That was a sorry excuse for a half time program, especially in Texas. If I was Jerry Jones I wouldn't have even let that mess in the door.
Uff-Da! Don't think so.

I think that you'd probably want someone who knew the difference between an F# and the 6th Avenue Bridge....... :>(

'Sides, I wear pointy boots with hooks on the back. :>)

I tried watching it on youtube. But I didn't get very far. It takes more talent than that to hold my attention. Allan I can listen to!
I am blessed/cursed in that my 10 yr old is tripping in my footsteps. He"s a good little musician and has been playing drums since he was 2. Now, as for the bragging dad part, one day soon I"ll get some good video of him running drums with our band. You would never know it"s a 10 yr old.
While I"m a bassman and have my preferred styles, I have tried very hard to stay open to all types of music with him. We even listen to this type music together sometimes.
So, as we watched the halftime show, he quietly looks over at me and says "dad... this is the worst halftime show I"ve ever seen".
Kind of made me smile.
If all of the celebs would sing the National anthem straight up instead of putting their own spin on it, thing s like what happened last night WOULD NOT HAPPEN.

I heard on the radio this morning that the Super Bowl had something like 100 million viewers. I'm so far out of the mainstream - I don't even have a television. I guess I really missed something.

Tom in TN
What a shame huge star with awards and cant even sing the national anthem tried to have her own personal version and failed and they call her a star.
The superbowl and most other big events have not had anyone fit to sing the Nat. Anthem in a long time . I never turned it on till after it was over because I knew what it would be and switched over to pawn stars during halftime , did see parts of both on the news this AM . The best I have heard anyone sing the Nat. Anthem in a long time was Mike Rowe on Dirty Jobs at a AAA baseball game , You could tell he was feeling every word , gave me goosebumps .
Allan, what's wrong with pointy boots with hooks on the back? Rumor has it some girls likem. Nothing wrong with your singing cause most of us here like it so we are in luck.
maybe they need to do like the million dollar homemade ad. have regular americans send in avideo an pick the best and give them a million. Saw on the news the winning ad was filmed in five minutes buy a husband and wife.
Larry, What in the h*&^ are you smoking??? Never in a century would that happen. Ball players owners and probably 90/o of the fans aren't country orientated.That's why they have (at their pleasure /liking) their pick of celebs.COUNTRY ISN'T AT THE TOP OF THEIR LIST for entertainment !!!THANK GOODNESS! Call BR549 to complain.
I love to watch NASCAR When they were giving Les Paul trophys specially painted out to all the winners I was sick when I heard
What A first class JERK. A Les Paul guitar Smashed?? What the he%%% was he smoking? Some kid who wants to play guitar so bad, would have greatly enjoyed the gift of a life time. But NO . The jerk had to SHOW OFF HIS IGNORANCE AGAIN. I have No use for people like that not the followers of such fool;s. Worlds going insane with out their foolish tirades. Sorry to read that . LOU
Tom. You didn't miss a thing .Some dumb bro-d trying to make people think she is talented but showed the world (that was watching)what someone on a High of some sorts, thinks she can improve on a standard. They all do it. and None are truly successful. The best rendition I have ever heard was, America The beautiful sung and played by the one and only !!RAY CHARLES!!. I can't remember if he ever sung the National Anthem .I'm sure I would have remembered that. But Who knows. I'm way older now lol. Regards LOU. ps. I'm not a SPORTS FAN EITHER .

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