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Yankees and buying parts....

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NC Wayne

12-08-2005 20:56:20

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I've got a question for all of you guys that live "up North". How in the heck do ya'll survive when it comes to buying parts from a business that's also "up North"? What I'm getting at is it seems like 99% of the business I've ever called in the North send everybody to lunch or something all at the same time. I called a place today needing a hydraulic motor. My customer's machine had gone done just before noon when he called me. He need to know right away when I could get the part so he could get things arranged with the trucking company to have another machine moved onto the site, if needed, so they could work tomorrow. When you do drilling and blasting work, like my customer does, and the pipeline crew is nipping at your heals already every minute counts. Anyway I called and tried the guy I typically talk to and got a voice mail. Needing to know something right away I dialed the operator who transferred me to another voice mail. I went back to the operator several times trying to get a real person with no luck. I even went so far as to bypass the operator and try to get somebody in the personell department to answer amd got a voice mailbox. I was finally told that everybody was at lunch that I'd just have to leave a message and rely on them to call me back when they got done. I wound up having to give up on that outfit after 15 minutes of trying (since their lunch was supposed to last at least another 45 minutes) and calling the OEM which is North of me but still only as far as West VA. They were only too happy to answer on the first ring and next day the part to me for about twice the price. I saved the customer nearly $2000 by letting him know right away he didn't need to move the other machine but it still cost him nearly $500 extra by having to go to the OEM for the same identical part. Maybe it's just me but I can't understand how any company can stay in business sending literally everybody to lunch at the same. If I told every customer that called me at lunch that I couldn't help them til I got done eating I'd be out of business in a very short time. Heck I've even called one place a while back and the entire sales staff was in a meeting so there was no one available to take my order. I wonder was the meeting about increasing sales??? If so they need some real world lessons.... Better yet are the places that have only one salesman. I had to wait a week once to order a part because the one and only salesman was out sick. What I can't understand is that I alway seem to have these kinds of problems with "Northern" based companies. If I call somebody down here around Charlotte, there's always somebody available. You might have to hold their hand to get the order placed but their at least there and functional enough to help you. I guess it must just be a "Northern Thing" so being a "Southern Boy" I just don't understand..... .....

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12-11-2005 17:13:46

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
Some shops in MN close down for the deer hunting and fishing openers.

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yankee parts seller

12-10-2005 07:36:42

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
its hard to have a orgy with the southern bell secretarys if your not all (off)or getting off for lunch at the same time

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NC Wayne

12-09-2005 21:41:53

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
Thanks for the replys. For those that don't think it's a matter of being above or below the Mason Dixon line all I can say is yes I've gotten voice mail for companies all over, that's normal anymore, but have never been told that the whole sales staff was out to lunch by any company that wasn't based in the North. I've called this outfit in the past when the problem wasn't urgent and caught the guy I normally deal with at lunch and simply left a voice message and he did return my calls as soon as he got back. In this instance though it was an emergency and the operator was the only "warm body" I could actually get hold of, that is if you don't count the times my call got bounced to the sister company that was next door who couldn't do anything the operator couldn't do. --- As for the company being Union shop it isn't.---The comment was made about flying by the seat of your pants instead of planning ahead. I try to keep the more common "problem parts" on hand for this customers machines and I normally have a spare motor but I had just put the spare on another machine and the one that blew out hadn't been on very long so I hadn't really been in any rush to spend $400 for a part that shouldn't have been needed for along time. Do you typically go out and buy a spare water pump for your car right after you put a new one on?--- Even if it was a Christmas party they should have left somebody there to sell parts. Just like the time I called and the whole sales staf was in a meeting. You can't sell anything if nobody is there to take the orders, that's obvious even to this country boy..... .OK, I'm through venting so I'll hush. I understand the world doesn't revolve around me and the problems my customer has but I also know that the whole reason to be in business is customer service and if you can't offer that you shouldn't be in business..... ..... .

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kj(SE IL)

12-09-2005 16:27:25

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
Paul; I work at a grain elevator, I can"t imagine that they can stay in business with that attitude we extend hours to fit the harvest situation weekends included, usually open for truck traffic at least 12 hrs a day, load out around the clock.

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John (MO)

12-09-2005 09:00:11

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
Farmerboy hit the nail right on the head.

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rc in ct

12-09-2005 08:04:46

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
I'd guess the company you called is probably at 1/2 the staff it had a few years back. The manufacturing sector on a whole up here is taking a beating. That is unless you build homes, commercial properties or work in the pharmaceutical field.

With the WWW we price everything on line get delivery terms and then follow up with phone call to verify reality. The human is the weak link in this scenario.

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12-09-2005 07:33:33

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
NC wayne, I don't think it's a north or south thing.

Go to a smaller U.S. Post Office at 11:35 AM and see how long it takes to get waited on. You will be there until 12:30 when they go back to work.(????? ??) It does not matter if there is a line out the door, they will be back when they are good and ready.

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Paul in Mich

12-09-2005 06:27:55

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
Wayne, I doubt very seriously that just being north of the Mason-Dixon line has much to do with your experience. I agree wholeheartedly that it is poor business practice that inhibits the ability of customers to do business during business hours, but I"m sure that that goes on anywhere, North, South, East, and West. I will, however, add a thought and possibility to your situation, and this may indeed be a "Northern" born institution. It may well be that the supplier whom you tried to do business with at the noon hour was a Union shop, and from experience, I can tell you that with these Union guys, that when the noon whistle blows, its lunch time no matter what, and they wouldnt answer a phone, or lift a finger if their job depended on it, for to do so would be percieved as a betrayal of the Union. We experience this even in the farming business to the extent that the one elevator that we are contracted with is Union, and their union hours supercede farming hours. As anyone knows that during harvest, it is necessary to be in the field when field conditions permit, regardless of the hour or of the day of the week, since here in Michigan, our growing season is short, and very unforgiving. Many times it is imposssible to combine soy beans or other edible beans until after noon because of morning dew and damp conditions. One would think that the elevator would yield to these conditions, and extend their hours, especially at peak times, but when the 4:00 whistle blows, the Union guys are out of there. That gives us farmers sometimes a 4 hour window to get a truck loaded and get to the elevator before it closes. We try to work within the system and have trucks loaded at night and be at the elevator at 8:00 am to dump, but that isnt always possible either, as everyone has the same idea, and the line is sometimes 3 hours long. The owners of the elevator don"t like the system, but the union has a stranglehold on how the company does business. i"m not anti-union, but I do see where they are not always customer focused, and can cause many problems within a business. The very business they depend on for their livlihood. I won"t say that this is the case with your bad experience, but I wouldnt rule it out either. And yes, unions do make the business atmosphere different here in the north and mid-west.

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12-09-2005 05:49:42

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
Could be a few reasons for your plight. None of which has anything to do with the Mason-Dixon line.

Tis the season for company Christmas parties could be, if it's a small outfit they just happened to be having the seasonal lunch out when you called.

If you call my office and I'm on the phone or away from my desk you'll get my voice mail which, if you listen to the message tells you to press 0 to talk to a warm body. Obviously that was not your experience.

You have a legitimate complaint, the outfit you called may have a valid reason for what you experienced, regardless they will still lose the business.

I grew up in Yankee land (MI)and have lived most of my adult life in the south (FL and TN). My experience has been that the North/South thing is not a factor. Leadership style, and business sense both good and bad are found north and south. Lattitude does not affect attitude.

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Mike M

12-09-2005 04:49:08

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
Try calling computer help line sometime ! Those people in India are a PIA !!!!

There is a local tractor salvage place near me. They have really grown fast and big. I sure can't figure it out as everytime you call they don't have a clue and then say they will call back and never do ? I guess the people like poor service ?

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12-09-2005 04:44:04

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
Perception is reality.

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12-09-2005 04:08:55

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
That's just one example...it happens with loads of companies all over the country. What I find often is that the contact person often has the call bounce to voice mail even if it isn't lunch time. They do call back but it's aggravating. The last one I dealt with was DeVilbis...big company and still the same problem.

One of the other problems is that the company won't have it's own "tech" staff...they farm out the calls to a call center. I suppose it works most times.

The last one I had the pleasure of being shuffled to was Iomega...an external harddrive I had a problem with. They channeled me to India and India only had so many options. I finally got ahold of a American in PA who was with Iomega as their immediate employee and he resolved my problem in about 2 mins..... .and he understood what I meant when I said "this is a crock of crap".

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12-08-2005 21:42:37

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NC Wayne, 12-08-2005 20:56:20  
Voice mail is never as good a warm body but if is there, it must be for a reason. Like to control cost and it should at least let the caller know that they are connecting. This will not soothe your disgust but when working on the supply side I observed that the best managed companies were usually the easiest to satisfy because they planned ahead and had fewer “emergencies” than the people who did not. The well managed could live with our deliveries and other aspects of our service. It was those who flew by the seat of their pants who always needed it yesterday. In Minnesota I would expect most of the industrial supply city desk type people to be available through the lunch period.

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12-08-2005 23:10:39

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to NEsota, 12-08-2005 21:42:37  
All these northern business are a little wacked one time I was sitting in chicago empty so they sent me home empty only to meet another driver 1/2 way home going up to chicago with an empty to load .so the morons paid for 650 miles worth of fuel deadheading and driver wages when I could have grabed it and saved them money .

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Jerry Cent. Mi.

12-09-2005 03:55:36

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 Re: Yankees and buying parts.... in reply to Leland, 12-08-2005 23:10:39  
Just another reason that bussiness is moving out of here.

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