OT/ Little Black bugs in corn bin


I'm getting down to the bottom of my corn bin and am finding
bunches of little black bugs that have been boring a hole in the
corn and eating it.

How do I get rid of them?

Grain bin is a 6 ring 18' diameter with a floor and a fan. Built in

I never really get it fuller than than about 2 to 3 rings anymore.
Don't sell any corn just grow some to feed to the cows/calves.

I am hoping to feed out all of my corn this year and have an
empty bin for a little while. Hopefully not too long since empty
bin means no corn being fed.

How could any bug like that live without any water and how
would one go about getting rid or at least limiting such critters?

Thanks for any help.
i use either sevin dust or you can buy a product called "insecto' to treat the bins. 1-800-467-3286. or stop at your local farm service and see what they have. if you have an air floor in the bin, you get an accumulation of fines under the floor over time, and its a breeding ground for bugs and mice. a grain vac does a nice job cleaning it out, or you will need to pull the air floor and shovel the fines out.
The worst thing you can do is never clean out your bin and then put new corn on top of old corn. You need to clean it out and treat it with bug killer that fits your needs. Seek a professional in your area for help.
Thanks guys, I did have it totally swept out 2 years ago but had to put old corn back in it. Sounds like I am gonna need to take the floor out this time and really get to it. Then I will get with the ag agent and get a good pesticide to use.

Thanks again
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diatomaceous_earth">Diatomaceous earth</a>

You sprinkle it in as you fill your bin with your next crop of corn. It will not harm cattle that eat it, but it will rip apart insects that try to crawl in the corn.

It's probably a lot <a href="http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&safe=off&q=food+grade+DE&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=2910808367727307657&ei=eqhaTfr_AsrQtwfg9-jQCw&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CEYQ8wIwAg#">cheaper</a> than poisoning pesticides and you only have to "apply it once.

I'm not sure what the proper application rate is, but I don't think it takes much.
You have any one close to you that still starts 'baccer out in the old school plant beds? Or know some one that used to that still might have some of their supplies? Does the fan work?


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