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Tractor Talk Discussion Forum

A Message From The Rural Midwest

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Allan in NE

04-04-2005 18:17:37

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Because of misunderstandings that frequently develop when Easterners and Californians cross states such as Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, and South Dakota, those states' Tourist Councils have adopted a set of information guidelines.

In an effort to help outsiders understand the Midwest, the following list will be handed to each driver entering the state:

1. That farm boy standing next to the feed bin did more work before breakfast than you do all week in the gym.

2. It's called a 'gravel road.' No matter how slow you drive, you're going to get dust on your Navigator. I have a four wheel drive because I need it...not just to keep up with the neighbors.

3. We all started hunting and fishing when we were seven years old. Yeah, we saw Bambi. We got over it.

4. Any references to "corn fed" when talking about our women will get your butt whipped ... by our women.

5. Go ahead and bring your $600 Orvis Fly Rod. Don't cry to us if a flathead catfish breaks it off at the handle. We have a name for those little trout you fish for -- bait.

6. Pull your pants up. You look like an idiot.

7. If that cell phone rings while a bunch of mallards are making their final approach, we will shoot it. You might hope you don't have it up to your ear at the time.

8. That's right. Whiskey is only two bucks. We can buy a fifth for what you pay for one drink at the airport.

9. No, there's no "Vegetarian Special" on the menu. Order steak. Order it rare. Or, you can order the Chef' Salad and pick off the two pounds of ham and turkey.

10. You bring Coke into my house, i t better be brown, wet, and served over ice!

11. So you have a sixty-thousand dollar car you drive on weekends. We're real impressed. We have quarter of a million dollar combines that we use two weeks a year.

12. Let's get this straight. We have one stoplight in town. We stop when it's red. We may even stop when it's yellow.

13. Our women hunt, fish, and drive pickups, trucks and tractors because they want to. So, you're a feminist. Isn't that cute.

14. Yeah, we eat catfish. Carp, too -- and turtle. You really want sushi and caviar? It's available at the bait shop.

15. They are pigs. That's what they smell like. Get over it. Don't like it? Interstate 70, 80, & 90 go East & West; Interstate 29, 35
& 55 go North & South. Pick one and use it accordingly.

16. The "Opener" refers to the first day of deer season. It's a religious holiday. You can get breakfast at the church.

17. So every person in every pickup waves. It's called being friendly. Understand the concept?

18. Yeah, we have golf courses. Don't hit in the water hazard. It spooks the fish.

19. That Highway Patrol Officer who just pulled you over for driving like an idiot ... his name is "Sir"... no matter how old he is.

Now please, enjoy your visit. Just don't overdo your stay, we have corn to plant.

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04-05-2005 19:01:55

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  

My head's a buzzin. Can't believe someone would take exception to the joke. What a sorry, pathetic life they must live.

Welp, I thought it was funny.

Thanks for posting.


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04-05-2005 12:53:34

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
Allan, Now that really ticks me off, and here I've looked high and low for some really good horseflesh that you and the wife would be proud to own, and then you post something like this. I don't know what Ben Brown has a problem with. Anyone can tell that this was directed at me of all people. My feelings are hurt, I'm all upset, and there is a slim chance that I may not sleep tonight, thanks to you. So you can find your own horses, and I'll keep these fine thoroughbreds I already bought for you. I'm glad you posted this when you did, so I could see you for what you really are. And to thank, I was just about to pull out with four of the finest animals you ever laid eyes on, knowing you would be more than happy to reimburse me for the $80,000,00 {thats eighty thousand U.S. American dollars}that I paid for these fine animals. Well, YOU can forget it. I'm off to the glue factory now, hope you sleep well tonight.
Redmud: P.S. Do you reckon, you could go ahead and reimburst me the eighty thousand U.S. American dollars?

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Allan in NE

04-05-2005 13:07:40

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Redmud, 04-05-2005 12:53:34  

I admit it. I'm just not a very nice person.

Could ya still send those planter parts we talked about tho? :>)


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04-05-2005 06:40:13

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
Well done..... .as usual Allan.

Now you know why we live in the country. But a lot of these urbanites are moving out here and bringing their urban stuff with them.

They come to the country to get away from it..... naw. If they wanted to get away from it they wouldn't bring it along.


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04-05-2005 05:36:55

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
when you meet someone while driving , they may wave with all five fingers instead of one

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Mike (WA)

04-05-2005 08:22:59

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to workhorse, 04-05-2005 05:36:55  
Actually, it usually is just one finger- but its the index finger, just raised from the steering wheel without removing the hand from same. Saw this a lot in Montana when touring the back country.

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04-05-2005 09:11:45

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Mike (WA), 04-05-2005 08:22:59  
Also known as the Minnesota Finger Wave.

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Brent in IA

04-05-2005 04:52:19

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
Good one Allan! Being from Iowa, born in ND, and going through high school in MN, I can relate to it all. I have travelled the U.S. and beautiful Canada, spent time in big cities, and always returned home to the Midwest. Your list could apply to ANY rural area, not just in the Midwest as someone thought you (or the author) had implied (although most readers understand that).

There are great folks everywhere, but it seems that rural areas have a higher percentage of those who love rural life. This may be because they never wanted to leave, or saw how great it was and moved to the rural area.

I have 4 kids and a new grandson, we had a city friend and his wife over this weekend and he hasn't shut up since he went home. He got to do all the things he never did as a kid:
Rode a horse, rode a mini-bike, rode a 4-wheeler, and yes....rode Tony, our 1,000 pound holstein steer. Check this clip on the web (we had him wear a helmet).

Anyway....that list was funnier than ever and thanks for posting it.

Have a great week to all of you on YT.

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04-05-2005 05:14:03

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 How could you? To a defensless critter! in reply to Brent in IA, 04-05-2005 04:52:19  
third party image

I'm offended!!! We'll be keeping an eye on you and yours! We have eyes everywhere! Be affraid be very affraid!

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Brent in IA

04-05-2005 05:21:17

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 Re: How could you? To a defensless critter! in reply to PETA, 04-05-2005 05:14:03  
Thanks for the great picture. My son LOVES squirrels (and not to eat...), I think I will also steal that photo.

However, a good friend of mine often tells the story of his city roommate during college who was being irritated one night by my friend spitting shot-pellets out of his mouth onto his plate while he ate left-over squirrel his mother sent back to the dorm with him.

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Brent in IA

04-05-2005 04:54:03

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 Video clip link in reply to Brent in IA, 04-05-2005 04:52:19  
oops,link didn't attach. Sorry

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Allan in NE

04-05-2005 04:50:39

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
Hey Guys,

That little ditty was sent to me in an email by my friend Harley down in Mo.

Just thought it was funny and wanted to pass it on to my neighbors.


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Rod in Smiths Falls, ON,

04-05-2005 04:46:22

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
That's pretty good. I always thought that opening day of deer hunting deserved to be classified as a religious holiday.

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04-05-2005 05:24:04

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Rod in Smiths Falls, ON, , 04-05-2005 04:46:22  
Good one had to forward it to some guys here at work cause they chase there tail every morning in the gym and the tease me about not going to the gym. I keep telling them all they have to do is come home with me after work and I'll show them what work is like on the farm. If they want a work out I'll let them chop all the wood they want to!

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04-05-2005 03:45:59

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
Thanks for the morning chuckle :? )

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Hugh MacKay

04-04-2005 23:46:16

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
Allan: Don't run away with the notion you folks are the only ones busy. As I look through the photo adds here at YT, where do I find the 06, 56, 66 and 86 series tractors with little more than 5,000 hours on them. Sure is not where I come from out east. You'd be lucky to find one out there under 15,000 hours and would more commonly find them with 20,000 to 25,000 hours.

Oh yes, and we plow all our BS under, makes good fertilizer.

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Dave H (MI)

04-05-2005 05:35:25

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-04-2005 23:46:16  
Now Hugh, that's Canada! You can't count all the hours you spend making beer runs! That racks up a lot of time on a tractor.

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HA in Oh

04-05-2005 05:00:24

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-04-2005 23:46:16  
Hugh I thought all tractors for sale never have over 5-6000 hrs, same as for cows that are for sale, they are never over 8 yrs old.

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ben brown

04-04-2005 20:30:39

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
allen then i am to asume that the rest of us who live in the other 40 states are all slugs,jurks,a---. instering as a ky resident formaly of colo. who has been in most all of the states of this great country i must disagree and bet that there are as many undesiarble people in nebraska as eles where. the problem of your statement and other here is this. couple day ago i read your post about needing a drum for a 500ih planer and a plate to hold it on well, i though i might have one,that i could send you but seening how i am not from one of the blessed states i guess i just keep it, oh i also have drum for milo maybe someone in one of the other 40 unblessed states can use it.i though that sence the election was over the board had got back to tractor talk, but i guess i was wrong. it is to bad that you have such hard feeling toward you fellow americans. whats that saying that maybe it not your fellow americans that have a problem but maybe its the person you look at every time you look in the mirror. over the years i have dealing with people all aross this country and have found that most well go out of there way to help even thoes of use who live in the 40 states not making you cut. and ben brown is my true name my dad always told me. rest his soul, if you not welling to put your true name on what you say then it not worth saying.

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Allan in NE

04-05-2005 07:49:36

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to ben brown, 04-04-2005 20:30:39  
My Goodness Ben,

Sure didn't mean to ruffle your feathers.

It is just an old joke and I was just trying to make everyone smile.


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04-05-2005 08:02:34

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-05-2005 07:49:36  
Hey Allan, you made me smile, but ole Ben made me laugh; check out this link and see if it applies to anyone who replied to your post..... ....

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Pajamafied John

04-05-2005 06:33:05

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to ben brown, 04-04-2005 20:30:39  
There is always someone just dying for a chance to be insulted. Don"t take much. I liked it....from the east coast

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04-05-2005 04:34:32

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to ben brown, 04-04-2005 20:30:39  
Mr. Brown....

You just made MY DAY. (When I realized that I'm not YOU) GET A LIFE....


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04-05-2005 06:52:58

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 04-05-2005 04:34:32  
IDF well said Steve

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04-04-2005 23:22:01

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to ben brown, 04-04-2005 20:30:39  
I thought it was very funny...And very true...Ive seen a lot of city slickers out in the country wanting to hunt deer just for antlers or having a fit becuase the cattle lot or hog farm smells bad...Sure dont bother them to sit and eat a Steak...Some people dont even know where food even comes from...So i guess you can be a big man and hold planter parts hostage...I wouldnt want to accept them from you anyways....Get a life...

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04-04-2005 22:39:54

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to ben brown, 04-04-2005 20:30:39  
I am from one of the unlisted states in Allen's post (Texas) and I thought it was VERY funny. Makes me wonder how many of the rules hit home with you. Get a life! Just so you know, they don't really stop you and hand these out. CLW

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Davis In SC

04-04-2005 21:37:05

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to ben brown, 04-04-2005 20:30:39  
Gee, nothing to get upset over, I thought it was funny.... I bet right now some hi-falutin' city folks are cracking jokes about all us country bumpkins...All in fun..... I often trade jokes with sophisticated folks, we all have fun, 'cause no harm is intended.

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04-04-2005 21:25:09

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to ben brown, 04-04-2005 20:30:39  
Allan's message is an old piece of humor--try a google search for it. I found it on half a dozen Web sites.

This type of humor is really aimed at the city folks who don't understand rural life. For example, all I ever hear from my West Coast friends is how "flat" Iowa is. Nebraska is flat, but Iowa? Nope!

Others call the midwest the "flyover" states--better to fly over than to drive through. Most of these same friends couldn't survive without their Starbucks, etc.

When it comes to the midwest, these folks don't know what they're missing. I'm sure the same could be said for your state of Ky. Frankly, I'm glad they stay on the coasts. Keeps the land prices down :-)

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Hugh MacKay

04-05-2005 03:36:49

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to MichaelNEIowa, 04-04-2005 21:25:09  
Michael: We all know that Allan was not the author of that piece of work. Problem is, he doesn't give credit to the author, thus he may be in voilation of coptright laws. Furthermore most of us easterners don't believe people from mid west actually act this out in real life. Well, maybe a few city slickers do.

Believe me, some of the finest US citizens I've met came from the states Allan listed. I have a cousin, used to truck from Halifax Nova Scotia to California, via I-80, (think I'm correct on I-80, if not correct me). His favourite stopping point for his manditory rest periods was rural Iowa or Nebreaka. He quite often rented a car just to see rural IA and NE. He was however most taken with the people of rural IA and NE. By the way he had trucked in most of the 48. He ranks rural people from IA and NE the finest.

So perhaps Allan should not be selected as your good will ambassador. I intend to tour the mid west, as I don't consider it a fly over zone. I doubt if I notice a lot of difference between home and there, other than these folks farming with low rainfall and rattlesnakes.

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04-04-2005 21:20:22

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to ben brown, 04-04-2005 20:30:39  
Ben, lighten up a little! It"s just a joke that has been emailed around for awhile. It"s funny! It isn"t Allen"s opinion, it"s just a joke.
Stan(from Pennsyltucky)

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37 chief

04-04-2005 20:24:49

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
A lot of things in life we have no choice over. One is where we were born. California is where my mother had me. I would leave in an instant if I could. My Grandpa tried leaving one time got about 50 miles away, and turned the horses around came back. My dad told me the reason, but don't remember. I drive a beat-up chevy el camino, and my work truck is 80 ford F 350. Still heat my house with a wood stove. Don't smoke and never did (anything) and I do like my coke with ice and sometimes a little rum. There are still some down to earth people left in Calif. I think there are now around 10.Got to get back to work. Stan in calif

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04-04-2005 19:54:05

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
Great message Allan . Sent it to all my relatives in Neb and north dakota . They"ll get a good chuckle out of it . Unless thier out planting corn lol

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Joe Evans

04-04-2005 19:34:06

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
Yep, I'm gonna pull a Milton Berle and steal this material. It'll hangin' in my office right next to my McCormick-Deering sign and tractor calendar.

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04-04-2005 21:17:11

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Joe Evans, 04-04-2005 19:34:06  
Allan didn't come up with this by himself. Try a google search--this is old material.

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Mike (WA)

04-05-2005 08:12:32

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to MichaelNEIowa, 04-04-2005 21:17:11  
Well, you're sure a fun guy! He's the first to post it here (for we of the non-googling persuasion), and we appreciate it. Feel free to post some of the other old material you find- we're just in it for the chuckles, regardless of source.

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Allan in NE

04-05-2005 13:14:02

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Mike (WA), 04-05-2005 08:12:32  

Yep, the only thing I ever came up with was two daughters. Now, ya got me wonderin' 'bout that. :>)


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NC Wayne

04-04-2005 19:25:03

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
Hey Allen, I like that. There are still a few of us down here in the South East that feel the same way. If the Carolinas ever get too bad and so over crouded with yankees that we Southern Boys can't stand it anymore have ya'll got any room out that way for us? If so I know where I need to head... if we can't run enough of those dam- yankees home to get things back to normal that is.....

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Jay (ND)

04-04-2005 19:01:15

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
20. Yes I do know everyone in the bar.

21. It"s my backyard. I"ll pee it in if I want to.

22. Don"t be afraid. They're my neighbors, they often stop by just to say hi.

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04-04-2005 18:36:57

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-04-2005 18:17:37  
Hello Allan in NE,

Hey I like this, hope you don't mind me copying it and taking it to work. Here in Clovis, New Mexico there is always someone complaining about something from the base.

later days mate,

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04-04-2005 19:39:43

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to CRUSADER, 04-04-2005 18:36:57  
Thought you"d like these biggun. They got a chuckle out of me. Harley

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04-05-2005 05:25:05

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Harley, 04-04-2005 19:39:43  
Hey HArley! Notice how Allen pawned his whole insensitive rantings on to you?!?!?? :? )

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Allan in NE

04-05-2005 07:37:36

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Sloroll, 04-05-2005 05:25:05  

Everything is Harley's fault. You should have learned this by now! :>)


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04-05-2005 07:56:42

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-05-2005 07:37:36  
Finally, a chance for me to jump in. Allan in Ne is correct, it is all Harley's fault, he sent the same e-mail to me.

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04-05-2005 08:10:53

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to RustyFarmall, 04-05-2005 07:56:42  
This has the smell of a coverup guys... Harley is one of the nicest guys I have seen post!! I can't believe he would be so insensitive! I've seen that he has sent Allen money to help defray the cost of horse ownership too!

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Allan in NE

04-05-2005 08:09:44

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to RustyFarmall, 04-05-2005 07:56:42  
Mornin' Rusty,

Can you believe the reaction to a silly joke?

Takes all kinds to make the world spin I guess. :>)

Oh well, if they are busy screamin' at me, it should take some of the pressure off the rest of you guys. :>)


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04-05-2005 08:25:14

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Allan in NE, 04-05-2005 08:09:44  
I guess maybe the joke needs to be re-worded a bit, somehow I totally missed the part about it referring to just Iowa or Nebraska. I've always been under the assumption that Kentucky is about as rural and down-homey as you can get. I still don't see where any one from a rural area could take offense, no matter what state they are from.

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04-05-2005 09:56:36

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to RustyFarmall, 04-05-2005 08:25:14  
Well now to keep in the spirit of things, I AM REALLY PI$$ED NOW. To think anyone who would plagerize something as significant as this piece of valuable information. I think I will side with Mr. Brown on this one. His lack of humor, bad spelling, mispronunciation of words, and misused context notwithstanding, he has a point. Don"t really know what in the world it would be, but it must be in there somewhere.

He He, you guys all know me too well by now. Can"t get one over on ya"ll much any more.

But on the serious side, having trucked all over the lower 48, been to Nam twice, born in Iowa, worked in Nebraska, now live in southern Missouri, I can tell you unequivicably (25 cent word here) that these are all pretty much true. This don"t mean that all people from elsewhere act like these examples, it just means these examples are to be found there. Heck we had a sprout in the quik mart the other day with nose rings, lip rings, spiked hair, and pants down around his knees, and after he pulled them up from around his ankles where they had fallen down to, he looked just as silly as we thought he was. It"s not just here, it"s everywhere. Look around. The "leaders of tomorrow" just scare me to death. But hey, I came up during the 60"s, and I know for a fact that the world thought it was goin to He11 in a handbasket with us leading it. Oh well, such is life. Live long and prosper, Harley

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Josh in Indiana

04-05-2005 23:04:02

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 Re: A Message From The Rural Midwest in reply to Harley, 04-05-2005 09:56:36  
Great post Allan. Perhaps ben oughta drink a tall glass of sweet tea to cool those jets. Keep up the good work.

God Bless
Josh in Indiana

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