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Farmall & IHC Tractors Discussion Forum

Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock!

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12-21-2007 15:21:53

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Howdy, boys. I just moved here to the farm in August, so have only been getting the RFD channel since then. I really looked forward to being able to see "Classic Tractor Fever". Well, that was a disappointment. That Ray Wilkinson host guy must hate Farmalls. They ought to call it the "Anything But Farmalls Show". It's getting old quickly. I've been watching for 4 months now and hardly ever see a Farmall featured.
Also, I can't help but wonder why Ray Wilkinson holds his arms, hands and fingers like lobster claws. Weird-o. mike durhan

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12-23-2007 08:29:00

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
I'am one of those sissie horse lovers!! Also a member of the local Sheriff's Mounted Unit. Do S&R, crowd control, amoung other things whith our horse's. By the way I own a Farmall 656D hyd. Not restored, but used to make my hay.(about 40ac) RFDTv, like alot of things, started out as agood idea, but is all about the money now. I like this forum, has alot of good info. Just my 2 cents worth.

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12-22-2007 14:43:34

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
After reading all the negative comments about RFD-TV and old Ray I feel compelled to put my two cents worth in. First of all each one of us are partial to one brand or another. Personally I like several brands myself. Over the years I have farmed with IH, Ford, and Deere’s, but I love to look and hear about them all. I don’t think that any one brand should dominate and I think that is why I am not a big Deere fan. Yes they seem to have survived the tractor wars of the twentieth century and they do make a great product but there are just too many of them. I know some of the reasons so many are being restored is because of the availability of parts and the sheer numbers of tractors out there but give me a IH W9 or Ford 861 or a Allis WD 45 or even a Case 930 and I am much more likely to spend more time looking that them. It’s interesting to see how diverse the engineering was and yet similar in some ways. As far as old Ray, my sympathy goes out to the family and friends of Mr., Wilkinson. I did not know that he passed away either. He was as different as there are brands of tractors. Even I know that hosts of most shows have very little to do with there content. He was an ambassador to the farming community and should be remembered for his contributions over his live and not ridiculed for his ageing appearance. Now for RFD-TV itself. With all the crap that is on the tube these day’s it is a real breath of fresh air to have a station that you could have on all day (not that I could stand it) and not have to see some kind of death, or violence pumped into our living room. I can’t agree more with the guy’s that there is way too much horse stuff but I am grateful for the few tractors and machinery shows that they do air. Tell me one other station that is willing to air these kinds of shows to such a small audience with very little attraction to advertisers. Anyway that’s my two cents worth.

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Bill in NC

12-22-2007 13:22:30

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
I grew up seeing Ray Wilkinson's reports on the Raleigh TV station and hearing his radio reports. His Cecil and Leonard jokes were priceless. Ray did a lot to help farmers keep up-to-date with farming related information. Here is some information regarding a fine gentleman and a friend to the farmer:



Bill in NC

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John M

12-22-2007 07:48:07

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
No, no, no, no Mike! Youve got it all wrong..... See, its like this. We already know pretty much everything there is to know about Farmalls, and we dont need to go around bragging about it, and we dont need to go off with our noses in the air because our tractors are still working, and not some show queens, so we need the edumacation of just what to do with our tractors when we, or possibly our great grandchildren, retire our tractors to show queen status, then we will know what to do and how to act. Thats why they dont show many Farmalls, and they keep showing CTF over and over. Dont ya see?!

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12-22-2007 09:40:15

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to John M, 12-22-2007 07:48:07  
Ah-ha! Of course! So that is it. Why, it makes perfect sense now. Thanks, John. Merry Christmas. mike durhan

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12-22-2007 04:09:34

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
City Boy-McCoy... My uncle Ray has been dead for about 5 years. The shows were taped in the 1990's. He held his hands and arms the way he did because of arthritis. If you don't like RFD-TV, then just turn it off. Ray had nothing to do with those Classic tractor shows other than saying a few words for the promotor at the begining.

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12-22-2007 06:22:43

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to Retento, 12-22-2007 04:09:34  
I am sorry your uncle died.
I am truly sorry he suffered with arthritis.
I am pleased to hear he had nothing to do with the content of the show.
I apologize for blaming him for the show being what it is.
As for whether or not I will watch RFD-TV, I can make that decision without your advice. mike durhan

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Hugh MacKay

12-22-2007 03:07:34

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
Mike Merry Christmas, now here is the problem, your watching too much televission. On the computer you can choose your topic, just blank out those undesirable tractors.

I quit watching TV about 15 years ago, about the same time my wife discoverd the remote. We went to visit her brother and his wife. Our wives went shopping, and there were about 3 football games, plus other assorted sports events. He had me so confused, flicking from one chanel to the next, I had no idea which game I was watching or what the score was. Then he promoted this new gadget to his sister. Three months later it was either buy my own TV, or quit watching TV. I haven't missed much, mostly commercials, I think that is all they broadcast anymore. I notice I am a very uninformed shopper though. That part is not bad, I can get out of being sent for anything.

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Dave Sherburne NY

12-22-2007 10:32:58

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to Hugh MacKay, 12-22-2007 03:07:34  
You've got the right idea Hugh, I quit about
8 yrs ago. I found a pair of rabbit ears in the garage, put them on the tv to watch the news Ten minutes of news 20 mins. of commercial so I
put them out with the garbage.

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Tom Widnsor

12-21-2007 21:41:43

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
"To the farm in August" Where is that?


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12-22-2007 05:20:25

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to Tom Widnsor, 12-21-2007 21:41:43  
Hi, Tom. It is in North Alabama. I bought a house on 26 acres. Lots of room to exercise the old red iron. mike

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Dave H (MI)

12-21-2007 17:33:22

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
Those episodes you are talking about are older than old. I can remember watching some of them here locally before there was an RFD channel on here. I am not even sure Ray is still with us. The newer episodes have the younger guy who did the farm reports. I can't remember any of the names. The younger guy actually owns Farmalls.

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12-21-2007 21:21:42

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to Dave H (MI), 12-21-2007 17:33:22  
Max Armstrong, he is a Farmall guy. I have met him and he seemed like a pretty good old boy. He bought my buddy and me a round of drinks. Had a nice visit with him, but I agree RFDTV ain't much. Ok if you like horses and Big Joes Polkafest.

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in sticks

12-21-2007 17:23:43

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
i agree too much horsey stuff,not enough new shows.and imus is calmed down alot.not enough about real rfd living.

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little john

12-21-2007 17:00:07

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
Have you given any feedback to the show? Let 'em know what viewers think.

Happy Holidays!

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12-21-2007 16:29:00

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
If you watched it 4 months you probly saw all the shows they are gonnna put on this year. I have seen Farmalls on there,but its few and far between.I had RFD for 2 years before I saw a Ford tractor,I bet Ive wathched 20 of them with John Deeres.I didnt care for John Deere 2 cylinders when I was a kid,even less now.If they do finally get something on there that interests you they spoil it all by the camera doesnt look where they are talking about and when it finally does its off to a comercial.If its a 30 minute show it only lasts about 10 minutes and you will change the channel before they even get to anything thinking you are on the wrong channel.
Sometimes I go to sleep before they start talking about the tractors.

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John T

12-21-2007 16:08:31

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
Mc Coy, I agree n you know theyre pretty bad n hard up when even my ugly mug was on one briefly lol

The way I figure it is THEY (tractor shows) CANT GET ANY SPONSORS like the fancy horse shows. They have sponsors lined up wanting to sell feed or vet products or a horse water device but theres nuttin to sell to the few of us nuts who love our old tractors lol Its alllll a matter of advertisements and MONEY Theres no way they can make the money on an old tractor show like those dern high dollar horse lover shows

John T

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Steven f/AZ

12-21-2007 16:05:58

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
RFD-TV is not much of anything to get excited about. Watched it a couple of times and was severely disappointed...

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Hoss in Maine

12-21-2007 16:05:58

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
We dont get it here in Maine,guess we,re lucky, git plenty of snow though,2ft so far. Still digging out,Hoss

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12-21-2007 16:20:53

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to Hoss in Maine, 12-21-2007 16:05:58  
I'm in Downeast Maine, I get it via DirecTV.

Not that that's anything to brag about, but it IS available if yer desperate...

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russ hamm

12-21-2007 15:47:12

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
Been dissapointed too. I e-mailed them once to see if they needed new material. After i watched a combine demo derby and grain truck races. Ol Ray is a good man. Artritis for sure. Hope you never get it bad. LOL. And then imus????? ????? They do run some farmall stuff, Max Armstrong leans that way, you can tell. Love the channel, but they need constant new material. And, it's out here for the taking. The successful farming show kinda leaves me flat too. GREAT magazine, flat show. Writers make all the difference, and that's sure.

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12-21-2007 15:57:36

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to russ hamm, 12-21-2007 15:47:12  
I hear ya on the Successful Farming thing. Just one long, thinly disguised commercial. Even Roger Welsch comes off bland.

You ever see one of them John Deere "programs" on RFD-TV? You know, the "latest in agricultural technology" thing. They don't even attempt to disguise that half-hour commercial as a program...

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Silver Pig

12-21-2007 19:37:16

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to Fawteen, 12-21-2007 15:57:36  
The only thing worth watching and listening to are the Superior Cattle Auctions.

Roger Welsch is a windbag, and I wouldn't use his books for assw!pe

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12-21-2007 15:44:45

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
I read that Imus was to be on from about 6:00am to 8:30. Not here in SD so far. Anyone else getting him? You know, he of the Rutgers BB Girls comments.


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12-22-2007 07:02:51

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to GordoSD, 12-21-2007 15:44:45  
I think he(Imus) starts at 4 in the morning here. I am in the mountain time zone in western South Dakota. Channel 231 on DISH network. Listened to him for a while one morning, and he had several guest hosts who were talking about pro-sports, politics, and several other topics. I guess I didn't know what to expect when I heard that he was going to be on. On a different note, I DO like the Successful Farming show on RFD-TV. But I have a DVR so I don't have to watch the commercials on ANY show!!

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12-21-2007 15:39:15

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 Re: Classic Tractor Fever - What a crock! in reply to CityBoy-McCoy, 12-21-2007 15:21:53  
I think the thing with the fingers is arthritis.

I also think that unless you're a yuppie horse rancher wannabe, RFD-TV is a waste of time.

Once you've see all 6 episodes of Machinery of the Past and all 12 episodes of Prairie Farm Report, that is...

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