Tmac..... ....Thats correct, your 1-terminal 3rd brush roundcan cut-out relay came from the factory with 6 VOLT POSITIVE GROUND and some dumb shadetree mechanic don't know the difference. Interestingly, positive or negative ground yer startermotor ALWAYS turns the same direction. The only thing that semi-cares is yer cut-out relay. It disconnects yer battery from your genny so the genny gutts don't discharge the battery overnite. And that little problem is taken care of by polarizing the cut-out relay. But you really should care because you can loose upto 40% of your sparkies with incorrect coil polarity with respect to the battery. And then there's the little minor weirdness of your ammeter. Ammeters don't care, positive or negative ground, they just indicate which way the electrons are flowing. Traditionally, ammeters indicate (+) when charging the battery, wheather positive or negative ground, (+) means charging. Iff'n ya wanna correct yer 6 volt frontmount 1-wire 3rd brush genny to POSITIVE ground, Re-wire the battery cables and re-polarize the 2-terminal roundcan cut-out relay by arc-sparkin' the 2-terminals with a wire or other handy conductor. I use pliers handle to arc-spark the cut-out relay. ENGINE OFF..... ..respectfully, Dell