What have you seen scrapped?


With the price of iron being so high there have been a lot of good tractors and implements being sent to the crusher.

What have you seen that has been hauled in?

What have you saved?

I have been trying my very best to save as many old tractors and implements that I can from the scrappers.

Here is a list of what I have saved that would have been scrapped otherwise.

A 1923 McCormick Deering 15-30.
Two 1951 John Deere B tractors.
A 1956 John Deere Model 40 Four-Row Front-Mount Cultivator.
A 1954 John Deere Model 290 Two-Row Corn Planter.
Four John Deere ABG 200 Cultivators.
A 1947 Farmall H.
A 1955 Caterpillar 12 8T Road Grader.
Two John Deere 730 Listers.
A John Deere 638 Lister.
A John Deere Go-Dig.
Two John Deere 594 Side Delivery Rakes.
An International Harvester 2 Bottom plow on steel.
Two John Deere #5 Sickle Bar Mowers
A John Deere #8 Sickle Bar Mower

All of this has been purchased within the last year and all from people that were just going to haul it in.
One good thing is that one of the scrappers lets me know when he gets old John Deere stuff and from there I can purchase it directly from him at scrap price.

I think its just sick what people have been throwing away as junk. This is all part of our Agricultural Past and should be saved.
Thanks for reading!
From Denton, Nebraska.
Andrew Kean
I'm just 2 miles from the crusher,so I see things going past here every day. I saw a nice looking John Deere 780 HydraPush manure spreader go by one day,loaded down with scrap. I was hoping they were just using it to haul the stuff,but I doubt it.
As a person who collects as well as hauls some scrap, I've sent a bit for shred.. However, when I take it in, I've usually sold every part I can off of it, and it usually wasn't much good to begin with.. When I was younger and hauling scrap in High School, I hauled in some things that I wish now I'd have saved, but hindsights are 20/20.

I would like to say the yard I haul to (and I've hauled a lot of stuff in over the last 2 months) I have yet to see a tractor in it.. It's not a big yard, and usually stuff like that sits right as you pull in. They used to sell that stuff to someone.. Maybe they still do.

What really IRKS me is the people who will take a RUNNING tractor (or one that wouldn't take a lot of work to make it run) and PART it out. Ok, so at least it isn't going for scrap, but someone could have saved it in it's entirety.

Now, some of the things that have gone to the shredder that I know of:
2- Massey 760 combines
1- Massey 750 combine
3- Massey grain tables 1- 6 row corn head

I've also saw quite a few gravity boxes, planters, and 2 other older smaller combines (too beat up to tell what) and some of the remnants of a small case tractor.

I know of a guy that has scrapped some f-series farmalls, a 800 case diesel, and a few other tractors.. Wasn't much of them, but they were still tractors.

What have I saved? well.. all but one of my tractors would have ended up as shred eventually, as my Allis D-17 was the only tractor I bought off the farm running working and ready to go.

Farmall H, Cub
Pair of Co-OP/Cockshutt E3/30's
Massey Harris 33
Case 930
Also a 4 bottom snap coupler plow I pull with my D-17 Allis,
14 foot Case disc
6 bottom Oliver round beam plow (that I helped cut the barn off of with chainsaws)
A set of front cultivators for my Massey
Massey self propelled corn picker

Next week I'm planning on going to purchase the last thing I'm going to buy for a while.. I found a home-build contraption.. but I don't want to give away too much till I have it paid for, and can post the pictures of it.

I've got to quit "saving" and take the money I'd buy with and hopefully put up a good sized barn next fall.. As well as finish up one or 2 projects.

Sorry to be long winded.. LOL..
Just about anything livestock related.I have been out of work a few times over the last 5 years and hauled what I could find to make a few bucks.I"ve seen small wheel discs,good looking plows,conventional drills, and lots of row crop cultivators.There is alwas fresh cow stanchions and penning,often balers,haybines and old forage harvesters.I"ve watched silo unloaders and bunk feeders come in and last summer saw a mixmill on the top of a pile that looked better than the one at home.Last fall a lot of hog penning was going in.I can"t imagine there is a steel fencepost left in the county.
I don't know how much farm type equipment the guy had but an area "big wig in the construction fielddied recently and everything he had setting around went to scrap. I have no idea what all went to the scrapper but based on what I saw and heard they hauled equipment in for several days including everything from graders to dozers to scrapers to excavators, to haul trucks. Some of the machines were nothing but scrap but at least one D-9 sized Komatsu dozer was messed with enough to get running, pulled on a trailer and took straight to the scrap yard. Several other pieces a friend had looked at buying before the guy died had minor problems like a cracked head, etc but they all went to the scrapper too. I was told by a reliable source that the scrap value paid to the guys estate was close to $500,000 (yes half a million dollars) so you can imagine what the scrapper actually made off the deal...Especially when everything was hauled in, cut up, and ready to head out on a rail car as scrap within about two to three weeks time. Makes me sick to see what happened with the stuff but, again what I was told, the guy had debts, as well as legal matters like fines, etc, that had to be taken care of immediately and scrapping everything was the only way to raise sufficient funds in the time they had to do it. OH well I guess you can't win them all...or take it with you...
I personally have plenty of IHC Farmall A , B, C , SC , 200 tractors as well as quite a good bit of implements and parts that I want to sell rather than take to the scrap yard but if someone doesn"t buy them soon i will have no other choice regretably 1-662-242-0264
I saved 2 F12's. I am still trying to make one out of the 2. Still need steel wheels or rims & tires. I have one good engine ready to run. Anyone needs F12 parts, let me know.
A pickup truck load of metal T-post,a 1972 Chevy shortbed,good cab &bed no motor or frontend,had a good looking set of rally wheels.
Both were @ a yard that WON"T resell anything.
Decent looking Farmall Cub @ another yard,they wanted a good bit over scrap for it,don't know final outcome of it.They will resell most stuff.
My nephew took his vacation at the wrong time. His company purchased a smaller plant that was outdated for canning vegies. He walked in the day before he went on vacation for two weeks, and noticed a pallet of NEW JD 2 cylinder carbs, and one with new mags for the JD's.

He told them to save both pallets from the scrap hauler. When he got back, they were gone. He tried to track them, but they had been hauled awy by a young snot nosed ---(close to bleeding perhaps) young kid working for the scrap company.
He said they were all still in aq cardboard green boxes, and had other carb kits, condenosrs, points etc.

Him and the wife just kicked around, never went to far on the vacation, he could have drove out to the plant and saved them. He says it was the most expensive vacation they would ever take. His forman said he could have them, and not even pay scrap price for them.
I have heard that some of the scrap yards will not sell anything. I wonder why that is? You would think they could ask a little more than what they gave for something and make some money rather than have to load it on the train or truck it out.
I watched a 1.1 million dollar DEC PDP-11/70 (mainframe computer) sell at auction for $25.00
The scrapper had to pay people to part it out.
The only circuit board missing was the Math processor and that was sold seperately for 2000.00 It was 16 years old. Jim
MH 444 Diesel Garage kept. The neighbors Son in Law was told to clean the garage... The tractor did not end up scrapped as it was bought by a yard worker.

The divorce is now final. Can't hardly think
that it did not have something to do with it..

The best thing ive ever brought home from the scrap yard was a set of white plows. The guy cut them up across the frame so that was junk but we saved all the molboards and coulters. Paid a few bucks for what could cost a thousand or more from a dealer.
Here's a few I've saved

John Deere 709 7' brush cutter minus driveshaft.
Case 2 bottom eagle hitch plow.
Dearborn 2 bottom 3 pt plow.
6' backblade.
IH and Deere wheel weights.
Riding mowers, rototillers, all sorts of engines and electric motors.
2 Kent Moore diesel injector testers, 1 unused.

Just recently picked up 2 power trowels. 3' Stow with 5 hp Honda missing recoil. Drained the oil out of the cyl and it runs fine.

Also got a 4' Whiteman with a rusted up 8 hp Honda. Had one off a mortar mixer I picked up at scrapyard last year and between the two, I got a runner.

I've seen running excavators and fork lifts come in. Right now there is a 6 x6 army truck sitting in the yard that looks like you could drive it. Also seen tractors that didn't look to need too much work junked as well.

It never ceases to amaze me what people will scrap.
I get mad at this subject.Ive seen Ford,Case and IH Tractors,lots of 2 row Ford equipment,plows,cultivators,fast hitch implements,and etc.I saved a 706 diesel last week.It was headed to scrap and I got it running and have used it quite a bit already.The people scrapping this stuff are plain out of their minds.
On the other side of the coin, I have tried to sell some things and put it on a lot of internet sites as well as advertise local. Not one call! I even had priced lower than what I could get for scrap and would deliver within reasonable distance. I advertised for over a year on most of it. Next option is the scrap yard before the county cleans it up and charges me to do it.

I also hate to see it scrapped and sent to China to make cheap junk the American CEO's get rich from importing. However, we just finished cleaning up a next door farm that never hauled much off for scrap over the years and it was a big mess. Money was divided between the heirs. That is the kind of inheritance I want to leave to my daughter- let her clean it all up. She deserves it.
An old guy that I know said that a GM plant in Saginaw Mich. called him up cause they were throwing away a 36" x 36" indexing table for a boring mill. He went over and picked it up right then. Worth a lot of money to the right guy.
I just thought of my sons escapades. He works for a company that makes componets for cars. He would bring down Dodge chargers that were new, and beat the crapola out of them. Before any got to 18,000, they were scraped........nothing at all removed from the auto. They had to document the auto, with pictures to prove they were scrapped.

The usual amount of atoes was two hundred a year that got the melt down. He had to remind me that it did not cost alot of money to make the cars, not like the general public assumes... they junked out a real expensive auto. I think what he was saying, is they must mark them up a tiny bit before selling a auto.

And to think I always felt sorry for the auto dealers that had several hundred cars on the lot, that they sold for a dollar above invoice. wink wink
General Electric 80 and 44 ton locomotives scrapped (cut up) in place at a local quarry.

OTOH I picked up a worn, but serviceable South Bend tool room lathe destined for the scrap yard. Also a 2 bottom Minneapolis Moline plow. Owner told me "get 'em outta here and they're yours..."
Both these tractors had chains hooked to the fronts to load on scrap trailers when I stepped in and bought them, paying only a little over scrap price. Paul

There's a tractor bone yard near me, and as sad as what I've seen in there, I'm greatful for me.

But the one that tops it all? "Cash for clunkers" a year or two ago. Mint Vettes, Caddys, Lincolns, and you name it that were newer in some cases, antiques in others, and for a wide variety of reasons that included divorces to spite the other 1/2. Cash for clunkers had to be the epitomy, and where did it get anyone that partook in it? Where did it get our economy? Ohhhhh yeah, cash for clunkers was the waste all of all waste alls. And worse of all? A lot of the still in good or even fantastic shape cars and trucks could have been sold to folks that can't afford new cars, but anyone of the great ones scrapped would have been the newest and best they could have ever owned, and maybe that break they needed. But instead, they were scrapped, every single pound of them, no exceptions. Did I give up any old iron? Yeah, right.

Can't save them all.I rescued 2 loaders from the torch
If i would,ve bought every piece that goes to my local scrapyard i could've filled a 1/4 section.
I buy only what i can use.

And they probably did't GET all that much. The floor and sides in that spreader are a fiber material.
Here is what I saved from a scrap yard before Christmas . The owner said it was to good to junk out. I made a fast trip to look ,bought it on the spot. Was not stuck ,$50.00 more than scrap price .
you sound all higt & mittey because you saved some old stuff but did you ever stop think how would you fix the old ones if no one parted any thing out
Saved a single, with good paint, John Deere M wheel weight-just minutes from the junk yard. I need a single JD "M" weight like I need another hole in the head, but I saved it.
why don't you have a choice ?...my broher & I have quite a few 2cyl. Deeres sitting behind his shop , my house & evan my front yard but while I'm still upright & breathing no scrap yard is getting them !!...take care ...Kent
Personally have saved some and scrapped some. I have a deal with the local scrapper(friend). His man sets aside any farm implements and tractors that come in. I decide whether they are worth saving and take them to a local farm auction And we split the proceeds.

Have bought,or hauled or help load 8 excavators (kept one)4 we drove on lowboy and scrapped.
Bought and saved a TD15C dozer "Garage sale Bulldozer"
In farm tractors I saved a 640 ford,2000 ford,and a 4000 high crop.
Innumerable bush hogs, discs,cultivators,and turn plows.
Just saw a post where a fellow had 4 acre of mesquite to clear.All answers said slash and burn.I said mesquite charcoal is costly here and fire wood sells eor 200 bucks a cord here.Camp wood sells well and I saw .75 cubic ft bundles selling for 4.79 a bundle in a city hardware store.The clerk said they sell a lot of it to people who have a fireplace and have no way to haul or store large amounts of wood.They buy 2 bundles on the week end.I have sold dry edgings from my saw mill for 3 bucks for a cubic foot bundle but I tend to put it all in my wood shed.We get too soon old and too late smart.
Working on the railroad, in the 70"s I saw a
gondola car full of automobile engines. I
climbed up and looked in, and they were mostly
straight 8"s, Some were overhead valve Buicks,
most were flat head. I saw Packard, Chrysler,
Oldsmobile, 8"s and Hudson, Willys, Olds, Pontaic
and other brands of 6"s, all flat head engines,
Worth scrap price then, priceless now, to
collectors! There were at least 80 in that car!
Not related to tractors, but my father was in a Ford factory in the late 60s.

He saw 12 pallets, of Alum 429 boss heads sent to the scrapper.
He said each pallet was about 4ft hight. He figured each pallet had 50pair each.


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