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OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn

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07-20-2006 04:09:09

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help!..the deer are wipeing out my corn. the corn is coming in nice, but at this rate i will be lucky to even get a taste my self. they have wiped out the tomato plants also. the garden is not in view of the house, so i cant keep a watch on it. i thought it was the coons, but i have deer tracks all in garden & have seen the deer eating my plants.i have a doe that hangs out on my place every year and raise"s here young. she is not to afraid of us or my saint bernard. i have 5 acres stuck in the city, so i cant shoot any varmits....this is my second year for planting garden. so i am still expierimenting. any good way of keeping the deer out of my garden??. my buddys told me to try a garden perimeter spray from home depot. or get some coyote or wolf urine. but i dont want to draw in any coyotes. i seen one here last year..

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07-20-2006 19:56:02

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
Rig up a motion sensor connected to a water sprinkler. When the deer move in the corn, the sprinkler comes on and scares them off. Or if they're coming in at night, hook the motion sensor up to a strobe light.

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07-20-2006 17:27:28

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  

Here's some thoughts from a retired state wildlife officer. Man...if I had a nickel for every deer damage complaint received in my career (25 yrs), I'd be a rich man.

Best but not the cheapest: Electric sloped deer fence as described in Matt in Ct's post earlier today. Deer are more afraid of jumping a wide barrier than a high one any day.

This is a 100% effective solution, especially for your 5 acres of garden if surrounded by an urban or busy suburban environment. You've created a deer oasis, unfortunately.

Too much effort ? Try a product called Chew-Not. I tried to link it here but haven't mastered that skill yet. This stuff works ! I've used it on ornamentals but you might have to do a more costly perimeter spray.

It sticks to the leaves for months and imparts a bitter taste to the deer/rodents etc. They spit it out, curse you out, and then wander to neighbor's garden. Home & garden stores or Agway shoud stock it or can get it.

Human hair and certain soaps can work but don't last long. Forget the urine and shiny pans.


Good luck. Send the nickel to:
Kestrel in CT

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07-20-2006 16:00:20

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
I was at our local feed mill the other day and saw this stuff called Liquid Fence. Supposedly works. Guarranteed. I don't have a deer problem in my garden so I haven't tried it. Good Luck.

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07-20-2006 15:06:01

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
try this!
Put up a fencer on wires about 36" - 42" above the ground. Cut some strips of tin foil as long as you can make them. Paint the strips with peanut butter. Lay the strips of peanut buttered tin foil over the fencer wires, THEN turn on the fencer. They don"t like the fencer on nose or mouth! They"ll probably rip the fence down the first time trying to jump away.

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Midwest redneck

07-20-2006 15:04:40

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
Shoot the deer.....They are a nuisance. Running into cars, eating gardens. I know that the PETA folks dont like me saying it. There are way too many deer, the population needs to be thinned out.

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07-20-2006 14:40:13

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
The only cure is a fence - I started out at 6', then had to go to 8'. Urine mixed w/water and sprayed works temporarily, as does an egg, blended with a drop or two of detergent in a quart of water and sprayed. I've heard fish emulsion mixed w/water and sprayed works too, but haven't tried it. Good luck.

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07-20-2006 08:29:54

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
The hiar thing as far as conservation works. It hold the human sent and deer don't like to be where a human is. Hang some all over the garden on the corn etc and you will have a lot fewer deer in your corn

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Tim Shultz

07-20-2006 07:55:15

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
I don't have a problem with deer, however my grampa has a herd of like 20 that come though his yard every night.. he has soap in his garden, they don't touch a thing.. the coons however...
Tim Shultz

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Mike M

07-20-2006 07:07:01

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
A crossbow will do it.

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jbilee johnny

07-20-2006 07:02:58

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
I put up a fence. We live in the country and have two dobermans that keep most things out. But, my biggest problem has already been stated-- small animals. There is one rabbit that can squeeze between the wire in the fence and takes a bite here and there out of everything. I was going to do lead therapy on him but my wife had a conniption. I just hope the rabbit grows fast from all he has eaten in my garden and cant get in.

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07-20-2006 06:54:53

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
Elect fence will work if done right. Deer have to be trained from it. I use 3 strands (8' Posts)of the poly stuff, keep em tight, get it out early in the season, first thing in the spring. Never leave it uncharged when deer are around. Use a good HOT charger. It took me years of exp. to learn this, it sounds crazy but it works. Don't have coon trouble so, can't help there. KB

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MN Bob

07-20-2006 06:04:02

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
Read the posts below, lots of good ideas, best is the slanted fence, may need to put the strands on lower half closer togather. We have all those problems. My neighbor (1/2 mile) uses electric fence and watchs all critters go near but not into his garden. Duplicted his fence, he checked it out and said it would work. Hotter charger, Everything goes right through it. Read where one guy had sloutes of german shepards and it worked. Cant think it would for long but maybe. good luck Bob

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07-20-2006 05:50:11

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
I don't know if this works or not, but my neighbors swear that it does. Best of all it's free. They go to beauty shops and barber shops to collect up cut off hair and spread and scatter it all over the garden.

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07-20-2006 05:29:44

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 Deer - corn- and electric chipmunks in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
I've had the same sort of problem here for years - but I cannot offer a good solution. I sometimes suspect that the deer - although usually the largest animal in our garden and fields - causes less damage then many smaller ones. We did have a moose come through our corn field last year - but that's rare. Also had a black bear in our blueberry bushes - but the corn wasn't bothered. Also had a beaver drop a tree on to a newly planted field. In regard to the suggestions offered by other posters - I've done them all and more - to no avail. My last effort was electric fence - and - what a joke! The deer go under, over - or through it until it breaks. But - one funny story. One day my dog was chasing a chipmunk - and just as they both got near electric fence - my dog got zapped when his nose hit the fence just an inch from the chipmunk. Ever since that day he shys away from chipmunks - he seems to think they are electified. And - in regard to chipmunks. They climb our blueberry bushes and pick half for themselves. We have our own small "kitchen" garden plus 10-15 acres of sweet corn, pumpkins, squash, cabbage, etc. that we sell roadside. So - some of the plants are in sight of our kitchen window, and others are over the hill and out of sight. Years ago my mindset was - we'll plant enough extra to feed the deer et. al. and still have plenty left over. That seemed to work at first, but not anymore. But . . . in defense of the deer - as far as I can tell - they finish what they start - i.e. if they start nibbling on a good ear of corn, at least they finish the d*mn thing - they don't trash the field. Now - the coons? It's like they're half drunk and mad at the corn and me. They will come - with friends and family - and tear down 20 ears - take one bite, and then tear down 20 more, etc. And, the turkeys? They cause early damage when the corn is in it's two-leaf stage. They either pull it out of the ground looking for the seed, and/or take a dust bath and leave a three-foot crater where young corn had been. And - the woodchucks and rabbits? This year they ate an entire field of broccoli and cabbage - looks like it was snipped off with scissors. I put out some live traps and caught a few possums, skunks, and porcupines also - they're eating something but I'm not sure what. I didn't kill any of them - just dumped them in the woods five miles away. The New York State Department of Conservation gave me special nusiance permits to kill six deer. I walked up to one field in the evening and a momma deer and two fawns were standing there in the corn - she looked a me without moving and the little ones just kept on nibbling. I did not shoot anything or anyone - just went back home. So - maybe it's now my fault. I don't have the heart to shoot a family of deer just because they want to eat. The coons - well that's a different story. I wish I still had my Blue Tick hound - I'd do a hunt one of these nights.

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Matt from CT

07-20-2006 05:45:18

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 Electric Fence for deer... in reply to jdemaris, 07-20-2006 05:29:44  
I'd assume these are the ones that work well...

I just don't want to pay to build one :)

See them around orchards occassionally, and usually around vineyards in my area:

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07-20-2006 05:27:13

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
I"ve heard the soap trick also. Sounds like it"s worth a shot. What about something that makes noise at random like pie plates or tin cans? My wife is having the same thing with her garden. I told her not to plant one and that she would be fighting every critter in the world. So far, we"ve got one pepper.

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Dave from MN

07-20-2006 04:52:30

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
Run a pulsating sprinkler over night if that is when they are coming. Or hang some really smelly socks of yours or rub yopur arm pits all day with little rags then hang them on the edges of the area you want them out.

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geo in MI

07-20-2006 04:49:54

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
I've had your problem, too--a mama deer that thinks my place is just right for raising her Bambi. I used cheap electric fence posts made out of rebar and strung up 20 pound test monofilament fishing line around the perimeter of the area I want to protect. About deer chest or neck high, as they mosey about the property, they come into contact with the line, they can't see it, it doesn't break, and they get spooked by it and go the other way. Seems to work for me(don't know that it will stop a deer that has already tasted ripe sweet corn--and it will definitely not stop a racoon or woodchuck.) But you might give this deer psy-op a try.

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Bus Driver

07-20-2006 04:29:50

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
Try some bars of the yellow Dial soap. We hang them in the mesh bags like used to package onions. Costs very little. The soap can be used at the house later. But Japanese beetles seem to love the soap. The predator unrine was not very effective at repelling deer, according to one study I saw.

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07-20-2006 04:27:16

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
An electric fence is the only sure fire way of keeping the deer and coons out.

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07-20-2006 04:11:56

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:09:09  
I tried a lound outdoor radio and that worked in my sweet corn patch.

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07-20-2006 04:23:51

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to hayray, 07-20-2006 04:11:56  
my garden isnt near any power, and i dont think the yuppies in the condo's next door would put up with a loud radio... but i guess i have put them threw alot worst{haha}. i do have a little AA radio i could throw out there. just have to figure out how to keep it dry..

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07-20-2006 07:16:08

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to wh604, 07-20-2006 04:23:51  
Solar powered fence charger. If you place your wires right it keeps out everything. But you might have to abandon your garden for a few days if a skunk gets into it :)

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darrell wilson

07-20-2006 07:24:22

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to IH2444, 07-20-2006 07:16:08  
30/06 or 357 works good

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07-20-2006 08:28:15

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 Re: OT/ deer in the garden wipeing out the corn in reply to darrell wilson, 07-20-2006 07:24:22  
I would put up some electric fence around it, put strands a few inches apart at the bottom to keep the coons and other small stuff out, put some more farther up for the deer. Smear peanut butter on the strands to get the deer to taste them once you plug the fence in.

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