If your from a rural area you should know what this means


Well-known Member

Subject: Growing up

Ya Grew Up in the Rural Area if......
1. You know how to polka, but never tried it sober.
2. You know what knee-high by the Fourth of July means.
3. You know it is traditional for the bride and groom to go bar hopping between the wedding and the reception.
4. You know the difference between "Green" and "Red" farm machinery, and would fight with your friends on the playground over which was better!
5. You buy Christmas presents at " Fleet Farm" or " Tractor Supply " .
6. You spent more on beer and liquor than you did on food at your wedding.
7. You have ever tried to get your city cousins to pee on the electric fence.
8. You or someone you know was a "Bean/Sugar Queen" at the county fair.
9. You know that "combine" is a noun.
10. You let your older siblings talk you into putting your tongue on a steel post in the middle of winter.
11. You think Lutheran and Catholic are THE major religions.
12. You know that "creek" rhymes with "pick".
13. Football schedules, hunting season and harvest are all taken into consideration before wedding dates are set.
14. A Friday night date is getting a six-pack and taking your girlfriend shining for deer.
15. There was at least one kid in your class who had to help milk cows in the morning... phew.
16. You have driven your car on a lake.
17. You can make sense of "upnort" and "batree".
18. At every wedding reception you have ever been to, the hokey pokey and the chicken dance have been played.
19. Your definition of a small town is one that only has one bar.
20. The local gas station sells live bait.
21. At least twice a year some part of your home doubles as a meat processing plant.
22. You think that the start of deer season is a national holiday..
23. Pop is the only name for soda.
24. You actually understand these jokes and will forward them to all your friends.
What is wrong with Christmas presents from "Fleet Farm and Tractor Supply"? Are you saying it is NOT normal for barhopping between the wedding ceremony and the reception?
25. The nearest town doesn't even have a traffic light,and when the DOT sends a letter to the Village Council telling them they have to put a flasher on the corner of Main Street and the county road,they send 2 guys out to take turns standing there in a raincoat.
The town that I grew up in we had a public school and a catholic school. So you either went to the catlicker school or the potlicker school. And everyone got along with one another.
Religion also included a lot of Anababtist and Mennonites, Amish, and 2 different Babtist churchs. Congregational and Prespaterian were also around- but as a minority as noted to the main Lutherans. Catholics were English and Bavarian churchs. 1 kid in class milked cows before school? - how about 1/2 the class? 1/4 the class also fed hogs, some overlap. The 1 kid or so in class that didn"t feed or milk a critter before class was Townie and probably English.
I guess if you grew up in a bigger town, it might have a Fleet Farm or Tractor Supply. I think the nearest to us woulda been about 90 miles away. Guess we weren't very rural by that standard.
Where I am in the south there are a few differences but basically the same:

1. square or line dance instead of polka (what is polka? :lol: )

6.The liquor in the punch is put in on they sly and you never recognize
the deacon at the liquor store

11. It's Baptist, Methodist or Pentecost

16. If you drive your car on the lake you'll be scuba diving, but we put
our Tracker with 150 outboard in any body of water that will float it

23. There is only 1 soda and that's Coke, you order a coke and the
waitress asks what kind. You may reply "Dr Pepper"
Just gotta coment on #14. Back when I was dating, my now wife of nearly 45 years, I showed up to pick her up one night about 6:30. She had made a new dress, and sure looked pretty. Well, ma and pa had plans, so all I had for wheels was the company PU truck. She came out of her house and saw the truck and immeditly was conserned about getting her dress dirty from the seat. I told her not to worry, I brought a blanket to cover it with. When she got in, she saw my 22 rifle setting on the seat, and asked what we were going to do. I told her that we were going to party with some friends once it got dark, but in the mean time we'd do a little woodchuck hunting before we hooked up with the rest of my friends, at a local farm pond for a bonfire. Yes we had beer and we had fun, and did what kids our age did. She sputtered for a while, expecting to go to a movie or something, but it was a goood night. She still mentions that night once in the while, so I had to tell her I was posting about it here.
It brought back a few memories from "the good old days".
Last evening, I attended a relatives wedding that occured in a former Catholic church in South Louisiana. The band instruments were set up on the altar, but behind curtains. The side areas were curtained off as well, immediately after the wedding, the curtains were removed, the folding chairs in the middle were removed, standing type tables were placed by the columns, food was served, the band started play and we began dancing. What's wrong with that?
On your #2 my wife(girlfriend at that time) would say, the grass is 2 Arses high,lets get at it.lol
When my wife and I got married last Sept. we went to the one local bar after the ceremony on an old horse pulled wagon that was being pulled by a beautifully restored 806D Wheatland. Then we went to the reception (at our house) for a very large party that had the theme of sunflowers and IH tractors. Everyone said it was the best wedding that they have ever been to. Who says redneck weddings are lame?
Rural small town livin' can't be beat. When I travel to the big city I don't tell anyone how good it is or where I'm from, don't want 'em following me home.

Our town is so small both city limits signs are on the same post.
Our town had a flashing yellow light on main street. Worked fine unless someone forgot to turn it on.
All the farmers meet at the cafe to hear what Harold Taft(Gods weatherman) had to say. Nothing got done unless Harold said it was clear to do so.

Top soda was R C Coca Cola and a moon pie.
I went to visit a "cityfied" cousin who had moved to florida. upon arrival, he took me to the side and told me," don't try to explain to these people what it is like living in the country, they wouldn't beleve you and think you are a lier or on drugs.". His first experience there went like this: He had an OLds diesel. Anyone who knows about these knows that, at least in Wisconsin, they live on the end of an extention chord from the end of September to april. He came out of a store to find an older Black gentelman looking at the chord hanging from his front bumper and says to him,
"What you got there boy, an electric car???".
Cousin says, "no"
Black Man, " What's the power chord for??"
Cousin, "For the engine heater"
Black Man, "What's it do???"
Cousin, "heats the engine"
Black Man, "Why???"
Cousin, "so it will start when it gets cold"
Black Man, "no, really, what's it for???"
My cousin said, That's when he knew he had moved far enough south.
Guys here is another
You are from the Country, most especially the South if you understand
Defintion: I am fixinto whip your @ss if you cuss infront of my mother again!
2. as Pair of dice spoke of on sodawaters,, You and you buddies go to town to get a Coke, when you get there you may get a Dr Pepper, Big Red, RC, Pepsi, or maybe a Nu-Grape, You still went to town to get a coke if anyone ask, We do not what you are talking about if you say Pop! or a Soda!
Pop is what you hear when a tire blows out,
Soda is the white powder in the yellow Arm & Hammer box you mix with water, then drink to settle an upset stomach.
3. There are 2 Kinds of Baptist, Northern and Sothern:
Nothern Baptist, Say there aint No H3ll!
Southern Baptist, sayThe H3ll there Aint!!!
4. Billy had this spot on: 820 AM dial, WBAP
Ft Worth/Dallas, If Harold Taft did't say it was OK to do something outside it didn't get done. Period!!! For years it was belived that Harold had a direct line to the Lord himself on what was happening next.LOL
John A.
I remember Harold Taft too. Wasn't he the 'World's Greatest Weatherman' when they introduced him to report the weather.

Boy, I wish they'd go back to the C&W format instead of that crap Talk Radio they run nowadays.

...and the Bill Mack Truckers show overnight.

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