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How many farmers on here?

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Todd in MO

01-31-2004 07:04:54

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I always wondered if there were many farmers that visit this wonderful site, or just tractor lovers like me. What do you do???

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02-08-2004 05:57:58

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I won 20 million in the State Lottery. Intend to keep on farming until the money is all gone.

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bob in KY

02-02-2004 21:18:33

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I am a doctor in Central Kentucky. I was raised part-time on a farm in northeastern Missouri. We purchased our first and only new tractor in 1955, an Allis WD45 with all of the attachments. We continue to work the homeplace with Allis equipment. I moved to Kentucky in 1976 and began practice. I recently purchased 90 acres in Central Kentucky. I am developing this propety for my retirement. I have plans to build a barn and a cabin over the next five years. Until then, I am clearing fields and food plots, building a lake and generally getting the property cleaned up. I feel like I am back home again, finally!!! I love old iron. I have restored nine old 55, 56 and 57 chevys, and now I am working on old farm equipment. Great site and a great bunch of guys. Thanks for your invaluable help.

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02-01-2004 12:50:24

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Parttime wildland management and rancher, my full time job is in emergency services.

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Rusty Jones

02-01-2004 18:07:20

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to JW, 02-01-2004 12:50:24  
Well, i'm not a farmer, but i access this site to see if i can help other folks with their problems. I have a friend who is a farmer. He grows and sells hay and other things, sweet corn in season, keeps a few pigs and cows, lives near Zelienople, PA., north of Pittsburgh about 25-30 miles. Name of Paul George. Plays guitar in the family bluegrass band! Nice folks! Everybody works on the farm! Even the grand-kids! by: Rusty Jones

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01-31-2004 21:47:47

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Well I grow corn for silage, sweet corn, wheat, hay, and grass seed in northwest oregon. make a little extra baling straw and custom silage harvesting and it keeps my brother and I busy full time. I never bought any antique tractors but somehow we ended up with them natural. That's what happens if you keep the old ones and can't afford the new ones. Use all Minneaplois Moline from a 1948 UTS to a 1973 G1355

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01-31-2004 21:20:42

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Grew up on family farm -120 acres central Iowa, went to work in city 1968. Get back home to help a couple times a year. F20 project 1/2? done- had it sputtering , IH350D done last year. RN

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01-31-2004 21:18:30

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I'm a full time mechanic. I work mostly on the older construction equipment. If the dealerships don't want the job anymore or they took the job and screwed it up, that's where we come in. We do alot of the older friction cranes like BE, NW, etc etc, but overall if it walks, rolls, or crawles, we'll work on it.

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Miss Grundy

01-31-2004 19:10:05

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
You are gonna make fun of me. I have 400 acres of crop land and have a M farmall and a 706. Just a small operator with no debt and a full time job of farming. I have a four row planter and cultivator and hire my harvesting done. I work every day on the farm except Sundays. Single female Do not tell my age but between 20 and 32. Have a college degree in agriculture. Raise most of my food and own my own house.

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Jimmy King

02-01-2004 08:00:56

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Miss Grundy, 01-31-2004 19:10:05  
Miss Grundy I don't know of any reason on earth why any one should make fun of you unless they are jellous. You are doing what you want to do and are sucessful, I have kept up with your posts and can tell you have your head on straight. I do not have a collage ed. did go some, but I came back to the farm when I was 29 dairy farmed with my Dad until his death then after 10 more years I quit and got a job for age, income, and ins. reasons. I remember you stating your Dad had passed away, it has been 18 years since mine did and I still miss him very much, I lost my wife in Dec. and I am now recovering from that loss. I wish you good luck, and much sucess, and know God will be with you all the way. Jimmy King

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Nebraska Cowman

02-01-2004 03:59:36

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Miss Grundy, 01-31-2004 19:10:05  
Miss Grudy, would you like to go out to dinner some Sunday?

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02-01-2004 06:51:33

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 Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 02-01-2004 03:59:36  
Why did I know the contents of this reply before I opened it? Ha.Ha.

I'm surprised she didn't get more offers. Sounds like something every guy wants.

Bet she can cook too!


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01-31-2004 18:24:11

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Another part timer here. We have a sign business in town with my wife working full time for a library 35 miles away. leaving us just enough time to farm 500 acres. But, were getting older and going to simplify. Going to sell our store building on mainstreet and move out to our farm. Maybe only do 1/4 the business but make more money with a lot less headache.

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Kelly C

01-31-2004 17:13:33

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Well I work in the city to support the family and my Farming habit. Just doing some custom haying work for others right now. Going to buy some of my own land as soon as I can afford it.
Now if that big O Power Ball comes through tonight then I will get to Farm Full time.

It takes ALL of what I make just to pay for this house and the little land I do have. Wife has to have job too. But thats another one of my soap boxes. In the 70's you could buy a house and the other things on one persons income. As soon as the wifes hit the work force. Housing cost zipped right up there to suck up the money. Now both have to work just to make ends meet.
The land I buy now for my Hobby haying is for the kids. AT least I can give them a place to live. Maybe then only one in thier household will have to work. Who knows maybe they wont need it but it will be there if they do.

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01-31-2004 17:12:57

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Nope - no farmer here. Systems jockey by day and farm hacker by nite/wx. I come here 'cause I like playing in the dirt, I like old iron and all the fine company on this site. I grow pine trees real well :)

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01-31-2004 17:03:51

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I'm a 'real' farmer who also has to have another job for health insurance. A couple of chronic medical conditions make me uninsurable without a group plan (retail if I didnt have insurance on 3 'scripts a month runs almost $1000). I own 225 acres and rent another 100 from my dad plus help him out at his place (he's 79 and still farms 375 acres by himself, hay, cow/calf, and burley tobacco, logging) He's retired from 3 differnt careers but has always farmed. Guess it runs in the family. I've do cow/calf (60 momma cows), board horses (anywhere from 20 to 100, got 24 now), and sell hay (10,000 small squares and 500 or so rolls, plus what I feed). Plus I'll buy/sell/trade about any kind of stock or any kind of iron.

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01-31-2004 16:48:34

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Farm about 1200 acres of row crops on some of the nicest black dirt in Il. Some owned, some crop share, some cash rent. There arent any mega farms here. Most farms are less than 1000 acres and still have some livestock or operators who are nearing retirement age and have no desire to expand. Most of these familys have been here for more than one generation but this is going to change quickly. I see some people dont think a farm this size is a full time job but if you dont hire anything except a little help hauling grain in the fall it will keep you pretty busy. Almost to busy to work on my old tractors! I relaize being a dedicated full time farmer is a rarity on this forum but look at the numbers. There just arent many of us left. Great to talk with you guys, whatever you do to support your habit! Sounds like we are all farmers at heart.

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01-31-2004 16:44:26

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
i raise 450 acres soybeans
125 acres corn 20 acres tobacco
300 acres hay
right now around 60 feeder calves
4 goats 16 rabbits and a coon
we buy sell trade in anything i think will make a buck, tractors, trucks, guns, old mony, knives, ive bought and sold over 100 feeder calves since nov1, some i sold fri for 101 per pound were bought dec20 th for 42cents, some have made good mony, but i also have lost on a couple,

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Erni in Sask.

01-31-2004 16:17:14

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
My bro and I seed 3500 ac.,run some mad cows and custom clean stock pens.We choose to run tractors that in human terms would be well past collage age. The romance of primative power!

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01-31-2004 14:43:16

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I'm not a farmer, I'm a rancher. Do you know what the difference is? A rancher never plows any more ground than his wife can take care of!

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01-31-2004 14:19:12

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Antique Dealer / Horse Breeder / Chihuahua Raiser / Chicken Caretaker / 150 Acre Hobby Farmer / Advice Giver...

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01-31-2004 13:59:16

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I farmed right up until the day I ran out of money.

Now, I have to ride a computer for a livin'. Just 'taint fair; farming is way more fun.


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01-31-2004 12:59:28

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  

I farm 400 acres mostly hay/alfalfa/clover, grow oats/barley/triticale, and raise sheep and beef. I also collect JD tractors and toys.

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Jimmy King

01-31-2004 12:09:59

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I farmed full time from 1971 to 1996 on farm where I was born. Rent every thing out now, I drive a Auto Parts Del. Truck at night now.

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01-31-2004 11:30:34

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I work for a farmer who runs about 1900 acres and has a computer business. We also custom seed about 1000 acres a year. Then on top of that I farm 850 acres with my dad. We also run a registered angus herd together. The main reason I come to this site though is I LOVE old tractors and equipment. It just seems like the old ways are more fun.

Spangle WA.

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01-31-2004 11:24:12

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
My dad and I got into a discussion a couple of months ago about if there were any true farmers left. Not just on this site but any where.
By a true farmer I mean a 24/7 farmer and family. While they could have seasonal help on the farm they would have to have their entire income from the farm. No in town jobs to suppliment income allowed. And no I do not mean the mega farm owners that have all hired help and sit behind a desk all day. After reading the post I see I was right in saying; they are few and far between and the quanity is getting smaller every day.

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01-31-2004 11:04:25

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
44 acres Going to raise a few cows and some hay I have a 51 Ferguson that my Grandad bought the year I was born in 1962. I can say I was raised on that tractor because I live right next to him.

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Bill in Colo

01-31-2004 10:50:14

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Run a 175 beef cows and do a little custom work,used to farm dryland wheat,put it in CRP 16 years ago, will maybe raises a little grass seed when it comes out in 08 or 09. 150ac irrigated,500 plus in Crp and 1500 acre running from highly improved grassland to waste land. Current restoration project 1942 Allis HD 10W.

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Nebraska Cowman

01-31-2004 10:35:12

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I'm retired. I don't do a dam thing.

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02-01-2004 07:00:11

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 01-31-2004 10:35:12  
I had to laugh at this.

I'm just the opposite though. I'm putting off retiring because I don't have anything planned to occupy my time. Am trying to get my farming thing/tractor restoration thing going. Problem with tractor restoration is that after all that work I don't want to sell them....have 4 now.

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02-01-2004 05:35:06

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 01-31-2004 10:35:12  
US Postal Service. Couple more years and I'm not going to do a damn thing. I live that long.

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Smart A

01-31-2004 14:44:16

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 01-31-2004 10:35:12  
I've heard that 'bout you.

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01-31-2004 10:31:20

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Myself and my dad and uncle (twins) and with the help of my grandpa farm 2000 acres. Close to 400 of it is hay that we put up in small square and round bales. The other 1600 is half soybeans and half corn with about 100 acres of barley that we double crop beans on. And we milk 50 holsteins and have about 150 head of beef cows.

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01-31-2004 10:25:34

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  


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01-31-2004 09:50:51

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Dad and I farm together some, meaning I do about 1/2 the work for 1/10 the money the farm makes (farm make money? Ha!). We have 1000 acres we farm with mostly wheat and a little corn and run 125 head of cattle on another 800 acres of pasture.

And I'm student-teaching right now to finish up my degree in Elementary Education with Reading and Psychology concentrations...

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01-31-2004 09:42:46

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
My self I sort of farm I have 44 achers and ya I can't spell, but its more hobby farm then a real farm. We have horses, goats, ducks, geese, and chickens. I also have 10 tractors which I play with. I'm retired, not my idea but the doctors, oh well and I live in mid Missouri

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Todd in MO

01-31-2004 17:09:35

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to old, 01-31-2004 09:42:46  
I live in the north-central part of the state around Unionville, MO where I grew up. I drive a 18 wheel feed truck for a very lage hog farm in the community, and drive a grain hopper wagon sometimes on my off days at the mill. Only have 6.7 acres with a small house and 24x30 garage where I play with my VAC Case and WC Allis Chalmers. Love this site as much as my wife and two daughters(4years and 2 years.) Todd

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Jimmy King

01-31-2004 12:06:49

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to old, 01-31-2004 09:42:46  
Where at I drive a del. truck Sedalia, Tipton, Camdenton, Dixon, and Rolla areas 5 nights a week. Also my late wife was raised in Maries Co.

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01-31-2004 12:37:57

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 Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Jimmy King, 01-31-2004 12:06:49  
Camdenton about 7 miles south on of the light, HWY 5 if you know where hoods store is your about 2.5 miles from my place

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Jimmy King

01-31-2004 13:16:00

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to old, 01-31-2004 12:37:57  
OK I turn east on 7 go thru Richland to Dixon, I live at Ash Grove NW of Spfg.

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Larry NE IL

01-31-2004 18:13:35

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Jimmy King, 01-31-2004 13:16:00  
I rented about 450+ acres in the mid 70's. Quit when the prices went down and the rents went up!!
Back in again, with my son, fooling around with about 150 acres. I've got an excavating business and my son is a corporate pilot. But like NeberaskaCowman, I plan on being "retarded" within the next two years!
I'm sorry that I sold my old Olivers ('53-77, '58-880D, and a 1950T) but I'm going strong with 11 in the last 2 1/2 years and more to come. I just can't wait to hit this site every night, it's like getting a new magazine every day!!

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01-31-2004 14:25:37

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Jimmy King, 01-31-2004 13:16:00  
Well when you cross that bridge on 7 your about 1.5 miles from my place the creek is one side of my property the dry glaze bridge

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Jimmy King

02-01-2004 07:32:20

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to old, 01-31-2004 14:25:37  
"Well" I will give you a good toot on the air horn about 11:00 to midnight monday night!!!!

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01-31-2004 09:36:44

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
We farm 1150 acres in central Illinois---corn & soybeans. Some of the land is owned (only 9 more annual mortgage installments to go!), most of it is rented on a crop-share basis from several landowners, and we custom farm one place for a retired farmer. My Dad (74 years old) still works with me. He works ground ahead of the planter, and runs the combine most of the time. We also have a trucking business, mostly delivering grain from local farms & elevators to processors. The income from the trucking has really helped out in some lean years. Dad still drives a truck, too.

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JD 5020 guy

01-31-2004 09:26:01

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I am a farmer. Me, rest of my family, and my brother run a 10,000 farm and ranch. We have cows, sheep, and pigs. We grow mostly wheat and barley. For antique tractors, we have a Farmall M, IH 240 Utility, IH TD 14A, JD BN, JD D, JD 830, and currently working on a 1927 D. Also have other tractors waiting in the wings for restoration.

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Alvin NE WI

01-31-2004 08:30:26

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
6 years agoI sold dairy farm to my son, got 240 acres, rent another 80 acres for high moisture shelled corn for harvestore. He has about 60 milking cows plus young stock. Not a mega farm, just right for one man. farm been in family since 1890, but will not be another generation farming,his boys got city jobs.I still help every day yet, Always clean barn and remove manure and help with field work.

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Kelly C

01-31-2004 16:35:31

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Alvin NE WI, 01-31-2004 08:30:26  
When those boys get 40 they are going to wish they had some how stayed active with the Farm.

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01-31-2004 08:29:20

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Alpacas and hay on a 33acre farm in Penna. Work
40 hr. job also.

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01-31-2004 08:17:24

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I farm with my wife and now my son. I hold down a "day job" also. I run the maint. dept. at a big country club. I bought a "small farm" of my own. (194 acres) We inherited my father-in-laws farm, and then my fathers farm. We now have under our control, over1400 acres. I'm also into buying and selling used farm equipment. Anything to make a buck. John

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Chris Brown

01-31-2004 08:05:16

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I farm 125 acres of hay,beans and wheat. No disrespect intended but I don't consider someone with 6 acres a tractor and a cow and a garden a farmer. That seems to be the going trend around here.Yuppies.

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01-31-2004 11:09:36

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Chris Brown, 01-31-2004 08:05:16  
No disrespect intended but most would say if you row crop and have less than 1250 acres you are just a hobby part time farmer.

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01-31-2004 08:52:48

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Chris Brown, 01-31-2004 08:05:16  
No dissrespect intended but some people would not consider 125 acres a farm either. I have 145 acres and work a full time job some do not consider me a farmer either. Well that is just tuff stuff. Farming is in the heart not the size of land. If that is all they have and is as close to the land as they get more power to them. If I had my drathers I would never punch another clock. But I have to pay for my decisions good or bad. Maybe they are in the same boat as me so as far as I am concerned I acre or 1000 if they are making an effort to make a living or part of a living from the land more power to them. By the way, I see a lot of several thousand acre operations that, in my opinion, are not farmers but rapist of the land. If one can only be a stewart over six acres and is a good stewart he is just as much a farmer at heart as the next guy and that is what counts.

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01-31-2004 08:04:31

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Farm 600 acres. take care of eighty+ Shorthorns. Equipment dates from early thirt's to present, most of it old.
Every morning I step outdoors I step into paradise.

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01-31-2004 07:51:47

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Farm 4000 acres here in Arkansas. Lots of old equipment and a few new ones as well.

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01-31-2004 07:27:29

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
My son and I farm,100 acres of hay ,125 acres of pasture, 125 acres of beans, 25 acres of corn, 35 arces of either wheat,speltz, or oats, and run a few cattle. Now we both work full time. Of the 450 plus farmers in our county I can only think or about 15 that don't supplement their income from a public works job. Insurance smeems to be the main reason most of them give for off farm work.Keeping the bills paid takes me to the job 40hrs. a week.

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J. D. Tyndall

01-31-2004 08:34:21

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to del, 01-31-2004 07:27:29  
Try the evil tobacco farming for a while. My son and I cultivate > 1,000 acres of land with tobacco (60 acres) being the primary money maker. Small grain (wheat, corn and sometimes oats) don't pay the bills. We have a contract with a tobacco company to sell our tobacco crop. If the government would get out of the business (buy-out option) I wonder what the result would be for the future. The buy-out option would give us some capital to continue to farm. We have lots of old equipment and a few new John Deeres to cultivate this acreage.

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01-31-2004 09:15:56

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 Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to J. D. Tyndall, 01-31-2004 08:34:21  
Until 1999 we raised 3 to 4 acres of burley each year.We replaced tobacco with soybeans for cash flow reasons. 125 acres of beans generates about the same money as 10,000 lbs of tobacco did. Plus beans are a lot easier to cut!!

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01-31-2004 07:24:20

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
Farm 600 Ac in southern MN. Site is great for gathering ideas. Big, small, old iron, new iron. An engine is basically an engine. So even the problems with the old stuff can help with the newer stuff.

Plus it gives something productive to do while looking at the frozen tundra....LOL.

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Phil in MS

01-31-2004 07:17:35

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I'm a banker by day and I have a few cows on my daddy's and grandmother's place (66 acres). Lord, I hate pine trees.

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02-01-2004 07:15:40

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Phil in MS, 01-31-2004 07:17:35  

Interesting comment about pine trees. I am a native Texan and have spent my life on "Houston Black Clay" trying to get off it to some sandy loam. Around here that is where the pine trees are.

What problems are they causing you that made you make that comment?


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MT Pockets

02-01-2004 15:42:44

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 Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Mark, 02-01-2004 07:15:40  
Mark, I hope Phil answers this because it caught my attention too, but I bet it's because of Weyerhaeuser. Where I'm there in Ms. everyone is setting out pines where rowcrops used to be grown. Some kind of government program pays the landowner I think. I turned it down. I don't like pine trees growing on flat land either. Steve in Texarkana.

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01-31-2004 07:10:43

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 Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Todd in MO, 01-31-2004 07:04:54  
I Farm,,but anymore it seems like I work for the bank;;;;;;

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The F-20 Man

01-31-2004 07:22:54

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 Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Billyiron, 01-31-2004 07:10:43  
i work on the family farm during the day and wrk on restoring my Farmall F-20 at night i got alot done last night the motor just bout ready to roll over well i think iv said my two cents worth

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01-31-2004 10:50:23

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 Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to The F-20 Man, 01-31-2004 07:22:54  
Retired,sold out and moved south. Had to keep cutting back for health reasons. Now I am thinking big mistake. House rent and utilities is gonna put me in the poor house. Otherwise looked after 160 acres and worked out as a self employed electrician. We had 65 acres pasture,75 acres in cultivation and 20 acres for house and farm buildings,wood lots and corrals.

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01-31-2004 16:01:32

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to steveormary, 01-31-2004 10:50:23  
Raised on a small cattle ranch (60-100 cows - cow calf operation) but it was my father's dream - he was also a veterinarian. I liked crops, but not industrial ag, which was where ag was heading in the 60's and 70's. Married a veterinarian too, trained as a biologist, now teaching horticulture at a junior college. Really dislike where ag has gone (is going), and see farmers being forced into squeezing maximum production to survive, often against their better judgement. Water and soil are being poisoned to survive economically, while we are obligated to rely on 300 million year old sunshine shipped from the other side of the world. The only thing I can guarantee is that our system is getting more fragile every day and the s**t will hit the fan sooner or later. Having said that, I love old iron, have a IH crawler and various walk behind tillers and mowers plus old trucks. Keep my hand in by raising too much food and giving it away on my 26 ac., also improving my forest for my grand children, and setting up a sawmill for my entertainment. Life is too good to let too much knowledge cause me to be depressed. I wish I could say that for the coming generations. Ray

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goofus fr L.A.

01-31-2004 18:15:02

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to Ray, 01-31-2004 16:01:32  
Just a bunch of imposters, how could any of you feel like true farmers, when you never trailed behind a pair of mules and smelled digested hay in the morning breeze. That would be like me calling myself a welder, because I know how to burn a rod.Why I would bet two pints of diesel, that most of you think a slop jar is something we fed the pigs with. I've gotta go help my mother n law with the pigs, or I would really get you turkeys told. goof

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02-01-2004 07:23:26

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to goofus fr L.A., 01-31-2004 18:15:02  
Ok goofus

My nearest town is population 500 within 20 miles of millions. We still have a guy who does custom tillage with a horse and moldboard plow.

It's like a ballet the way that horse manuevers around peoples gardens all fenced in and all. They don't talk to each other; just know what to do and what comes next.

Real enjoyment watching them.


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JOE C. Al.

01-31-2004 20:39:30

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to goofus fr L.A., 01-31-2004 18:15:02  
I was just thinking about the days of plowing with gas nothing better smelling on a early morning march.

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01-31-2004 19:16:19

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on here? in reply to goofus fr L.A., 01-31-2004 18:15:02  
Been there, done that; no electricity 'til I was four; no running water or indoor plumbing 'til I was 16; only caught the tail-end of the farming with mules, mostly "laying-by" cotton with single mule and a hill-sweep.....

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goofus fr L.A.

02-01-2004 06:39:02

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many farmers on he in reply to thurlow, 01-31-2004 19:16:19  
Thurlow, you are excepted as a full fledged farmer, and thats my ruling. I don't care if you only tend one acre, with a goat. goof

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02-01-2004 18:33:34

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many farmers o in reply to goofus fr L.A., 02-01-2004 06:39:02  
59 years old; except for time in military, NEVER have done anything else. Cut "way" back after 2001; too many bad crops in a row. Selling a few things next Sat. (See link, not all of it mine). And yes, that's Tina Turner's home town..... .

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goofus fr L.A.

02-03-2004 08:50:10

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many farme in reply to thurlow, 02-01-2004 18:33:34  
Lots of nice equipment Thurlow. Wishing you the best. goof

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08-09-2005 13:56:38

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many f in reply to goofus fr L.A., 02-03-2004 08:50:10  
I'm 29 and in semiconductor microlithography....engineer and photo-chemist.

Love my IH 240 utility tractor. All I do at work is think about what I'm gonna do with my tractor on the weekends. This weekend I'll finish getting the new tires on and then I'm gonna kick the crap out of a couple bushes and move some big rocks around. Sure beats tightwad microchip stuff.

Real men drive tractors.


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