rrlund - property assessment question


Well-known Member
Received my notice of assessment on my property today. My assessed value wend DOWN by over $14,000. I assume this is due to the real estate market taking a dump. HOWEVER my assessed taxable value went UP by over $1000. (And of course my taxes!) You"ve dealt with these issues in your township, can you shed some insight on this?
Its probably due to the Headly amendment. It has caused our property taxes not to raise as much as the value rose. Now they are saying the cost of living (which is part of the amendment) has risen. But its strange that our SS check stays the same because the cost of living hasnt risen ?? Just costs more to live.
Yes. Taxable value increased by 1.7%. That was a surprise to me because I didn't think there was any inflation last year,but evidently the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 1.7.
Read the fourth paragraph of the assessment notice,it explains it. As that states,if there was anything new added,it would increase your taxable by more than the 1.7%. The one thing you have to remember,your taxable can't be more than the assessed,so if there comes a time that the assessed drops below the taxable,the taxable will come down too.
My home place where the buildings are went up $18,700. The other 5 vacant parcels all went down,but not enough to offset the increase in the one,so I had a net increase in assessed of $5,300.
Had a neighbor called yesterday before I even got the mail. His assessed AND taxable trippled! He was more than a little p!ssed. Told me the rent that I pay him was gonna triple too if something wasn't done with that one,so I have to find the mistake in that one in a hurry. Obviously somebody hit the wrong computer key there somewhere. That kind of taxable increase isn't even legal.
Probably gonna be an interesting year on Board of Review. Yippie!
A couple of years ago,taxable value increased LESS than the CPI and I couldn't figure that one out. Somehow,the months that were used to figure CPI and the ones to figure taxable value varied by one month. So I'm not so sure the state IS using actual CPI or figuring one on their own.
Looking for the 4th paragraph, must be my assesor uses a different form, I'm not seeing any explanation as to why my taxable value went UP, while my assessed went DOWN. Does the name Zelma mean anything, or are we using a different assesor?
I don't know who that guy is. It says he's from St Johns doesn't it? I just saw a notice from Evergreen Twp and he's the assessor there too. Our new one here in Sidney is from Lowell.
That paragraph should start out "IF THERE WAS NOT A TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP".
Those notices come out of Stanton and should all be the same form. It should be just above the boxes where your taxable and assessed values are.
But thinking slower! Yeah, found the envelope in the trash, he has a St. Johns return address. Interestingly, I've met him. Apparently has office hours at our TWP hall every Friday.

Suppose I better get something done today, make use of the sunshine.
We just received our tax notice and the actual value went down and they say they are using a multiplier of 1.000 but my taxes went up. Guess I will go to the board of review
sounds like what happened in our county . county hired an outside assessor to appraise the county , everything went up a lot . it's time to get rid of the county administration . fire everyone , down to the secretaries . make them all remember what happens.
Got mine today also.My taxable value and assessed value are the same. They both dropped $5,500.00 from 2010-2011.
Looks confusing to me,..my tentative equalization factor is 1.000 but the inflation rate is indeed 1.017. May have to dispute this with the board of review.
Got mine today also.My taxable value and assessed value are the same. They both dropped $5,500.00 from 2010-2011.
Looks confusing to me,..my tentative equalization factor is 1.000 but the inflation rate is indeed 1.017. May have to dispute this with the board of review.
If they came down and are the same,it's because your place lost value so the assessed value came down,and since your taxable value CAN'T be more than the assessed by law,your taxable had to come down too.
Ya,I hauled 5 loads of manure. Maybe I'll be able to keep up if the REAL hard freezes are over with.
Not always a good plan. Most of the time it's best to stay with the devil you know. Just that sometimes you have to put the fear of God in'em. They proved that with the outsider they brought in. Imagine if they all were.

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