Wierd , but true

Old Roy

Well-known Member
~~This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 ......... NOW go figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year and it WILL EQUAL .... 111
Do the math....this is kinda creepy
It only works if you were born between 1900 and 1999. For those born in 2000 or later you need to subtract 100.

All that is happening is that you are starting with the year were born, which is the amount of years since 1900, and adding your age, which is the years remaining to reach 2000. That number will always be 100. Then just add in the additional years from 2000 to whichever year you choose.
Want to try something else-- take a 25 ft measuring tape -- bring the dumb end up to the 111 Inch mark

now down the line, look for the last two numbers of year born --- right across from that number will be your age.

If you want to get technical use quarter inch marks. for the quarters of the year.
I quit worrying about real life.-- LOL
they have a plan no matter what we do, and no one on earth will change it.
Not creepy at all unless you buy in to that false crap.
It is simply math. If you take any set of numbers and already know the result, you can create many "illusions".
I know there will be some freaks trying to tie this math in to the end of time, they always do.
In fact, they have been doing it for over 50 years that I can recall.
Wars, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, politcal unrest, all of them seem to bring out the end of time predictors.
WW1 was born in 1914. add 97 years. how come there is 111111? Yeah! I purport to be sane.

as an aside. years don't come in amounts only numbers with no brakes.The older you get the quicker they seem to pass. Yesterday is usually a month previously.
Another interesting thing about 11. I f you multiply 11 times another number, say 15, write down the 5, add the 1 and 5 and insert between the 1 and 5, and write down the 1. 11 x 15 = 165. 11 x 19 =209, etc. Gets confusing with bigger numbers because you may have to carry. 11 x 293 = 3223. Calculator is easier and faster but still kind of interesting.

Also, if you take 11, multiply it by 2, then subtract 11 you come up with 11 every time. If you mulitiply 11 by 0, then add 11, you also come up with 11 every time.

Ok, I'll shut up now :lol:

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