Roundup sprayed on hay bales


Well-known Member
This message is a reply to an archived post by olgentdc on August 17, 2018 at 09:50:11.
The original subject was "Roundup sprayed on hay bales".

I think I?d ask an agronomist or someone that has actually spent a little time learning and knows what they are talking about . I wouldn?t trust the yt agronomy department of keyboard farmers and hippies . I sprayed 24d on my pasture with cattle grazing on it in accordance with the label . Now I?m sure this will make yt agronomy department/ hippes lose their minds but must don?t have anything to lose in that department anyway . Funny how they?ll believe a meme on Facebook but won?t believe someone who?s actually spent more than 4 minutes on Facebook or an anti farming webpage isn?t if

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