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Debates, not totally O.T.

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10-11-2004 07:50:05

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Bush wins again. Of the two bozos that we get to chose from for our leader, one can be relied on to deliver the most memorable lines.

"We can't let trees mature because they just catch on fire".

Does the age of the trees in a forest have anything to do with forest fires? I guess that's what happened to all the old growth forests, they must have burned.

"We need to establish clean air regulations for off road equipment"

Does anyone have data relating to the ratio of off road gallons used to on road gallons used? My guess might be way off but I don't think it would be much more than 1%.

I'm looking forward to hearing even more wonderful ideas from this clod.

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10-12-2004 07:09:38

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 07:50:05  
Well now I know why it's not a good idea to post political opinions around here. I guess I've been duely straightened out.

I'm still gonna have a hard time casting a vote for the clod though. Either of the clods for that matter. Don't know where they find these guys.

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10-11-2004 21:03:12

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 07:50:05  
I think you guys need to be more like yule gibbons and just eat the pine cones .

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Alberta Logger

10-11-2004 20:26:59

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 07:50:05  
Being a forester I know that removing mature and over mature trees reduce the fire hazard. These older trees die and fall down creating downed woody debris which is great fuel for a fire. If they log all of or portions of these stands they are creating fire breaks in the forest. Yes a fire will travel through a clearcut but it will be on the ground where it can be more easily fought whereas if it were in a mature stand it could be 100' in the air and much more difficult to fight. In a world undisturbed by man the forest may burn qiute frequently but years of fighting fires and forest pests have created an un-natural amount of older trees a that are more susceptible to fires and this results in larger fires of greater intensity. So I say log away but end the tariff on Canadian Lumber

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10-11-2004 20:03:57

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 See, the problem is... in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 07:50:05  
Setting aside the presidents ability or lack thereof to speak...

The problem with letting loggers come in and "thin out" out national forests is that they won't. The problem is scrub trees and brush and bushes, not the large 60-100 year old trees loggers want. Taking the tall trees causes another problem. When the shade is removed, the undergrowth dries out and becomes a tinderbox.

Don't know if anyone else had let loggers into thier woods but Dad just had his logged last year. The only time they cut scrub trees like boxelders and ash were when they were in the way of the real trees. They also left all the limbs from the trees they took laying around.

I agree that our national forests need to be maintained but absolutely disagree that loggers are the ones to do it. They're able, not willing. If requirements were made that they had to cut the scrub trees and they were told to clean up after themselves, they'd say, "No thanks."

The EPA's budget has been gutted for Mr. Bush's other projects so regulating "Off road" emissions is pry on the back burner at this point. Funny how us conservatives are all for small federal government but this administration has enlarged it by leaps and bounds. Someday, everyone on here will realize that this administration really isn't conservative. It touts ultraconservative views but doesn't uphold them...

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10-11-2004 15:44:42

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 07:50:05  
Well, well, well! Seems somebody is a tad bit confused. Paul did an excellent job of explaining the fundamentals in a very concise manner. Hopefully you will grasp the jist and think before your next post! You are embarrassing yourself and all of us as "Tractor Brothers."



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10-11-2004 10:58:03

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 07:50:05  
Looks like there wasnt anybody that read what you said or that you quoted the president just labeled you a tree hugger and a Bush hater. If our president talks like he's giving a fifth grade book report (big trees burn) maybe its time for somebody else.
The clean air off road is another Bush quote, well the point your making about the quantity of off road is like the bill Schwarzenegger is considering. Smog testing cars 30 years and older. How many 30 year old cars are daily drivers every day. 30 years and older are collecter cars

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10-11-2004 10:43:11

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 07:50:05  
What a bunch of misdirected rot!
I'm not a tree hugger, I was merely commenting on the inane statement that any tree older than 10 years automatically catches on fire. Also, it's a good thing that you guys like older tractors because if our leader has his way you'd be shelling out an extra several thousand dollars for a bunch of tree hugging clean air devices on a new tractor.

Read the post before you make your stupid comments.

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10-11-2004 13:31:22

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 10:43:11  
I think you missed your own point! :)

Forests not managed at all are a danger. I wouldn't expect a person in a limited debate format to spend 30 minutes explaining one simple issue - what are you expecting? Unmanged forests are a danger, and that is the heart of the problem - seems clear enough.

Offroad vehicles are ag, industrial, tug boat, irrigation, lawn mowing, vineyard, track transportation - more - I believe it adds up to more than 1%.

Perhaps you need to set back a bit & consider what your goal is here, or what you are trying to understand.


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10-11-2004 14:56:18

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to paul, 10-11-2004 13:31:22  
Ok, let me elaborate some. I watched a guy on tv friday night who happens to have a political agenda that includes allowing big money paper and logging operations to run through our national forests garnering a huge profit that neither you or I are likely to share in to any perceivable extent. What gets me is how he managed to thinly veil his ambitions on the misfortunes of those who suffered through the recent devastaion of forest fires. I don't consider myself a tree hugger but get real! Sure, if you get rid of the forests there won't be any more forest fires and thats exactly what the individual infered. I suspect that most people that live in or around forests do so because they like trees. It's unfortunate that cyclical droughts hit us and forests burn but I continue to submit that it has nothing to do with the age of the trees.

I was asking for data concerning the ratio of On/Off road fuel. Like I said, I might be way off but you don't seem to have any more definative of an input. The way I heard our glorious prez was that they will target constuction equipment not tug boats and the such.

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mike j

10-11-2004 21:18:41

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 14:56:18  
I don't usually get involved in this kind of stuff but here goes I'm courious what area you live in and if you have ever been to the pacific northwest as i have talked to many people who are not from here and they truly believe the bs line that all the trees are gone and that logging has left the region as a wasteland NOW i do not totally agree with some of the practices being used but i live within 50 miles of what they called the biscut fire nearly 1\2 million acres of old growth forest destroyed . the sad thing is there were 2 logging crews within striking distance of the origin of the fire with equipment but when they called in the fire the forrest service told them they could NOT ENTER THE ROADLESS AREA to fight the fire LET IT BURN they were told and now they have wasted all the timber from this area by not allowing it to be harvested . by far the majority of our devastating fires occur in areas that have not been logged or not for a long time old growth has more bark and more pich which both create way more heat in a fire .please dont believe everything you see or hear on tv or other meadia as they are just as bad if not worse than the polititions them selves for having an agenda sorry for the long post. mike

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big fred

10-11-2004 17:49:14

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 14:56:18  
I dunno about that, I work in the aerospace/defense industry and I sure wouldn't mind seeing more logging. No, we ain't building planes outa spruce, but I live in a logging town and it sure would be nice to see my neighbors able to get work in their chosen field again instead of workin' at some menial job just so some danged owl can have his pick of the forest.

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Big Fred - Shame, Shame

10-11-2004 19:16:24

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to big fred, 10-11-2004 17:49:14  
Big Fred,

You should be ashamed, putting your neighbors ahead of the Spotted Owl! Have you no feelings? Where is your sense of moral decency? Who speaks for the OWL??? You Capitalists have your priorities all wrong!



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woodise owl

10-12-2004 06:20:30

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Big Fred - Shame, Shame, 10-11-2004 19:16:24  

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big fred

10-11-2004 19:25:07

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Big Fred - Shame, Shame, 10-11-2004 19:16:24  
Please, we prefer to be called capitalist PIGS! ;o)

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10-11-2004 16:19:11

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 14:56:18  
SO let me get this straight. Big money paper and logging operations garner all this profit. Profit is not a bad word, its needed to keep companies open and in business. These paper and logging companies hire people to do the work. Those folks pay taxes, buy cars, trucks, groceries, and other manufactured goods, which in return provide employment for other folks. These folks that are working also pay taxes as do the paper and logging companies. If these companies are doing good business, they are also buying new equipment and hiring more people. Since they are making money, they must have buyers for their products too. Yup, everyone making money, having jobs, contributing to the economic good of the country, yup, I can see how you can be against this. After all, we could import all our wood and paper products and let our money leave our shores, kinda like we do with ketchup.

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10-11-2004 15:53:53

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 14:56:18  
OK!OK! I think everyone knew where you were comming from and where you going. I reckon I'll vote for the clod..

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Allan in NE

10-11-2004 16:11:57

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Redmud, 10-11-2004 15:53:53  
That would be Mr. Clod, if ya dont' mind!


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10-11-2004 17:11:56

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Allan in NE, 10-11-2004 16:11:57  
Allan, your right, Don't know what I was thinking. And I am really trying to do better. Mister Clod it is.

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Allan/Redmud-You're Both

10-11-2004 19:10:39

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Redmud, 10-11-2004 17:11:56  
It's President Clod!!!


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Brian S, NE

10-11-2004 10:38:41

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 I'm a tree hugger in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 07:50:05  
It can get windy in my tree stand sometimes. I don"t like to fall.

"48 8N 60986

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Robert Cornell

10-11-2004 11:19:26

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 Re: I'm a tree hugger in reply to Brian S, NE, 10-11-2004 10:38:41  
I hug little pieces of tree that I carry in to heat the house all winter!

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danny prosser

10-11-2004 10:02:25

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 07:50:05  
I thought this website was for tractors.If you want to talk politics why don't you go to a politics website.I personally try not to talk politics or religion.As far as politics go you have your opinion and I have mine.As far as religion as long as you believe Jesus died on the cross for you we believe the same.Now as far as tractors go I like Fords best, but I'm sure somebody will have to argue about that to.

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10-12-2004 06:27:10

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to danny prosser, 10-11-2004 10:02:25  
Now danny eat more fiber and bran if you bible toting control freaks want to censor content start your own boring tractors only site, and practice what you preach if we can't talk about politics then you have to quit talking about jesus, bacause I belive they never made a jesus brand tractor.

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10-11-2004 09:01:30

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 07:50:05  
You tree hugging idiot's are NEVER satisfied. The day is fast approching when the country will see what you a--holes stand for. sure hope it's not to late.

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Jim in PA

10-11-2004 09:24:36

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Redmud, 10-11-2004 09:01:30  
I agree too many people jump on a cause because they just have the need to bawl about something. The problem usually is that they don't have the common sense or mental capacity to reason out what the damages of supporting their cause does to our society. These people usually can't effectivly manage their own lives so they feel the need to manage everyone elses. They only serve to cause hardships on others and are a detriment to our economy.

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10-11-2004 10:24:20

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Jim in PA, 10-11-2004 09:24:36  
It's not just your land and trees they want to hug and take control of, You can buy, then drag a tractor out of the woods or pasture where it's set for 35 years, fix it up and everythings fine. now if it's and old antique car or truck it's horse of a different color, this depends on the county you live in. If the land owner that sold you the antique car or truck didn't have title to said antique, the county courthouse will not give you title to this antique. the land owner didn't have the right to sale you a car that had been setting in his pasture for 35 years. On the other hand the land owner has the right to sale the antique to a junk yard to be crushed. Every year or so another county is added. I live in one of these county's. It will take a while, antique tractors will be next unless we stand and be counted.

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lucas boy

10-11-2004 08:56:57

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 07:50:05  

the epa has been forcing the small engine manufacturers to clean up engines for many yearsnow,,thats why we have ohv now. epa will continue to do so regardless who is president. as far as downing one guy or another, doing it at work or here in a tractor forum will just make your freinds mad. to put all your hopes into a polatician sets you up for a big letdown.as the economy cycles up and down youll feel things are good then then bad.and i guess its human nature to want to blame someone...lucas

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10-11-2004 08:20:13

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to JHesler, 10-11-2004 07:50:05  
I live in the Black hills part of Wyoming. My little hobby ranch is surrounded with black trees not because I'm in the black hills but because of fires, this is the first summer in 4 years they fires haven't forced us from our homes. Old trees here anyway carry bark bettles, which kill them and that IS A FIRE HAZZARD. As is the under brush enviormentals try to prevent us from clearing. Air isn't too clean when you can't see 100 yds because of smoke. Off Road vehicles means roads in our forrest, which means fire brakes and roads to use to fight fires. I think forrest should be managed locally, not from DC, they have no ideal what is like to live in the West.

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10-11-2004 10:51:11

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to kraigWY, 10-11-2004 08:20:13  
One candidate has a lot of environmentalist whackos backing him! Would You like to guess which one, & they dont want managed forests unless that means leaving them alone. I find this very scary for people living close to them, or in a forest!

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10-11-2004 08:32:11

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to kraigWY, 10-11-2004 08:20:13  
For all the people so cynical over one candidate or the other, depending on THEIR party affiliation, I wish the cynics had to stand up in public, and try to know EVERYTHING, and PLEASE EVERYONE, as they expect the candidates to do!

In today's complex world, no one can possibly know, or be prepared for, every question that someone will throw at the candidates, to try and trip them up.

The system we have has been the best the world has ever known, and I hope it survives despite all the naysayers, complainers, whiners, and people considering only their own interests!

This country has survived a long time, based on moral values, decency, and integrity, and I certainly hope people catch on to what has been happening, and vote for some decency and restraint before it is too late!

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Allan in NE

10-11-2004 08:29:50

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to kraigWY, 10-11-2004 08:20:13  

I agree totally.

Last summer, the wife and I watched in horror as a 4 alarm forest fire came within 200 yards of our place before it was brought under control. Now, the Forest Service is doing control burns just as fast as they can to improve the situation.

And, thanks for sorting out the question of just who the clod really is in this instance.


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10-11-2004 09:27:56

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Allan in NE, 10-11-2004 08:29:50  
third party image

I fight fires for a living and believe me when your out there and you see all the under brush around you the Red Flags go up FAST! It is the dead trees laying down, brush built up over the years from no fires or people thinning the forests which Mother Nature did a long time ago. Instead of a ground fire the brush burns hot and fast causing enought heat to get to the tops of the trees and start a crown fire which no matter how much water you have can't be put out! We need to thin the forests, put in roads so fire fighters can get in to put fires out instead of being droped from a Plane or Helicopters. Our big fire started that way we could not get to it because of the brush and trees so the little lightning strike turned into a 78,000 acer fire in trees they would not allow roads or cutting to be done in. Don't have to worry about cutting those trees now there gone! Mark H.

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10-11-2004 17:46:31

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Willy-N, 10-11-2004 09:27:56  
The operative words here are thin and manage. These forests belong to you and I and every other citizen of this nation. Why should Weyerhauser or some other giant lumber corp or their sub practically have the trees given to them? That is the way it works now. The way this administration is doing things it will all be gone or reduced to a monoculture tree farm in 50 years. The national forest are supposed to be set aside in trust for all people for recreation,commerce CONSERVATION, to maintain a healthy balance and for just plain tree huggin if that is your desire. They are supposed to last as long as this nation does but it will never happen at the rate we are going. You want to create jobs? How about lobbying your representative that NO raw natural resource leave our shores with out a value added process done to it. NO exporting logs ship boards or sheet goods, NO exporting of raw ore. ship only billets,pigs, or sized and graded coal. There are ways to do this thing and it will take the government OUR government in the pockets of big business to to do it. At some point business has to realize that they have a duty first to our nation and then to the stockholders. It is only good business to operate for the long haul and not the short term.

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10-12-2004 09:22:59

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Pitch, 10-11-2004 17:46:31  
Pitch, well said

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10-12-2004 06:36:38

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Pitch, 10-11-2004 17:46:31  
What should we do with all the wood after thinning ? let it rot,I think not at least when they sell the wood that generates income so in other words the taxpayer gets a return on his investment .and its a free world market if we process every thing before we ship it most of it will rot bacause raw material is always cheaper and then people of your train of thought will plunge the nation back to the carter days 16% intrest and lots of jobless americans go for it and see how many votes you get.

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10-12-2004 07:03:02

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Leland, 10-12-2004 06:36:38  
Nice thing about trees they do growe back again. It is a renewable resourse. Living in Washington State we have a lot of trees to harvest and as long as we plant them again future generations will have them to cut again. Mark H.

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10-12-2004 09:49:58

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 Re: Debates, not totally O.T. in reply to Willy-N, 10-12-2004 07:03:02  
Your eyes are wide open

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