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Going away for a while.

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10-03-2003 08:18:05

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About 5 months ago, I found Yesterday's Tractor message board. It was, and still is my favorite internet site. I have made friendships that will last forever. We are about to start remodeling my place of employment. The job starts monday morning. I will be moving my office into a temporary jobsite office. From monday, untill sometime in March, I won't have my computer at work. BUMMER! I would like to thank everyone that has made me feel so welcome. I will miss everyone, and the great conversations we have. Special thanks to Kim. This is THE GREATEST WEBSITE ON THE INTERNET...BAR NONE. We don't use "landlines" at home. Cell phones work better, and that way, we only have one bill. I have Dish Network, so no Hi-speed cable connection. Long story short, no internet service at home. I hope to change that soon. If so, I'll be back sooner, and more "chatty" than ever. I'll still be on untill tomorrow afternoon, but while I have the chance, goodbye, thanks, and God Bless to each and every one of you, John (Indydirtfarmer)

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Texas Jay

10-04-2003 10:04:52

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
I've only been around here a couple months but have enjoyed your comments and always make a point to read 'em. Will miss them and look forward to your return. Hope all goes well with the remodeling project.

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10-04-2003 04:47:00

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
Just get a basic phone line, no frills, no long distance service, etc just to support a computer. If you dont want to buy one now, see if you can "store" the one from work for the boss. We will miss you until you return.

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10-04-2003 02:35:36

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
!!!!WOW!!!! Thanks guys. I taked with the wife last night. She NEEDS an internet connection at home. We already have the computer. I should be online soon. This is WAY too much fun to do without. I'll be around untill monday morning. I have my office emtied, except for the computer, setting on a milk crate. It's the last thing to go. Thanks again. I won't say goodby, just see you all soon. John

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10-04-2003 06:39:42

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 Re: Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-04-2003 02:35:36  
Indy, I'm glad to see you're gonna be with us awhile. I know it's gotta be tough life trying to farm and make it pay...More than once, while growing up in my family's farm equipment sales/service/parts shop, I heard one farmer or another say that, "Yeah, there's PLENTY of money in farmin'...that's where I lost ALL of MINE!", but it was the small-timers, the family farmers, the career dirt farmers, the hog men, the dairymen, the cattlemen, that kept us in business for 50 years. But even when I was in high school, I could see the handwriting on the wall. Now a lot of the fertile dirt that grew corn and alfalfa and clover and 'beans when I was growing up is sprouting houses, subdivisions, and minivans and SUV's on their way to or from some soccer game or practice. Not only has the land changed, but the people have changed; they don't seem to have the respect for the land that I grew up learning. And I'm not just talking about farming, or just hunting and fishing, either; I'm talking about the "live-and-let-live," "don't tell your neighbor what to do on his property, so he won't tell you what to do on yours" kind of attitude that zoning laws and such have brought about. Farmers are facing more challenges about land use, property values and taxes, declining markets and shrinking profits, than I can ever remember seeing in my lifetime....but I guess if it was easy, EVERYBODY'd be doin' it. My hat's off to you, and the thousands like you out there, who are keeping an American tradition alive, and who are also embracing the technology of today and tomorrow, like the cell phones and computers (when I was a kid, some of the farms still didn't have indoor plumbing!).


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10-03-2003 21:07:57

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
Keep your plowshares shined and your mower sharp. We'll miss you around here. Have you investigated the wireless(satellite) internet connection?

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Deas Plant.

10-03-2003 20:59:19

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
Hi, Indydirtfarmer. You look after yourself and your family while you're offline. I hope all is well with your wife.

I'll look forward to your return.

Stay both safe and well. You have a wonderful day. Best wishes. Deas Plant.

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10-03-2003 20:43:34

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
Feel free to stop by a library keep us posted on the progress and say hello.

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John A

10-03-2003 20:21:54

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
Indy, We will miss ya. We understand why. Visit from time to time when you can. Will look forward to when you are back with us FULL TIME! I wish a speedy recovery to the Mrs. Later,
Good Luck,
John A.

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Rod F.

10-03-2003 19:59:37

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
Hi John,

I for one have enjoyed reading your posts. You always have something interesting to say or stir up. All the best, and hope you find your way back sooner, rather than later.


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10-03-2003 19:38:59

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
I say we just all make some donations and get John a computer for his house and get him a phone line installed. I am baling hay tomorrow and could pitch in the first donation out of my hay money.

You will be missed, and best wishes to your wife for a complete and speedy recovery. So hurry back!


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10-03-2003 16:50:36

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
As we say here in sunny southern Arizona "Adios Amigo, Via Con Dios". Hope your beansrun out good and your wife is on the mend. I love your wit as well as your advice. Just picked up a 49' 8N to play with.

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Polk Crawler

10-03-2003 16:34:40

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
John: Have enjoyed your posts and hope you can get back with us sooner than you plan.
BTW, weeks ago you posted your experience using Liquid Nails to deal with a radiator problem on a cycle. I took your disclaimer at face value but tried it anyway; radiator fine as long as it was off the crawler and water was cold; when H20 got up to temp with engine running the leak showed up again. Repair shop tech said he couldn't fix the problem short of a new core, etc.
Anyway, had fair warning LN might not do the job but couldn't resist the temptation to try the LN; will apply it only as directed from now on, leave radiator repair to those who know best.
Carry on, hurry back

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Polk Crawler

10-03-2003 16:37:06

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 Re: Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Polk Crawler, 10-03-2003 16:34:40  


Had e-mail in previous post spelled wrong, only one "O" in last name.

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KURT (mi)

10-03-2003 12:50:05

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
Cant you go to a friends computer and use the internet off his computer. Or use your bosses computer to go to ytmag.

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10-03-2003 12:22:12

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
Wow! Talk about cold turkey. Maybe a local library can be your source for a quick fix now & then.

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Joe Evans

10-03-2003 12:13:41

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
Reckon we'll all be here when you get back. Should have my IH website up and running by then. Check it out when you return. Joe Evans

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10-03-2003 11:27:08

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
We'll miss you too. Get back with us soon's you can.

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Dan in Ore

10-03-2003 10:23:53

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  

Thanks for all of the great posts and follow ups. It has been a pleasure. Sure gonna miss your wit and wisdom.

My best to you and your wife. I hope she is much better.

Hope to see posts from you soon.


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Phil in MS

10-03-2003 10:16:28

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
We will miss seeing your name and wisdom in various posts. I like the library idea someone mentioned. Some of the UPS Stores (FKA Mail Boxes Etc.) may also have units available but I don't know the cost involved in using.
I hope your wife is better and is mending well and that the remodeling at work goes quicker than expected (which isn't the norm).

I have a post on the MF board that I was hoping you would see and comment on regarding a loader on a MF255.

Hope you get back on line soon.

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Paul (C IL)

10-03-2003 09:12:42

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
Don't know if you'll see this before you go. But a few weeks back I asked about the wisdom of reviving my father's Ford 640. Your advice (along with others) was very instrumental in convincing us to go forward with this project. The tractor is now in a garage, and we plan to start removing the sheet metal this weekend.

I know I have also had some interesting discussions with you here about the abilty of farmers to make it on a small scale. We have not always agreed there, but to be honest it reminds me of a speech I gave in an FFA speech contest many years ago. I had an ag teacher who was fond of saying "the only way to start farming is to marry it, or inherit it." I took issue with that. While I still like to believe it would be possible, the truth is I so far have chosen not to farm. I am less certain that it is possible now than I was when I was a 17 year old kid that had the world by the tail.

Ayway, working on Dad's tractor will be a small way to remember that part of rural America that was so special to me growing up, and I hope you know that your advice was key in convincing me to pursue it.


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10-03-2003 09:26:50

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 Re: Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Paul (C IL), 10-03-2003 09:12:42  
First off, Thanks. Second, good luck with the tractor. Years from now, you'll be so happy that you went ahead with it. Third, I wouldn't recomend anyone start farming nowdays, but I wouldn't try to discourage anyone either. It's a tough racket. Lots of "bottomless pits". I will make a living at it. My son will too. We had a "head start" by inheriting the land. It is a different world now, than it was even 25 years ago. You have to develope a strategy, and stick with it. I have my "day job" as well as my wife working too. We go around the clock. Tough life, but I love it. Wouldn't change a thing if I could. Talk to you soon, John

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10-03-2003 09:11:15

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
See ya on the flip side :)

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10-03-2003 08:55:04

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
You might think about going to your local library once per week or so. Usually they have public access computers. That way you might still be able get your YT fix at least on occassion.

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10-03-2003 09:06:28

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 Re: Re: Going away for a while. in reply to greenbeanman, 10-03-2003 08:55:04  
Good idea, considering we have a library with-in sight of the house. They do have computers, and I won't go into withdrawl.

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Keith MIller

10-03-2003 08:35:19

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
I read here a lot, but don't do a lot of posting. I know I will miss reading your comments. Also, I hope your wife heals up fast and is soon back to normal. will be watching for your return.

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10-03-2003 08:30:13

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 Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-03-2003 08:18:05  
John, I hope you will be back sooner. My son tells me that internet is available without a land line or cable line and I plan to check that out also. I'm soon to be in the same situation as you as I plan on dropping my land line since I recently purchased a family cell phone plan. Try to get back on soon and good luck with the office update. Garry

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