Pearl Harbor

After all the published memoirs of the period (from both sides) it appears obvious how and why it was allowed to happen...
One of my favorite bits is Gen Marshall going off for his usual unaccompanied, out of contact morning canter when FDR et al were waiting to hear of a Japanese strike...
9-11 is nothing compared to Dec 7th 1941. But then you have no clue. Back in the early 40 late 30 Japan was buying scrap iron for high $$ just as China has and is doing . Sooner or later China will be sending all that scrap back at us just like Japan did in 1941. 9-11 was just a bunch of little people with high hopes nothing more nothing less
Yep back in the late 30s Japan was buying scrap iron for the top $$ then in 1941 threw it back at us. China has been doing that for years and sooner or later will throw it all back at us. Funny how people never learn they just look at the $$ they can get for iron they think is junk. People never learn from history and history loves to repeat its self over and over again
enlighten me old wise one why I have "no clue".

Share some of your vast knowledge with us uninformed. You assume too much.
9-11 a few hundred lost here life but Dec 7th 1941 a few thousand so how is it that one on one is not equal???????????????? Back in 1941 10-20 times more life where given then at 9-11 so which was worse?????????????? Unless you can not count 1941 is and still is worse unless your who you commonly Porty who you are and your a terrorists
(quoted from post at 22:26:05 12/06/10) 9-11 a few hundred lost here life but Dec 7th 1941 a few thousand so how is it that one on one is not equal???????????????? Back in 1941 10-20 times more life where given then at 9-11 so which was worse?????????????? Unless you can not count 1941 is and still is worse unless your who you commonly Porty who you are and your a terrorists

Numbers may be off a little but 2350 pearl harbor and 2996 on 9/11.

Japanese had sense enough to surrender and start selling us cars. The others don't have anything to sell so they'll just keep coming.

Roughly 2400 people died in 1941 at Pearl Harbor. Close to 3000 died in the 9/11 attacks. I caught you in a lie again old. Have a nice day.
The numbers speak for themselves, but I still was out at 5 AM to bring my American Flag to half staff in remembrance and Honor for those lost and those who survived.
Ya less died on Dec 7th but you forget that is what got us into WW@ and in turn end up being Millions dead where as 9-11 did not start a true war but did in fact start problems on other fronts
The Day that will live in infamy as of right now is much more significant historically. WWII is still the largest conflict in the History of the World. Most historians tie Pearl Harbor to the US entry into WWII. Remains to be seen what the final ramificatios of 911 will be. However so far 911 has not lead to Global conflict on 4 or 5 different continents and the subsequent deaths of millions.I humbly submit this is an historical fact , not my opinion. 911 was awful and very recent. It was not however anything like WWII. We were all concerned here on 9/11 with Fighter Jets scrambling and rumours circulating. It didn't last long though. Imagine 4 or 5 years of warily watching for signs of invaders.God Bless the Greatest Generation who saved us all from Hitler and Tojo's tyranny.
Well at last one who sees the big picture not just a clouded view. Sad how many do not see what thye need to really see. And just think about the 60s an Cuba and the missiles down there and what could have happened

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