got a new car today..........


Well-known Member
Same as anyway...
car accumulates stuff from daily chores but really bad with these short days. Constantly running and jumping around doubletiming to get twice the chores done in half the time. Wife works with a guy that has his own shop with lift that offered to fix my leaky (rusted) differential and she took it there for me yesterday morning while I was sleeping off a night shift. Condition was, I had to clean it out first. Sad part is, it only took about 30 minutes. Unbelievable, 2 wheelbarrow loads of stuff, easy 400 pounds. Starter for the tracrtor, several batteries and fence chargers, 25 gallons of water, cordless tools, toolbox, lights, ropes, halters, leads. Tools that I forgot I had, some that I knew I had but couldn't name it. And about 20 pounds of just trash.... Car just zooms along now and acts like a new one. Can't wait to see what the mileage does (been pretty sucky lately).
Leak is fixed too.

Just thought I'd share that.

i know the feeling i think about buying another old pickup a lot of the time because the 3 i have are so full of farm stuff i can hardly get in to drive
Sounds like my "work" truck. Am retired but still have a truck that I use for trips to farm & just knock around in 95 Nisson FDW. Other than drive the 04 Silverato K-2500. Does better on fuel & is easier to park.
Should'a done what Red Green did on Handymans Corner one time. Duct taped a rain gutter down each side of a convertable,then drove the garbage truck up to it with the forks for the dumpsters stuck in the rain gutters. Just tipped the whole car upside down over the truck and dumped it out.
My service truck. I go out in the morning with it to get my coffee and paper
Nice looking 67.

I have a 68 GMC 2500 with working AC and buddy buckets that my Father bought new.

Sadly, hurricane Ike collapsed my barn on top of it.

Its chopped 8" The roof sits 1" over my head.Still comfortable to drive. The front and rear glass is lexon plexi. Before they reinstalled top they had to graft in 2" for the posts to align. The front clip is 1968.The cab is 1972.The rear bed is 1973. A real mutt.

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