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'52 8N Steering

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Ray in GA

07-01-2003 15:00:28

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I'm a proud new owner of a'52 8N. Had a bent left drag link and loose ball joint at the top of the link. I want to replace seal at ball joint but can't figure out how to remove ball. I've pushed, pulled, taped and pryed. Doesn't seem to want to go in or out. Anybody got advise on how to remove ball and repace seal? Thanks, Ray

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08-09-2005 09:25:59

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 Re: '52 8N Steering - Drag Link - Help! in reply to Ray in GA, 07-01-2003 15:00:28  
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07-02-2003 06:31:07

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 Re: '52 8N Steering - Drag Link - Help! in reply to Ray in GA, 07-01-2003 15:00:28  
I second the idea for the tie rod end seperator.. it makes fast work of an otherwise tedious job.

I got mine for a whole whopping 3.99 at harbor freight tools, and have done both my NAA and the 8n, and the fork is beat up a little.. but still serviceable.

The little grease cup seals for the front are easy.. you can get them at any of the online N dealers ( probably here at this sub too ).. or you can go to napa and look at there little displays.. they carry a good assortment of the little black rubber grease cups... just match up the shaft diameter... I've also seen these in autozone, discount auto, and all the little automotive stores.. in the same secition they keep the little 'odd' hardware... like the little spring clips to hold moulding on.. door retainer clips, strike plates, etc.. etc..

If you need the rear ones though.. you are gonna have to order them... I have yet to see something like them local.

A word of advice too... the rear ones are interference fit.. and there alot of interference... I had to take a dremel or a file to the ID of all four of my rear ones ( 2 for the naa , 2 for the 8n ), -and- dress/clean the seating area for them to go on.

good luck... that tie rod seperator makes easy work of it.. just a few raps of the hammer is all it should take..


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07-01-2003 17:08:42

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 Re: '52 8N Steering - Drag Link - Help! in reply to Ray in GA, 07-01-2003 15:00:28  
You do not need to remove the ball to replace the seal. Just remove the old seal retaining ring by prying it or cutting it out. New seal is tapped in it's place. If You are sure you want to remove the ball from its socket it is swedged in, it can be removed by heating the swedged areas and then re-heating and closing the swedged areas back tight again. Not an easy task.

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07-01-2003 16:59:10

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 Re: '52 8N Steering - Drag Link - Help! in reply to Ray in GA, 07-01-2003 15:00:28  
The ball is not supposed to come out of the socket. It is crimped together when it was made and is not servicable. Built sort of like an old beer can.

To remove the whole end from the pitman arm of the steering sector you should loosen the nut and turn the wheels until the pitman is as far back as it will go. Take a hammer and strike the end of the pitman arm as hard as you can hit it a few times and it will pop off. You will be striking the end of the pitman on end and not the side of the pitman. This will expand the hole slightly so it will turn loose the taper of the tie rod end.


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07-01-2003 15:34:07

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 Re: '52 8N Steering - Drag Link - Help! in reply to Ray in GA, 07-01-2003 15:00:28  
Go to your local tool store and get a "pickle fork". It's official name is a tie rod separator. Cost runs about $12-$20. Slide the two ears of the fork between the tie rod and the steering arm and stike the end of the pickle fork with a hammer. It should pop off.


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07-01-2003 15:21:32

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 Re: '52 8N Steering - Drag Link - Help! in reply to Ray in GA, 07-01-2003 15:00:28  
Seems to me I pulled up on the drag link while rapped on the top of the steering arm about 3-4 times.
Where did you get the seals?

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Ray in GA

07-01-2003 17:03:09

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 Re: Re: '52 8N Steering - Drag Link - Help! in reply to Rob, 07-01-2003 15:21:32  
Response to Rob:

Got the seals from the gentleman who sold me the tractor. He had gotten them but never gat around to replacing. The name on the bag bag that the seals came in say, " Reproductions by Dennis Carpenter for Ford Products" Phone number on the bag is: 704-786-8139. Hope this helps you sometime. Thanks for the advise, but it seems your experience with the ball joint went a lot smoother than mine is going. Wish it were that easy!

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07-01-2003 19:09:02

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 Re: Re: Re: '52 8N Steering - Drag Link - Help! in reply to Ray in GA, 07-01-2003 17:03:09  
Thanks for the info. I've seen guys on this board asking after those seals. Mine are ok so far. I know what to say to the next guy.
You try that pulling up pretty hard on the link and hitting the top of the steering arm a few times you might be surprised. I was.
There are forks you can get at the auto parts store and there is also another type of puller that won't damage the existing seals. Better then the fork and probably the same cost from the auto parts guys, it a jack bolt pusher type thing. Ask em. Not that you want to save the seals but next time you might. The forks are passe.

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