It's like watching a train wreck.....


Well-known Member
You know what guys, I love these boards and have for probably 6 or 7 years or so now. Through all that time it amazes me how a post can take on a life of it's own and when all is said and done a simple statement or question turns into something totally off taeget and really off the wall... My last two posts are cases in point. I first ask about finding good quality leather belting for a good price. I state plainly in that post I want good stuff and didn't mind paying for it, but like everyone wanted to come out as economically as possible....To that I get some replies giving some leads as well as an offer to help with a different kind of belt. From there I buy my belts, no problems, no complaints. Heck I even drove nearly 4 hours through the rain to do so and still have yet to complain about anything.

Fast forward to my next post. I post about a modern practice I'm told about by the belt supplier and how it effects the industry in leather belting. I then ask if anyone else had run into any problems in areas you wouldn't expect and related to the way things have changed over the years. I then ask them to relate their experiences.....That's it, I never said I could not or didn't find the belts I needed, I never biched about anything, never complaining about anything, never stressed about anything, nothing. All I did was make an observation, based on info I was given, and then ask a question. This was all plain, clear, and straightforward.......or so I thought.......BUT I WAS WRONG.

Unfortunately I'm a mechanic and not a farmer and I was obviously given some bad information about the life span of a typical cow before going to slaughter...unfortunately I pass that wrong info along in the post. For that I get slammed and basically told how stupid I am for not knowing the life span of a typical beef cow. I further find out that, it seems, I was fussing because I couldn't find a belt, I'm somehow bichin about the price or something, I'm told that I don't know what I'm talking about when I say that cattle are often given 'artificial' stimulants/enhanced foods, etc to bulk them up for market faster, etc, etc, etc. It got to the point eventually that reading the replies was like watching a train wreck. I couldn't wait to see what happened/was said next.

Ultimately, out of everything said, I don't think there was but one reply relating their experience. There was only one, maybe two that directly answered my question concerning why they thought thick hides were hard to find, and the funny thing their reasons were basically the same thing I was told...without the erronious age given....

Regardless of any of this I'm still setting here laughing inside at how something so simple can become something so screwed up when posted on here. I guess it's a good thing I HAVE A THICK HIDE and can read the good info between all the lines of BS, and laugh stuff like this off. If I couldn't the next time one of you farmers posted a question showing your lack of mechanical knowledge about your tractors I'd think I'd be more than justified to take the opportunity to tell you how stupid you were for your lack of knowledge, debate the life span of said old tractor, tell yo to quit bichin because you bought it and it broke, etc, etc, etc. In other words do basically the same things to your post that were done to mine....and never, ever tell you the answer to the question you actually asked......

Like I said this place is a wealth of good info if you care to look but often it's also a wealth of BS....AND I LOVE IT ALL.....

in regards to not knowing the life span of a cow its amazing the number of people out there that think cows can produce milk without having to have a calf first. Just a little rambling from Bill
I had some spare time today so was able to have a look at your other posts and totally agree with you. I also think it's great that you can see the funny side of this dispite getting (as we say over here) the rough end of the pineapple. Hide thickness and development is a complete mystery to me, however a mate of mine is an animal husbandry instructor so I'll ask him about it and get back to you, although it might be a couple of days. Mind you, I bet some people won't like the answer, but a least it'll be me copping the heat this time :).
I totally agree Wayne. I read the posts, and yours. One thing I find from internet forums....too many people CAN'T READ!

And then there are the know it alls, who can't keep there mouth shut.....that's what keeps the BS flowing....LOL!
Milk from cows are you serious? Im still looking for a herd of soy cows. There must be one out there some where as they sell soy milk in the stores, right? lol
Good post Wayne.
I've been on here for a while too and you do need to develop a thick skin some times.
But I wouldn't have it any other way. There's enough places in the world where if you don't couch your words just right your message gets lost in a bunch of touchy, feely stuff that doesn't pertain to the subject.
Gird your loins and wade in.
There's a few alligators around the watering hole but they don't eat a lot.
Good post Wayne! I read all your posts and decided to stay out of it.

This may be picking the next scrap, however there is a pattern of posters who always KNOW EVERYTHING and who's opinion is the only one that can be on target, yet they often didn't grasp what was said.

I disagree that this makes this board or others wonder full. Because it is on a board, or texted, or and email is not reason to not give someone respect, and courtesy.

I still like this board, and yep use my "thick skin" to ignore the sarcastic rude posters and see the others that I think I would enjoy their company on any given day.

Snoulda' never mentioned the lathe. Shoulda' said you wanted a leather belt for the fan on you 1926 McCormick Deering 10-20! You would have gotten a couple worth while replies and none of the humor. After all why would anyone want to talk about old tractors?
My thoughts exactly, Lloyd--one of the reasons I enjoy this board is that the vast majority of posters can disagree without being rude, sarcastic, or belittling the person they disagree with (as a side note, I've long found that the more rude and sarcastic a poster is the less apt they are to be correct) and stayed out of the last two threads because they immediately took a "turn for the worse" in that respect. Too bad, because Wayne has a long history of being helpful and offering good advice on his specialties, and I'd miss his posts as I miss the posts of many other experts who don't seem to post here much anymore because they got fed up with arguing with a tiny minority of know-it-alls. Not saying that this board is any different than life in general on that score, but historically it has been more civil (and more knowledgeable!) than most forums I visit and I'd hate to lose both the civility and the knowledge base over a few people who choose to violate the rules.
Ask about what kind of welder you should buy over on tool talk.

And yeah, a lot of times when I ask something, I ask myself, 'did they even read my post before they started typing?', and 'does their brain hear what their mouth is saying?'.

It's amazing how a specific question can bring out all kinds of background info on the situation, yet no info on the specific question.
Unfortunately, you stumbled into a "perfect storm" situation, ag-wise.

I was a loan officer for the Farm Credit System for 15 years. As you can imagine, being able to speak "farm" and being familiar with the lingo was important in building credibility when talking to farmers, just as knowing mechanical terms is important in your circle. And for some reason, the thing that ignited farmers faster than anything was unfamiliarity with the various terms applied to livestock, depending on their age and gender.

So while I don't condone "flaming" of any kind on here, I can certainly understand why it happened. It was like waving a red flag in front of a male cow (A JOKE! THAT WAS A JOKE!)

I'm glad you're still hangin' in there. As somebody below said, there may be some gators around the pond, but they don't eat much.
Odd thing is I have a lathe with one of those old flat leather belts but right off I saw that was not one to get into. As you say that is what makes this board so intresting you will get an OPPINION on just about anything you want to ask.. Good luck and keep posting
An (intact) male cow is (usta be) called a "stock cow". Back in the day, the word "bull" was never used in polite society.

Get 5 or 6 ole farts around a pot bellied stove or down at the local coffee shop. Stay for several hours and see how the conversation flows and how much BS is in it.

No difference, we're just all setting around puters instead! :)

We're just here to help; tell us (IN EXCRUCIATING DETAIL, PLEASE)........ Why do you come to Yesterday's Tractors? How do the problems that bring you here make you feel? What are the problems from your viewpoint? What makes the problems better? Overall, how would you describe your mood? What would it take to make you more content, happier, more satisfied? Do you feel better or worse after this session? There are no right or wrong answers.........:>)
Maybe you will think next time before posting something so stupid.
Thick cow leather is available you just need to do more home work.
NBow I'm wondering. Does CARNATIONS MFG MILK?? I seen it in the store .big as life. Carnation milk in a can. We use it in ,making potato soup. Where do the cans come farmers take care of the cans. feed em and what ever farmers do?. lol Regards LOU.
"simple statement or question turns into ....."

This is rare, but I have seen it happen.

Long questions and/or sometimes replies ....

Common to end in derailment.

Just my observations from the past 6 or 7 years.
Wayne. Loved your post. Here we go!!!! what you referred to brought back a memory of a teacher who whispered a sentence in the first chair students ear, ask him to turn around and repeat (word for word) what he had told the first guy. And when the last person was told, the teacher asked the student to stand and repeat word for word what the next to last student whispered to him. Turned out to be a BOOK and A NON RELATED SUBJECT and not just a single sentence.That's a lot like Y.T posters provide.EXPANDED MATERIAL NON RELATED (At Times)but very interesting. Still wondering about Buffalo leather. Is it thicker, stronger, longer lasting then steer leather??? Inquiring minds want to know LOL. Regards LOU.
was walking out in the pasture and stumbled upon a bunch of ol milk bottles. My little brother said,"Look! A cow's nest!"
err what were we talking about??
It's early spring time. Bunch of farmer types cooped up all winter, everyone's nerves are frazzled. Happens _every_ Feb/March around here.

Just all fun. :)

There certainly is a lack of reading and/or comprehension on the part of some.
Then there's the tongue-in-cheek answer you don't know how to take because you don't know the individual, nor do you have the benefit of reading their face or body language.
Then there may be some who like to throw jabs from the safety of their computer.
Maybe age is getting the best of some of us!
For these reasons I think one needs to be more careful than when they are sitting around with their buddies. I know I am.
I stayed out of it, because I buy mine from the Amish.

As to you getting a rant on, why not visit Kountry Talk, if you think we are out on a limb, read what rediculous political crapola goes on over there.

Like I told my parents as a child "You think I'm bad? You should see the kid that hit me back".

When someone makes ill coments about any crowd, they put themselves under a microscope for future coments.

I am no better than the rest of the folks, I often read the post half asleep, or in a big hurry. The intent is still the most important item on the plate....they were probably trying to educate you in there spare time.

We are like the mother in law, we ain't so good, but ya got to put up with us more than you probably like.

Don't be offended by anything I have typed, I'm a jokester at all times, even when it is not appropriate (my therapist says).
[Get 5 or 6 ole farts around a pot bellied stove or down at the local coffee shop. Stay for several hours and see how the conversation flows and how much BS is in it.

No difference, we're just all setting around puters instead! :)

Gene ]

Gene, at our local coffee shop, the ole farts are pot bellied as well.
It happens every winter. I was shocked at how the same mellow mannered helpful population can become quite different when you add some short days, cold weather, neck deep snow and the like. They'll all be is much better humor come June. Just don't expect 'em to be on here prior to dark.

All the best,

Never said it "wasn't available", only 'that I was told it was getting harder to come by than it was years ago........' by a reputible supplier...
I know a jingle about Carnation milk in a can, cant put it on here.Very funny,was sent to Carnation from a farm boy years ago.Ill try it anyway.Carnation milk is the finest in the land and best of all it comes in a can.No t/ts to pull, no shut to pitch, Just punch a hole in the sob.
:lol: :lol:
I was thinking the exact same thing. Welding questions seem to dredge up the macho in several regulars. The funny thing is I visit welding forums and see the same arguments over type of rod, etc on them. Must be something about smelling rod flux and spending years with your head stuck in a dark helmet. :wink:
People read the first sentence in a paragraph. People read the last sentence in a paragraph.

If you want to get your point across, keep your sentences short. If you want to get your point across, keep your paragraphs at two sentences maximum.

I've learned that there is a fine line between not enough detail and too much detail. Best to err on the side of not enough, and flesh it out later.

When you get too wordy with your posts, you lose the bulk of your audience, but a lot of people will feel obligated to respond anyway. That's how things get out of hand.

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