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OIL, what do you guys use?

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04-05-2005 07:18:31

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i have been useing the CIH low ash 10w and 30w. i have no objections to it other than the price. i need to trim some costs to get my inputs down and there is definetly cheaper oil out there and was just wondering what everybody else uses. do i need low ash oil or not? do i need non-detergent oil or not? i have a 706 wit the 263 gas, a 766 with the 360 diesel and a WD allis. i use 10w in the winter in the 706 and 30w in summer and leave 30w in the other two since they aren't used in the winter. i'm looking at napa oil but it is not low ash.

casey in SD

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NC Wayne

04-05-2005 20:04:55

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
Until last year we had always used Rotella 15/40 in all our engines both gas and diesel. On advice of a friend, who has used their products for nearly 40 years, and our observations of his equipment, we switched to oils made by Lubrication Engineers. It is more expensive than the Rotella or most of the others for that matter, but it's well worth it. A few for instances as to how good their products are. We just rebuilt a 3306 CAT out of an old excavator for the man that turned us onto LE. It had run twelve years since it's last rebuild and was running strong but suffered a ruptured liner due to electrolosis. After 12 hard years all that was done to the crank was to polish it because it still checked to the high side of the standard spec. This is typically unheard of after that many years and hours. My Series 50 Detroit that would hardly turn over in 30 degree weather now turns over and starts easily as well as running cooler. My Allison transmission runs cooler with theuir transmission oil, I've got another customer who uses it in his machines and rock drills. The compressors, engines, drills, etc all run cooler with their oils. Like I said the initial cost is higher but the oil change intervals are greatly increased also. So you figure twice the cost with three times the change interval and equipment that's running cooler and lasting longer and your saving money coming and going. Just my .02 as a field mechanic. I'm no salesman but I will speak up for a product I personally use and know works.

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04-05-2005 20:00:09

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
1. Mobil Delvac 1300 15W40
2. Shell Rotella 15W40
1. Mobil Delvac One 5W40

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Don L C

04-05-2005 19:13:52

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
I spent 35 years working in research and development..My main hoby is motersports....I spent a lot of time working with the research dept. at Shell Oil Co..... Here is what they told me.....Rotella T is the best overall engine oil they have ever tested....It was developed for diesel engines (low ash), but works very well in gas as well.....they recomend 15w 40w Rotella T...My engine tear downs result in spotlesly clern insides....I hope this will help you decide....There are several very good oils on the market today....Don

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sammy the RED

04-05-2005 18:24:55

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
I belive Pennzoil is a low ash oil.
Dealer told me that is who the Case/IH oil is bought from.

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R Brian M

04-05-2005 18:24:43

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
My dad (auto mechanic) told me years ago when he was alive....'why would you want to jeopardize an expensive piece of equipment to save a few bucks on oil?'

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04-05-2005 18:03:52

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
Well I won't be using Quaker State. I usually use Castrol or Pennsoil. Got some Quaker State on sale, did an oil change, noticed 5-8 psi. less oil pressure. Did another oil change a few weeks later, same Quaker State, same 5-8 psi less than normal. Did another oil change and put in Castrol, got back my normal oil pressure I have had for years in my truck. Have sent Quaker State two e mails wanting an explanation, no reply yet. It has been two weeks.


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04-05-2005 17:48:42

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
I use only Shell oils. Rotella T in the diesels and 10-30 multi in the gasers
Good prices at TSC

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04-05-2005 16:59:16

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
the cheapest I can!!!!! !!!

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04-05-2005 15:51:54

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
4-4960 Deeres,15000+ hrs ea.,8420 Deere 6600 hrs,2-75C Challengers 18000+hrs ea,Cat 416 Backhoe 11000 hrs,4 300HP Scania irrigation pump engines 15-20000 hrs ea,misc trucks,and smaller equipment all running Shell Rotella 15-40,and Fleetguard filters,never an oil related failure. All at a 200 hr. service interval.Don't try to save a few dollars on your routine maintenance,especially if your livelihood depends on your equipment,it will come around and bite you in the a$$.

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04-05-2005 12:25:37

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
bobistheoilguy.com,,here this will really confuse you,,lol.

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04-05-2005 09:27:09

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
On our farm/ranch we use 15w40 oil in every engine on the place. We use it in new tractors, old tractors, lawnmowers, trucks, 4-wheelers, personal vehicles, everything. We've been doing this for 20+ years and so far no engine trouble at all. Maybe we've just been luck, but it seems to work fine. We buy our oil in bulk from our bulk fuel supplier and so we use conoco oil.

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Jay (ND)

04-05-2005 09:16:17

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
I won't give you any specific recommendations, but here is what your tractors ask for.

The 706 wants a sulfated ash of not more than .5%. Above +32 30, below 32 10W.

The 766 does not specify an ash content. +32 30w, below 32 10w. The diesel may also use 15w40 above 15 degrees.

WD45 Allis? If so, that specifies 30w for temps 40-90. No ash content specified.

I guess I would compare the ash contents of the oils you are considering, but would stick with the 30w. Ash content is relatively low in most modern oils, but may not meet the .5% that your 706 wants. Whether an extra .1 or .2 is enough to worry about, that is your decision.

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04-05-2005 08:58:02

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
I suspect that most all good quality oils are low ash. The only reason to use non-detergent is if you'd been using non-detergent before and are too lazy, cheap or had some other reason for not cleaning the sludge out.
I use Mobil 1 synthetic in everything except my '52 Farmall Super M because its had non-detergent all its life until I got it and I'm still in the process of cleaning it out.
My Mercedes diesel car gets 5w40 Mobil 1 which is the same as Delvac 1 which is about the best oil there is for reasonable price. I change that at about 6,000 miles. My Dodge Dakota gets Mobil 1 10w30 at 7,000 miles. Lawnmowers have gotten 10w30 but I'm thinking to go to the 5w40 this summer since they're due. The generator has just passed its breakin period so it'll also get Mobil 1 this year.
I can tell you that my car doesn't start worth a dang when its cold, below about 25 degrees with conventional 15w40 diesel oil its a no go. With the 5w40 or the 0w40 I used before its no problem down to -10f. I've got an old White 10hp lawnmower that wouldn't barely run and was very hard to get started. I put Mobil 1 in it and it came back to life and we used it for another 2 years.

If I didn't use Mobil 1 I'd probably use Chevron Delo 400 or Mobil Delvac 1300 both are excellent conventional oils but heavier than what you're used to. Probably any name brand would be just fine. I'd only use the Wal-Mart brand if I were changing it extra frequently, although that oil is almost definately made by some name brand maker and bottled with Wal-Mart's label.

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04-05-2005 08:23:05

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
Oh Boy! Now you've gone and started it (again)! Another round of the "Great Oil Wars" 8^)
Everyone uses what they prefer and have had good luck with. I have had good luck with cheapo Wal-mart oil. I don't run a Diesel, so can't tell you anything about that. I do know that my 1997 Ford Pickup (5.4) has over 330,000 miles and is still going strong. I use it in both my tractors and have had great luck with it. Bottom line is - use what you know and are comfortable with.

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04-05-2005 08:46:32

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to Galen, 04-05-2005 08:23:05  
sorry, i didn't mean to start anything, i am not concerned with cars and trucks, i have my own preferances there. i am only talking about tractors that are used in a farming operation, not for the weekend warrior situation. i want to hear from the guys that are actually operating/farming.

casey in SD

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04-05-2005 09:36:58

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 08:46:32  
sorry I don't qualify as a real farmer! Been using it on all my stuff for as long as it's available - on or off farm. I may not have 1000 acres (only 100), but was just leting you know what I have experienced. Now I remember why I left this board for 6 months .....

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04-05-2005 11:28:36

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to Galen, 04-05-2005 09:36:58  
i did not mean to step on any toes and certainly did not want to upset anyone. now that i read my post again i realize i came off in a way i did not intend. i know these oil topics have been beat to death in the past but very few relate to newer tractors that are used in modern operations. majority of the folks on this site are not full time farmers therefore lubrication demands vary. i have nothing against part-timers since i am currently one myself. a 560 used as an acreage tractor requires different oil than a 560 working it's guts out in the field. i'm curious as to what the guy that feeds cattle everyday uses, the guy that goes for weeks staight in the spring tilling and planting, etc. once again i am sorry to have upset you and certainly did not mean to in anyway.


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04-05-2005 14:15:05

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 11:28:36  
I appologize also - I 've run into a few on this board that have an atitude that ran me off for awhile. - guess I need thicker skin 8^)

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04-05-2005 08:16:09

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
since i use "mathy"-additives with my oils, i don't have any reason to worry about my oils in any way...

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Jay (ND)

04-05-2005 09:01:31

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to heiko, 04-05-2005 08:16:09  

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04-05-2005 07:46:11

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 Re: OIL, what do you guys use? in reply to caseyc, 04-05-2005 07:18:31  
Trying to save money on motor oil is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. You get what you pay for, and if the less expensive oil doesn't protect as well, then the cheap stuff is actually the most expensive.

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