How to protect your house from break ins

We've had 3 houses broken into in our coul-de-sac in the past 2 weeks. So far they've always come in the daytime when nobody is home. They take jewelry and if they can find it cash or easy things. The entry has been the same. Kick in the back door. 2 of the 3 houses were broken into while the family was away for at least a couple days. (In the next month, we are leaving for a week)

What would you all do to protect yourself short of calling up ADT or the like? And to the cowboys saying, "just shoot them", that hasn't been the option, they don't come when people are home.

We're not in some uppity neighborhood, nor in the slums. Just your average middle class neighborhood. Most of the houses are $125-175k.
I heard of a family who told the cops that they were going away on vacation and to watch their house while they were gone. They got broke into while they were gone.

Your best bet would be to get a house sitter.
"Booby Traps" work best for cases like this. Use your most sinister imagination but if it bothers you to hurt a crook then forget it all and make sure your homeowners is paid up. That's what they are banking on. We have dogs....and no problems. If you don't you need to think ahead of the crook. I won't mention specifics on here. The liberals would crucify me. Trust me , these people are in no position to sue you for their misfortune but if you notify the ER in advance you WILL catch them!
In most cases of daytime burglaries, they either knock on the door and if someone answers, they have some lame story or question and move on. If no answer, they head around back and kick in the door.
Or, if you have a home phone and it's listed they will call to see if they get an answer and if not....well you get the idea.
If your back yard is fenced, get a big dog and have a trusted friend or neighbor feed the dog while your away. That will probably keep them from coming in the back way.
Our home was burglarized many years ago and I had dogs in back, but they kicked in the front door. Someone walking down the street saw them carrying stuff out the front door and that scared them away, but not before getting all my guns as well as the usual stuff such as jewelry, TV etc. They were never caught.
After that I installed an alarm system, but did it all myself. Audible alarm as well as a phone dialer which I had dial myself as well as the police dept. (had to pay an annual alarm fee to the city). Had a few false alarms and the police did show up.
The funny part I remember after the break in, the police came to make the report and asked if they had been in the garage and I said yes the door was open but nothing was missing. The officer wanted to go out back and look around anyway, so I followed him out. I had a Great Dane but she was in her pen at the time, and couldn't be seen from the garage. His radio went off and she started barking (and her bark was enough to get anyones attention) and that guy ran......and I mean ran back into the house. I asked him what was wrong and he explained the burglars obviously hadn't been out there!
Sadly short of never leaving your home, you can be a victim anytime no matter what you try to do to avoid it.
I had a buddy that got a clapper (you know the thing that turns the light on when you clap your hands) and hooked it to a radio. Said the radio was on quite often when he would get home from work, figured it was someone knocking on the door. Guess they weren't smart enough to knock again to turn it off!
I should have mentioned, all the houses had dogs. We have dogs too, but one is old and the other has a mean bark but has been known to wet herself if people actually come in the house.

We have a house sitter lined up but she is nervous about staying there.

Thanks to all that reply.
I too have experienced a break in to my house.
Am sure they watched us, to know our routine. The dog was hit and injured ! The door was kicked in. Most doors are easy. It helps to have two(or three) lockable latch points. Add dead bolt locks that take a key on both sides, the door cannot be opened by breaking a window. replace the stock latch plate screws with some about 3 inches long. Put up 'alarm' stickers.. You can get these things at a locksmith shop AND advice. Best you can do is make is difficult and noisy.
Take a piece of plywood and screw it in front of the back door? for the front door i really have nothing short of installing a padlock, which will be more of a deterrent rather then practical if they want to get in the WILL get in. Something that can be done is get an alarm sign and put it out front and don't tell ANYONE that you haven't installed one. Something else that works good ( we used it at our dealership when we had thing runing off) is a fake camera that has a light on it and mount it above the main entrance to the house
If you are goin to be gone go with the house sitter. And if you are home and they try some night i would rely on my 44mag the red dot would stop them im sure!!!
One of the dealerships I worked at got hit a few times. After they installed a real loud alarm they never have been hit again. It did not even call the police it just made a real loud obnoxious noise. This should work if you are in a populated area.
We bought a very loud motion activated alarm at Target for about $15 for our cabin after it was broken into. It hasn't happened again so we don't know if it works or not. I think an infra-red game camera hidden would be good, better to catch them than deter, that way they are caught. Not as good as shooting them, but OK!
If you have an alarm, it has to be loud enough for neighbors to hear from inside their homes with the tv blaring. Something like an airraid siren may get their attention. I hear car alarms going off and don't hardly give them a look as they are usually false alarms. Wireless ip/pet cams that you can view from your phone and/or work computer. Set them to record, motion detection, take pics and save and email them. I have three of them. I can view the farmyard 24/7 from anywhere by just typing in their web address into a computer. Just need a wireless router and fast internet connection. Get an extra hard drive if you want to record much. One cam may cover 3 or 4 houses in a cul-de-sac. Then get your neighbors to do the same so the whole area is covered, front and back.
If you have a friend that can just drop by your house at random times it'll help alot.Apparently someone is watching your neighborhood and knows the routines of the people living there.
For a few hundred bucks you can get multiple video cameras many with night vision. Wireless, motion activated, recorded to DVD. Or if you wish to spend a few $$ more/program direct to your cell phone. I have them in my shop. Computer/DVD recorder in the attic. Not been broken into to yet.
I can see it now in court. Theft say he was no where near my place, was in church lighting a candle for his grandma. Judge say " O really??" Take a look at this video. :wink:

Our sheriff was recently changed, under the last one we never told when we were gone. No problems
When you go away have a trusted friend or relative stay with the dog.

Good Luck

SJ has the right idea with the big doggie.

However: Here is what I have done to protect my home.

So far I dont have a fancy ADT alarm (not yet) but the front door has an ear blaring siren on it if some one kicks it in and the doorwall is barracaded with a 2x2 wood piece and the door wall would have to be busted out with a wrecking bar to pry it out or bust the glass.

And this is the important point:
Get a hidden safe area in your home for valuables, Jewelry, guns, bank certificates, etc. Floor safe, hidden area in a wall, this can become very creative.

A neighborhood watch sign might be a deterent but a real alarm patched into the cop shop would be good.
The single most important thing is to make it appear that your house is occupied. The thieves are probably drug users who live in the neighborhood and who watch everyone's coming and going. At the very least leave a car parked in the driveway; if you can get someone to drop by every day, that will help. Moving the parked car will also help. Timers that turn lights on and off are a good idea as well. Make sure to stop your mail and newspapers.
Installing booby traps that work/injure someone is a felony and will get the homeowner a stretch in prison.
I have had my house broken into, same MO. The only thing you can do is have an alarm and have that scare them away. It does help to have a car in the garage and make it look like someone is home.

They do NOT want anyone home.
I have a couple of neighbors close by and we watch each others house and questions strangers. I try to keep my house looking the same weather I'm home or not. I'm refering to keeping my garage doors closed and vehicles parked out side. I will admit I feel alot more comfortable about things since my wife and I retired from our real jobs and one of us is here most of the time. We no longer have a routine where we come and go at the same time. I do get a little nervous when I leave with the fifth wheel camper cause a regulat observer would notice it being gone. I count on my neibors watchful eye then.
in the tourist trap up the hiway from me, housebreaking is one of the favorite past times of the local druggies, with 3 or 4 in your neighborhood, your dealing with theives that live in the area, they case the neighborhood looking for changes in activity, ie cars stop moving around in the drive, no grass watering or mowing, mail crammed in the mailbox ect,lights on all night and day, the best deterent for now is hire somebody you trust to house sit for you, and this means live in it while your gone, when you get back invest in some new doors that are really stout, as well as a couple of quality deadbolt locks, [ the kind not sold at walmart] also figure out a way to manuely secure windows on your home other than the original locks they came with , ie sticks in the jams ect, one former thief, [ 12 years behind bars cured him of his hobby] told me the hardest window to get in is the old style casement windows found in homes from the 50's and 60's, the ones with the little 18 inch or so square glasses that crank out, they can also be defeated, but its very noisy and im not going to say how on here , there is really no way to 100% protect your home from a proffessional theif, if they want in they'll get in, the object is to make it as noisy, and time consuming as possible, requiring tools the average druggie, who does most of the break ins, probably wont have with them, or require some brain work which will probably defeat them too, also trim up hedges and bushed that are next to the house, you dont need to provide the theif a nice hidden place to work from,at night if you live on some property, a yard lite is also a deterent as is solar driveway liting ect, anything to make it hard for a theif to hang around your place without being seen by somebody
Zeus handles our security. Standing on his back feet he is over 6 feet tall and weighs 130 lbs. Anyone touches an outside door his bark shakes the house.
Booby trap is a BAD idea. If the perps are hurt or killed by a booby trap while breaking into your house, they'll end up with everything you own anyway, LEGALLY.

You'll all be in front of a judge, but YOU will be the one on trial.

It's all about "intent to do bodily harm." You set these traps with the intention of hurting the person who's breaking into your house.

Doesn't matter what they were doing. That's a separate issue, and if you thwarted them before they got in and actually STOLE something, it's a NON-issue. They're innocent, you're not.

You're better off letting them have what they can grab. They'll get away with less.

A video surveillance system is the best insurance, but do not hide the cameras. Make sure they are in plain view, and make sure everyone concerned knows about the cameras. If the crooks know they might be captured on video, they will most likely leave your house alone.
My Mom sat on a jury back in the 50s in a case where a man had booby trapped his summer camp with a shotgun. Two young kids were seriously wounded when they tried to break in the place.
The guy got some serious time for it.
Some burglars probably deserve to be shot, but setting a booby trap, like Thurlow says, is not a good idea!
I agree, the boobie traps will end up getting you sued by the perps family.

I'm going the infra red cam route for now. Covert Special OPS cam and adding a line to my cell phone. I plan on putting the camera in the house to cover the doors from the interior and mount it in a picture frame. It will probably get stolen with everything else if I get broke into, but I should have a good pic of them and I should have the pic of them to my phone by the time they finish up hauling things out.

I'll let you folks know how it all works out. I still have a to add the line and sort a few things out first though.
Well ya could go and get yourself a half dozen Timber Rattlers and turn them loose in the house while you are gone. DOGS require feeding water and to be let out so someone has to do that , now with a snake ya don't have to do much with it and ya never know where they may be , and if ya remove the rattles off them ya don't hear them. Everybody sorta ignores a beware of dog sign BUT YA PUT UP A BEWARE OF SNAKE SIGNS and everybody knows that when your not there they are loose in the house. The word spreads fast . And for some reason the breakins stop . I worked for a guy that his shop got cleaned out three time and i mean cleaned they left nothing i think they even took the dirt off the floor twice . First he tired the dog thing , they killed the three dog and cleaned him out , next it was a armed guard and dog , they beat the guard and killed the dog . Then he got the two timber rattlers and removed the rattles . during the day they were in there cage wright buy the main door for everyone to see and at night they were let loose in the shop and nobody went in until the boss came and found his pets and put them away . Some morning there were several of us setting in our trucks waiting for the boss to get there and put Frick and Frac as he called them away and the phone ringing off the hook , each of us had keys for the place but none would go in .
I called ADT. I think just having the alarm, and the sign, deters 90% of the thieves. And it probably is somebody living in your area ripping folks off.
Hi, I had a couple of break ins, and I bought one of those infra-red game cams with the thought that I would get a photo of them and their car and post signs on the local bulletin boards asking if anyone knew them, because they were at the site of a break in. No further details so I couldn't be sued for accusing them, and yet anyone in the neighbourhood who did know them would give them a reputation...

So I set up the game cam, and went out at night to see if I could see the infra red light source. Yup, the infra red flash is very obvious. So somehow you have to prevent them from stealing the camera, or destroying it and digging out the memory stick.

My next thought is some of those dummy cameras, with little radio antennas. That might give them something to think about.

I agree with the deadbolts, with 3" screws on the latch plates. Also the loud siren/motion detector alarm that resets itself.

And, make it as inconvenient as possible for thieves, they're lazy and paranoid by nature.

Bye for now, and good luck!

I've got a motion detector alarm system in my office- minimal wiring, didn't cost much (about $250, IIRC). If it detects motion, alarm goes off. If you've done it accidentally and punch in the code within so many seconds, it deactivates. If you don't, someone calls and asks for the password. If no answer to the phone, or answerer doesn't know password, they call the cops. Annual fee is about $250.
Friend had some heavy copper wire stolen.
Found it at local scrap yard,before they shipped it.
Yard had I.D. for seller
Friend pressed charges
After 2 months had heard NOTHING
Went to Shierff office,and asked about the case
"We got more to worry about that some wire"
My point,it you get pictures,or proof,probably nothing will be done
Local shop had steel stolen,found it at same scrap yard next a.m.,seller had about dozen outstanding theft cases outstanding at time,yard did offer to sell him HIS stuff back.
Try to keep them out,and hope someone somewhere will "try and excute" on site
If someone wants something you have bad enough, they're going to get it. They'll drive a truck through your house to get in if they want to. People will kill you for your pocket change these days and not think twice about it.

Your real goal should be to try and keep burglars out. Motion sensors, LOUD Alarms with battery back-up, sturdy doors and good locks, and (a) big, mean a-- dog(s) are all good ideas. One well placed bullet will kill any dog, though, but it's still a deterrant to many. Killing a dog during a robbery adds some jail time in some areas.

As far as alarm signs, that's your choice. I'd put them inside a window near the door. My brother had his outside his house stolen.

Cameras that catch a crook in the act are the next line of defense, but you still have to find the crook to prosecute them. We often hear of someone being identified by being caught on camera. We never hear how many times is there a camera and either a decent image of the crook wasn't found or was so poor that it was of no use, or if the crook posed for a perfect 8 by 10 they still couldn't identify/catch them. Smart burglars cover their face.

If you want to go to prison, go ahead and booby-trap your house. Maybe you nail a crook, maybe you'll kill a girl scout tugging on your door too hard trying to sell you cookies. Either way you're going to do time. Even if it were a crook, a judge/jury could very well rule against you in a civil suit brought by the injured or the deceased's family, too.

Police now view burglary/theft as something that your insurance will cover, and that is pretty much the property owner's problem so long as nobody was assulted, raped, murdered, or etc. during the robbery. Unless the police physically capture a person inside your house or on your property (when seconds count, the cops are a half-hour away), in your stolen car or catch them with your property in their posession, you're out of luck as far as prosecution or getting your property back. If you think your house/shed, etc., will get the CSI treatment after you're robbed, you are very wrong. They might knock some donut powder around looking for prints. Smart burglars wear gloves.

A neighbor has had their wiring from their irrigation pivots stolen so many times, their insurance company told them that after the next theft they will no longer insure any of their pivots in any way, shape, or form.

In the 70's, after my uncle got cleaned out, he made up a couple of 8-track tapes with about 5 minutes per track of tv or radio noise, dogs barking, and him yelling and cursing stuff like "get the h--- out of here or I'm calling the cops". He'd pop them in when he went to work, about 20 minutes worth, and constantly looping, and swapped out tapes every couple of days. He said you could hear it 10-20 feet outside of the house. He never got hit again, and had no more door-to-door salesmen either.

The laws and courts in the USA are no longer in favor of those whose health or well-being is in danger and certainly not when personal property is being threatened. In fact, the deck seems to be becoming stacked the other way. They sure don't want you to protect yourself.

The day is coming when a crook will sue because when they broke a window, the glass cut them and some judge/jury will award the crook a judgement against the homeowner who didn't leave the door unlocked/open and the window manufacturer who dared to make glass sharp when broken. They might even make the homeowner support the crook's family until the crook is well enough to get back to work/able to rob people again.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to build a trap that captures but doesn't hurt. "abundant" thinking is what will hand this country/world over to the crooks. It's allready in process.

A simple sign,

Anyone found here at Night will be found here in the Morning. Are you from around Bemidji? I am a few miles from there.
If you have car alarm, keep the fob by your nightstand. Only works if you are sleeping there. Free and would probably scare off a baddie. Dave

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