Greg Ballantyne
08-26-2002 18:42:37
Re: Re: Light switch replacement? in reply to Steve in N.J., 08-26-2002 16:21:47
Steve, maybe you know what may have happened to my switch/charging system. I have a 49 B, and one day I had to get a new battery for it. The battery was slightly taller that the battery box needed, and I noticed some sparks in the box where the switch is when I operated the switch. Then one day as I started the tractor, got on it and moved the gas some I noticed that there was a small fire on the top of the battery box, and heavy sparking in the switchbox. This is when I discovered that the new battery was too tall, sometimes the neg. terminal was grounding to the box. Unfortunately, the switch and the amp guage on the box no longer appear to work properly (or at all, so far as I can tell), but since I need to replace the moving parts in my starter & I start with the crank, and I took the lights off, I haven't been too concerned. The charging system is eating up batteries some, the last one lasted only one year or less, and I might want to put lights on it & fix the starter, but I know I'll have to fix the switch, guage, and charging first. Any ideas where to start?