electric fence ??


Well-known Member
Hey folks,

Ever had an animal that wasn't afraid of electric???
I've known people that would stick their finger in a light socket and say it's live and grab a fence and say it wotks, but animals usually respect them. USUALLY..................

Can't keep my favorite in an electric fence unless she wants to be in it. Swear she smells or hears a weak spot. Yesterday, she finished eating, had some hay, and walked the fence. Came over close to me, got her head scratched and walked a few yards, stuck her head down and went under like a deer.. I walked over to the spot with my tester and got 10k volts. Ground was wet and I slipped and touched my arm on it and I still feel where I got the jolt.
Can't have solid fences on any of the pastures so it means she has to stay locked up in a paddock. Anyone had the problem and cured it without a bullet?

I haven't the foggiest idea. Is there such a thing as a booster for the fence? Something like a tazer that's adjustable? The gal just loves ya something fierce and mow the secrets out. YOU HAVE A MAGNETIC PERSONALITY!!!Was wondering why no Fences are allowed.Is it because of some insurance reasons or what?? Does she do that trick when your not around??Looks like she doesn't or else the neighbor would raise he--. Could be separation anxiety,some animals suffer with that. Hope you find the answer. Regards LOU.
She does it when she wants. We just get a call usually that she's out or they just leave it because they know I'll be there twice a day or more. She only gets out and hangs around the fence. just to prove that she CAN I guess........
The fence thing is about no solid structures outside town. Long story that we've been beating on for a few years........
Can you lower the fence wire, or ad another so you have a high one and a lower one? Are you talking about a horse? I dont have my horses on electric, 4 board wooden rail, and that trianguler type wire mesh. The cows respect the electric fence like nobodys business, even if I forget to plug it back in, they dont go near it. I have an old International fence charger.
(quoted from post at 17:31:59 03/19/11) Can you lower the fence wire, or ad another so you have a high one and a lower one? Are you talking about a horse? I dont have my horses on electric, 4 board wooden rail, and that trianguler type wire mesh. The cows respect the electric fence like nobodys business, even if I forget to plug it back in, they dont go near it. I have an old International fence charger.

Yeah a horse (guess I should have mentioned that before).
3 bands between 14" and 48". She finds the center between two posts better than with a ruler and just goes under.Or will go under the middle and step over the bottom. Pretty slick but annoying.

Once in a while you run into an animal whose hooves do not seem to conduct electricity well. That is to say she does not have a good ground. Like wearing rubber boots. Stringing a second ground wire, usually beneath the hot wire will do the trick. She needs to complete the circuit with a good ground to get a good jolt. Also a fencer may test high voltage, but deliver low amperage during the shock. Make sure your fencer has a high amperage jolt. Should say in the specs.

I have, in the past, built a smaller pen, maybe 40 ft. x 40ft. with a ground wire above AND below the hot wire, and put the troubled animal in it to learn about fences. Seems once they get the message, they've got it for life. Good Luck
I had a couple cows that would do that ,wired a couple cobs of corn to the electric fence apparently they dont like being shocked in the mouth, problem solved ,maybe try an apple with your horse,good luck
A farmer told me that he had a cow that kept getting thru an electric fence until her feet were trimmed very close.Ive seen some dry long hooves on horses.I would have her feet trimmed and shod.
Funny you bring this up. I was cutting wood yesterday and when I pulled in my drive a year and a few month old bull was half way through 4 rows of double strand barbed wire and 5 rows of electric wire (this is all on one strand of fence for clarificaton). He didn't brake an wire but he broke a fence post off so thatsgettin fixed tomorrow. He way on his way through to get to a cow that was in heat. I'm not sure how he was doin it but it's probly good I got there when I did because he was all twisted around in the wire. He's my future hamburger so I can't have him killin himself before he goes to the butcher in a few weeks. He's locked up in the barn now.
Back in the 60"s dad had an eelctric fence along the corn field around a temporary pasture. The dcows would regularly go through it, so dad picked some ears of corn (still green) andhung them on the fence by the husks. The cows only had to wrap their tongue around the ear once to get the message. Was not eh newer snap fencers, Theis was a weed burner type, not a high of voltage shock, but it lasted about a second at a time.
Seems that you have three hot wires? Hook the middle wire up to the ground instead of the hot side on the fencer, the shock will go through her as she touches both wires, she won't do it again.
my grandfather had a homemade charger around the bull pen...110 circuit with a 40 watt light bulb for a regulator...bulls would touch that wire once and never crowded fence again.
A coil from an old ford [wooden box ]hooked upto the fence will change its mind.
Have a look at WWW.smokstak.com.. there is a forum on there which deals with it.My BIL had one to educate his Dairy cows.
Therein is the main problem, Dave, Once certain animals get it in their heads to get out, they are gonna do it. You might try grounding the animal better like dangling a soft wire from a halter, so there's better contact, or some metallic air duct tape on the halter, and maybe the same stuff on a hoof. Never tried it, myself, so you might have to outsmart the dumb animal, LOL.
All very good advice here, but I was wondering if your posts need to be closer together. We use the steel "T" posts here for the electric fence. If the posts are very close together it might help prevent her from being able to get under it so easily. We use a constant charge fence charger that don't "pluse". It keeps a constant charge on the wires. It will jump a blue spark about an inch. These horses can just hear the sound of the spark popping and they all go the other way fast. HTH......HM
Solar charger? How many joules does your charger have? 10,000 volts at .5 joules is way different then 10,000 volts at 6 joules. I have run 12 and 18 joule Gallager chargers in Zoo applications and that 18 will flat out put big critters on their knees, actually had a security guard lose consciousness testing that fence, lost her footing and tried to catch herself with the fence. Gallagher has up to 50 joule fencers for different applications. If critters decide the can take it you need to up the joules and show them they cant.

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