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How to get rid of coyotes

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Russ in NC

09-16-2004 12:35:53

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I've got coyote problems. They are killing my goats and sheep. I've got a 207 Winchester (Remington 700) rifle, but can't get a shot at the sucker. How do I get him to come out so I can shoot him? I have two German Shepard’s that chase him at night, but I have only seen him in the early morning or evening twice.


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09-17-2004 13:43:24

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
Send him a catalog from the ACME company and maybe he'll kill himself trying to catch the wabbitt.

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Rick Kr

09-17-2004 12:56:42

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
Here's my two options and they work good, here in Mid Michigan.
1. English Mastiff, 170 lbs. he is pure muscle and a one dog coyote killing machine. Problem is, they are on to his scent and don't come to close any more. plus he is nearing retirement.
Now what to do is use some very thin hi tensile wire, leader for fishing, get a big triple hook and put a fryer chicken on it raw. secure it in a tree about 4 foot off the ground. the coyotes will just up to get the chicken and end up hooked.
Others will actually kill the one hooked on occasion. Check in the morning and carry a pistol. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP YOUR DOGS AWAY OF COURSE.

My two cents, start the replies on how cruel it is.

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Mark - IN.

09-17-2004 05:32:35

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
I like the bait and shoot method. Cyotes are smart, or wiley. Bait, and be up and set in place before daylight arrives. Don't talk, don't move around. Just sit there with your eyes moving like a lizard. Be a good shot with a good travelling rifle. Have the dogs put up so they don't attract attention or spook them. They can be pretty hard to get otherwise - they're pretty sharp with their senses.

Same cyote everytime? I've seen a couple of loners, but usually are scouting for packs. Is the season where the youngings are being taught to hunt and kill by the leaders.

In the Midwest (IL, IN, MI, at least) are starting to see more and more wolves too. DNR began "re-introducing" them to their once native habitat, where suburbia now often sets. Glad didn't used to have Bengal Tigers, the dumba$$es.

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09-17-2004 04:17:44

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
There are alot of good dog breeds out there that would do wonders for you. The advice about Great pyrenees(sp) is good, also there are Anatolian sheperds. You put these dogs right in with the goats and they consider the themselves part of the herd. Do a search on herd dogs for goats. I think you'll find they are your answer.

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09-16-2004 19:27:06

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
Go to www.cabelas.com and buy a predator call and a little furry thing that is remote controled to make it dance. set up on a fence row or tree line make sure you are well covered and have a good 360 view and start calling. Be careful they may come in behind you ,or put a couple of real young kittens in a small cage. They cannot turn down a tasty treat like that good luck just work at it it will be fun to blast them. But be careful and don't kill to many thin them out to much and belive it or not the females will start dropping more pups then you have more to deal with.

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09-16-2004 23:14:48

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Leland, 09-16-2004 19:27:06  
One of few who I have heard saying about them making more if you kill to many. Your right they will reproduse at a faster rate if you kill to many of them, they will increase there litters because of it. Mark H

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09-16-2004 19:10:16

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
My dad had a Turkish herd dog (Akbash) that was a coyote killing machine. Never had to feed him much as he killed and ate afew deer also. He would lay out on a high knoll with a good view and was eath on coyotes and foxes.

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09-16-2004 18:54:54

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
There is good advice on many posts below but the only way I have found control is to shoot them. When my neighbors have a cow/calf die, they drag it to the back of my pasture and when I check cows at dawn/dusk, there are usually some hanging around I can get a shot at. I can't say I hit them always but most. As for your dogs running them at night, there could be a night when one or both dogs get attacked and eaten by a pack. I have heard of good loyal cow dogs vanishing, probably that way. A coyote will eat anything it can kill or find dead. Usually a coyote won't attack a healthy calf unless they are OVER populated and underfed by native animals like mice, rabbits, grasshoppers, mesquite beans etc etc. I hate them too but have to live with them as I have learned you cannot kill them all.

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09-16-2004 18:14:13

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
We had a real problem here a few years ago. Six of us that join all went together and hired a trapper. We divided the fee among all of us ($6000/6=$1000 each) for a year. He caught 36 the first month. Over 200 that winter. Money well spent. Still get a few loners come in but most of us 'pack' when we go out to check stock.

Best 'friend' I have found of late is a Colt HBAR 5.56 mm {ban legal AR15/M16 frame, bought pre ban clips; course now the ban is no more). I use 2-30 round banana clips taped back to back loading every 4th shell a tracer. Nice on long shots (over 300 yards) to walk your fire stream to them. I got 6 last year with it, 1 with the .270.

Before the trapper we called them in, but couldnt do enough damage to have a real effect. Now I've 'heard tell' that a tape of a coyote pup in a steel trap will bring them in at night and 'heard' that a red lens head lamp will help you take your shot. Of course that would be of questionable legality in some jurisdictions. If you choose to call with this kind of tape I'd think a shotgun would be an armament of choice, preferrably with #4 shot or larger in 3" magnums. Because I 'think' you might call one almost in your lap.

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Bus Driver

09-16-2004 18:05:07

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
Maybe that caliber is .270? Local TV station calls every long gun "assault rifle".

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09-16-2004 16:52:48

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
We use donkeys, they can kick the s##t out of them. better yet when the jenny has a little one of her own to protect. they have a real bad attitude when threatened. my 2cents.

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09-17-2004 07:05:01

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to kgh, 09-16-2004 16:52:48  
Donkey's work pretty good here in my area too. Neighbors have seen many dead coyotes kicked by the donkey's. They will stand real still and wait for them to come up behind them, then POW.
Saves getting up at night and shooting with a high powered rifle too.

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Jim in michigan

09-16-2004 16:37:45

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
Maybe the local DNR can help you out,, we had a wolf problem, they trapped most of them, but they gave us a thingy that made loud noises,,worked for a while,,,Jim

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Rob in Ore

09-16-2004 16:26:13

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
Out here I've seen a lot of sheep herds with a llama in the pasture. As I understand it, the llama acts as a guardian. The llamas are cheap at auction( not breeding stock).

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09-16-2004 17:02:15

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Rob in Ore, 09-16-2004 16:26:13  
Llamas will adopt the sheep as their friends, and defend them from preditors. We have three here with our flock. If a dog even comes into the yard, they will sound an alarm call. If the preditor makes a move toward the sheep, llamas will gather the sheep and put themselves between the sheep and the preditor. Llamas have a pretty good kick on them - they'll attack the preditor and kick the daylights out of 'em. There's a story going around here in Michigan about a llama that took on a bear - and won!

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Gary in TX

09-16-2004 14:46:04

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
This is probably not a normal method of getting rid of them as it will probably scare everything else off as well but you could post a picture of my ex wife on every other fence post. Guaranteed to scare the living hell out of anything!!!! I swear the woman is taking ugly pills, gets uglier every time I happen to see her. Granted now if a person came along and seen it will do irreversable brain damage and probably cause blindness. Just a thought :o)

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Jon C -Florida

09-16-2004 15:18:35

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Gary in TX, 09-16-2004 14:46:04  
Sounds like some I know. Do you really hate coyotes that much?

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Gary in TX

09-16-2004 15:55:46

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Jon C -Florida, 09-16-2004 15:18:35  
Granted the coyotes shouldn't be exposed to that kind of pure ugly as sin but hey ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Granted too, most of the trees would probably wilt and die as well. I'll put it this way the witch is butt ugly!!!
Love is blind, its also deaf dumb and stupid as well. She is so ugly she has to sneak up on the dipper to get a drink of water!!!!

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Jon C -Florida

09-16-2004 16:17:56

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 Re: One Tough Texan in reply to Gary in TX, 09-16-2004 15:55:46  
I don't know..still sounds to me like its cruelty to animals.

From what you say, you must be one tough hombre to have survived her.

Did you have any help from Captain Morgan or some mind numbing drug? I know Texans are tough, and I wouldn't want to cross one..... but are they THAT tough?

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09-16-2004 19:13:42

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 Re: One Tough Texan in reply to Jon C -Florida, 09-16-2004 16:17:56  
Betcha my ex-wife is uglier than yours. She's still smoking and drinking and lookin like a dried out bag.

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Steve (Magnolia, TX)

09-17-2004 08:51:53

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 Re: One Tough Texan in reply to RJ-AZ, 09-16-2004 19:13:42  
Ya know...
Ain't it amazing how that "ex" can make a woman so danged ugly!?!?

I know, I've got one, too!!


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09-16-2004 14:28:27

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
What you need is a different breed of dog, the german shepards are great dogs, but what you need is a Great Pyrenees. These dogs have a natural tendency to "adopt" whatever animal they are put with, and become very protective of them. The pyrenees will even go on patrol, just looking for any thing that might be a threat to "his" family. It is totally amazing to watch these dogs work.

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09-16-2004 15:38:02

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to rustyfarmall, 09-16-2004 14:28:27  
My grandparents had a German Shepherd that would chase coyotes down, and my uncle's Siberian Husky that ran with him would kill them. The German Shepherd would never kill them, and the Husky would tear them to pieces. They were a good team, and got over 20 coyotes one winter.

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Dave N Texas

09-16-2004 14:11:38

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
Here in South Texas we use the tapes of the dying rabbit, works well just before dark and sunrise,
Sit in a blind play the tape, I usually lay the recorder out the door of my blind and let it run through.
Not bad luck with it, during the past few months we have managed to knock over thirty or so. We did try leaving them where they fell but that had no effect on keeping them away. I found they just ignored the carcass and kept on moving.
Warning! It will call in big cats, so if you have em around keep an eye out. Have fun!

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09-16-2004 13:46:34

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
you can get recordings of wounded rabbits and such. They are VERY GOOD a luring the coyotes into range. I also have a coyote problem but I don't think the state will view my cats as "livestock". I agree they are hard to spot and shoot unless you carry a rifle with you 24 hrs a day. Good luck and good hunting.

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09-16-2004 13:48:15

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to rhouston, 09-16-2004 13:46:34  
forgot to add shoot one and use it as bait. Also if you shoot one the rest will stay away for a month or two.

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Brian in NY

09-16-2004 13:41:18

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
Where are your animals when the attacks occur?
Near the barn or out to pasture?
If Coyotes are coming near your barn they gotta be underfed...they are pretty shy creatures by nature.
Yep, Coyotes run in packs...but ferral dogs do too. Are you sure it is not a ferral dog? If it is, there are NO restrictions. You can shoot them, trap them, poison them whatever.
Ferral dogs will be larger and have much more color variation...
Most states say that if your owned livestock is in immediate or proven danger from predators, it is your right as a landowner to use whatever means necessary to protect said livestock.
Best to check your local laws, but be aware that if you call the game warden and he gives you an answer you do not like, he will probably keep a close eye on you for awhile and you could be stuck.
You are going to have to kill a bunch of those buggers to stop the problem. The good news is that most any hunter would love to get the chance to pick a couple off!

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09-16-2004 13:28:15

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
Don't waste your time. They run in packs; we have a pack of about 20 that visits us regularly, so unless you've got a lot of time to waste, call your county ag office and ask two things... can you help me get rid of them? (some areas allow poison and/or trapping) and also do you pay for my sheep/goats? (many states reimburse you for stock taken by predators).

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09-16-2004 13:11:54

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
Yep - bait and shoot.

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09-16-2004 12:39:12

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Russ in NC, 09-16-2004 12:35:53  
Put a dead sheep out there where you can see it from a distance, and the smell won't bother you... sit and wait, pick them off one at a time.

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09-16-2004 21:44:36

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 Re: How to get rid of coyotes in reply to Dave_Id, 09-16-2004 12:39:12  
Put yer dogs up, go way out to the other end of the pasture, place anything dead there and inject it with a LOT of antifreeze. They didn't ask you if they could eat your stuff did they? Alright then go for it. And remember, you don't know anything about it.

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