04-14-2002 12:56:26
Re: WD traction booster help in reply to Eric H, 04-14-2002 08:11:15
You don't need, nor did the WD's come with a Traction Booster gauge...!!! ALL WD's work the same.....the hitch has a big Spring that the PTO shaft goes thru... That spring compresses when you are pulling hard, and ( with the Hydrolic Linkage set for Plowing )...will move the linkage of the hydrolic system, to lift weight onto the rear of the tractor, the amount of weight transferred is adjusted by the position of the Hydrolic Lever... It will require the lever to be raised less with NEW Shears, OR in some ground may need to be nearly all the way down...sometimes, nearly 1/2 way up... You can tell by , if the plow tends to start leaving an uneven furrow bottom, or the front end get's light---may even lift a few inches off the ground.... I pull 4x14" with my WD-45, and have to have ALL wheels loaded, at least 50 lbs on the front, ALL the big Spring shims removed, and STILL have to hold the hand clutch back, to help keep the front down, sometimes... I LOVE IT..!!!!! !!! Look at a Manual, or get one, and set the Hydrolic Linkage, and Have Some Fun.!!!! Repeat....You Don't Need the Gauge..!!!!