Anyone hear of the online phone book Spokeo?

Aaron Ford

Well-known Member

It appears to have a lot of personal information that most folks really don't want out there. It isn't totally accurate. It has me married to a man. Wifey thinks it's absolutely hilarious. It has a sattelite pic of my house and my income. Y'all ought to check it out, It has a Privacy area on the bottom of the screen to opt out.

More like spookeo,
the personal information should not be on there in the first instance for you to opt out.Seems a lot of people/establishments are lax on their privacy laws for this to be obtained, now anything can be bandied around ,you have to disprove it,like you are presumed guilty so prove your innocence, a 360 degree turn.
Everything is pushed back onto John Citizen,remember when the lady on the end of the line used to attend to your enquiries, now "We value your custom". speak to a machine "sorry, I didn"t catch that" {Never will because I talk about the weather and eventually put onto an operator] Then there are the menus, on and on about themselves before you are given an option then there usually are 3 this button press that...
All for themselves but they should wake up to the fact that we, who they are playing with, are the ones who keep them in business.

Been a lot of rain here in Aust. lately. a little town up the way has been flooded, lady on the radio saying that her husband had to get up in the night and fix a leaking roof, He was up there for that long she called out to ask him whether he wanted his bed handed up.Humour amongst the gloom. priceless.
What a mess they have me on there a least eight times and all info is messed up.They have wife married to my dad then they have me married to my mother and then my wife is my dads child.
It seems to me when they do a census people give out to much info and it goes all over the country.I have never filled one out yet and never will.I have always been able to vote,Been threatend by the local census gatherer acouple to many times(she leaves me be now).They get NOOOO info what so ever and I wish everybody would do the same and the goberment might get the hint.STAY OUT OF OUR PERSONAL LIVES.
I deleted myself just a couple of days ago - it really creeped me out. This is exactly why those medical records that my doctor puts in the computer make me nervous.
Hope you don't live in my district, thats how we lose representation, and then you go on to complain about the government, what a dummy!
Just checked mine and there is nothing on there. Guess its because I dont' have a home phone. Now after this post I will never have one.
Just checked mine and there is nothing on there. Guess its because I dont' have a home phone. Now after this post I will never have one.
How do you loose representation if you can still vote.All the personal info like(how much grain do you have,how much money do you make,how many times do you go to town,how maney kids do you have,how much cultivated acres,etc.)This info is none of the goberments bussines.The goberment knows who is alive and where they live and that's all they need to.All these censuses do is cost you and me more taxes.

I represent as much as you with no extra paper work,cast my vote every time,and in the last 6 years I saved them coming out to give me a paper that they already new the answers they needed to.I AM ALIVE AND OVER 18 and that's all they realy need to know.
Now I am Ticked off. They have me in there 6 times and my wife 3 and my kids and everything and I removed all of mine and one of my wife's and it says that I have already move as many as I can with my email address. I will have to create more addresses just to clear out information that shouldn't be there anyway. LarryT
I have a fairly unusual name, but I don't show up on the results. They had 18 guys with the same first and last name as me, though.

I entered in a couple of acquaintances with unique names. The amount of information that came up for them was frightening.

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