Same S-^% different day.

Lou from Wi.

Well-known Member
Well folks. At least we went to look at a disc for the 706 to pull. The guy had it advertised for $400.00 but would negotiate. The word Negotiate means to haggle some on the asking price RIGHT???
Found the place(farm???) and drove down the road which wasn't much more then an over width alley. Drove in the turn around and there it was,in all it's radiant beauty.The fellow wanted to know if we were farmers. Told him No .I know a lot of guys have to take another outside job just to keep a farm that's not self sustaining.He agreed. cause he was spiting wood by hand (n0 splitter) and a JD.log skidder parked.Said No money in wood any more. Now the disc (like I said-in all it's radiant beauty)was in sad shape, weight pans rotted out, No Hyd cylinder,disc shot-bent- edges broke off,Loose axles.All the way around. Bearings hadn't been greased since the great flood. Son said $300.00 tops. His reply(now remember he told us he wasn't firm on the $400.00 price and we could negotiate),I thought we were being generous with the offer as the disk was a piece of S*&^t.Tires were dry rotted. Now his answer was, "he was going to keep it and use it on his garden." rather then taking less then he had it listed for $400.00. SO MUCH FOR NEGOTIATIONS! By the time he tried to hook it to his tractor?, and move it 2 feet, it would be ready for the scrapper. At that price,plus a little less money we can get an Almost like new 10 ft Spring tooth DIGGER on wheels -w- hyd cylinder for $300.00.Keep us from buying A plow,/ disc.and a 3 point set up . Guess we are learning from you guys. Thanks . Makes TIM GRAY fellow sound more like a gentleman if you asked me. I know,nobody asked me lol. Whats you guys opinion ?? Thanks again .Regards LOU.
First off,he wasn't under any obligation to "negotiate". I've left guys standing right there in the driveway while I walked in the house if they had it in their head that I was gonna take less than I was asking.
Second thing,around these parts,those old discs are nosebleed high in price no matter what shape they're in. These Great American Sportsmen want'em for food plots.
Best idea when you see a piece of junk like that is to not even make an offer on it. It happens all the time, sellers will try to sell junk no matter what the condition. I don't even give them the benifit of an offer, I just say well, thats not exactly what I had in mind, thanks for your time.
I just figure there's no need in even taking a chance on giving a slap in the face offer to guys like that when the equipment wasn't worth advertising in the first place. No matter what offer he took would have been too high because it would take more effort to move it than the scrap price was even worth.
Lots of nutcase, whacko jobs who come up with reasons not to sell something to you. Move on.
A guy's attitude has a lot to do with how I deal with them. I have favorite son's Ford Escort here that he wadded up last summer. I used it for a donor car to build him up another one. Damage was all on the passenger's side. the main body was damaged enough to make it not worth fixing. I was planning on scrapping the carcass but came across a wanted ad on CL for a driver's side front fender and other parts from the driver's side. (no damage on that side) so I responded to the ad and told the guy I wanted $150 for the whole carcass (scrapper offered $250 if I haul it in). Well the guy comes down, gets out of his truck and walks past me like I wasn't standing there and looks at it and refuses to pay more than $50 for the whole car so I tell him no and he leaves ------ off. Had he been less arrogant I would have let him just take the pieces he needed. Will he get any of this car? I doubt it, I'll chop it up for scrap first starting with the driver side.
I think you are on the right track LOU. Keep looking for pull type equipment and forget the rototiller. If you have enough room to turn you can do a better job of working up your ground with conventional tillage equipment. Pick up that springtooth, look for a plow and a good harrow. If a disc comes along for a good deal buy it. You can work up a big garden and have stuff to give to the neighbors. Get out the OC 46 and clear some ground. The only problem is you will have to learn to be a farmer.

rrlund, thanks for the reply. First off, He was obligated to honor his word when he said the price wasn't firm but negotiable. Like I said in my post(you must have overlooked it) He told us on the phone he was willing to Negotiate the asking price but when we showed up ,he did an 180o turn. If he would have told us it was a firm price, then we would have honored that and not offered less. I have sold lots of items over the years and was always truthful about their condition so when the prospective customer showed up,I was always willing to give em all the information(including the problems we had and corrected) rather then looking like a shyster, out to sham you out of your money. It's not worth the effort.My reputation has value and merit.The old disc Nose bleed prices you referred to are way to pricey to repair for anyone who intends to use such worn out equipment, season after season. Like I said. I would pay a little more for a better piece of equipment then to buy a Nosebleed item that would not be a nose bleed ,BUT A HEMORRHAGE on the bank account. You might be the type individual who doesn't mind throwing good money after bad and buy a worn out field piece of equipment to farm with,rather then spending a little more for a lasting item.Discs on an 8ft isn't cheep plus cylinder plus hoses,plus tires and wheel the material to re- do the weight pans. etc. We have re=built older worn out equipment to like new condition with out trying to haggle over price.If I talked with a fellow and he is willing and is acceptable to do haggling then I will oblige him ,other wise when he states It"S A FIRM PRICE, I do honor that statement.It's best to read my post carefully rather then make assumptions of our intentions (dealing )with this fellows equipment he has for sale and his statement that he was open to negotiations .
Scrum .Yep we offered a hand shake when we got out of the truck. Some polite chit chat while looking, never mentioning the poor condition except we wondered about the Hyd cylinder.He had the busted disc showing,and the mud over the pans. Still didn't wish to embarrass the fellow.Never made an issue of the worn out disc gang bearings.etc. We NEVER QUIBBLE ON PRICE Unless the individual states "O B.Offer". I'm of your thought, I would cut it up for scrap rather then let that type individual get his hands on it.Appreciate the reply. Regards LOU.
Tom A. Yep O.C 46 =more ground clearing.Farming? NO WAY.!! other ways for me to go Broke lol. Good equipment yep. we can use them. Will keep looking Sure Appreciate the reply's. Regards. LOU
Rob MD. EXACTLY. Moving on up ,to that Deluxe equipment in the sky i i i i.Beans don't burn on the grill .takes a whole lot of TRYING ,JUST to get up that hill(Finding good REASONABLE EQUIPMENT)Mountains (not mole hills to climb) Thanks for the reply LOU
Birdman. Right you are. I felt sorry (in a way) cause the fellow was young and looked like he was scuffling to make ends meet.Could be wrong But I know looks are deceiving more then not. His stuff was about all worn down and out. wanted to help but with his change of policy , that wasn't going to happen. Just back in the truck and waved farewell. end of story. Hard to see any one scuffling now a days.Glad the deal fell through. I'm taking people skill lessons from Dave 2, lol Thanks again for the reply. LOU
Good day to come home without that disk!

I have been trying to buy something that the owner can't measure because neither he nor his brother in law owns or can borrow a tape measure. I am not making a 500 mile trip when he can't do better than "step it off" and guess if it is the 9' model or not! Good grief, the seller has a MFD tractor and can't even get a free tape measure from Menards or a ruler or yardstick to measure the item. My cash and I are shopping elsewhere. It's kind of funny and sad, too.
You're better off without that disc anyway. When the guy said negotiate maybe he thought you'd trade him something or only go down $50 on the price. If it was junk it's not even worth considering. When you're buying used, you can't expect to find just what you want for the right price the first time. I bought a like new cylinder and hoses from a tractor salvage for $50. It came off an IH seed drill. Dave
Clodbuster. After today. nothing surprises me. When we went looking for a hay wagon .every one we seen sitting out in a weed field underneath trees that were growing up through the deck boards/frame so we politely asked the farmer if he would consider selling it to us. The reply(90% of the time) would be told"I USE IT ALL THE TIME" Even Ray Charles could see the dam thing hasn't moved in years.I would have appreciated the truth if he was kind enough to tell us he was keeping it for parts. or was going to try and re-work it again. I know a lot of guys ask then try and knock down the price (if one was offered) but I don't do that unless it's stated "OR BEST OFFER" then I give em my best offer. Don't get stuff all the time but I consider myself to be an honest man and not a scammer. I wouldn't do that to others,and sure don't want it done to me.Guess one has to take the bitter with the sweet,as for the tape,maybe they can't read one lol LOU.
Dave Your right again. Were much better off with out the disc. Ya know I do feel sorry for a younger fellow trying to farm 13 acres with worn out equipment.He was Hand splitting fire wood so it could have been the reason for no Hyd cylinder on the disc.He might have been trying to make a log splitter . Just a dumb guess.Any way the disc is his to do with as he pleases, but I now know his word doesn't meas dudely squat LOU.
I agree, by "negotiate" he probably wanted to trade it for something.

I bought a pretty decent 9' IH disk at an auction for $90.00. The disk blades were worn but all the bearings were good and it didn't have any welds on it. I did have to put a pair of tires on it though (one threw the tread on the way home), but the 15" tires that came off my Taurus took care of that issue.
It's hard to let go of something that you own long enough to have a tree grow through it. Usually it will be on the first load to the iron buyer rather than to a new home to be used.

I have thought about sending the guy a 9' long piece of string to hold by the loader bucket for me.
The scrapper is two miles west of me. I see parts and pieces headed that way,but anything in one piece will bring $800-$1000. Hunters want them in any condition to work up half an acre in the woods for food plots.
neat I were a hard nose S.O.B. I could have given him the one finger salute as we departed the area.Could be his attitude has gotten him right where he is today.Some one forgot to tell him life is one big Give and take situation, Doesn't mean you give, He takes. Doesn't negotiations require counter offers? Gentlemen keeps their word, regardless of the out come before, during and after negotiations.That's why the HAND SHAKE HAS FAILED IN TODAY'S WORLD.
Regards LOU.
Dave, I have never bought any thing from Flea Bay, cause I'm Leary of them ,from what I read here on this forum.I like to meet face to face when doing business,then there is (less likely)mis-understandings to creep in. Get to put my old paws on the item,and examine the quality so to speak. Being that I truly LACK people skills like most do,I have to rely on brute force (44 cal magnum /w/holster) to assure the outcome is fair .lol. Could be one reason Wis doesn't have a ccp. regards LOU.
Clodbuster. That would be a great idea. (9')piece of string.would be the answer for most situations ,However you would have to send a DETAILED INSTRUCTION BOOKLET just to let em know how to use it and which end to start from.Both our problems makes us winners every time. Regards LOU.
LOU,mkirsch was right,you made an offer and he said NO,end of story.Why are you so mad about it,was it because he wouldn't counter??It was his disc and he was the one to agree to the price not what you thought and if it was as bad as you say,your rant is even more confusing.Like rrlund said about these people that drop in wanting to buy something and getting mad because you won't talk to them,same thing and you take their tag number and car type for later things if something comes up missing.You are trespassing you know.
massey333 You must have problems I don't understand nor do I wish to understand em. The mark of a man is HIS WORD. I really don't care that the deal didn't go through but what is most disturbing is the fact he wouldn't keep his word. We drove a ways over to look at the disc, partly because he said the price was negotiable NOT FIRM and we could use a decent one. If you take exception to this, then I surely wouldn't ever take your word on any subject.because you have no honor in keeping it.Now how can we be trespassing when we called him for directions which he gave us without reservations.? Seems you like to clutter up the truth so you can feel important or for what ever reason you have rambling around in your head.Being turned down on any deal is (in my opinion) legitimate and with in his right to do so. Butttttttt he has no honor when he goes against his own conversation with us about the price.FYI I will re-state for you my thoughts on this particular venture, so now and TRY to get this message engraved in your thought processes. We didn't go there just to haggle over his sale price.We went at his invitation( ad showing the unit for sale) to look at the disc.period. When we found a lot of things in dis repair, we made an offer as to what we thought to be ligit. He then told us he wouldn't take anything less then what the unit was advertised at. FINE AND DANDY.So why tell us he would be willing to negotiate the price ? I can tell ya that he isn't the only person who has a unit like that for sale,. so we aren't out any thing but time and travel cost which we are not angry over. We expect a man to honor his words, and if he doesn't then he HAS NO HONOR AT ALL. This attitude really isn't hard to understand if a person has honor.He didn't have it. Do you Understand it now? Sure hope I made it crystal clear to you. I rather doubt it though.Won't try to give ya lessons in having honor.
I just want to clear up one thing LOU,the trespass thing was your comment of stopping to buy a wagon and the person saying it wasn't for sale.With the amount of robberyes going on,about everyone I know will politely ask the person to leave and will write their tag number and make of car down and keep for the future.If you think it is your right to stop uninvited and try to buy something,then YOUR HONOR is the one in question not mine. You were invited on the disc but not on a cold stop like the wagon.As far as the disc man not having honor,we are only hearing your version and you may have said or done something that maybe $500.00 would not have bought the disc and he was polite and said it would take the 400.
Wonder what your smoking?There was never a mention of trespassing in my post describing our meeting with the disc owner.What transpired was exactly what I posted on the opening.Nothing less .nothing more. You make nothing clear at all but let me ask you this, if you still wish to inject your weird scenario of events at the disc sale meeting,where you claim we were trespassing, A person has an item he wants to sell, puts on an add,giving price.You call and he says the item price is negotiable, gives you directions. schedules a time for a look see.then after you see the item will take extensive repairs, you offer $100.00 less then his asking price. He says to you ,"he can't let it go for that because he has that much in it". You thank him, shake hands and leave. Now knowing his term negotiable was not used as he said,would you consider him to be an honorable fellow, or just some one promising the term NEGOTIABLE just to entice you out to buy?? NOW THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT TRANSPIRED,nothing more.Well I know his honor (if he had any) went out the door ,so to speak.Why deal with a dis honorable individual after seeing his or her true colors. Sure you writing brings this feeling into play. He wanted so badly to sell his disc ,that he tried to entice us to come over using the negotiable word (N WORD)and buy the item at his original asking price. That was not an HONORABLE ACT by any stretch of the imagination.I truly don't care if you try to justify your gibberish by saying you are only hearing one side of the story. Well you can bet I wouldn't ever deal with him in any situation you could DREAM UP.HE would make a good politician. Say one thing, do another,just like the guy we went out look at his sale item. Are you by any chance related?? Now it does appear to me that "I CANT CURE STUPID" so no need to try. I'm sure you can dream up some other nonsense to post.
The thing he should have ask us is "do you have something to trade in for the disc?" Now why is the trade thing being interjected? Can't understand why. and certainly I can't read the fellows mind as to what he was thinking ,TRADE?????? LOU?
(quoted from post at 22:02:03 02/17/11) The thing he should have ask us is "do you have something to trade in for the disc?" Now why is the trade thing being interjected? Can't understand why. and certainly I can't read the fellows mind as to what he was thinking ,TRADE?????? LOU?

No matter what you say Lou, if someone wants attention their gonna argue with you. Doesn't have to make sense, just another comeback with thier name on it is enough. I expect folks to keep their word also and it's obvious that most of the folks (at least the farmers and retired/ing farmers) do also. Got a couple wishy washy half farmers in town that can't sell anything local because nobody will deal with them. One of them bought a pretty busy restaraunt/Pub that was the favorite one of the 3 in town. Only folks that show up there now is out of towners.
As for stopping in to someone's place and asking..Why not? I've got the majority of my stuff the same way. Only once from the person I asked, but folks talk and it didn't take long for the other stuff to turn up.

Keep on keeping on, you ain't doing nothing wrong.

Dave, Thanks a lot and I do mean Thanks. Thought for a while I was in a leaky boat with not much to bail with except the truth. In our effort to find our wood wagon ,we asked farmer friends and had their help. Names & places where they thought the old wagons could be, that were not being used. .We would drive about looking and when we thought we found one, we would go and ask POLITELY and told em we didn't want to interfere with their time but we did have a need for an old hay wagon to haul wood on.I was treated with respect and never thrown off their property ever. Never was asked to leave,insulted or any dis respect shown. We found a wagon over in Min that the fellow wanted $200.00 for. Call up and told him to hold on to it that we would be right over (in what time it took) and pay cash for it. Told him this call is not a prank and gave him name of our bank to call if he wanted to know about me. He didn't bother to call and We drove over, and he wasn't there ,but his hired hand was, and called the owner on the cell phone, told him the fellow is here for the wagon. The hired hand looked at us in amazement ,said it was un believable to find some one that did what he claimed he would do. I was HONORABLE in my efforts/ paid the man cash, got a receipt. looked at the tires (all up and no dry rot)Shook hands hooked up the wagon hung a S. M .V. sign on it and drove home.Swell wagon. And No the guy didn't take our license plate Number, fingerprints, front and side view photos and all the rest of his Home land security, Now I took a gamble on the wagon . and was committed (by my word) to buy it, even if we had to rent another trailer to haul it home on.I can tell you it's a honey of a trailer/wagon. Now your absolutely right about those who like to display their ignorance and argue at the drop of a hat. Like i said "I CANT CURE STUPID" .I can just imagine they have no HONOR AT ALL. Thanks for your reply.WARMEST REGARDS .LOU.

One of the neighbors has a homemade disc that'd be just the thing for you. I'll try and find it (kind of community property and lays by whatever field it was last used) today and take a picture to email you. Real simple and practical.

Thanks Dave. Sounds interesting. If it will work out and parts can be had with out great expense. would consider giving it a try. Thanks ever so much, Regards,
(quoted from post at 02:47:55 02/18/11) Thanks Dave. Sounds interesting. If it will work out and parts can be had with out great expense. would consider giving it a try. Thanks ever so much, Regards,

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