ran out of diesel

if it is a cav pump loosen the two small bleed plugs on side of pump thy are 5/16 inch on the Sims loosen the plug on side of pump just below the injection line believe it is a 1-2 inch not talking about the bolts that hold the plate on side of pump its a plug type bolt. pump hand pump on fuel deliver pump tell you have fuel. you also may have to loosen the injunction line at pump when cranking
Used to just crack the line at the injectors on my 3910 and crank until I got fuel.

This really helps the guy out im sure! best response here!

what you can do is crack the line on one of the injectors until you get fuel that runs out, what ive found is that if you crack them all at once the engine may begin to run and the fuel will spray everywhere! tighten that one up and giver a crank, it should start but if it doesn't you may need to loosen more then one
Your aren"t the first perosn to do that and I can guarantee you won"t be the last!.
Open the valve on the fuel line from the tank and then loosen the bleed screw on the filter. When you have fuel with no air bubbles running out of the bleed screw, close it and bleed the pump (if it as a bleed screw). Then loosen the fuel lines at the injectors. Some people do them all at once, I do them one at a time. Makes sure your battery is fully charged and then crank til you have fuel come out of the injector then tighten the fitting. Repeat on the other injectors. The engine will usually start before you get to the last injector.
Come on Vito! My 3910 has got to be the hardest starting tractor on Earth when run out of fuel. I think you are under exagerating the process! Just kidding, but it is a P.I.T.A.
In many cases, it is much simpler if you can pull the tractor with another vehicle until it starts. Take care and do it safely :!:

Silence is golden when you have nothing helpful................

Had that happen a couple times. I now carry 5 liters with me at all times and shut it off/add fuel at the 1st sputter. My IHC has a screw on top of the IP that you loosen and crank til fuel comes out. Starts OK a couple minutes after that but a real headache.

Good Luck and don't let the village idiots run you off with their people skills.


I had a Ford 5610 with a CAV pump that to get it started when my employee ran it out of fuel we had had to motor the engine over with the bleed screw on pump open until fuel squirted a stream out of opened bleed screw and then it would start. This was after fuel filter was full of fuel.
(quoted from post at 05:43:49 04/22/11)
Silence is golden when you have nothing helpful................

Had that happen a couple times. I now carry 5 liters with me at all times and shut it off/add fuel at the 1st sputter. My IHC has a screw on top of the IP that you loosen and crank til fuel comes out. Starts OK a couple minutes after that but a real headache.

Good Luck and don't let the village idiots run you off with their people skills.


village idiots are all over the internet. Kind of off topic but we've been having computer problems at work due to Microsoft Automatic updates messing up a previously stable server. So, browsing the web, I find a guy with a similar arcane problem that he ran into after he upgraded his Microsoft system. Response from the "expert" on a forum: "... next time do the planning in advance - not after the fact." Anyone who has dealt with Microsoft software beyond the simple home installation knows that you cross your fingers every time you put on a hotfix or upgrade software because in many cases stuff that USED to work suddenly doesn't.

Back to AMO's comment:
Not EVERYONE who buys a tractor is mechanically inclined. They may be master gardeners, horse lovers or just plain country folk with a decent amount of land to maintain. They know enough to put fuel in the right spot. So, forums like this are a great place to get help, especially when the dealerships are closed or they have an older tractor. I see a lot of pretty obvious (to some) questions answered on ytmag and other forums with patience and respect to the fact that not EVERYONE is a Soundguy, JDMaris or Old. (No disrespect to other members I didn't mention. LOL)

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