outlook express..pitifully slow.


Well-known Member
Any one have an idea why my o/e could react like this, took 3hrs 8 minutes to send 10 e-mails. It is dial-up but should not be like that. Windows XP. Latest schedule shows 0/0.
I noticed I have a file titled Ask.com when I tried to remove it, computer told me it was being used, How not me.Had TT window open at the same time.
I'm mystified. TIA.
hit control-alt- delete and open the task manager. click on the tab called processes and look at the column marked cpu. that show what is running and how much the program is taking. look for a high number 70-99. if you see one, it could be a virus or spyware in there .
When fixing our computer once we were told after every use to go to tools on your tool bar click on "internet options" then click on "delete" then "delete all" and "yes" as each window comes up. This cleans all temporery files after each use and keeps you computer running faster. Also deletes any passwords ect. so dont expect things like that to be saved.
You can also go to "my computer" and do a disc cleanup and disc defragmentation which also can speed things up. Of course thats if the problem is your computer! Good Luck
Me to , but if it don't have wheels , gears roots and hooves , I am Lost , lucky For me There Are SMART people in this house and on the forum that can walk you Thru .. the presribed working medic is What The others descibe was what it took to clear the pipes on my computor confusor.. I was Angery and frustrated to the poimt i want to set the damthang in the drive way and try to fix it with the manure loader

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