Enlarging the garden size.W/ Pics

Victor spent the most time today with the O.C.46 making the garden area larger.Now we have to remove some lilac bushes and a couple of tree stumps and then Re- Dirt the whole entire area with pookie and hard pan soil. Our area would make a great gravel pit. But if done correctly, should produce a LIMITED AMOUNT OF VEGGIES THIS YEAR. I'm having some problems with health issues so MY son is doing the entire restoration project by his lonesome. Great Guy , I can tell ya. Here are a few pictures to glance at while your having a cup of coffee.House that you see, is my daughters,she's saving for siding and deck. Regards LOU.




Thanks for the pictures. Looks like a fun place to garden-- sure beats crowded suburbs and the city! Smart daughter finishing the house as she can pay for it. BTW, never heard of "pookie" before, another name for compost?
Thanks for the reply gtractorfan,
POOKIE, is what comes from SOUTH end of a cow or Horse, headed NORTH,LOL. Actually POOKIE was used years ago by mothers who had to clean the diapers from young children. I like our definition better, of cows and horses.Daughter is doing everything by cash saving as she goes.Building her house was a family project,still ongoing,but closing fast. Thanks again for your reply,
Regards, Lou & Victor
LOL My Son got the nick name of Pooper stuck with him for several years cause every time ya picked him up ---- yep ya got it

Post also reminds me of an old saying -- "So hungry I could eat the North end off a Southbound mule"
I make sure I only do the hard part, finishing up the produce when its time to pick.LOL That's what you call an armchair supervisor of high caliber standing with A.H.G.V.P. inc American Home Grown Veggie Producers, Incorporated. Fits don't it??? LOL
That sounds like something you put on the garden to get the veggies to grow,right.? RIGHT.. Thanks for the reply appreciate it,
Regards, LOU
Yep Roy, Same song,second verse. The verses are commensurate with the amount of children you have.Oh well,as far as eating the mule, I wouldn't have anything to work the 20 acres with.LOL.
Thanks Roy,
Maybe its time to think about some raised beds?Something that doesn't take the stooping over. Been thinking about some for the wife and me.
Anybody doing it ?
Raised beds, Does that make it easier for the deer to get the veggies,without hurting their neck?LOL. Good idea,but something that will come later for us,as Old Man time sneaks up on us.
Thanks for the reply,
Raised beds are good for clay type soils. on sandy soils they would demand pretty much constant irrigation.
Hay Lou.
The wife and I have used raised beds for years. Very easy to maintain, and amend soil types to suit the crop in them. Some one mentioned having to irrigate in sandy soil; All you have to do to remidy that situation is to line the boxes with black plastic, put a layer of peet on it and fill with good fertile dirt. We have used 2x10s for our boxes, in the past, but I am starting to use smaller tractor tires also. I take a sawsall and cut the sidewall out of one side and fill with dirt, I ordered Blackberries this year and I will plant them in old 9.5L15 imp. tires.
We can and freeze all the vegies we need, and plan to sell some in front of the house this year to cover seed and canning/freezing costs.
That's the wiffy in last summers pics., The other pics. I took just before making this post.
Loren The Acg.




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