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Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec

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Dell (WA)

12-08-2006 11:45:49

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Guys..... ..I"m alive and well but my computer ain"t. I"m at the county library 1-hr limit internet access. While enny advice is appreciated, I probably won"t see it until AFTER I fixx"em-up. I"m runnin" Dell 500, P3, 21g hd, (7g use, 14g free) 384m RAM, and MS Millium Ed OS, and I am STUBBERON. I can come up in the "safe-mode" but it won"t let me reload Me "cuz it can"t find my CD-ROM drive. My DOS prompt sez yep, I can find yer e-drive but you need windows to operate it. I"m going round in cyber-circles. I can do all sorts of "restores", from M/S to 3rd-party diagnostics but when it comes to "splash" the desktop, all I get is blank screen with white cursor-bar that doesn"t respond to keyboard inputs. Only way out is cold-boot by pulling the wall-plug, then it will program up in "safe-mode"..... ...Dell the frustrated computer-nerd

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wishin 4 a tractor

12-11-2006 10:55:52

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
I"m sure they offer a powder puff computer class at your local community college;)

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12-09-2006 14:55:59

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
Your IT guy? Is that the guy that wrote the IT FO-4 manual. ;Þ

(couldn't resist)

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12-09-2006 10:22:06

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
My computer was doing the same thing. After much monkeying I found I still had a little smart card from my camera in one of the slots. Removed it and everything went back to normal. Be sure to remove all disc and cards before booting.

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12-09-2006 01:07:56

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
When he can buy a BRAND NEW computer with bigger & better everything and WAY more RAM for $300 ..... .Why would he even think of trying to fix the one he has? Not worth buying XP for that machine.
If he's satisfied with what he has now, any bottom end off the shelf system will be SOOOO much better....

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12-08-2006 18:41:34

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
You fellas ought to be ashamed of yourselves picking on a poor defensless (GRIN) fella like Dell.Now you know your going to pay dearly when he returns.Man has it been quiet here lately.Oops,did I say that.

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12-08-2006 18:17:03

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
Insert one of them little blue pills into the tired old dell, they convert a floppy drive into a new hard drive.:^) Don't forget that 80% of all computer problems are electrical in nature. Yours may not adjust exactly like everone elses, the sideways pointing mouse and the angle looking keyboard are bassackwards, you gotta remember that. In other words, IT'S YOUR SPARKIES! Simple huh?
Seriously: If you don't have a ME startup disk, you can always use an ol W-98 startup disk if you have one. You just can't use a w95 disk cause it don't have a virtual drive D with all the necessary drivers. Put the floppy startup disk in the a drive, boot the machine and choose "boot WITH CD support"
It should automatically load the drivers and the cd work.

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12-08-2006 19:48:29

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to ron,ar, 12-08-2006 18:17:03  
And make sure your power, mouse, keyboard and monitor cables are the good copper-core center conductor variety (1-0-0-1-1-0-1-0-0-0-1-1-0-1-1-0, CCW). None of that carbon-core noise-suppressor junk. If you have those carbon-core wires, your sparkies are weak and you may have flooded the RAM. If you can find the right place in your HD cache, put in some dry AL-437s. Don't throw the old ones away; you can dry them out by placing them (one at a time) in the warm air from the CPU fan.

If this all checks out, check the float on your USB port. Sometimes, the float gets leaky, sinks to the bottom, and the USB port changes from COM3 to COM4, and we ALL know how much trouble that can cause!

Also, remember that Bill Gates has put at least 3 filters between Windows ME and your computer screen; a simple strainer on the internet connection, a finer one in the keyboard, and a last-chance filter on the mouse.

Seriously, hope you get your gremlins sorted out soon. We miss your wit.

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12-09-2006 09:22:25

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to DanL-Colorado-9N252085 , 12-08-2006 19:48:29  
"Don"t throw the old ones away; you can dry them out by placing them (one at a time) in the warm air from the CPU fan" Now that was a point I forgot...dry em out with the CPU fan...LOL

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Sean (TX)

12-08-2006 19:20:39

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to ron,ar, 12-08-2006 18:17:03  
third party image third party image third party image third party image

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12-08-2006 18:22:23

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to ron,ar, 12-08-2006 18:17:03  
That has to be in the TOP 3 ron,ar!!

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12-08-2006 17:13:55

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
This has got to be the funniest topic I have ever seen on this board, even in the archives.

Hey Dell, we miss ya!!

(ME sucks)

Seems like this has become a TRIBUTE, as well as one of yer ROASTS!!!

Cheap thrills, huh?

Hope to see ya back soon.

I run Winders 2003 Server, 64 bit, on a dual core processor AMD 4800+, with 2 gig of ram for my home machine.

I have a prayer in fer yer Dell though....

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12-08-2006 16:43:32

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
Can you access the BIOS during startup? Maybe you just need to change some settings there so it'll see the CD.

'Course, this will depend on whether it's a "frontmount" or a "sidemount" CD.

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12-08-2006 16:40:40

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
Why don't I find it odd that Dell uses a Dell?

Get XP. $70 (cheap)

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12-08-2006 16:37:40

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
Dell, I am delighted you are no longer MIA. And I have one word for you:


:-) (Hey, my laptop is 3 years old and they just installed a new hard drive FREE when it went out.)


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Colin King

12-09-2006 09:45:32

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to FarmerDawn, 12-08-2006 16:37:40  
This seems like the Mac Huddle here, so I"ll jump right in!

My Pops has been using his G2 7200/120 with a Sonnett Tech G3 upgrade for years for desktop publishing and image editing. Bought it used for $500 bucks in "98.

And I sure do love my G4 daul processor :-) I figure I"ll last me 15 years with some good hardware management.

Dell really oughta dump the Dell and get a Mini for $600. Macs are like Ns. Versatile and run forever! hehe


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12-09-2006 11:15:08

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Colin King, 12-09-2006 09:45:32  
A G4 with a dual processor!?!?!

Colin, I always knew you had a good head on your shoulders! LOL Way to go!

I have to admit, though, that my poor laptops don't usually last as long as your computers do. When I take them to the shop, the tech always says, "What do you DO to it?!?!" And the answer is "haul it around constantly on planes and trains, drop it down flights of stairs, use it 18/7..." But MAN do they stand up to it!!


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NYC Charlie

12-08-2006 19:39:42

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to FarmerDawn, 12-08-2006 16:37:40  
FarmerDawn has the rite eye-d-er, Dell. Ya oughter jes' gitchersef wunna 'em new Intel Macs ($1000 cheap). It'll run yer dam Windows OS iff'n ya must havvit. But it oughter be intutitively obvious that yer Unix-based OS X.4 is more reliable better'n any piece of you-
know-what that ever come outta Microsoft. Unnerstand? Respectfully, NYCC

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12-09-2006 04:38:18

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to NYC Charlie, 12-08-2006 19:39:42  
Well said, Charlie. ::high-fiver:: :-)


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ed s. (IL)

12-08-2006 20:47:45

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to NYC Charlie, 12-08-2006 19:39:42  
Ditto on the Mac. Our workgroup at the day job has lost (as in "kaput") four Dell M70 workstation-class laptops in the last year or two, while my 5 year old iBooks at home keep plugging along with my kid's homeschool lessons, video editing, Photoshopping and web designing. In fact, I'm typing this on a new MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo (eat your heart out, Dawn!).

My Dad is in much the same boat as this - too much stuff invested in an old Win98 box, and would have no end of expense and headache to upgrade it all to Microsoft's latest and greatest. His solution is to make tons of backups, and Ghost the drive about once a week (so he can restore it about once every month or two, regular as clockwork).

es, a Mac user for all the right reasons. I know twelve ways to use a PC the right way, but have never found a good reason to because my Mac starts up fine every time...


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12-09-2006 04:37:19

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to ed s. (IL), 12-08-2006 20:47:45  
Oooh, I am indeed eating my heart out over your new computer, Ed! Although, then again, the new hard drive they gave me is Tiger instead of my old Panther, so I'm having a good time with that upgrade anyway! LOL --Dawn

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nyC Charlie

12-09-2006 05:25:36

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to FarmerDawn, 12-09-2006 04:37:19  
FarmerDawn, and Ed S., judging from the posts it looks like we might as well be sayin' Dell should switch to a green tractor! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. FarmerDawn, I agree, Tiger's great! Would you believe that I have a stripped-down version running on my kid's black G3 Powerbook laptop manufactured back in the 90s?

NYC Charlie . . . . . . . . . . runnin OS10.4 without a freeze for 3 years and a Mac advocate for the RIGHT reasons. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. They don't know what they're missin'.

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12-09-2006 05:28:05

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to nyC Charlie, 12-09-2006 05:25:36  
"a Mac advocate for the RIGHT reasons"

I may have a new sig line. LOL!!!


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A Mac OLD timer

12-09-2006 07:56:43

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to FarmerDawn, 12-09-2006 05:28:05  
I bought the FIRST Mac that was made, a 128K Mac, NO hard drive, internal 400K 3.5" floppy drive, and still have it. I am typing this on a PowerMac 9500/200 running OS 8.6 (HATE Unix OS's of ANY flavor!!) I do have a G3 Beige (early model) that will also run 8.6. Sitting here with the 9600 is a Quadra 700 with OS 7.1 and 7.6 (can switch as needed) and a Mac SE30 that I sometimes use. I keep the older computers/systems so I can run a database program with my checkbook data on it and also an acreage calculating report/database that will take a Mets and Bounds listing and determine the area inside, not a trivial task!

This database program is ONLY 257,253 Bytes big. But it has 55 functions including Sin, Cos, Tan, Arctan, and Sqrt. The data entry and report forms are VERY Mac like in that you can move fields anywhere in the window, use any font and size, even add graphics to "jaz" up a report.

The only time I have system crashes now is when I am running Netscape and get certain pop up adds. Then it is usually a simple reboot. A few times I have had the Finder corrupted, but I just boot off the second HD in the computer, trash the "bad" finder and copy a good one back. Macs are largely bullet proof, at least the non OS X ones. Unix was designed as a "wide open" system for use in a laboratory environment where everyone was expected to collaborate. Thus it has way too many "holes" that people do not know about and do not plug.

Larry 8N75381

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Ed S. (IL)

12-10-2006 05:59:21

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to A Mac OLD timer, 12-09-2006 07:56:43  
Know what you mean - I've got a 128K up in the attic - it was working fine until the video board blew out a couple years ago. I did my Senior Project in college on a friend's 512K and an ImageWriter, too (WYSIWYG!). I've also got a Power Mac G3 running 9.2 for use with some older software.

A good part of my career was spent doing multimedia and web development (on the Mac, with a good bit of cross-platform work on the PC). Mac OS 8.6 was the fastest, most stable version of the pre-OSX OSes, and even on the much slower hardware of the time, was faster than the latest OS and apps (too much feature bloat and 'bling-bling').

I've used every version of Windows since 1.0 (plus OS/2 and a few mainframe OSes), and there's not a one of 'em I would say something similar about. Win2K and WinXP are definitely the most stable I've worked with, but I still loose more time overall with the Win platform just trying to keep it running.


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12-09-2006 13:13:02

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to A Mac OLD timer, 12-09-2006 07:56:43  
Oh man! You bring back such memories!! I still have a little tan G3 -- or maybe it's a G2? -- from '94 that at the time I thought was the snazziest thing since color TV. That thing still boots up whenever you ask it to. I wish I could still run OS on my laptop, though, like you can. I have Classic (9.something) on the G4, but find I don't use it even though I always liked it. Now they're going to the Intel chip and I'm watching with a jaundiced eye, hoping it still stays Mac-ish and doesn't just become like everything else.


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NYC Charlie

12-09-2006 12:09:19

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to A Mac OLD timer, 12-09-2006 07:56:43  
Yep, there's something wonderful about the elegance of old code that you've got to love. My first Apple was a II+ with a CASSETTE tape drive. I remember when I bought my first word processing program it came with instructions to solder a jumper wire between two points on the motherboard so the shift key would work.

I remember the first Macintosh I ever saw-- it came with its own backpack.

I don't know enough about Unix to love it or hate it. All I know is that this iBook G4 I've got never freezes--programs quit, sure, but I don't have to reboot. Gave up my beige G3 when I needed a new printer and OS 8.6 wasn't supported anymore. Just upgraded my mom for the same reason.

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Sean (TX)

12-08-2006 16:21:06

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
If your PC is more then 4 years old junk it and get a new one with windows XP. Computers are not like the N Series tractor. They will not last Forever. Get a new PC $1500.00 (Cheap) third party image Not to mention a new PC will be so fast you will be shocked.

Some funny advice in here third party image

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12-08-2006 15:14:29

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
Dell I gave ya the four common runtime errors associated with yer problem before so I won't agin. It's time to upgrade yer weaksister operatin' system to XP pro. Upgrade 4 under $100.00 (Cheap!)

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12-08-2006 13:59:06

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
Hey Dell sometimes the drivers for the MOBO to recog the CD_ROM dont come on the startup discs. I've had good luck with using a starup disk from this site.

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12-08-2006 13:41:56

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
YOu're going to likely have to re-install Windows, whether you keep ME or go to XP. I would suggest the latter. It is just a more stable system.

Having said that, there are a couple things to consider.

First, the WinXP upgrade will first analyze your system and give you a LIST OF THINGS TO UNINSTALL before you continue. This is important. Don't ignore it. When I upgraded from Win98, I failed to uninstall my USB drivers, and had a heck of a time getting that working again (wife's PC, big trouble, 'nuff said).

Second, as has been said, WinXP is a resource hog. At the very least, get more memory. As much as your motherboard will hold, if possible. You won't be sorry.

Better yet, just call up the Dell store and have 'em ship you a whole new computer. The old one's broke and obsolete. What better excuse? You can put your weak-sister 21GB hard drive directly in your new PC (as a secondary) so you don't lose any data.

Simple, eh? :-)


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12-08-2006 13:29:09

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
Most folks think that the microsoft critical security updates that can be automatically set to install are enough. Google "MS updates" select Custom and install ALL Hardware and Software updates. Everbody needs to do this! This is free. They even have free spyware detection and removal tools. It is free. Understand! ( a little Dell humor ). Why trust your computer geek freinds when you can use the Free microsoft updates website. Of course this won't help much till you get it back and running.
As soon as you are done with all the Free MS updates run a disk clean-up and disk defragment that comes free with your Windows. Hit start,accessories then disc cleanup. Do the same thing and select disk defragmenter. You will then have a system with all the latest software for your hardware and software. You will have the best internet security available. No need to buy Norton or any rip-off additionall software ever.

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Indiana Jones

12-08-2006 13:25:37

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 I'm with Woodchuck here/Bling Bling update in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
Lose the ME and upgrade to XP Pro (not Home edition).

P.S. FYI, I opted to paint the original Taurus tail light gray instead of having it chromed. I figured it should match the original CM Hall worklight (with the original Tract-O-Lite lens with rings). Once I finish working on the other Taurus tail light for the other side by golly, think I'll paint it gray as well. Do you recommend me gold plating the original chain, lift lock, and brass warning tag (a la Mr. T) that I just picked up?
Stay tuned...more bling bling updates to come. Paint on original 9N tool box is drying as I type this *chuckle* I'm having a blast restoring this '39er. Glad you're back. My ole lady even wondered what happened to you. Hmmmmm....

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12-08-2006 16:38:52

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 Re: I'm with Woodchuck here/Bling Bling update in reply to Indiana Jones, 12-08-2006 13:25:37  
Oh, now, see, you're making me itch to get out to the shop tomorrow. I just might not be able to resist, either -- work or no work! LOL

Bling on the N! I like that. (Would that be bliNg?)


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12-08-2006 12:57:25

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
Dump Microsoft ME. The only reason Microsoft came out with it was as an 'interium' OS because they hadn't perfected XP. (not that it IS perfect!)Get XP Professional. Don't even bother with XP Home. That's junk too. Go the extra bucks for professional. You won't be sorry.

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12-08-2006 12:51:44

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
In typical Dell fashion:

What's wrong - ya didn't learn the last time(s)? These computers were not made so horse farmers (or sheep farmers) can work on them like the N Series tractors were. There are companies out there that specialize in repairing things like that - I am sure the local Yellow Pages lists quite a few. Simple eh?

Sorry - I couldn't resist :-)

Also - as you have been told many times - Windows ME is crap! Always has been - always will be. You will like Windows XP much better and is much more compatable with current software. It is time to bite the bullet and UPGRADE your operating system.


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12-08-2006 13:56:38

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dan, 12-08-2006 12:51:44  
Dan---now that's funny!!!

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12-08-2006 13:03:18

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dan, 12-08-2006 12:51:44  

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Colin King

12-08-2006 12:49:56

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  

Try booting the computer from the ME install CD. You might have to power up the machine, insert the CD and do a forced re-boot. After you do this, you should get a prompt which will ask you which boot volume (CD or hard drive) you'd like to use. Select the CD.

Sometimes ME needs to be re-installed, so if you are able to get the machine booted on the ME install CD, re-install ME.

If this does not work, then open the machine up and pull the wide ribbon cable out of the back of the CD drive. Then try booting up. If you successfully boot up, get yourself a new CD drive. If you don't boot up, then it would seem to me that there are other issues going on.

I would not install XP on your machine. I think that you will be disspointed with the performance. XP is very resource intensive, something that your box does not have a lot of.

Good luck, Colin

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12-08-2006 12:40:57

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
If you put the rebuild CD in it and kill it then power it back up it "should" boot from the CD, reformat the hard drive and reinstall itself..... ...should.....but it's winders..... .
Didja call Dell, no notcherself, the 'puter company fer help ?? They should know how they set it up to boot and rebuild.

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12-08-2006 12:39:25

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
Dell, you most likely need a DOS floppy to boot on with your CDROM drivers, then access the CD.

Do you have one that came with it?

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Dave Sherburne NY

12-08-2006 12:13:04

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
When I couldn't deal with my ME edition,I took it to the expert who said that is the worst the Bill Gates ever came up with Junk it.

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12-08-2006 12:05:08

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
Lets see, when was your last go round? ME is older (in computer years) than an N tractor. Spend $50 for a newer OS and save yourself a raft of aggravation.

But you're stubborn - I know...


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Bruce (VA)

12-08-2006 11:49:30

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 Re: Dell's whereabouts 8 Dec in reply to Dell (WA), 12-08-2006 11:45:49  
My IT guy just left for the day; when will you be back on at the library? I'll forward you email to him if you will be checking in later today.

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