OT---Safeway's Chinese Snap Peas


Well-known Member
I guess this"d be more garden-tractor related???
Dug a bag of Safeway house brand snap peas out of the freezer, bought last Sept, to have with dinner; nice quality...
When throwing away the bag just by chance happened to notice "product of China" stamped not with the usual nomenclature but separately, with the
"best used by" date, which either myself or the wife failed to check, as we try to avoid buying China products...
You have to check everything these days...
Had a co-worker stop at Walgreens to pick up a prescription before work one morning. As he was walking down one of the aisles, he picked up a jar of pickles and brought them to work. He had one and decided it didn't taste right, but thought maybe it was too early in the morning. He passed them around later in the day and nobody could stomach them. Someone looked at the jar and noticed the 'Product of India' label. Yeccch!
Makes you wonder, if these countries have trouble feeding their own and no quality control, why are they producing our food.
I'm with you on not buying "Product of China" food.

What gripes me is not the containers that say "Product Of China" - it's the ones that say "Distributed By XXXXXX".

There oughta be a law that the country of origin MUST be stated on all food packaging.


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