes buy.....Problem is they stop by less and less...

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01-24-2007 15:00:57

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to Don L C, 01-24-2007 14:34:05  
Thats why my shop is rigged up with hoists and places for com-A-longs and I also use front end loaders to do a lot of the work for me. I've learned over the past 10 or so years how to do thing just need more equipment to do them. Years ago I could crawl under a car and get back upo with no problem now if I do it I have to have the window open or something just to get back up and off the ground.

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01-24-2007 14:24:38

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to old, 01-24-2007 14:10:58  
I do not know you very well, but I have been to your place and talk to you face to face. You are a very good guy to talk to, seem like a man with a heart of gold, I bought a tranny and wheel for a B, you sold it to me for what I thought was a very cheap price, and I really appreciated it. I could have stayed and talked to you for hours, you are an interesting man. The only reason I was not there half the day and night visiting with you was becasue of wife in truck. so these a$$es that are on your case because of the probelms you deal with, man ignore them, you got it all together in my opinion, and if they need to make their selves feel good by putting you down, that is their burdon to carry, not yours.
Take care and I hope you the best.

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01-24-2007 15:06:01

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to JT, 01-24-2007 14:24:38  
Thank you. I happy you where pleased with the stuff you got from me and I always do my best to be fair when I price things. I don't know if you could tell from what you saw of me that I am disabled but if you did I don't remember if you asked. I'm always happy to talk tractors and all with people that stop by and as you know I can talk up a storm if a guy lets me. Thanks again and your always welcome to stop by if and when you ever get back down this way

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01-24-2007 17:12:50

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to old, 01-24-2007 15:06:01  
OLD- I do not know you only by your advise you give us all freely.You share any expertise you have with any of us who have tractor problems.I to am a NAM vet and maybe your Navy ship supported me with artillery when I was in the jungle at night under fire and called out for some one to help me.I only know you by your free advise to us and the hardships you have endured that I am glad I live in a free country with someone like you.I Thank you and salute you.

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01-24-2007 17:26:28

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 Re: Was 10 feet tall and bullet-proof in reply to MT, 01-24-2007 17:12:50  
Thank you back

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