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My best day and worse day all in one

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john in la

07-01-2005 10:07:33

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Well I am not one to wash my laundry in public but you guys do feel like family.

Today would be one of my best days because this is the day I married my lovely wife 22 years ago. Even after 22 years of my sh*t she still stands by me.

Today may also be the worse day of my life so far as I just found out (the other woman in my life) my mom has something wrong with her bladder. It will be Tuesday before we find out if it is cancer or not but I have a real bad feeling about this.

Can I get you guys to please say a prayer for my Mom?????

Thanks John

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Eric Stevens

07-03-2005 21:10:02

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
John, my prayers will be with you and your family and Mother. Don't approach it as the end if in fact you find out it is cancer. My aunt had her bladder removed at the U.Of M. hopital in Ann Arbor Michigan about 2 years ago. They made a new one so that it is internal. She is doing fine now. May God bless and keep your family whole and healthy.

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Mark - IN.

07-01-2005 22:09:48

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Absolutely John, absolutely in my prayers.


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David A. Hodson

07-01-2005 20:36:31

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Already done. On happier note congrats, this August will be 10 years married and November will be 16 years together (long story) David

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Van in AR

07-01-2005 20:22:43

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Prayers are being sent. God listens, keep the faith.

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Davis In SC

07-01-2005 18:34:15

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Your Mom is in my prayers... My parents are both gone, but no day passes that I do not think of them, I only wish I had spent more time with them..... Congratulations on your anniversary, You are lucky, I never found a lady that could put up with me long enough for me to even propose..... ... Keep us informed how your Mom is doing...

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07-01-2005 18:10:26

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Not good here either. My patient and long suffering Mother In Law has a shadow a lung x-ray and Cat Scan. She never smoked but the Father In Law does. 2nd hand smoke exposure for 40 years. She went to Doctors for a year before a physician recommended by a friend listened to the "whistle" sound her breathing makes. Every body else said asthma and her a prescription for an inhaler.

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07-01-2005 17:33:36

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
John, The clouds in the distance that look as though they are bringing an unwelcome storm can sometimes bring an unexpected plesant breeze. I pray that God will rest his hand on your Mothers shoulder to see her through this ordeal and protect her with His blessings as well as all of your family. Keep your faith and our prayers will not end so keep us informed.

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07-01-2005 17:07:02

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
My prayers and thoughts, and congrats on the great achievement of a long lasting marriage.

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3010 Ken

07-01-2005 16:51:06

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Hey John; I just prayed for your mom and your family,the Lord hears us and I know He is happy you have shared this with us.Ya"ll will stay in my Prayers. Happy anniversary to you and your wife. Kenny

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07-01-2005 16:38:45

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
It is an honor to lift up a brother and bring his cares to the Throne, and it is a privelege to know He hears and cares, for He truly does.



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Kevin Bismark

07-01-2005 16:38:07

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
God bless her and good luck with everything, will be thinking about you guy"s, my mom was told she was going to die from breast cancer 10 years ago and proved them wrong, she goes in for tests every year and thank god they come out good every time so far, no matter what they say never give up hope, makes me wonder, you hear of some people that are told by the doctor that they are going to die in a few months and they just prepare to die, and some others are told the same thing and get really mad and fight for all they are worth and some of them make it. Alway"s keep your eyes open to stuff, had a friend a few years ago that had a buddy that had almost no time left and found some research done by a doctor in 1940 that was out there but no one did much with it, was on the learning channel the other day, different diet differt treatment, stuff I don"t know, I am not a doctor, don"t know if it helped but he is still going. Don"t give up hope, hope I am positive, sometimes I think people might think I am mad or tring to be mean because I am tired after a long day at work but all the guy"s here are really nice guy"s and we all seam to be the same im most way"s and if I ever type anything that sounds like I am angry I am not at all, just was a bad day and taking it out on my keyboard without looking at it, but I dont" really think I ever typed anything that bad, or I would have noticed it... I can deal with getting burned almost to death on the job, or electrocuted, it"s part of the job, but when it"s you mother or someone else close to you it bothers you more that anything that maybe would ever happen to you, the odds are a lot better than they wre 20 years ago, so never give up hope.

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dennis in or

07-01-2005 16:18:26

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
A mustard seed is small. all things are possible for those who believe

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07-01-2005 15:32:20

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
it's already been said and will follow with more. i wish god's speed and love. i lost my mom to ovarian cancer in 1991 at age 66 (too young) my wife has put up with my crap for 32 yrs. luck on your marriage and god's love for your mom.

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Big Don in Tn

07-01-2005 15:06:25

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
John it"s done. And God bless Jimmy King for sharing 34 years with his wife. Must have been a grand lady. I read these pages most everyday and greatly admire this group. So think positive John and I"ll be glad to pray for you Mom. Don

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Don L C

07-01-2005 14:24:14

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
John,I am not much at saying fancy prayers,but I think he hears us all,,,,I pray for the very best for your mom and strength for her family..... Don

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07-01-2005 13:28:36

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
You've got our prayers. Congrats on the 22 yrs. That is something pretty rare today.

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07-01-2005 13:07:49

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Got ya on the prayer list - wishing you and yours a good outcome.

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Jimmy King

07-01-2005 12:42:47

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
John, you and your Mom are in my prayers, but keep your wife up front. My Mom is 89 1/2 years old, some heart problems, doesn't keep her down. My wife of 34 years passed away over a year and a half ago. so you never know. God has a plan.

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Davis In SC

07-01-2005 18:44:52

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to Jimmy King, 07-01-2005 12:42:47  
Jimmy, I did not realize it had been that long since you lost your wife. I remember when you told us, it kinda hit home to me. I hope you are doing OK... God Bless

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John A.

07-01-2005 12:23:39

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
John, My prayer for your Mom, Family and You is that the LORD will put a hedge around ya'll. Protect ya'll, during this time. Your Mom will be healed. That the LORD will be glorified in this trial ya'll are going through now. To give you the pease that passes all understanding , to quiet your fears, To keep ya'll so close to HIS side that the evil one cannot get to you from any direction. Amen
John A.

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Bill in NorthCentral PA

07-01-2005 11:25:30

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  

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Joe in Minnie

07-01-2005 11:24:24

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
John, My Prayer from your Mom is that what ever the problem, it will bring her close to the Lord, as He is in control of all things. Some times these things happen in our life to either bring us close or farther away from God, I can tell you that He has Never Let me down, July 1983 I become a child of God, Born Again, (John 3: 5) been married July 1960, 45 years to the same wonderful Lady. I went through Cancer, aircraft crash, and many other things that could have taken my life, but God seen me through all of the bad times as well as the good times, when our work is done for Him, he will take us home, so please remember, He is in control, If we belong to Him, He takes care of His children, for the rest, Satan has his. So John, what ever happens, ask for His help and guidance through the bad times, and Thank Him for everything, leave nothing out, cause it all happens for a purpose, and we may not know what that is, but He does. God be with you in all your ways. Blessings, His Servant, Joe

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07-01-2005 11:10:36

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
John, don't let no "stinkin thinkin" as my pastor calls it get in the way of the joy and happiness you should be feeling right now on your anniversary. 22 years is something to be proud of. Your mom will be in my family's prayers. Just like others said in prior posts, the big "C" ain't the demon it used to be and is beatable.

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Norm in Alabama

07-01-2005 11:02:55

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Did ans done. Have courage and help keep your mothers spirits up.

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07-01-2005 10:46:53

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Done buddy.

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Brian in NY

07-01-2005 10:41:46

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  

First of all, you, your mother and your family are in my prayers.

I want to just remind you that you need to focus a lot of positive energy on your mom. Don't approach her with a note of gloom, approach her with a positive outlook and complete encouragement. She needs the positive thoughts. Don't make yourself believe that it is cancer for sure, or if it is cancer, don't be fooled into thinking it can't be beat. Millions of folks beat cancer of all types every day. I have a close friend who had colon and bladder cancer, and it was a tough road, but he made it and is doing great. In remission for 5 years and no sign of trouble. I know lots of other folks who have done the same. Keep in mind that in women, cysts and non malignant growths are much more common than in men. So keep your spirits up, and boost her spirits. Don't be an added worry on her mind. Remember that the Lord is walking with you and her both.

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07-01-2005 10:33:55

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Sent one up as I read this. For her and the rest of the family.

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07-01-2005 10:30:05

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Yes I will.Stop the bad feeling think positive.

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07-01-2005 10:28:33

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Shes on my list.

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07-01-2005 10:23:57

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to john in la, 07-01-2005 10:07:33  
Consider it done.

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Larry NE IL

07-01-2005 19:54:25

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 Re: My best day and worse day all in one in reply to RustyFarmall, 07-01-2005 10:23:57  
Include me

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