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O/T - For the Veterans out there

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Case Lady

10-27-2005 08:16:48

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My babysitter's 13-year-old daughter wrote this for her English class - they were told to write something that could be read at a Veteran's Day Luncheon in our community. For someone who hasn't had the opportunity to talk with a Veteran, any Veterans in her family have passed on long ago, she did very well. I just wanted to pass this along to you to remind you how much of an impact you made on the lives of our youth. Respectfully, Sarah

Between the Stars and Stripes
Are several thousand heroes.
who helped us build our nation
From the ruble that anger throws.
The people we take for granted,
Are the people who keep us free.
They give our nation hope,
To be all that we can be.
How many times have you heard this before,
and how many times did you listen?
For as you're standing in this spot,
Another war hero glistens.
You know of people who are stars,
And worship their own style.
But have you listened to a veteran,
For more than just a while?
Their stories give us more,
Than details of a fight,
It lets us know the way they felt,
Every day and every night.
You may think war is just a thing,
Presidents do for fun.
But listen to the heroes,
About the wars they have won.
There might be ups and downs,
And even unbearable sorrow,
But nothing compares to the price they paid,
All for a better tomorrow.
Listen to a veteran,
About their life in war.
I promise you'll never wonder,
What Veterans Day is for.
Between the Stars and Stripes,
Are heroes of today.
And you might just want to listen,
To what they have to say.

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10-28-2005 17:39:56

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Case Lady, 10-27-2005 08:16:48  
Thank you Case Lady for posting that. I hope she gets to read it a few times for groups of people. Please thank her for me. How about letting her read our responses here? Maybe answer back? We need more kids like her.

I will second the opinions of those who favor mandatory military service.I think ALL should serve when they finish with school, be it high school or college. It gives a person valuable experience, a little time to mature before starting their life, an opportunity (if they take it) to save some money to get started with, and most important of all, it gives the nation a good base of experienced military people in the event of an emergency like WWII. What would we do now if all of a sudden we REALLY needed an armed forces double or triple the size of ours?

Tom Boyden USN 68-71

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10-28-2005 18:49:02

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to wdtom, 10-28-2005 17:39:56  
Perhaps Isreali practice- draft women also? They get about a third of the young women trained personal arms use and support. Domestic violence cases after training very low or quickly settled among trained women. French policy is mandatory training and a years service at 18 for men before they can go to college, students usually better behaved- still possible reserve duty and teacher sometimes a reserve officer. This gets about 2/3 rds of young men- some don't do military service, alternates exist and some exemptions for bad health. Continental Europe mostly some sort of conscription, amount of service varies, some exemptions. Swiss militia gets trained and take automatic weapons home with them - about 1/2 the men 21 to 35 reserve , after 35 get civil defense until sometime around 50. Civilian crime rate very low for Swiss, 1/2 murders are 'criminal tourists', makes Handgun Control annoyed- prime example of more guns=less crime. In case of natural disaster have a trained labor force to help out for floods, etc. Could have used something like that in New Orleans. Youngest brother retired couple years back from army- 20 year. Had another brother in Viet Nam '69- 7th calvary, 1st Airmobile. RN

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Paul in Mich

10-28-2005 04:40:08

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Case Lady, 10-27-2005 08:16:48  
13 years of age, perhaps, but wise beyond her years, most definitely. That poem should be required reading for anyone working inside the D.C. Beltway. Very profound indeed.

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10-27-2005 17:27:12

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Case Lady, 10-27-2005 08:16:48  
Misty;( USA 67-69

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10-27-2005 13:46:25

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Case Lady, 10-27-2005 08:16:48  

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10-27-2005 13:12:46

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Case Lady, 10-27-2005 08:16:48  
As a 23 year vet, I feel I can say a few words here. I will not knock anyone, nor do I want to.
The words are nice, and I like them.
Having said that, I have always felt one of the worst things this nation did was stop the draft. That was one of the best learning and teaching tools this nation ever had for installing self respect, respect to others, team work into some of the people who grew up in a less than perfect enviorenemt. They learned if you mess up...you go to jail. They learned there are rules and ya gotta follow them. They learned to watch out for their fellow man and help where you can. I feel if many of the inner city kids today were to go into the military, they just might learn there are other things in life than what they see.
I went in at 18...drafted. I stayed in. Many did not, but they learned the rules just the same. Every person took away a little more than he came with.
I served most of my time overseas. A generator mechanic does that. I spent 3 tours in RVN and never ask for one. I am not bitter, I figured it was part of the job.
I was also in some great places. Germany, Spain, France (sic ), and even Alaska for 4 years.
I had it better than some, worse than others...but it gave me an education and respect for self and others. I now bank a fair retirement check every month for my efforts. I still have a full time job, and the extra money helps.
Guess I better shut up before you guys come after me with a rusty crowbar.
Have a great day all.

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10-27-2005 16:44:42

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 Bill46 in reply to Bill46, 10-27-2005 13:12:46  
You are absolutely correct! I'm convinced that IF the enemy(whoever) was on our shores many would not stand or their mama wouldn't let them go and defend our country. Its so sad...

Bob USMC active 1960-68

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10-27-2005 13:25:00

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Bill46, 10-27-2005 13:12:46  

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Steve from Arkansas

10-27-2005 11:58:27

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Case Lady, 10-27-2005 08:16:48  
Chelsea did a wonderful job and seems to have a better understanding about things than a lot of adults do. Thank you very much Chelsea. It is all about a better tommorow.

Steve Franks
Veteran US Air Force, US Army, and Arkansas National Guard.

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10-27-2005 11:08:23

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Case Lady, 10-27-2005 08:16:48  
Mercy! that young Lady is out standing.

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Tim Shultz

10-27-2005 11:36:12

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Redmud, 10-27-2005 11:08:23  
tell her she did a great job!!!
and I would like to say thanks to all of the Vets out there! Tim Shultz

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John in B-ton

10-27-2005 10:46:36

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Case Lady, 10-27-2005 08:16:48  
tell her thank you!

I hope you don't mind if I share this with some friends.


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Case Lady

10-27-2005 10:52:06

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to John in B-ton, 10-27-2005 10:46:36  
I would be proud for you to share this. Chelsea is a very special girl.

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10-27-2005 09:18:10

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Case Lady, 10-27-2005 08:16:48  
Thank you for sharing that. As a Viet Nam veteran, I feel that most of the wars we fought in were unneccessary and could have been avoided. We went to war for the banksters, and because of treasonous actions of our leaders, (Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, Lincoln, Bush II just to name a few(, instead of any patriotic reasons. Young men were sacrificed for cannon fodder for political aspirations of many others.

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10-28-2005 04:52:26

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Dave_Id, 10-27-2005 09:18:10  
Dave_Id, The history books prove what your saying. A lot of the causes of WWII were because of the expansionism policies of the U.S.. Somebody in political office is/was getting rich off every war. I support our troops, but I don't have to like the reasons we're over there. Whether you'll like it or not, some of you'll might be alive today because of the protesters. Nixon ended the war because of pressures from home. What I've noticed through time is the soldiers' fight is more personal. He is doing it because it's his job but more so to get his buddies back. When they interviewed the injured soldiers, some with half their face gone or missing limbs, they wanted to get back in battle, not because of God and country, but because they didn't want to let their buddies down.

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trg WY

10-27-2005 20:03:20

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Dave_Id, 10-27-2005 09:18:10  
I respect you Dave though I don't agree. My dad was in WW2, started out in Tunisia, then to Sardinia, Corsica, not sure what order, Sicily, Italy but then got took around for France, Belgium, wound up 50 miles behind the lines 1st night of Battle of Bulge, Through all of that he wondered why they were there for, after all it was the Japanese that bombed us not the Germans. Then on a spearhead in the night just a few weeks before the war ended, he helped liberate a death camp called Dachau. He then for the very first time in almost 2 1/2 years knew why all the sacrafice. Maybe some bankers profited. But the people guys like my Dad helped save, what do you think they would have said to you? But I tell you I want to Thank you for your service. Sorry for long post. trg

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10-27-2005 12:54:16

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Dave_Id, 10-27-2005 09:18:10  
Fine poem. It is not for a soldier to make judgement on his ememny, only to arrange it.

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10-27-2005 12:10:24

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Dave_Id, 10-27-2005 09:18:10  
You're entitled to your opinion, but do yourself a favor and don't call our Presidents treasonous in my neighborhood.

USN Retired.

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10-27-2005 12:33:21

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Fawteen, 10-27-2005 12:10:24  
Fawteen I agree with you. U.S.Navy 1974-1980 I'm also a DAV. Now days there to many people that want us to live free but not pay the price that goes along with it. It makes me sick seeing protests because our guys over over seas doing a job to help us and others be free.

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10-27-2005 08:40:10

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Case Lady, 10-27-2005 08:16:48  
Tell her she did an excellent job (and thanks for listening).

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10-27-2005 13:19:50

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Galen, 10-27-2005 08:40:10  
She is wise beyond her years.AMS1 USN USNR 1964 1991.

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10-27-2005 13:43:33

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 Re: O/T - For the Veterans out there in reply to Dannie, 10-27-2005 13:19:50  
well said Chelsea went in the service out of HS. 1958 4 yrs. active I agre it turns a boy into a man

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