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OT - new school bus driver

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08-12-2005 06:45:20

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Hey guys,
Today was a first for me. I'm a brand new school bus driver for the local district, and school started today. My first trip went well, but I'm sure there are plenty of things that can and will go wrong. I wonder if any of you out there also drive busses on rural routes. What kind of advice do you have for me? (I've already heard the one about now that I'm a bus driver, all of my troubles are behind me.) Good Luck and God Bless, Tommy

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Mark - IN.

08-14-2005 06:27:04

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
Do not forget to take a walk through before you lock your bus up at the barn for the night. All it takes is for one kid to hide or fall asleep in a seat, and you'll make the national news as the most horrible, vicious animal if the kid wakes up at 8PM and his/her parents run for the nearest nes camera. Takes a minute or two, I'd guess, take the walk down the aisle.

As a kid, took a bus for awhile, that's when we figured out could just as easily cut through our fields, an orchard, some other's fields and stuff, and get to school either covered with moss and dirt, or soaked and covered with mud if it rained. Was much more fun, and was 10 miles up hill to get there, and 30 miles up hill home. Ha Ha Ha Ha. Good luck, and God love ya.


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08-12-2005 22:19:50

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
Where on earth does school start in the middle of August and on a Friday? Poor kids!

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08-12-2005 21:55:58

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
Good luck I really mean it . But don't do something as stupid as one of our new drivers , they were repairing the RR tracks by my house and the crossing lights were flashing but there was a back hoe sitting across the tracks working on a switch she sat there for an hour refused to move until a State cop chewed her butt and called her a moron and told her to get the bus the he!! off the road and made the school dist come and get it

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08-12-2005 21:33:24

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
Did it for 6years. Learned in a hurry that it is easier to put a stop to the loud noise and any other misbehaving right from the beginning than let it go on. They learn in a hurry what your limit of tolerance will be and they will push you to it. The front seat was always reserved for the trouble makers. I used to every once in a while put a brother and sister in the same seat if one gave me to much trouble. They had to put up with each other and didn't have time to bother any one else. Also, you never know what the situation is in the home. I had one boy who tested me every day. I tried every trick in the book and nothing worked. I sent notes home that he was causing trouble and it would be worse the next day. One time the mother sent a long note back to me explaining that his father would beat on him when he got in trouble. He had the same name as his dad but he hated it and all the kids and teachers used it and would tease him somewhat about it. She said he wished people would use his middle name which she gave me. I took him aside one day and said I wasn't going to send notes home anymore, that If he wanted me to use his other name I would. It was like he put his anger aside when he got on the bus after that and he would come up to me and talk about things. You have to get into their heads sometimes if thats possible. I enjoyed it for the most part. Don't forget to ask for the free bus driver meals at the fast food stops if you take them on field trips.

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08-12-2005 13:55:27

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
Good Luck!!! Heres my advice--be fair and firm as mentioned below, also consistent with what you tolerate. You must always be patient with the kids and remember they are just kids not little adults. They will not always behave logically or respond to logic esp. if upset, mad etc. so you always have to react in an adult manner. Remember safety is #1 priority. It can be a very rewarding job for the right person , but for a person easily upset or distracted it can be streessful.

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08-12-2005 10:07:18

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
Make sure you're fully briefed and understand your school district's rules and policies concerning how you can treat and disipline the kids. In this day of political correctness, law suits, feelings and pedophiles roaming the county, you are probably pretty limited on the things you can do. Can you kick off a kid in a rural area for acting up? Can you even yell at them? When can you call the police to haul a kid away? If a parent complains or a child is hurt, the school board will be asking you a bunch of questions.

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08-12-2005 09:35:18

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
My daughter's school bus driver works with my mother as his day job. It's amazing the "deer in the headlight stare" we get when she realizes that her mother and I already know what happened on the bus that day before she even gets home from school!!!!

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08-12-2005 09:25:42

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
Come on guys, how bad can it really be? A little smell a little vomit and some noise. So what if you pick up a new viral infection every two weeks, it's a cinch. Amazing how huge and obnoxious some of the little runts can be.

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08-12-2005 09:02:26

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
I"m not a bus driver, but a lady driver once told me that if the kids act up on the way home, she pulls over to the side of the road and starts reading a book till they get quiet. Doesn"t take long.
3 cyl

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Mike M

08-12-2005 09:34:47

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to cyl, 08-12-2005 09:02:26  
That sounds like a good plan. I have heard about a bus driver who was also a deputy sheriff or something anyhow he drove the bus with his gun straped on. I think this would of been in the 70's
Times sure have changed.

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Mark - IN.

08-14-2005 06:39:04

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Mike M, 08-12-2005 09:34:47  
"You are looking down the barrel of a 44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and will blow your head clean off. In all of the excitement, I forgot if it was 5 shots or 6, do you feel lucky, you 6 year-old punk?". Ha Ha Ha Ha.


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08-12-2005 08:34:32

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
YOu can't touch 'em, but you need to let them know up front you are fair, but not going to put up with the foolishness. Our school district sends warning to parents of out of control children, then they are kicked off the bus for 10 days. I would reming every parent of these ground rules and then enforce them. If not, you will be walked on time and time again, a lot of kids have no respect for anyone. Good luck in your new job, hopefully it will be a rewarding job and not a challenging job.

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08-12-2005 08:24:41

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
be a master disiplinarian the kids need it. We had a 300 lb driver who could shake you out with one hand. put a few kid off the bus half way between. We had few problems after that!

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Mike M

08-12-2005 07:34:41

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
Good Luck ! I don't think my nerves could take it. Not only can't you touch the bad kids I heard of a woman who got in trouble for giving the good kids a hug.

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08-12-2005 07:06:31

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Revredneck, 08-12-2005 06:45:20  
Did that for two years way back when. The main thing is to be firm. Fair, but firm. You can be a fun, nice fella, but when they start to act up, stand while the bus is moving, running, pulling hair, etc. all you have to do, especially in the country, is stop the bus, or continue stopped at a scheduled stop, turn around, and just stare down the culprit with your most "I didn't bring you in, but I WILL take you out" stare, and most times they will shrink into oblivion. Ya can't touch them anymore, but you can scare the beJesus out of them. Good luck, Harley

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08-12-2005 07:37:39

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Harley, 08-12-2005 07:06:31  
When I rode the bus way back when, we had a driver that if he caught you standing up while moving would slam on the brakes. You probably can't get away with that now though. One other thing that he did that sticks with me to this day. A car slowed and turned in front of him once, he stopped opened the door and yelled "Take a nap you SOB". The kids were all afraid to act up too much.

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Eric Rylander

08-12-2005 12:53:20

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to martinb, 08-12-2005 07:37:39  
The rural school I attended had an older custodian named Eddie, and I never heard this story until years later but Eddie used to drive one of the bus routes as well, until one day he stopped the bus on the road a mile from the school and he refused to move the bus, he claimed "monkeys were crossing the road in front of the bus..... ."

Bus driving was removed from Eddie"s duty roster, though I recall he drove a rusty mid sixties Bel Air Chevy, at 35 mph down the center of the road everywhere he went. It was a small town, so everyone just got out of his way.

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Leon R

08-12-2005 16:26:49

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Eric Rylander, 08-12-2005 12:53:20  
I drove school bus for 10 years as a semi-retirement job. After 27 years as a peace officer it was a piece of cake. The most important thing is to take your time on all the stops particularly the discharge ones. Make sure the kids have cleared the bus before you pull away and before you let them out make sure oncoming traffic is stopped for your lights. All the other comments about being firm and fair are valid. I always reserved the right front seat for trouble makers. I had one up there for a whole year. When he got older he actually thanked me for the way he was treated. Keep your distance so to speak. I only learned their names if they caused trouble. The old saying that familiariy breds contempt has some validity.

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08-14-2005 20:05:52

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 Re: OT - new school bus driver in reply to Leon R, 08-12-2005 16:26:49  
When i got out of the Army after WW II, i came home with a wooden foot, which precluded me from ever getting a commercial driver's license! Pennsylvania lawmakers thought that if you lost a foot, the Drs. also took part of yer brain along with it, thereby rendering ya unfit for anything more mentally challenging than a hand operated wheel-chair! I proved them wrong on most counts, but the part about school bus driving has steered me away from even trying out for that job! Lady next door asked me if i'd like to have a bus driving job for their school! I looked at her like she had just dropped off the banana boat! I thanked her profusely, but politely declined, telling her that part of my brain was removed by cutting off my left foot, so i couldn't get a driving license extension for school bus driving! (She'd never know how many of the little rats would be in some crick on the first day of school! Head first, not breathing!) Oh, my dear old mother thought that to be true, when i brought home the 1936 Indian Chief motorcycle and informed her i was going to ride it, which i promptly did! And later, in our local fire company, when i came driving up to the fire in our B-60 Mack tanker truck, with 20 speeds forward, 2 gear sticks, 2100 gallons of water on board, and only used the clutch to start and stop! (Along with the brakes) Yeah, those kids that won't be bussed to school by me are really lucky--they might not have made it there, if they got out of hand! By: Rustyj

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