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Stuck now what.?

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Walt Davies

01-17-2008 16:22:55

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We got this tractor stuck during the Xmas tree season and yesterday and this morning tried to get her out. It froze fairly well here so we thought that this might help. Well we couldn't get the darn thing started so I drove my little 4 wheel drive Range out got almost there when it went down solid.

So we went and got my Case LA and 900 ft. of cables and chains and pulled it out.

Finally hook up the batteries in a series to get 24 volts and got the IHC 1066 tractor start. that was yesterday. We moved it about 10 ft. and then she just buried deeper so we quit. this morning it was frozen again 24 deg. so we tried again but could not get that big engine to turn over no matter we did. So i took the Case out and got the my trailer that was behind the 1066 out. almost buried it but you know those old case tractors she just sat right down and pulled though the soft stuff to the harder ground.
I thinking maybe summer late summer when its dry and hot out there. I still frozen from this mornings work.
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The tracks of where my Ranger was stuck.
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36 coupe

01-20-2008 02:30:20

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
Ive learned that a small tractor can be used on ground that would sink a pickup.An 8n with a carry all would move plenty of trees.I used to bundle small trees on a big sawbuck.The bundles were hauled out with small tractors and loaded on a tractor trailer .

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01-18-2008 10:23:21

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
Here is a non toxic method of getting it out (not running).
Collect 2 5/8 link 16' log chains, 150' of 3/4 inch wire rope and snatch block from a rigging company. (this is a pulley and block with a hook on the pulley frame), one 10' length of 10inch I beam. and 4 pieces of 3X12 header material 48" long.
Take off the weights in front!
Attach the chains to the fron low side of each inside dual where the mud hits the tires.run the chains up and over the tires in the middle of the tread. on the back side of the tires, dig about an hour on each side to allow positioning the header material behind each tire. as a ramp.
Place the beam across behind the tractor and attach the pull end of the chains to it so they can pull directly rearward. Attach the snatch block to the middle of the beam, pulling rearward.
Attach one end to a modestly sunk in tractor, and the other through the snatch block shiv, then to the tractor used for pulling it out. Keep things pretty much aligned so the chains do not slide off the tires, and it has a 4 to one pull on the tractor while not tipping it over backwards. JimN

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M Nut

01-18-2008 08:35:54

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
Is there anybody near buy that would have a good sized log skidder? It is amazing what those winches will pull.

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David Snipes

01-18-2008 07:58:34

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
Time for a tracked tractor.

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01-18-2008 06:57:27

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
A small generator will do all the above-charge battery and run a heater. If you can not borrow one you no doubt can rent one.

As far as being stuck, borrow a couple of long cables and anchor to another tractor that you spin down to anchor to. Run the cable back to a log chain wraped around the rear duals. Avoid the valve stem. Your duals are the same thing as a drum on a winch. You need not even unhook, or remove weights etc. Use low gear to save the clutch. The biggest problem is a anchor tractor or two. Have helped with this situation numerous times.

The You tube video has a different spin on things as per how we have done before. We chain it to the face of the duals, but you have to be very careful with it shifting and hitting the cab. That one is a real tough one on clutches.

I see the big problem is finding solid footing in the whole field.

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01-18-2008 06:25:48

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
My Dad used to hook up the ole Mule to pull his tractor out. Of course most people now don't have mules. Dad's tractor was not hugh like yours either. Your post just reminded me of older times.

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jason, NW Ontario

01-18-2008 06:08:31

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
I agree with showcrop below. There's a youtube video: "Fordson tractor stuck in the mud" - do a search on it and give a watch. Once you get your machine started, that old world technique is crude but very effective.

It would be a shame to let it just sit there until summer... Hope you get it out.


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01-18-2008 05:26:21

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
How much room between the duels...if room hook up cable so when wheels are turning forward it will roll up..run under front axle and tie to something that will stand a pull...we pulled duel wheel trucks out like this years ago, when dad logged...


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John S-B

01-17-2008 19:35:20

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
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Jack it up with a hydralic jack, using plenty of ground pads and cribbing. Just need to do a little digging to lessen the suction.

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caterpillar guy

01-17-2008 19:10:16

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
If that wont start at 20 degrees or there about it must be slap wore out. If you could get those duals off it would pull out easier too. They just work like a big block with that mud. might try pulling it out backwards if you got the trailer out it might be drier behind than in front. And of coarse there is always the winch with lots of cable and the big bill for it also.

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I don't have a name

01-17-2008 19:08:49

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
I think you can get it out with a shovel. It might take you all day, but you'd get it after awhile. Get the dirt out from in front of the front tires as that holds it back more than anything, but also dig out whats in the way of the rear wheels.

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Mark - IN.

01-17-2008 18:40:10

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
That's always a problem and fear in the spring as the ground thaws...moisture just below. Judging by the ruts that I see and the moisture in the dirt exposed (not the frozen puddles), not going anywhere soon. And the ground appears saturated enough that you have the frozen puddles. I don't think I'd try to put a cat in or around there right now either because that looks like some excellent black mud/quicksand, so to speak, and when the cat gets buried... Going to have to play it by ear, don't tear it up, and careful with that length of cable attached to chain. I don't think I need to tell you what I mean. Something sure might give under that pressure.

Sorry to see, I sure am, but as bad as that is, thanks for the reminder Walt.

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01-17-2008 18:27:58

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
1066 is not 24 volt. factory 2 6volt to make 12 volt. most changed to 2 12 volt that make 12 volt. take those front weights off and you will have a better chance of getting unstuck.

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01-17-2008 18:09:35

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
if ya really want to get it out, just take two posts,about 10 inches in diam. and about six feet long. lay one down crossways behind each real wheel, then chain each one to the rear wheels by going around the inside, through your rims then around the outside. just don't get yer chains too tight 'cause after you back up and over your posts you need to be able to unhook your chains.

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Ultradog MN

01-17-2008 20:06:50

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to showcrop, 01-17-2008 18:09:35  
An old timer showed me that trick when I got the Allis B stuck as a kid. Worked good too.
Here's another way.

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bill mart

01-18-2008 01:55:57

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Ultradog MN, 01-17-2008 20:06:50  
I dont know, looks like a potential way to flip the tractor.

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01-17-2008 17:29:10

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
a tarp and a kerosene heater would work wonders on getting it started. like as has been said dig a ramp out in front of the tires and remove the front weights. let the ramp freeze over a couple of nights and run the kerosene heater for two hours under the tarp next to the engine should start like summer time

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Cliff Neubauer

01-17-2008 17:11:05

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
I'd try taking the front weights off to gain some flotation on the front end. No deeper than that mud is I think if you can get the front tires to float just a little bit or at least make them easier to push through the mud you could probably drive it out.

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01-17-2008 16:49:06

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
What you should have done when the ground was soft, is taken a shovel and dug the dirt away from in front and back of all tires. Then dig a shallow ramp, several feet long, in front of both front tires. Take the batteries out, take them home and put them on the charger over night. Get up early when the ground is still froze, grab the batteries and some ether, and head out to the tractor. Put the batteries in and fire that old girl up with the help of a small shot of ether. Let her warm up a little. With the ground froze and the ramps dug, that thing should come out under its own power. One thing you might want to do is chip the mud out between the lugs on the rear tires. The tires can't get any traction with the packed, frozen mud.

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Walt Davies

01-17-2008 18:17:14

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Lumpy, 01-17-2008 16:49:06  
Boy you nailed it that is exactly what we did. I think that the batteries are low so we put them back on the charger today will try again tomorrow but like they said the ground is just to wet to support that big tractor. We are going to remove the 1000 lbs of weights on the front that may help some. If we can get to the side where its harder ground we may get her out. Sure hope so that is one our best hay fields and we aren"t doing it any good right now.
Walt PS maybe one of those block heaters only 1/4 mile to the power source. Does the 1066 have a compression release.

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01-17-2008 17:22:15

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Lumpy, 01-17-2008 16:49:06  
What about plywood, or wood planks? Something to help spread the wait over the soft ground, but strong enough to hold the weight of the tractor. I feel for you, as its no fun getting one of those big buggers stuck! I know, now I only by 4wd tractors lol.

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John S-B

01-17-2008 19:30:04

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to JayinNY, 01-17-2008 17:22:15  
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That's exactly what I did when I got my M stuck when I tried crossing a trench at a close to parallel angle. I just used a bottle jack, cribbing and 2x4' sheets of 1 1/2" plywood. (you can overlap sheets of 3/4") As I raised it up I poured in some sand to fill in the space as the tires where raised. Worked great, I did it all myself, took about 2-3 hrs.

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01-17-2008 16:48:32

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
Walt, 24 degrees just ain't cold enough to freeze ground deep enough to get on it with anything that will pull that baby out. If a Ranger broke through it can't be frozen very deep.

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01-17-2008 16:37:12

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
So the ground is frozen yet it's sinking down? That's a sad story for sure.Thank goodness you had that Case with twin tires on each side.

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01-17-2008 16:34:24

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  
Have you tried ATF yet?

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bill mart

01-18-2008 01:53:34

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Sid, 01-17-2008 16:34:24  
thats funny, I dont care who you are, that there is funny.

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01-17-2008 16:34:22

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 Re: Stuck now what.? in reply to Walt Davies, 01-17-2008 16:22:55  

Nice looking trees. The bigger they are, the worse problem getting stuck is.

Don't have any experience with IHs starting cold. Don't guess you want to try my trick of changing the oil using warm oil so the engine will spin better. Good luck.


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