stock transporter


Well-known Member
Just ran across a storebought version of what I tried to explain a while back. Saw one of these with 15 or so cattle walking behind a tractor thru a little town. This one has a headlock for doctoring etc..



Pretty practical here.

Dave, I am just curious, knowing how the Germans are about keeping things clean, does some guy have to walk behind that with a shovel and a broom cleaning up the mess when moving down a public road ?
Maybe they have to have diapers on them. LOL. Way back when I was stationed in Charleston SC there was talk about making the guy the had the horse charregages (sp) wear diapers left there before I ever heard if they passed that one or not

Normally, yes. But I walk my horses thru town to pasture. I can never get back to pick up poop before the folks from the nearest house scoops it up for the flower bed or garden.


That really surprises me. I think that if I ever tried to move cattle
like that, my cows would be pushing and shoving and butting
each other to the extent that surely at least one of them would
go down.

Maybe it works real well, but I'd have to see it in use a lot of
times to have any confidence.

Thanks for the picture - really interesting.

Tom in TN
(quoted from post at 15:39:33 01/24/11) Dave,

That really surprises me. I think that if I ever tried to move cattle
like that, my cows would be pushing and shoving and butting
each other to the extent that surely at least one of them would
go down.

Maybe it works real well, but I'd have to see it in use a lot of
times to have any confidence.

Thanks for the picture - really interesting.

Tom in TN

Big part of the places have the home part in town with barn, stalls, etc and pastures scattered around town. With progress (highways and cars) the only way to get stock from the barn to field is thru town on main roads. The ones we say in fall were walking along like champs.

When I was a kid we had a farm a mile up the road
past 3 neighbors with crops and lawns. Dad would tie
3 or 4 behind a trailer and lead them to pasture.
Some led better than others. In the fall we waited
til it snowed and then we could drive them home.
I bought some acreage about a mile from my farm back in 1976- needed to move about 25 head, so had a cattle drive. Wife and 2 neighbors on horseback, and I asked each of the folks along the road to be at the end of their driveways to keep the critters going on the straight and narrow as we came by. I had one old black cow that I could lead, so she and I walked, and the others followed, without a hitch.

Had to cross a noisy creek with a concrete bridge, and my head drover said I needed to keep my lead cow from hearing the creek, or she would balk. So I sang to her ("I'll Take you Home Again, Kathleen") in my best simulated Irish tenor, at full volume, when we got close. I'll never forget the look she gave me when I started singing- everybody's a critic! As Lucy and I went across, those following hesitated just a second, then along they came, just like sheep.

Neigbors all knew my "drovers", so much good nature banter as we went along ("so we gonna all get together for whiskey at the saloon when this is over?). A fine time had by all.
well old i live close to roscoe village a restored canal town,..they got'em on there horses there..
I didnt see the original post, but I don't quite understand the purpose of it. We haul cattle all the time with trailers. But without a floor, either you would have to go really slow and/or have some very cooperative cattle. Interesting anyways.
Remindes me of the story about that guy with a College Degree in Performing Arts that worked at the Circus cleaning up after the elephants. One night he was complaining about his job to his wife, she suggested he get a different one (job, not wife). His response was "Never, I will never leave show business" !
Yep funny thing that happen at times. Sort of like watching a speech today by external_link. My wife said it was the best one yet. Some how something happened that there was no sound just showed him specking but nothing was being said. She said it was the best speech she had heard him say so far. LOL
(quoted from post at 22:24:34 01/24/11) Looks like a leg breaker to me.
Doubt the purpose is a transporter, just saw a guy using one to move cows before. He was creeping along with the tractor and the cows were tooling along like they done it daily. Not an option to shut down traffic to chase a herd of anything thru town.

Hey OhioJim, I'm staying on Main in Coshocton, working @ Conesville power plant till this Thursday. Nice area you have here and the people at the plant are nice to work with too. keith
I dont think that this is actually intended to move the cattle. I think it is actually a mobile corral made for caring for cows on pasture.

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