Filled truck tank, big shock


Well-known Member
This is the first time I can remember filling my 96 dodge tank, and paying $100.00. The price was 4.17 When will it end. The one tractor I run on gas is my A/C Model M. It gets around 4 gal per hr maybe more on a easy pull. That adds up real fast. Stan
Put $100 in my Freightliner Tuesday. With the fuel already in it I wound up with just over 1/2 tank. It's been along time since the old girl has seen a full tank and given the cost it'll probably be alot longer yet......
I cant afford to fill mine anymore! When I first got it, fuel was high, almost 5bucks a gallon. It started going down an dI eventually "could" fill it, but I jst got my usuall amount each week, now same amout cast me 45 - 50 bucks.
I bought one of the first Dodge dsl in the area in 89. I would fill it up once a month and it would take about 3/4 of a tank. $21.00 You get what you vote for, like it or not.
Debit card has a max of $75, so my Ford F350 doesn't get filled anymore. In a way that's good. It would probably make my stomach churn if it did.

So sick of the greed that dominates our world.

This will probably get this poofed, and I'm not trying to start something so please do not go off on this statement because it is my personal belief.

I will have plenty to answer for when its my time to stand before Jesus, but I'm glad I won't have to answer for causing my brothers and sisters in this world distress and pain because of greed.
The "blond" said, "The high price of gas doesn't bother me! I just put in twenty dollar's worth like I always have!"
Working on the old MF-35, got some rust from the tank in carb and after twice cleaning it and finally ready to go again...and fueling it up, looked under the tank and saw a drip, drip...tank leaking. Well, looking on the bright side, after draining and epoxying the leak...I should be happy with the old gal again. Nice time for a leak though. Maybe it's time to coat with POR. ohfred
Costs me 45 euro to fill my tractor when it's empty, truck in frt of me the other day pumped in 500 euro. Sure was glad I had my tractor :roll:
Well at least food and tires are getting cheaper all the time(LOL)It ain't the fuel thats getting more expensive its the US Dollar getting to be worth less.Get used to it because of the Fed flooding the World with US Dollars prices for us here will continue to rise especially for imported goods.
I've been retired since 2002...been looking
forward to September when the wife will retire,
and we'll be "Free" to do what we want, whenever
we want. I guess the cost of gas will put an end
to that dream!
Yeah if you make a wrong turn it will probably cost at least a buck in fuel to get back to where you were. :eek:)
Yep and hay prices will have to go up as will milk and eggs etc etc and they say the economy is getting better what a laugh. They also say people are using less but the price is still going up so it is not a supply and demand thing
Filled up my F-350 w/460 on Monday: $118.50. You know that TV commercial where the two guys are driving around and change is blowing out of the vents and filling up the car? Well, when I start that truck up, it feels kind of like that except it's flying out the tailpipe!
AMEN! Just got back from TN/NC. It was one expensive trip to see the Charlotte, NC Autofair.
Glad to be back home! Can"t afford another trip.
I here you, greed stinks.It's unfortunate the high price of fuel is not tied to the cost of production; it's driven up by capitalist speculators every time someone hiccups in an oil producing country.
Gaas used to cost about a quarter, now its about 4.00. I have a silver quarter that will still buy a gallon, in fact its worth over 7.00. Thats what has happened to our money.
Speculators are driving up the prices. Goldman- Sachs even pointed that out. 2008 gas was around $4/gal and a barrel of oil was $145.

Today its $3.90 gal, at $110/barrel. Throw out the supply and demand economic theories, because ya"ll know wall street is playing the market.

The rise is gas or energy prices will drive other commodities up, and the FED will likely raise interest rates to combat the inflation if it gets out of hand.
Why are we charged for all those road taxes that big rigs are made to pay ??..I got a Chevy with a 6.2 diesel because of the fuel mileage it gets..Now I'm sorry I ever layed eyes on it..My Chevy gets a respectable 17-18 mpg back and forth to work..No turbo , no 6" stacks belching black...All of 135 horsepower according to military specs....My gripe is , it takes less to make diesel, but they tax the daylights out of us....I have to add lubricant to that "Clean " diesel fuel so I don't have to buy an injection pump every year.... NUTS !! We let it happen...
YUp, and come Memorial Day/ July 4th/ Labor Day the highways will be jammed bumpepr to bumper with vacationers. The high price really only affects the truly poor. I live in Michigan, the economic armpit of the nation and I still can't figure it out. No one is working but go anywhere any time of day and the roads are packed. Stores are packed. Can't get a seat in a restaurant on Friday to save your soul. What gives?
In just a few more years, folks will be saying "I can remember when diesel was only $4 a gallon, and now its over $10. You aint seen nothing yet. China's demand for fuel is growing exponentially. Huge pipelines are built and being built that will carry the Arab oil directly to China. How do you think the USA can compete with all the extra shipping and handling? Natural gas is USA's only hope, but will not happen until it hits $8 a gallon or more. Tom
I am still helping haul feed for a friend. Semi using $1300 each week. I can remember 19 cent diesel.
Food prices bother me more than gas.Lunch meat is up 30%, butter is up 30%.A package of processed cheese went from 2.00 to 2.29.I see loose potatoes have gone from .89 cents a pound to I.29.A small summer squash is 2.50.Ive sold them roadside for 50 cents.Not much is being said about the law congress passed that will shut down small roadside vegetable stands.3 Maine towns have passed local laws that will prevent federal control of in state sales of food.Feds are hollering food safety.In some states church food sales and pot luck suppers are illegal.In one state you have to have a processers license if you take the husks off sweet corn.i take the husks off small ears of corn ,put 5 or 6 ears in a plastic bag and sell for a dollar.They go fast to people who dont have 4 bucks for a dozen.Many people buy a half dozen or even single ears.We will just grow enough for our own use this year.Have a look at to see more on how the Feds will protect us from unlicensed veggy sellers.Bought some 4.00 hay to get me thru to grass yesterday.Gas went to 3.95 at the corner store while I was gone to buy the hay.Layer pellets at 13 bucks a bag now.I keep a few hens for my own eggs now.Dont sell eggs anymore.
(quoted from post at 09:49:47 04/15/11) In England this week

Gas $7.87 US gallon
Diesel $8.09 US gallon

Here are the current highway fuel prices in Europe. Multiply the price per liter in Euros by 5.5 to obtain the cost in US dollars per US gallon.
North America is "catching up".

Country Unleaded petrol price per litre in euros February 9 2011 Diesel price per litre in euros February 9 2011

Gasoline Diesel
Austria 1.29 1.24
Belgium 1.39 1.20
Czech Rep 1.26 1.24
Denmark 1.54 1.39
Estonia 1.20 1.22
Finland 1.51 1.31
France 1.46 1.29
GB 1.41 1.48
Germany 1.45 1.38
Greece 1.59 1.39
Hungary 1.33 1.31
Ireland 1.44 1.35
Italy 1.50 1.38
Latvia 1.19 1.19
Lithuania 1.22 1.13
Luxembourg 1.25 1.13
Netherlands 1.55 1.27
Northern Ireland 1.42 1.48
Norway 1.68 1.65
Poland 1.25 1.20
Portugal 1.52 1.35
Slovakia 1.39 1.28
Slovenia 1.28 1.24
Spain 1.26 1.21
Sweden 1.43 1.46
Switzerland 1.22 1.31
(quoted from post at 21:58:53 04/14/11) carry the Arab oil directly to China. How do you think the USA can compete with all the extra shipping and handling?Tom

If you look at the amount of Arab oil used by the US. The number is minor in comparison and could easily be replaced by either #1 More imports from existing foreign suppliers. #2 Close all the drive through windows across America and eliminate the idling fuel consumption.
There are other reason why the US has it's nose stuck in the Middle east.

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