off road diesel


Well-known Member
Ya think I could run off road diesel in my old pickup and get away with it if I never took it anywhere except farm and fields. Lets face it the DOT doesnt stop out and dip my tank very often.
As long as your not pulling trailers up and down the highway . Cant imagine a cop driving across your fields to check you .Then again it wouldnt surprise me either . Cops here in N.Y.are getting a little out of control .
the price difference anymore isn't all that great. years ago when it was .50 to .75 cents cheeper. might been worth it. to much b/s red tape if caught now days.
thats my point, Im not paying road tax for it but I also drive it less on the road than some of my road/on road =BS
Local logger used to run it in his pickup in the woods and on the road. He got away with it for years until he was involved in an accident. When the police came there was red diesel in the road.
They like to check trucks at farm shows.
You probably won't get caught traveling briefly on a back road.
If a cop came across to you field to check and found red fuel---so what? It's road tax not field tax and you ain't on a road. Now if he is a real AH You might have to walk home because he might stay there and wait till you get on the road.
not too much they can do if your on private land and not on public roads. the truck sure dont care what color the fuel is.
Yep, screw everyone else and let them pay tax for the roads that you drive on. Run off road fuel on the roads and that is a _FEDERAL _offense for tax evasion. The " I just bought the truck " will last about a minute or two untill they run the VIN and check the title.
I can tell you that in Ia the DOT can show up at your farm or home and stick your tank if they have reason to believe you're running off highway fuel on road. If you're using it in any vehicle with current license plates, you'll get nailed for tax evasion. Last I knew it was $10K fine. With all the empty budgets around, do you really want to risk it? You'd have to run alot of red fuel to save the cost of getting caught once...
If that truck stays on the farm and is not licensed and never sees the roads yes you can but if you so much as drive it a mile on the road NO
IRS has agents running the roads in white cars looking for dummies they can lay a 10000 buck fine on.If you cant pay they will take your house.
Like everything else you may try to cheat on, there is never a problem, untill you get caught, and I have to much trouble sleeping already. Also, that red dye in farm diesel is powerfull enough so that one tank of it can turn the next 50 to 100 tank fulls red.
I don't think it's worth the risk...Do ya' actually drive the old beater around enough to make it pay off much doing this? Believe me, the guy that may catch you will be the most hard hearted, lecherous, chicken hawk you ever saw. With what most road tax is You'ld have to burn about 20,000 gallons to make it pay off if you get caught one time.
Lets see $10,000/$0.30= 3,333 gallons.

You would need to burn 3,333 gallons or more to break even on the fine when you get caught. You will get caught because you will tell some one about it (you are dicussing it here) or some one will see you.
You don't have to be on the road; if it's a licensed vehicle, you can be checked. been there/done that........also, see Brian Jasper's post. I was sitting in a church parking, well off of a little used county road when a 'fuel tax division' guy pulled up and asked permission to pull a sample from my one-ton. I asked, "What if I say no?" He said it's your right, but the fine for 'that' is more than the fine for getting caught with untaxed fuel. I was legal and told him to just do it. I have never/would never do it.
What if you run ATF in your on-road fuel like so many do for lubrication purposes.?? I personally run blue 2 cycle oil in my "Army Bratt" M-1028 pick-up..The old Stanadyne pumps won't run long on straight on-road fuel....
If I was to do it I sure would not mention it to anyone or advertise the fact to anyone. You never know who might turn you in or mention the fact to the wrong person.
well I was saying lets suppose I was to do that, not that I was going to do it. I think its hilarious how serious and ------ off some of you get. Settle down guys, farmers dont pay any taxes anyway!
I don't agree.....I have emptied my slip tank (probably can't get the last gallon out). I've filled it with 75 gallons of road diesel and not a sign of red in what I have pumped out. Maybe MT uses weak dye?????
WHY would anyone with a legitimate need for a diesel "truck" be caught in a grocery store parking lot????
Getting caught.My Uncle and I did an overhaul on his Studebaker Champion.Took us a week to get it done.The inspection sticker ran out during that time.Once we got it running we headed for the inspection station.We were 30 feet from the inspection station when a Registry Inspector pulled us over.Told him we just overhauled the engine,the fenders were covered with greasy finger prints.He followed us into the station and made sure we got the sticker.My oil dealer said he got stopped often for tank checks on his oil truck in a very rural area.He thought the agent got a piece of the fine.A fellow tried to pass me on a long hill with a 48 Chevy.I stepped on the 36 Ford and pulled away from him with ease.Down the road aways the Chevy had a blue light on the dash,I got pulled over it was a Registry Inspector.He wanted to see what I had under the hood.I had a 46 engine with dual carberators and high compression heads.I didnt get a ticket but his cover was blown after that stop.He used to drive around with his hat off and a light jacket covering his uniform shirt.
Well Bob, It just so happened that I had gone to get ice and gatoraid for the guys that were going to help me load out 2 van trailer loads of hay. Is that legit enough for you?
Just mount a fuel tank in the bed and sneak lines to tie into the trucks fuel lines. Add a couple of solenoid valves to the lines at the regular tank to prevent mixing between the two tanks. If someone dips the tank it will not have dye. If your water seperator filter has a clear bottom on it you could have an issue, but only if the person doing the inspection has some knowledge and a lot of ambition.

Not that I've ever given the subject any thought.
I don't know about every where, and I don't know about now, but about 15 years ago in Ky you could get caught once. I have a neighor who farmed a few thousand acres and ran 5 or 6 coal trucks. Ran red fuel off and on in the coal buckets for almost two years. When the first truck got caught they went looking for the others and then came to his farm to check every truck he owned. The only truck they found was the coal truck that was right behind the one that was caught. By the time they got 20 miles to his shop all the farm trucks and diesel pickups were not around. They only fined him $2,000 for every truck found with off road fuel, second offence was going to be something like $10 a gallon for every gallon on site at the time (he had a 10,000 gallon tank ouch!) and he was going to have to pay back taxes on every gallon of red fuel he had bought go'n back about 10 years. He didn't get caught a second time.

It won't actually turn it red, but I have heard that the chemical makeup of the dye can be detected down to parts per million.

In other words, NEVER use dyed fuel in your truck or even use the same fuel cans for your truck and farm engines.

My dad used to work for a fertilizer company that got fined over 100K for the simple mistake of using a divided behind the cab 2 compartment tank like a lot of us have. One for the trucks, the other for the spray rigs.

Filled both with dyed fuel once to keep the sprayers going. 6 months later they got checked, and trace amounts of dye showed up in all the trucks.

Just don't do it. DOUG

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